35 research outputs found


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    This study aims to assess the association between schistosomiasis and hookworm infection with hemoglobin levels of schoolchildren in northern Mozambique. Through a cross-sectional survey, 1,015 children from five to 12 years old in the provinces of Nampula, Cabo Delgado and Niassa were studied. Hookworm infection and urinary schistosomiasis were diagnosed, through Ritchie and filtration methods, with a prevalence of 31.3% and 59.1%, respectively. Hemoglobin levels were obtained with a portable photometer (Hemocue®). The average hemoglobin concentration was 10.8 ± 1.42 g/dL, and 62.1% of the children presented levels below 11.5 g/dL, of which 11.8% of the total number of children had hemoglobin levels below 9 g/dL. A multiple linear regression analysis demonstrated negative interactions between hemoglobin levels and ancylostomiasis, this being restricted to the province of Cabo Delgado (β = -0.55; p < 0.001) where an independent interaction between hemoglobin levels and urinary schistosomiasis was also observed (β = -0.35; p = 0.016). The logistical regression model indicated that hookworm infection represents a predictor of mild (OR = 1.87; 95% CI = 1.17-3.00) and moderate/severe anemia (OR = 2.71; 95% CI = 1.50 - 4.89). We concluded that, in the province of Cabo Delgado, hookworm and Schistosoma haematobium infections negatively influence hemoglobin levels in schoolchildren. Periodical deworming should be considered in the region. Health education and improvements in sanitary infrastructure could achieve long-term and sustainable reductions in soil-transmitted helminthiases and schistosomiasis prevalence rates.Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar a relação entre a ancilostomíase e a esquistossomíase urinária com as concentrações sanguíneas de hemoglobina em crianças escolares no norte de Moçambique. Em estudo transversal, 1.015 crianças com idade entre cinco e 12 anos foram incluídas, nas Províncias de Nampula, Cabo Delgado e Niassa. A ancilostomíase e a esquistossomíase urinária foram diagnosticadas através das técnicas de Ritchie e de filtração da urina, respectivamente; prevalências de 31,3% e 59,1% foram observadas. As concentrações sanguíneas de hemoglobina foram obtidas com um fotômetro portátil (Hemocue). A concentração média de hemoglobina foi 10,8 ± 1.42 g/dL, 62,1% das crianças apresentaram concentração abaixo de 11,5 g/dL e 11,8% apresentaram nível abaixo de 9 g/dL. A regressão linear múltipla demonstrou interações negativas entre os níveis de hemoglobina e i) a infecção por ancilostomídeos (β = -0,55; p < 0,001) e ii) a esquistossomíase urinária (β = -0,35; p = 0,016), ambas associações restritas à Província de Cabo Delgado. Também em Cabo Delgado, o modelo de regressão logística demonstrou que a infecção por ancilostomídeos representa um preditor de anemia leve (OR = 1,87; 95% CI = 1,17-3,00) e anemia moderada/grave (OR = 2,71; 95% CI = 1,50 - 4,89). O estudo conclui que em Cabo Delgado, Moçambique, as infecções por ancilostomídeos e Schistosoma haematobium estão significativamente associadas a uma menor concentração sanguínea de hemoglobina em crianças em idade escolar. A administração periódica de anti-helmínticos deve ser feita regularmente. Melhorias na infraestrutura sanitária das regiões estudadas são as medidas mais eficazes para controle destas parasitoses

    Shared Sanitation Management and the Role of Social Capital: Findings from an Urban Sanitation Intervention in Maputo, Mozambique.

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    Shared sanitation-sanitation facilities shared by multiple households-is increasingly common in rapidly growing urban areas in low-income countries. However, shared sanitation facilities are often poorly maintained, dissuading regular use and potentially increasing disease risk. In a series of focus group discussions and in-depth interviews, we explored the determinants of shared sanitation management within the context of a larger-scale health impact evaluation of an improved, shared sanitation facility in Maputo, Mozambique. We identified a range of formal management practices users developed to maintain shared sanitation facilities, and found that management strategies were associated with perceived latrine quality. However-even within an intervention context-many users reported that there was no formal system for management of sanitation facilities at the compound level. Social capital played a critical role in the success of both formal and informal management strategies, and low social capital was associated with collective action failure. Shared sanitation facilities should consider ways to support social capital within target communities and identify simple, replicable behavior change models that are not dependent on complex social processes

    Shared latrines in Maputo, Mozambique: exploring emotional well-being and psychosocial stress.

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    BACKGROUND: Approximately 18% of Sub-Saharan Africa's urban population relies on shared sanitation facilities, which are shared by one or more households. While there is growing recognition of sanitation's relationship with stress and well-being - particularly among women - most research has focused on rural populations and the transition from open defecation and/or unimproved latrines to private shared sanitation. This study explores sanitation-related stressors among users of both improved and unimproved shared sanitation facilities. METHODS: This study was nested within the larger MapSan health impact trial (Trial Registration: NCT02362932). Participants were recruited from the control arm of the trial (Traditional Latrine (TL) users) and intervention arm, which received one of two improved shared sanitation facilities - Shared Latrines (SL) shared by up to 20 individuals and Community Sanitation Blocks (CSBs) shared by more than 20 individuals. Sampling was informed by a life stage perspective to reflect diversity in sanitation needs and experiences within the population. Data included 96 in-depth interviews, 7 focus group discussions, and 25 unstructured observations. Data collection and analysis followed a Grounded Theory approach, which was used to identify the key domains of sanitation-related stress among participants. A semi-structured tool was applied to all female interview transcripts to assess the frequency and severity of key stressors. RESULTS: Participants reported stress due to: lack of safety; lack of privacy; disgust about the latrine condition; and collective action failure in terms of managing the latrine, often causing neighborhood conflict or unhygienic sanitation conditions. Fewer SL and CSB users reported specific stress domains and - with the exception of perceived safety - reported fewer severe stressors. The leading cause of stress reduction due to the intervention was decreased disgust followed by increased privacy and safety. CONCLUSIONS: Our data suggest that "improved", shared facilities can reduce stress when proper maintenance and management systems are in place. Private, shared sanitation only had limited impact on users' perceptions of safety, particularly at night, suggesting that safety concerns extend beyond the physical latrine structure. Our research demonstrates that factors including latrine location and neighborhood violence are important determinants of safety perceptions and corresponding psychosocial stress

    How does sanitation influence people's quality of life? Qualitative research in low-income areas of Maputo, Mozambique.

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    Preventing infectious disease has often been the primary rationale for public investment in sanitation. However, broader aspects of sanitation such as privacy and safety are important to users across settings, and have been linked to mental wellbeing. The aim of this study is to investigate what people most value about sanitation in low-income areas of Maputo, Mozambique, to inform a definition and conceptual model of sanitation-related quality of life. Our approach to qualitative research was rooted in economics and applied the capability approach, bringing a focus on what people had reason to value. We undertook 19 in-depth interviews and 8 focus group discussions. After eliciting attributes of "a good life" in general, we used them to structure discussion of what was valuable about sanitation. We applied framework analysis to identify core attributes of sanitation-related quality of life, and used pile-sorting and triad exercises to triangulate findings on attributes' relative importance. The five core attributes identified were health, disgust, shame, safety, and privacy. We present a conceptual model illustrating how sanitation interventions might improve quality of life via changes in these attributes, and how changes are likely to be moderated by conversion factors (e.g. individual and environmental characteristics). The five capability-based attributes are consistent with those identified in studies of sanitation-related insecurity, stress and motives in both rural and urban areas, which is supportive of theoretical generalisability. Since two people might experience the same toilet or level of sanitation service differently, quality of life effects of interventions may be heterogeneous. Future evaluations of sanitation interventions should consider how changes in quality of life might be captured

    Sanitation in urban areas may limit the spread of antimicrobial resistance via flies

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    Synanthropic filth flies are common where sanitation is poor and fecal wastes are accessible to them. These flies have been proposed as mechanical vectors for the localized transport of fecal microbes including antimicrobial resistant (AMR) organisms and associated antimicrobial resistance genes (ARGs), increasing exposure risks. We evaluated whether an onsite sanitation intervention in Maputo, Mozambique reduced the concentration of enteric bacteria and the frequency of detection of ARGs carried by flies collected in household compounds of low-income neighborhoods. Additionally, we assessed the phenotypic resistance profile of Enterobacteriaceae isolates recovered from flies during the pre-intervention phase. After fly enumeration at study compounds, quantitative polymerase chain reaction was used to quantify an enteric 16S rRNA gene (i.e., specific to a cluster of phylotypes corresponding to 5% of the human fecal microflora), 28 ARGs, and Kirby Bauer Disk Diffusion of Enterobacteriaceae isolates was utilized to assess resistance to eleven clinically relevant antibiotics. The intervention was associated with a 1.5 log10 reduction (95% confidence interval: -0.73, -2.3) in the concentration of the enteric 16S gene and a 31% reduction (adjusted prevalence ratio = 0.69, [0.52, 0.92]) in the mean number of ARGs per fly compared to a control group with poor sanitation. This protective effect was consistent across the six ARG classes that we detected. Enterobacteriaceae isolates–only from the pre-intervention phase–were resistant to a mean of 3.4 antibiotics out of the eleven assessed. Improving onsite sanitation infrastructure in low-income informal settlements may help reduce fly-mediated transmission of enteric bacteria and the ARGs carried by them

    Risk factors for child food contamination in low-income neighbourhoods of Maputo, Mozambique: An exploratory, cross-sectional study.

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    In low- and middle-income countries, food may be a critical transmission route for pathogens causing childhood diarrhoea, but basic food hygiene is often overlooked in public health strategies. Characterising child food contamination and its risk factors could help prioritise interventions to reduce foodborne diarrhoeal disease, especially in low-income urban areas where the diarrhoeal disease burden is often high. This cross-sectional study comprised a caregiver questionnaire coupled with food sampling, and food preparation observations, among the study population of an ongoing sanitation trial in Maputo. The aim was to determine the prevalence of child food contamination and associated risk factors. The prevalence of Enterococcus spp., as an indicator of faecal contamination, was estimated in food samples. Risk factor analyses were performed through zero-inflated negative binomial regression on colony counts. A modified hazard analysis and critical control point approach was used to determine critical control points (CCPs) that might effectively reduce risk. Fifty-eight linked caregiver questionnaires and food samples were collected, and 59 food preparation observations were conducted. The prevalence of enterococci in child foods exceeding 10 colony forming units per gram was 53% (95% confidence interval [40%, 67%]). Risk factors for child food contamination were identified, including type of food, food preparation practices, and hygiene behaviours. CCPs included cooking/reheating of food and food storage and handling. This exploratory study highlights the need for more research into diarrhoeagenic pathogens and foodborne risks for children living in these challenging urban environments

    Impact of a sanitation intervention on quality of life and mental well-being in low-income urban neighbourhoods of Maputo, Mozambique: an observational study.

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    OBJECTIVES: Toilet users often report valuing outcomes such as privacy and safety more highly than reduced disease, but effects of urban sanitation interventions on such outcomes have never been assessed quantitatively. In this study, we evaluate the impact of a shared sanitation intervention on quality of life (QoL) and mental well-being. DESIGN: We surveyed individuals living in intervention and control clusters of a recent non-randomised controlled trial, and used generalised linear mixed regression models to make an observational comparison of outcomes between arms. SETTING: Low-income unsewered areas of Maputo City, Mozambique. PARTICIPANTS: We interviewed 424 participants, 222 from the prior trial's intervention group and 202 from the control group. INTERVENTIONS: The control group used low-quality pit latrines. The intervention group received high-quality shared toilets, with users contributing 10%-15% of capital cost. OUTCOMES: Our primary outcome was the Sanitation-related QoL (SanQoL) index, which applies respondent-derived weights to combine perceptions of sanitation-related disgust, privacy, safety, health and shame. Secondary outcomes were the WHO-5 mental well-being index and a sanitation Visual Analogue Scale. RESULTS: The intervention group experienced a 1.6 SD gain in SanQoL compared with the control group. This adjusted SanQoL gain was 0.34 (95% CI 0.29 to 0.38) on a 0-1 scale with control mean 0.49. Effect sizes were largest for safety and privacy attributes. Intervention respondents also experienced a 0.2 SD gain in mental well-being. The adjusted gain was 6.2 (95% CI 0.3 to 12.2) on a 0-100 scale with control mean 54.4. CONCLUSIONS: QoL outcomes are highly valued by toilet users and can be improved by sanitation interventions. Such outcomes should be measured in future sanitation trials, to help identify interventions which most improve people's lives. Since SanQoL weights are derived from respondent valuation, our primary result can be used in economic evaluation

    Measuring and valuing broader impacts in public health: Development of a sanitation-related quality of life instrument in Maputo, Mozambique.

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    Two billion people globally lack access to a basic toilet. While improving sanitation reduces infectious disease, toilet users often identify privacy, safety and dignity as more important. However, these outcomes have not been incorporated in sanitation-related economic evaluations. This illustrates the general challenge of outcome measurement and valuation in the economic evaluation of public health interventions, and risks misallocating the US$ 20 billion invested in sanitation in low- and middle-income countries every year. In this study in urban Mozambique, we develop an instrument to measure sanitation-related quality of life (SanQoL). Applying methods from health economics and the capability approach, we develop a descriptive system to measure five attributes identified in prior qualitative research: disgust, health, shame, safety and privacy. Sampling individuals from the intervention and control groups of a sanitation intervention trial, we elicit attribute ranks to value a SanQoL index and assess its validity and reliability. In combination with a measure of time using a sanitation service, SanQoL can quantify incremental benefits in a sanitation-focused cost-effectiveness analysis. After monetary valuation based on willingness to pay, QoL benefits could be summed with health gains in cost-benefit analysis, the most common method in sanitation economic evaluations

    Human fecal contamination of water, soil, and surfaces in households sharing poor-quality sanitation facilities in Maputo, Mozambique

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    Identifying the origin of fecal contamination can support more effective interventions to interrupt enteric pathogen transmission. Microbial source tracking (MST) assays may help to identify environmental routes of pathogen transmission although these assays have performed poorly in highly contaminated domestic settings, highlighting the importance of both diagnostic validation and understanding the context-specific ecological, physical, and sociodemographic factors driving the spread of fecal contamination. We assessed fecal contamination of compounds (clusters of 2-10 households that share sanitation facilities) in low-income neighborhoods of urban Maputo, Mozambique, using a set of MST assays that were validated with animal stool and latrine sludge from study compounds. We sampled five environmental compartments involved in fecal microbe transmission and exposure: compound water source, household stored water and food preparation surfaces, and soil from the entrance to the compound latrine and the entrances to each household. Each sample was analyzed by culture for the general fecal indicator Escherichia coli (cEC) and by real-time PCR for the E. coli molecular marker EC23S857, human-associated markers HF183/BacR287 and Mnif, and GFD, an avian-associated marker. We collected 366 samples from 94 households in 58 compounds. At least one microbial target (indicator organism or marker gene) was detected in 96% of samples (353/366), with both E. coli targets present in the majority of samples (78%). Human targets were frequently detected in soils (59%) and occasionally in stored water (17%) but seldom in source water or on food surfaces. The avian target GFD was rarely detected in any sample type but was most common in soils (4%). To identify risk factors of fecal contamination, we estimated associations with sociodemographic, meteorological, and physical sample characteristics for each microbial target and sample type combination using Bayesian censored regression for target concentration responses and Bayesian logistic regression for target detection status. Associations with risk factors were generally weak and often differed in direction between different targets and sample types, though relationships were somewhat more consistent for physical sample characteristics. Wet soils were associated with elevated concentrations of cEC and EC23S857 and odds of detecting HF183. Water storage container characteristics that expose the contents to potential contact with hands and other objects were weakly associated with human target detection. Our results describe a setting impacted by pervasive domestic fecal contamination, including from human sources, that was largely disconnected from the observed variation in socioeconomic and sanitary conditions. This pattern suggests that in such highly contaminated settings, transformational changes to the community environment may be required before meaningful impacts on fecal contamination can be realized

    A controlled, before-and-after trial of an urban sanitation intervention to reduce enteric infections in children: research protocol for the Maputo Sanitation (MapSan) study, Mozambique.

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    INTRODUCTION: Access to safe sanitation in low-income, informal settlements of Sub-Saharan Africa has not significantly improved since 1990. The combination of a high faecal-related disease burden and inadequate infrastructure suggests that investment in expanding sanitation access in densely populated urban slums can yield important public health gains. No rigorous, controlled intervention studies have evaluated the health effects of decentralised (non-sewerage) sanitation in an informal urban setting, despite the role that such technologies will likely play in scaling up access. METHODS AND ANALYSIS: We have designed a controlled, before-and-after (CBA) trial to estimate the health impacts of an urban sanitation intervention in informal neighbourhoods of Maputo, Mozambique, including an assessment of whether exposures and health outcomes vary by localised population density. The intervention consists of private pour-flush latrines (to septic tank) shared by multiple households in compounds or household clusters. We will measure objective health outcomes in approximately 760 children (380 children with household access to interventions, 380 matched controls using existing shared private latrines in poor sanitary conditions), at 2 time points: immediately before the intervention and at follow-up after 12 months. The primary outcome is combined prevalence of selected enteric infections among children under 5 years of age. Secondary outcome measures include soil-transmitted helminth (STH) reinfection in children following baseline deworming and prevalence of reported diarrhoeal disease. We will use exposure assessment, faecal source tracking, and microbial transmission modelling to examine whether and how routes of exposure for diarrhoeagenic pathogens and STHs change following introduction of effective sanitation. ETHICS: Study protocols have been reviewed and approved by human subjects review boards at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, the Georgia Institute of Technology, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and the Ministry of Health, Republic of Mozambique. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: NCT02362932