371 research outputs found

    Bahan ajar kursus dan pelatihan tata kecantikan kulit: merias wajah foto/film karakter dan fantasi level 4

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    Bahan ajar kursus dan pelatihan merupakan salah satu pembelajaran untuk mengoperasionalisasi substansi kurikulum berbasis kompetensi yang mengacu pada Standar Kompetensi Lulusan (SKL) yang berbasis Kerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia (KKNI) pada masingmasing jenis keterampilan. Penerapan bahan ajar yang relevan dan kontekstual dengan kebutuhan peserta didik akan sangat membantu mereka dalam mempersiapkan diri untuk mengikuti uji kompetensi. Uji kompetensi merupakan upaya yang terus dibina oleh Direktorat Pembinaan Kursus dan Pelatihan, Direktorat Jenderal Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini dan Pendidikan Masyarakat, Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, agar lulusan kursus dan pelatihan memiliki kompetensi yang selaras dengan kebutuhan dunia usaha dunia industri/pasar kerja

    ZAPPA™, the rice seeds germination enhancer

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    Manuskrip sebagai dokumen kearifan alam Melayu amat penting untuk kesinambungan pembangunan masyarakat dan bangsa masa kini yang sudah tentu mempunyai kaitan atau berasaskan perkembangan keilmuan masa lampau. Oleh yang demikian upaya mengungkap kearifan yang tersimpan dalam lembaran manuskrip menjadi amat bernilai. Namun terdapat beberapa persoalan yang sering mendapat perhatian dalam medan pengkajian manuskrip iaitu siapakah pengarang asal sesebuah manuskrip, apakah judul manuskrip berkenaan serta tarikh atau tahun ia dikarang. Justeru makalah ini membincang kajian manuskrip berjudul Dā`īrah al-Wujūd MS 1556 C koleksi Pusat Manuskrip Melayu, Perpustakaan Negara Malaysia karya Syeikh Shamsuddin al-Sumatera`i, 'Syeikh al-Islam' bagi kerajaan Aceh Darul Salam pada penghujung kurun ke-16 M. Kajian berasaskan metode filologi mengusahakan perbandingan naskhah di antara manuskrip MS 1556 C dengan teks anonymous ke-12 koleksi Marsden 11648 koleksi Perpustakaan School of Oriental and African Studies, Universiti London. Transliterasi rumi naskhah berkenaan disediakan, supaya perbandingan dapat dibuat demi mengenal pasti persamaan dan perbezaan dengan menjadikan manuskrip Dā`īrah al-Wujūd MS 1556 C sebagai naskhah asas. Hasil penelitian ke atas persamaan dan perbezaan di antara dua naskhah berkenaan membuktikan bahawa isi kandungan kedua-dua manuskrip berkenaan adalah sama, sekaligus membawa kepada kesimpulan bahawa teks ke-12 koleksi Marsden yang sebelum ini adalah anonymous, tanpa judul dan tanpa nama pengarang, tidak ragu adalah kitab Dā`īrah al-Wujūd karangan Syeikh Shamsuddin al-Sumatera`i. Pengenalpastian ini bermanfaat supaya pentahkikan (verification) dan analisis isi kandungan dapat diusahakan antara manuskrip ini dengan karya Syeikh Shamsuddin yang lain bagi memahami pemikiran beliau

    Analisis salasilah Tarekat Shaykh Shams al-Din al-Sumatra’i

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    This article examines the spiritual chain (silsilah tariqah) of Shaykh Shams al-Din al-Sumatra’i (alt. al-Sumatrani), Qadi al-Malik al-‘Adil (Prime Minister and Mufti) of Aceh during the reign of Sultan Iskandar Muda in 1607 to 1627. The study is primarily based on his manuscript of Mir’at al-Muhaqqiqin as well as Shaykh Abdul Haqq Muhaddith Dahlawi’s Zad al-Muttaqin. By mapping the lineage of all data available, this study features al-Sumatra’is spiritual chain that consist of Qadiriyyah, Shadhiliyyah, Madyaniyyah, Chishtiyyah and Shattariyyah orders

    Estimating the beginning of the waterpipe epidemic in Syria

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    BACKGROUND: Waterpipe smoking is becoming a global public health problem, especially in the Eastern Mediterranean region (EMR). METHODS: We try in this study, which is a cross sectional survey among a representative sample of waterpipe smokers in cafes/restaurants in Aleppo-Syria, to assess the time period for the beginning of this new smoking hype. We recruited 268 waterpipe smokers (161 men, 107 women; mean age ± standard deviation (SD) 30.1 ± 10.2, response rate 95.3%). Participants were divided into 4 birth cohorts (≤ 1960, 1961–1970, 1971–1980, >1980) and year of initiation of waterpipe smoking and daily cigarette smoking were plotted according to these birth cohorts. RESULTS: Data indicate that unlike initiation of cigarette smoking, which shows a clear age-related pattern, the nineties was the starting point for most of waterpipe smoking implicating this time period for the beginning of the waterpipe epidemic in Syria. CONCLUSION: The introduction of new flavored and aromatic waterpipe tobacco (Maassel), and the proliferation of satellite and electronic media during the nineties may have helped spread the new hype all over the Arab World

    A Variation in the Cerebroside Sulfotransferase Gene is Linked to Exercise-Modified Insulin Resistance and to Type 2 Diabetes

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    Aims. The glycosphingolipid β-galactosylceramide-3-O-sulfate (sulfatide) is present in the secretory granules of the insulin producing β-cells and may act as a molecular chaperone of insulin. The final step in sulfatide synthesis is performed by cerebroside sulfotransferase (CST) (EC The aim of this study was to investigate whether two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP), rs2267161 located in an exon or rs42929 located in an intron, in the gene encoding CST are linked to type 2 diabetes (T2D). Methods. As a population survey, 265 male and female patients suffering from T2D and 291 gender matched controls were examined. Results. A higher proportion of T2D patients were heterozygous at SNP rs2267161 with both T (methionine) and C (valine) alleles present (49.8% versus 41.3%, P = .04). The calculated odd risk for T2D was 1.47 (1.01–2.15, P = .047). Among female controls, the homozygous CC individuals displayed lower insulin resistance measured by HOMA-IR (P = .05) than the C/T or TT persons; this was particularly prevalent in individuals who exercise (P = .03). Conclusion. Heterozygosity at SNP rs2267161 in the gene encoding the CST enzyme confers increased risk of T2D. Females with the CC allele showed lower insulin resistance

    Produksi Majalah Digital "PELESIR" Fiskom Travel Magazine

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    Majalah “Pelesir” dibuat berdasarkan banyaknya pengunjung yang datang untuk sekedar berlibur, dan belum mengetahui sejarah serta mitos yang beredar di Baturraden. Sehingga perlu adanya media untuk menciptakan pemahaman tentang sejarah dan mitos untuk meneladani nilai-nilai baik dibalik peristiwa sejarah dan mitos tersebut. Hal tersebut juga dapat memupuk rasa nasionalisme yang kuat. Dalam mengembangkannya, tentu perlu adanya edukasi kepada khalayak umum yang mengunjungi kawasan wisata Baturraden. Pada majalah “Pelesir” peneliti memilih 3 destinasi pariwissata yang diangkat yaitu Air Terjun Jenggala, Air Terjun Sendang Bidadari dan Air Terjun Pengantin. Tempat tersebut peneliti pilih berdasarkan atas indahnya pemandangan serta sarat akan mitos yang banyak pengunjung tidak mengetahuinya. Hal yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengedukasi masyarakat yaitu dengan menggunakan media yang efektif melalui media elektronik, outdoor maupun indoor. Dengan menggunakan media komunikasi visual yang komunikatif dan efektif akan mempermudah dan mempercepat komunikasi pada pengunjung maupun masyarakat luas mengenai gambaran sejarah dan mitos di kawasan wisata Baturraden. Selain itu dipilih media yaitu majalah digital. Hal ini dikarenakan tidak adanya media majalah digital untuk mengedukasi masyarakat mengenai sejarah dan mitos di Baturraden.The magazine "Pelesir" was created based on the large number of visitors who came just for a vacation, and did not know the history and myths circulating in Baturraden. So it is necessary to have media to create an understanding of history and myths to emulate the good values behind these historical events and myths. It can also foster a strong sense of nationalism. In developing it, of course there is a need for education to the general public who visit the Baturraden tourist area. In the magazine "Pelesir" researchers chose 3 tourism destinations that were appointed, namely Jenggala Waterfall, Sendang Bidadari Waterfall and Bride Waterfall. The place the researchers chose is based on the beautiful scenery and full of myths that many visitors don't know about. What can be done to educate the public is by using effective media through electronic media, outdoor and indoor. Using visual communication media that is communicative and effective will facilitate and speed up communication to visitors and the wider community regarding historical and mythical images in the Baturraden tourist area. In addition, the selected media, namely digital magazines. This is due to the absence of digital magazine media to educate the public about the history and myths in Baturraden


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    This study aims to determine the relationship of social domographic factors with the behavior of farmers in applying pesticides to shallots in Sigi Biromaru District, Sigi Regency. This research uses quantitative methods using univariate analysis for frequency distribution and bivariate analysis (chi square) to determine the correlation between variables. Both use Statistical Product and Service Solutions (SPSS) 20.0. Determination of the location of the study was conducted purposively based on previous observations. The area is a center of shallot and horticulture plants in Sigi Regency, namely; Oloboju Village and Bulupountu Village, Sigi Biromaru District. The results of the study concluded that the use of pesticides by shallot farmers was over intensity with the reason for maximum production results. Unwise behavior of farmers in controlling pests and diseases with the high use of pesticides in the field, shows that there is no relationship between age, education, experience and Integrated Pest controlling (IPC) training with the behavior of shallot farmers in applying pesticides

    Self-rated health and its determinants among adults in Syria: a model from the Middle East

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Self-rated health (SRH) has been widely used to research health inequalities in developed western societies, but few such studies are available in developing countries. Similar to many Arab societies, little research has been conducted in Syria on the health status of its citizens, particularly in regards to SRH. This Study aims to investigate and compare determinants of SRH in adult men and women in Aleppo, Syria.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A cross-sectional survey of adults 18 to 65 years old residing in Aleppo (2,500,000 inhabitants), Syria was carried out in 2004, involving 2038 household representatives (45.2% men, age range 18–65 years, response rate 86%). SRH was categorized as excellent, normal, and poor. Odds ratios for poor and normal SRH, compared to excellent, were calculated separately for men and women using logistic regression.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Women were more likely than men to describe their health as poor. Men and women were more likely to report poor SRH if they were older, reported two or more chronic health problems, or had high self perceived functional disability. Important gender-specific determinants of poor SRH included being married, low socioeconomic status, and not having social support for women, and smoking, low physical activity for men.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Women were more likely than men to describe their health as poor. The link with age and pre-existing chronic conditions seems universal and likely reflects natural aging process. Determinants of SRH differed between men and women, possibly highlighting underlying cultural norms and gender roles in the society. Understanding the local context of SRH and its determinants within the prevailing culture will be important to tailor intervention programs aimed at improving health of the Syrian and similar Arab societies.</p

    Forecasting future prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus in Syria

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    Background Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is increasingly becoming a major public health problem worldwide. Estimating the future burden of diabetes is instrumental to guide the public health response to the epidemic. This study aims to project the prevalence of T2DM among adults in Syria over the period 2003?2022 by applying a modelling approach to the country?s own data. Methods Future prevalence of T2DM in Syria was estimated among adults aged 25æyears and older for the period 2003?2022 using the IMPACT Diabetes Model (a discrete-state Markov model). Results According to our model, the prevalence of T2DM in Syria is projected to double in the period between 2003 and 2022 (from 10% to 21%). The projected increase in T2DM prevalence is higher in men (148%) than in women (93%). The increase in prevalence of T2DM is expected to be most marked in people younger than 55æyears especially the 25?34æyears age group. Conclusions The future projections of T2DM in Syria put it amongst countries with the highest levels of T2DM worldwide. It is estimated that by 2022 approximately a fifth of the Syrian population aged 25æyears and older will have T2DM