13 research outputs found

    Genotype x environment interaction and stability of indigenous coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) genotypes for seed yield in different agro-climatic zones of Chhattisgarh

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    The present study was conducted to find out the stability and yield performances of 13 genotypes of indigenous coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) evaluated in different agro climatic zones of Chhattisgarh. The trials were laid out in a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with three replications at three locations for three years resulting in nine environments (Genotype × year interactions). The genotypes and G × E interactions revealed significant differences at p <0.01 for seed yield indicating varieties and testing environments were distinct from each other. Additive main effects and multiplicative interaction analysis (AMMI-biplot) indicated that the yield performances of indigenous coriander genotypes were highly affected by the environments. The first two principal component axes (PCA 1 and PCA 2) were significant and they explained 67% of the total genotype x environment interaction of which 42.4% and 24.6% were represented by PCA 1 and PCA 2, respectively. A biplot generated using genotypic and environmental scores of the first two AMMI components demonstrated that genotype with larger PCA 1 and lower PCA 2 scores were high yielding and stable genotypes and genotypes with lower PCA 1 and larger PCA 2 scores were low yielding and unstable cultivars in tested locations. The genotype GC 5 C-101 (ICS 4) showed higher grain yields (16.35 q ha-1) over grand mean (13.03 q ha-1) and also had the minimum PCA 1 score, minimum AMMI stability value (ASV) and yield stability index (YSI). Therefore genotype ICS 4 (Chhattisgarh Shri Chandrahasini Dhaniya -2) showed wider stability across different agro climatic environments of Chhattisgarh

    Neonatal Kasabach-Merritt Syndrome (KMS): case report

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    A 2days baby girl presented with congenital reddish-blue swelling over chest and abdomen with thrombocytopenia. The clinical, imagining and laboratory findings suggested the diagnosis of KMS. Oral steroid was started with initially needed platelet and FFP transfusions. Large thoracic hemangioma was non-amenable to surgical and radiological interventions. Vincristine was initiated after 2week trial of Prednisolone for persistent thrombocytopenia and non-regressing haemangioma. Over a week the lesion shrunk with improving platelet count. Vincristine was stopped after 4weeks in view of no further tumour shrinkage. The patient was discharged on steroid advised for 6-12 months and showed significant tumour regression at 3month

    Cheiloscopy ‑ A diagnostic and deterministic mirror for establishment of person identification and gender discrimination: A study participated by Indian Medical students to aid legal proceedings and criminal investigations

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    Introduction: Positive foolproof identification of known or unknown, living or deceased individuals are the primary universal roles in forensic criminal or social investigations wherein the definite procedures such as finger printing, karyotyping, dental records play the director role although expensive and technique sensitive. Herein lies the importance of oral and peri oral tissues in which cheiloscopy is an emerging, cost effective and simple technique. Cheiloscopy (derived from the Greek word cheiloswhich meaning lips) is the study of characteristic patterns of depressions and elevations, anatomically found on oral mucosa. Previous studies have proved that lip prints were unique permanent records of human being analogous to finger prints, hence its classification for a particular individual can be a source of antemortem record in future for a correct identity. Materials andMethods: The study sample comprised of 150 medical students i.e., 88 boys and 62 girls in age group of 18–21 years of Government Medical College, Raigarh, Chhattisgarh. With prior ethical clearance (vide ethical dispatch number 200 dated December 07, 2015) and informed consent, lip prints were recorded by application of a nonsmudged but thin and even coat of dark colored lip stick over the oral labial mucosa of the upper and lower lips and transferring the obtained replica to a cellophane paper fixed on to a permanent bond paper. The lip prints were analyzed with classification of Suzuki and Tsuchihashi for discrimination of gender in addition to individual personal identification and common lip print patterns in Raigarh.Observation and Results: The results showed that of the total 150 students, 133 (88.67%) were correctly identified. The common lip pattern among males in the study was Type III (28.41%). Among females, Type I (33.87%) was the dominant pattern. Males showed grading of lip print pattern as III > IV > II > I’ > I > V and females had a grading pattern was of II > I > I’ > III > IV > V.Conclusion: As lip prints do not change during the life of a person hence still further studies needs to be undertaken to substantiate the cheiloscopic technique on the upper crest as a predominant technique for personal and gender identification.Keywords: Cheiloscopy, gender identity, lip prints, sex determination, Tsuchihashi classificatio

    Comparison of survival outcome in early versus late surfactant therapy in preterm neonates with respiratory distress syndrome at a tertiary care centre: A randomized control trial (Open)

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    Introduction: Prematurity and RDS largely contribute to early neonatal morbidity and mortality. With adequate antenatal steroid and early CPAP, early surfactant therapy improve survival outcome. Material and Methods: Prospective interventional study included newborns with 24-28 weeks prematurity or 28-34 weeks(GA) with clinical RDS and birth weight(BW)>650gms. All subjects were preferably provided early surfactant therapy (within 2hours after birth). Surfactant (Curosurf) was delivered by INSURE technique (Intubate- Surfactant administration- Extubate) and only those who required further respiratory support were ventilated. Records on birth weight, gestational age, timing of therapy (early/late), duration of ventilation, sepsis, complications, and survival/death outcome were collected and data was analysed using SSPS version 17. Results: Out of 100 neonates (49 male, 51 female), 46 received early surfactant therapy and 54 obtained it late; significantly more indoor patients could be treated early (p<0.0001). Although high mortality was observed with both early (65.2%) and late therapy (85.2%), there was significantly higher survival with early therapy (p=0.018). Though no statistical differences of outcome were observed with different GA and BW in study groups; irrespective of timing of therapy, higher mortality occurred in lower BW/GA subgroups with least survival among extremely preterms<27wks(p=0.000057) and ELBW<1000gm(p=0.013). No difference was seen for need of re-intubation/ventilation, but duration of ventilation was more on late group (p=0.043). Culture positive sepsis was found in 68% with higher association with late therapy (p=0.033). Hypotension was frequent complication with late intervention (p=0.029), whereas there was no difference for pulmonary hemorrhage or apnea. Conclusion: Early surfactant administration improved survival with minimal complications in RDS except for extremely premature/LBW babies

    Mode of Action of Trikatu Ghrita Yukt Swarnabhasma in Pandu Roga (Anaemia)

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    Pandu roga, an ancient Ayurvedic term used to describe a specific disease, has been recognized and discussed by various Ayurvedic scholars. According to their teachings, Pandu roga is considered a type of Rasa pradoshaj vikara, with Pitta dosha playing a prominent role in its manifestation. The key characteristic of this disease is Panduthwa, or Pallor, which exhibits clinical features similar to modern-day Anaemia .A condition in modern medicine, involves a deficiency in red blood cells or hemoglobin percentage due to decreased production. It is often associated with poor nutrition and overall health. The problem is commonly observed in low birth weight infants, overweight children who lack energy for physical activity, school-going children, adolescents, and pregnant women. In traditional Ayurvedic medicine, there are various formulations suggested for managing Anaemia, one of which is Trikatu Ghrita Yukt Swarnabhasma. This herbal preparation contains Trikatu, a combination of three spices - Shunthi (Zingiber officinale), Marich (Piper nigrum), and Pippali (Piper longum). These spices are renowned for their digestive and metabolic properties. Additionally, Swarnabhasma, derived from gold, has been utilized in Ayurveda for its rejuvenating and tonic effect

    A Detail Story About Phytoconstituents and Clincial Uses of Narikela (Coconut, Cocos Nucifera): Drug Review

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    The Arecaceae plant species Cocos nucifera (L.), known as the "coconut tree," is the most widely distributed fruit tree in nature. Minerals, plants, and animals have traditionally been the primary suppliers of medications, and people have employed medicinal plants therapeutically throughout history. In ancient writings, Ayurveda describes the usage of Narikela (Cocos nucifera Linn., Arecaceae) for the treatment of several diseases. Lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid are some of the most important fatty acids found in coconut. There are only two main sources of lauric acid in the human diet: coconut and human breast milk. In addition to having antibacterial and antiprotozoal properties, lauric acid also strengthens the immune system and has an anti-inflammatory effect. This article covers the broad aspect of properties and therapeutic actions of different useful parts of coconut tree

    Plasmodium vivax

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