74 research outputs found

    Interspecific variation within the genus Ophiomorus DUMÉRIL & BIBRON, 1839 (Sauria: Scincidae) in Iran based on morphological characters

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    Many studies conducted on range of animals showed that morphology is related to habitat. In the present study, we aimed to examine the morphological characteristics of species assigned to the genus Ophiomorus in Iran. Seventy-one specimens from throughout the range of distribution in the central plateau of Iran were investigated. Eleven morphometric and four meristic variables were analyzed independently. Multivariate analyses were performed using canonical variate analysis (CVA) and principal component analysis (PCA). The results showed that there is significant morphological differentiation between three species groups brevipes, tridactylus, and punctatissimus in this genus in relation to habitat choice. ANOVA results showed that 14 morphological characters (SVL, HL, HW, HH, SL, LF, LA, LFL, LFH, LHF, NSL, NDSB, NMC, and NIL; 10 metric and four Meristic) were significantly different among all Ophiomorus species, which based on this, TL did not show a significant difference among species. Finally, we assigned three species groups based on limb reduction (especially fingers), and habitat surface (comparison based on habitat observations) for all Ophiomorus species in Iran. In addition, using newly applied morphological characteristics we proposed an updated identification key for the genus

    Cyclooxygenases: Proliferation and differentiation

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    Prostaglandins are formed from arachidonic acid by the action of cyclooxygenase and subsequent downstream synthetases. Mainly two cyclooxygenase isoforms have been identified which are now known as cyclooxygenase-1 and cyclooxygenase-2. Both iso-enzymes transform arachidonic acid to prostaglandins, but differ in their distribution and their physiological roles. The two isoenzymes are similar in protein structure but are produced by divergent genes and have different biological functions. Cyclooxygenase-1 is a constitutively expressed enzyme in most mammalian tissues and maintains normal cellular physiological functions, such as platelet aggregation and gastric cytoprotection; while cyclooxygenase-2 is normally expressed at a very low level in most tissues and is highly inducible by growth factors, cytokines, and tumour promoters. In several studies, the effect of cyclooxygenases on different cell types has been investigated. This review focuses on cyclooxygenases function, cell proliferation and differentiation.Key words: Cyclooxygenases, proliferation, differentiation, prostaglandins, tumor

    Role of diffusion tensor imaging as an imaging biomarker and theranostic tool in structural imaging of traumatic brain injury

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    Neuroimaging technology is at a "newborn" stage in the evaluation of TBI. While additional literature are obviously required to decide whether these modalities and progress in knowledge with noninvasive monitors will allow early and consistent recognition of revocable secondary brain damages, the final query is whether these new modalities will help in treatment plans that will absolutely mark result. DTI is an influential instrument for assessing white matter anatomy and related anomalies. DTI was formerly an investigation tool, but is using clinical practice. Accepting the terms and basic ideas of this method can aid in the clinical implementation and interpretation of this blend of structural and physiologic white matter evaluation. In conclusion, although DTI is as a diagnostic tool for severity of TBI and as an outcome predictor, but severe preclinical and clinical validation of each imaging method should be a top importance

    Effectiveness of Low-Level Laser Irradiation in Reducing Pain and Accelerating Socket Healing After Undisturbed Tooth Extraction

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    Introduction: This study aimed to determine the effect of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on reducing complications following tooth extraction.Methods: This randomized clinical trial consisted of 40 subjects who underwent lower molar extraction. The patients were randomly assigned to 4 groups. Group 1 was irradiated with a 660 nm laser (200 mW, 30 seconds radiation to lingual, buccal and occlusal surfaces of the socket, 6 J/area). In group 2, an 810 nm laser was applied similar to group 1. In group 3, a combination of 660 and 810 nm lasers was used. The patients in group 4 served as a placebo group. LLLT was performed after 0.5-1 hour of extraction and 2 days later. The participants were asked to record pain degree using a visual analogue scale (VAS) over 7 days. The amount of wound healing was evaluated on the third and seventh days.Results: There was no significant difference in pain scores among the groups at any of the assessment intervals (P > 0.05). The between-group differences in wound healing scores were small and insignificant (P > 0.05).Conclusion: LLLT with 660 nm or 810 nm lasers or their combination had no greater effect than the placebo laser for reducing the complications of tooth extraction. 

    بررسي ارتباط جهش‌هاي ژن بتاگلوبين با فاكتورهاي خوني در ناقلان بتاتالاسمي

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    Background: Iran, located in Eastern Mediterranean region, is one of the noteworthy centers for the prevalence of Beta-Thalassemia genetic disorder. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between Beta-globin gene mutations and blood factors in the carriers of Beta-Thalassemia. Materials and Methods: This descriptive study was to investigate the relationship between beta-globin gene mutations and the average volume of red blood cells in Beta-Thalassemia carriers referred to the health network. The study was conducted in Pakdasht and Varamin from 1997 to 2013. Ethical issues such as confidentiality of studied community were all considered. Results: In the present study, the relationship between some blood parameters of red blood cells, such as the mean volume of red blood cells (MCV), and the type of mutation in the beta-globin was analyzed. MCV was statistically related to the type of mutation (p=0.05). The mean and standard deviation values of MCV were 62.1 and 3.9, respectively.Conclusion: The amount of MCV can be used as a guide for quick access to genetic mutations in Beta-Thalassemia carrier couples referred to Genetic centers before and during the pregnancy. Keywords: Thalassemia, Genetic disease, Mutation, Blood factors, Iran Iran, located in Eastern Mediterranean region, is one of the noteworthy centers for the prevalence of Beta-Thalassemia genetic disorder. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between Beta-globin gene mutations and blood factors in the carriers of Beta-Thalassemia.Materials and Methods: This descriptive study was to investigate the relationship between beta-globin gene mutations and the average volume of red blood cells in Beta-Thalassemia carriers referred to the health network. The study was conducted in Pakdasht and Varamin from 1997 to 2013. Ethical issues such as confidentiality of studied community were all considered.Results: In the present study, the relationship between some blood parameters of red blood cells, such as the mean volume of red blood cells (MCV), and the type of mutation in the beta-globin was analyzed. MCV was statistically related to the type of mutation (p=0.05). The mean and standard deviation values of MCV were 62.1 and 3.9, respectively.Conclusion: The amount of MCV can be used as a guide for quick access to genetic mutations in Beta-Thalassemia carrier couples referred to Genetic centers before and during the pregnancy.زمينه و هدف: ايران در منطقه مديترانه شرقي، يكي از مراكز مهم براي شيوع بیماری ارثی بتاتالاسمي است. هدف از انجام اين مطالعه بررسي ارتباط نوع جهش با فاكتورهاي خوني در ناقلان بتاتالاسمي بوده است. مواد و روش‌ها: اين مطالعه از نوع توصيفي است كه به بررسي ارتباط نوع جهش‌هاي بیماران مبتلا به بتاتالاسمی با ميزان متوسط حجم گلبول قرمز در ناقلان بتاتالاسمي مراجعه كننده به شبكه‌هاي بهداشتي درماني پاكدشت و ورامين از سال 1376 تا 1392پرداخته‌است. روش‌های آمای مورد استفاده، آزمون آنالیز واریانس و آزمون کای‌دو بوده‌ است. در طول انجام مطالعه، موازین اخلاقی نظیر محرمانه بودن نام بیماران مورد پژوهش، رعایت گردید. يافته‌ها: در پژوهش حاضر ارتباط برخي شاخص‌هاي خوني گلبول‌هاي قرمز نظير حجم متوسط گلبول‌هاي قرمز (MCV) با نوع جهش در بتاگلوبين، مورد بررسي قرار گرفت كه از لحاظ آماري، مقدارMCV ، با نوع جهش، نزديك به سطح معني داري (p= 0.05) بوده است. ميانگين و انحراف معيار MCV نمونه، به ترتيب 1/62 و 9/3 بوده است. نتيجه گيري: مقدار MCV مي‌تواند به عنوان يك راهنما جهت امكان دسترسي سريع به جهش براي زوجين ناقل بتاتالاسمي مراجعه كننده به مراكز ژنتيكي در مراحل پيش از بارداری و در زمان بارداري به كار آيد

    Involvement of nitric oxide in granisetron improving effect on scopolamine-induced memory impairment in mice

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    AbstractGranisetron, a serotonin 5-HT3 receptor antagonist, widely used as an antiemetic drug following chemotherapy, has been found to improve learning and memory. In this study, effects of granisetron on spatial recognition memory and fear memory and the involvement of nitric oxide (NO) have been determined in a Y-maze and passive avoidance test. Granisetron (3, 10mg/kg, intraperitoneally) was administered to scopolamine-induced memory-impaired mice prior to acquisition, consolidation and retrieval phases, either in the presence or in the absence of a non-specific NO synthase inhibitor, l-NAME (3, 10mg/kg, intraperitoneally); a specific inducible NO synthase (iNOS) inhibitor, aminoguanidine (100mg/kg); and a NO precursor, l-arginine (750mg/kg). It is demonstrated that granisetron improved memory acquisition in a dose-dependent manner, but it was ineffective on consolidation and retrieval phases of memory. The beneficial effect of granisetron (10mg/kg) on memory acquisition was significantly reversed by l-NAME (10mg/kg) and aminoguanidine (100mg/kg); however, l-arginine (750mg/kg) did not potentiate the effect of sub-effective dose of granisetron (3mg/kg) in memory acquisition phase. It is concluded that nitric oxide is probably involved in improvement of memory acquisition by granisetron in both spatial recognition memory and fear memory.This article is part of a Special Issue entitled The Cognitive Neuroscience

    بررسي فراواني انواع جهش هاي ژن بتاگلوبين در ناقلان بتاتالاسمي مراجعه کننده به شبکه هاي بهداشتي درماني پاکدشت و ورامين

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    Background: Thalassemia is a genetic disorder of autosomal recessive and has high prevalence in Iran. This studywas therefore designed to identify the types of mutations in Beta-Thalassemia.Materials and Methods: The present descriptive study was aimed to investigate the frequency of mutations in beta-globin gene in carriers referred to a health care network. The study was carried out in Pakdasht and Varamin from 1997 to 2013. Ethical issues such as confidentiality of studied community were all considered.Results: The current study found that from a total of 26 mutations, IVSII-1 was the most frequent mutation (24.5%) followed by IVSI-5 mutation with a frequency of 14.4 percent. Furthermore, there was only limited evidence for an increased frequency of IVSI-25bpdel/N, c22/n, IVSII-848, and fr-36-37/N mutations and each with a frequency of 0.6 percent revealed the lowest frequency.Conclusion: In accordance with the results of recent studies in the Iranian population, IVSII-1assigned the most common mutation in our study. This combination of findings has important implications for developing a guide for faster access to the type of mutation in patients suffering from Thalassemia.زمينه و هدف: تالاسمي يک بيماري ژنتيکي است که وراثت آن از نوع اتوزومال مغلوب است و داراي شيوع زيادي در کشور ما مي‌باشد. اين پژوهش با هدف شناسايي انواع جهش‌هاي بتاتالاسمي طراحي شده ‌است. مواد و روش‌ها: اين مطالعه از نوع توصيفي‌ است که به بررسي فراواني انواع جهش‌هاي ژن بتاگلوبين در ناقلان بتاتالاسمي مراجعه کننده به شبکه‌هاي بهداشتي درماني پاکدشت و ورامين از سال 1376 تا 1392 پرداخته است. در کلیه مراحل انجام پژوهش، موازین اخلاقی نظیر محرمانه بودن نام بیماران این تحقیق، مراعات گردید. يافته‌ها: از مجموع 26 جهش، بيشترين فراواني جهش‌ها مربوط به جهشIVSII-1 فراواني 4/24% بود و در رتبه دوم جهش IVSI-5 با فراواني 14/4درصد قرار دارد. جهش‌های IVSI-25bpdel/N، c22/n, IVSII-848 و fr-36-37/N با فراواني عدد يک (0/6درصد) کمترين فراواني را بخود اختصاص داده‌اند. نتيجه گيري: در اين مطالعه  IVSII-1 شايع‌ترين جهش شناسايي شد که با نتايج مطالعات سال‌هاي اخير در جمعيت ايراني مطابقت دارد. نتايج تحقيق، مي‌تواند به عنوان يک راهنما جهت امکان دسترسي سريع‌تر به نوع جهش در بیماران مبتلا به بتاتالاسمی به کار آيد. &nbsp

    Oxytocin mitigated the depressive-like behaviors of maternal separation stress through modulating mitochondrial function and neuroinflammation

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    Mother-infant contact has a critical role on brain development and behavior. Experiencing early-life adversities (such as maternal separation stress or MS in rodents) results in adaptations of neurotransmission systems, which may subsequently increase the risk of depression symptoms later in life. In this study, we show that Oxytocin (OT) exerted antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Previous studies indicate that neuroinflammation and mitochondrial dysfunction are associated with the pathophysiology of depression. To investigate the antidepressant-like effects of OT, we applied MS paradigm (as a valid animal model of depression) to male mice at postnatal day (PND) 2 to PND 14 (3 h daily, 9 AM to 12 AM) and investigated the depressive-like behaviors of these animals at PND 60 in different groups. Animals in this work were divided into 4 experimental groups: 1) saline-treated, 2) OT-treated, 3) atosiban (OT antagonist)-treated and, 4) OT + atosiban-treated mice. We used forced swimming test (FST), splash test, sucrose preference test (SPT) and open field test (OFT) for behavioral assessment. Additionally, we used another set of animals to investigate the effects of MS and different treatments on mitochondrial function and the expression of the relevant genes for neuroinflammation. Our results showed that MS provoked depressive- like behaviors in the FST, SPT and splash test. In addition, our molecular findings revealed that MS is capable of inducing abnormal mitochondrial function and immune-inflammatory response in the hippocampus. Further, we observed that treating stressed animals with OT (intracerebroventricular, i.c.v. injection) attenuated the MS-induced depressive-like behaviors through improving mitochondrial function and decreasing the hippocampal expression of immune-inflammatory genes. In conclusion, we showed that MS-induced depressive-like behaviors in adult male mice are associated with abnormal mitochondrial function and immune-inflammatory responses in the hippocampus, and activation of OTergic system has protective effects against negative effects of MS on brain and behavior of animals