101 research outputs found

    Malicious Accounts Detection Based on Short URLs in Twitter

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    The popularity of Social Networks during the last several years has attracted attention of cybercriminals for the spreading of spam and malicious contents. In order to send spam messages to lured users, spammers creating fake profiles, leading to fraud or malware campaigns. Sometimes to send malicious messages, cybercriminals use stolen accounts of legitimate users. Nowadays they are creating short URLs by the short URL service provider and posted on to friends board. Lured users unknowingly clicking on these links, then they are redirected to malicious websites. To control such type of activities over Twitter we have calculated a trust score for each user. Based on the trust score, one can decide whether a user is trustable or not. With usage of trust score we have got an accuracy of 92.6% and F-measure is 81% with our proposed approac


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    Rasula Ade Pratama, NIT : 51145325.T, 2018, "The Broken of Bearing Pin Analysis in Main Engine Usage at MV. Energy Midas", Diploma IV Program, Engineering Program, Politeknik Ilmu Pelayaran Semarang, Head of Community Service Development Center, Counselor I: H. Rahyono, SP.1, MM, M.Mar.E and Advisor II: Capt. Firdaus Sitepu, S.ST., M.Si. Various shipping companies are improving services to prioritize good service. If the main engine in the ship experienced a broken bearing pin will have an impact on the decreasing timeliness of the ship operation, therefore always performs maintenance and repair of parts and spare parts, so it will generate a ship with engine condition that has more operational value. This study aims to analyze the factors causing broken of bearing pin in main engine of MV. Energy Midas, to analyze the effect caused to the main engine in case of broken of bearing pin in main engine of MV. Energy Midas and to analyze strategies / efforts in dealing with the broken of bearing pin in main engine of MV. Energy Midas. The research used Fishbone and Fault Tree Analysis method by using verbal data and qualitative data. Called with Fishbone because it is looks like a fishbone with the head toward the right side. This diagram shows cause and effect of a problem with multiple causes. Fault Tree Analysis is an effective method used to find the core of a problem by confirming that the cause is not came from single origin. Fault Tree Analysis identified the relation between causes and show it in form of a fault tree that used simple logic gate. Factors that causing the broken of bearing pin in main engine of MV. Energy Midas due to leakage of bushing telescopic pipe, a crack of lock bearing pins and loose of crosshead bearings, sagging bolt locking crosshead bearings. The broke pin will have an impact on the components and system of the main engine suffered severe damage. Efforts / strategies to overcome the broken of bearing pin in main engine of MV. Energy Midas ie Engineers must make a change of telescopic pipe bushing, checking crosshead bolt lock with hammer test then binding with hydrolic jack and perform special training from maker MAN B&W as scheduled. Keywords: Broken, Bearing Pins, Main Engin

    The Pathic Receptacles of Modernism

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    “Modernism” is a term that appears foreclosed by prior associations; an official category for 20th-century artistic excess or extremity. Modernity is accepted as an historical condition, but “modernism” adds to this condition an unwarranted enthusiasm, a hyperbolic investigation of first principles, a distressing transfiguration of everything in sight, an “emancipation of dissonance” and more — its claims, in short, are themselves excessive. The aura of rupture courted in The Waste Land, the ..

    Suomalaisten matkailuohjelmien vaikutus matkailuun

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    Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, onko suomalaisilla matkailuohjelmilla vaikutusta kuluttajien matkustuskäyttäytymiseen. Tämän lisäksi tutkittiin, millaiset ihmiset todennäköisimmin toteuttaisivat matkan tai aktiviteetin sen televisiosta nähtyään. Työn teoreettisena viitekehyksenä on käytetty matkailijoiden arvoihin ja asenteisiin liit-tyviä teorioita, motivaatiotekijöitä matkalle lähdön takana sekä television vaikutusta ihmisen käyttäytymiseen. Teoriaosuudessa käydään läpi mm. Maslow’n tarvehierarkia-malli, Plogin psykograafiset tyypit sekä Cohenin neljän eri matkailijatyypin luokittelu. Työ on toteutettu käyttäen kvantitatiivista eli määrällistä lähestymistapaa kyselyn muo-dossa. Lisäksi aineistoa on kerätty aiheeseen liittyvää kirjallisuutta sekä internetlähteitä tutkimalla. Työn taustalla on myös katsottu lukemattomia jaksoja matkailuohjelmia. Kyselyyn, joka toteutettiin Webropolilla, saatiin kaikkiaan 73 vastausta. Linkki jaettiin Rantapallon sivuilla sekä tutkimukseen valittujen matkailuohjelmien päähenkilöiden Twitter-tileillä. Vastausten perusteella tulokseksi saatiin, että tutkimukseen valitut matkailuohjelmat vaikuttavat erityisesti allosentrisiin matkailijoihin. Vastakohtana tälle olivat psykosentri-set matkaajat, joihin seikkailullisemmat ohjelmat eivät vedonneet. Myös heihin televisi-olla oli kuitenkin vaikutusta, sillä se kannusti heidät lähtemään pakettimatkalle Matka-oppaat-ohjelman innoittamana.The objective of this thesis was to investigate whether Finnish travel shows have an impact on consumer travel behavior. In addition, this study also examines what kind of a people depart on a trip or chooses an activity based on seeing the destination on tele-vision. The theoretical framework includes various theories on values and attitudes of travelers. Furthermore, the motivational factors for departing on a trip are covered together with the effect television has on a person’s choices. The theory is based on the following: the need hierarchy model of Maslow, Plog’s psychographic types as well as Cohen’s four different traveler types. The methodological approach of the study was quantitative and data were collected by means of a questionnaire. In addition, literature and internet sources covering the sub-ject were consulted. Furthermore, many episodes of various travel shows were watched for background information. The questionnaire, which was created by Webropol, re-ceived altogether 73 answers. The questionnaire was shared on the webpage of Finnish travel site Rantapallo as well as on the Twitter accounts of the main actors of the travel shows chosen for this study. The results of the survey revealed that the programs chosen for this study affected es-pecially allocentric travelers. On the other hand, psychocentric travelers did not seem to be affected by adventurous programs. However, the results also indicated that one particular travel program, Matkaoppaat (Travel guides), has also encouraged psycho-centrics to choose a package holiday

    Kerusakan pin bearing terhadap pengoprasian mesin induk MV. Energy Midas

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    Berbagai perusahaan pelayaran meningkatkan pelayanan untuk mengutamakan pelayanan yang baik. Apabila mesin induk di kapal mengalami kerusakan pin bearing akan berdampak pada menurunnya ketepatan waktu operasi kapal, maka selalu melakukan perawatan dan perbaikan kelangkapan suku cadang (spare part), sehingga akan tercipta kondisi mesin kapal yang mempunyai nilai operasional lebih. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor penyebab kerusakan pin bearing terhadap pengoperasian mesin induk MV. Energy Midas, untuk menganalisis pengaruh yang ditimbulkan terhadap mesin induk bila terjadi kerusakan pin bearing di MV. Energy Midas dan untuk menganalisis strategi/upaya dalam mengatasi kerusakan pin bearing terhadap pengoperasian mesin induk MV. Energy Midas. Penelitian menggunakan metode analisis fishbone dan FTA (Fault Tree Analysis) dengan cara menggunakan data verbal (non-numerikal) dan data kualitatif. Dikatakan diagram fishbone karena berbentuk seperti tulang ikan yang moncong kepalanya menghadap ke kanan. Diagram ini akan menunjukan sebuah dampak atau akibat dari sebuah permasalahan dengan berbagai penyebabnya. Fault Tree Analysis merupakan metode yang efektif dalam menemukan inti permasalahan karena memastikan bahwa suatu kejadian yang tidak diinginkan atau kerugian yang ditimbulkan tidak berasal pada satu titik kegagalan. Fault Tree Analysis mengidentifikasi hubungan antara faktor penyebab dan ditampilkan dalam bentuk pohon kesalahan yang melibatkan gerbang logika sederhana. Faktor penyebab kerusakan pin bearing terhadap pengoperasian mesin induk MV. Energy Midas karena terjadinya kebocoran pada bushing telescopic pipe, patahnya lock pin bearing dan kendurnya baut pengikat crosshead bearings. Kerusakan akan berdampak pada komponen-komponen dan sistem mesin induk mengalami kerusakan parah. Upaya/strategi untuk mengatasi kerusakan pin bearing terhadap pengoperasian mesin induk MV. Energy Midas yaitu Masinis harus melakukan pergantian dan pengecekan bushing telescopic pipe, pengecekan baut pengikat crosshead dengan hammer test lalu dilakukan pengikatan dengan hydrolic jack dan melakukan pelatihan khusus dari maker MAN B&W sesuai jadwal yang telah ditentukan. Kata kunci : Kerusakan, Pin Bearing, Mesin Indu


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    Opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli kehittää Beople Oy:n markkinointiviestintää. Opinnäytetyön ensimmäisenä tavoitteena oli perehtyä asiantuntijapalveluita tarjoavan B-to-B -yrityksen markkinointiviestinnän keinoihin sekä markkinointiviestinnän suunnitteluprosessiin. Toisena tavoitteena oli luoda juuri toimeksiantajayritykselle räätälöity markkinointiviestintäsuunnitelma, joka on realistinen ja sen toimenpiteet ovat hyvin toteutettavissa. Opinnäytetyö on yritykselle tarpeellinen, sillä se on toiminut tässä muodossa vain vähän aikaa ja kaipaa siksi tarkempaa markkinointiviestinnän suunnittelua. Tutkimus on laadullinen ja koostuu teoreettisesta viitekehyksestä, jonka avulla luodaan haastattelukysymykset halutuille henkilöille. Haastattelujen ja teoriatiedon perusteella luodaan toimeksiantajayritykselle räätälöity markkinointiviestintäsuunnitelma. Opinnäytetyö rakentuu markkinointiviestinnän suunnitteluprosessin mukaisesti aina tilanneanalyyseistä lopulliseen arviointiin. Beople Oy:lle sopivimmiksi markkinointiviestinnän keinoiksi valittiin verkkoviestin-tä, henkilökohtainen myyntityö sekä suhdetoiminta. Näitä keinoja lähdetään hyö-dyntämään vuoden 2014 jäljellä olevilla kuukausilla sekä vuonna 2015. Valituille keinoille on luotu aikataulutus, toteuttajat sekä arvioidut kustannukset.The main purpose of this thesis was to develop the marketing communication of Beople Oy. The first aim was to familiarize with the marketing communication of a B-to-B Company providing consultancy services as well as with the planning process of marketing communication. The second aim was to create a realistic marketing communication plan just for the company in question. It is important that the operations are also feasible. This thesis is necessary for the company because it has operated in this form only for a short time and needs more accurate planning of marketing communication. This study is qualitative and it consists of a theoretic frame which enables to create the interview questions for the desired interviewees. With the help of these interviews and theory knowledge, it is possible to create a marketing communication plan for the case company. This thesis is built using the planning process of marketing communication all the way from the analysis of the present situation to a final assessment. Network communication, personal sales work, and public relations were chosen as the most suitable ways for marketing communications. These ways are used in the remaining months of year 2014 and in year 2015. These selected ways were scheduled, the people implementing them were chosen, and their expenses were assessed


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    Par évaporation de EuS, on a condensé des couches minces polycristallines de EuxSy sur des substrats de verre de quartz à des températures comprises entre 20 K et 1400 K. La composition atomique, y/x, de ces couches minces varie de 0,8 à 1,2. Les changements systématiques observés à la température de Curie, la magnétisation, le champ coercitif, la mobilité des parois et la résistance électrique sont discutés en relation avec les changements mesurés dans la composition chimique (stoechiométrie) et avec les différences dans la concentration des défauts de structure.Polycrystalline EuxSy films with atomic ratios, x/y, ranging between 0.8 and 1.2 have been prepared by vacuum evaporation of EuS on to quartz glass substrates at temperatures ranging between 20 K and 1400 K. The systematic changes observed for the Curie temperature, the magnetization, the coercive field strength, the wall mobility, and the electrical resistivity have been related to the measured changes in chemical composition (stoichiometry) and to differences in the concentration of structural defects

    Antibody Response after BNT162b2 Vaccination in Healthcare Workers Previously Exposed and Not Exposed to SARS-CoV-2

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    The Pfizer/BioNtech Comirnaty vaccine (BNT162b2 mRNA COVID-19) against SARS-CoV-2 is currently in use in Italy. Antibodies to evaluate SARS-CoV-2 infection prior to administration are not routinely tested; therefore, two doses may be administered to asymptomatic previously exposed subjects. The aim of this study is to assess if any difference in antibody concentration between subjects exposed and not exposed to SARS-CoV-2 prior to BNT162b2 was present after the first dose and after the second dose of vaccine. Data were retrospectively collected from the clinical documentation of 337 healthcare workers who underwent SARS-CoV-2 testing before and after BNT162b2. Total anti RBD (receptor-binding domain) antibodies against SARS-CoV-2′s spike protein were measured before and 21 days after the first dose, and 12 days after the second dose of BNT162b2. Twenty-one days after the first dose, there was a statistically significant difference in antibody concentration between the two groups, which was also maintained twelve days after the second dose. In conclusion, antibody response after receiving BNT162b2 is greater in subjects who have been previously exposed to SARS-CoV-2 than in subjects who have not been previously exposed to the virus, both after 21 days after the first dose and after 12 days from the second dose. Antibody levels, 21 days after the first dose, reached a titer considered positive by the test manufacturer in the majority of subjects who have been previously infected with SARS-CoV-2. Evaluating previous infection prior to vaccination in order to give the least effective number of doses should be considered