35 research outputs found

    A Critical Review of Wastewater Resource Recovery Implementation in Indonesia

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    Wastewater has been recognized as a resource due to its large quantities, and it contains many valuable resources that can be converted into valuable material. Reusing or recovering resources from wastewater can reduce the environmental footprint of wastewater treatment, minimize the contamination and ensure the availability of valuable resources for the human being. The ultimate aim of wastewater resource recovery (WRR) is to create a sustainable and resilient community which is very relevant in Indonesia as this country experiences many natural or human-made disaster. To have an effective implementation, therefore, it is crucial to identify the barriers or supporting factors in its implementation of Wastewater Resource Recovery, which can be different for many regions. Through extensive literature studies, this study intends to review the possibility of WRR implementation in Indonesia.  This study discusses Indonesia policy/regulation about wastewater management across all-region in Indonesia, identify barriers in WRR, compares global trends of wastewater management to Indonesia practice and list wastewater resources that potentially can be recovered in Indonesia. From the review, barriers of WRR implementation in Indonesia is most probably due to the policy and regulation of wastewater management which many of them did not support the option of WRR, instead of suggesting only safe discharge option. However, some regulations have mentioned the utilization of wastewater by-product, but it is limited only to treated water utilization. Other obstacles are social acceptance and distance between recovered material supply and demand. Social acceptance includes the human perception regarding the health risk associated with wastewater by-product. Religion also could be a potential barrier that needs to be handled in the implementation of WRR. This study could give new insight into the current state of wastewater resource recovery initiative in Indonesia; thus the strategy to overcome the barriers could be designed

    Potential of Biofilters for Treatment of De-Icing Chemicals

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    Organic de-icing chemicals, such as propylene glycol and potassium formate, cause environmental degradation in receiving water if left untreated, due to the high organic load resulting in oxygen depletion. Biofilters are commonly used for the treatment of biodegradable organic carbon in water treatment. This study investigated the potential for using biofilters for treating organic de-icing compounds. Lab-scale adsorption tests using filter media made of crushed clay (Filtralite) and granular activated carbon were conducted. Further, a column filtration experiment testing two different crushed clay size ranges was carried out investigating the effect of filter media depth, nutrient addition, and filtration rate. The surrogate parameter used to monitor the removal of de-icing chemicals was dissolved organic carbon (DOC). The adsorption test showed no significant adsorption of DOC was observed. The column test showed that the most active separation occurred in the first ~20 cm of the filter depth. This was confirmed by results from (1) water quality analysis (i.e., DOC removal and adenosine tri-phosphate (ATP) measurement); and (2) calculations based on a filtration performance analysis (Iwasaki model) and filter hydraulic evaluation (Lindquist diagram). The results showed that, for the highest C:N:P ratio tested (molar ratio of 24:7:1), 50–60% DOC removal was achieved. The addition of nutrients was found to be important for determining the biofilter performancepublishedVersio

    Protection of Water Distribution Networks against Cyber and Physical Threats: The STOP-IT Approach Demonstrated in a Case Study

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    Water critical infrastructures are undergoing a process of digital transformation that entails an increasing integration between the physical and cyber layers of the system. This integration brings efficiency and monitoring advantages, but it also exposes water systems to a new threat surface that includes cyberattacks. Formed in 2017, STOP-IT is Europe’s first project dedicated to developing cyber-physical security solutions tailored to the water sector. During the 4 years of collaboration, the STOP-IT team has codeveloped an extensive list of technologies that integrates cyber and physical layers of infrastructure, allowing water utilities to prevent, detect, assess, and treat risks, as well as simulate scenarios of attacks and explore how to react to increase preparedness. This article first introduces the overall aim and main outcomes of the STOP-IT project and then focuses on the risk management integrated framework composed of modeling solutions developed to help water utilities identify vulnerabilities and protect critical parts of their systems. The solutions are presented along with the results from the demonstration activities performed by a selected water utility concerning three risk scenarios that were assessed through the mentioned integrated framework.publishedVersio

    CCWI 2017 – Computing and Control for the Water Industry. Sheffield 5th-7th September 2017

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    The paper considers a real water distribution network, where current pressure control strategies exploit classical pressure control valves (PCVs). A previous study identified alternative pressure control strategies exploiting remote real time controlled pressure control valves (RRTC PCVs) together with existing classic ones, aimed at reducing background leakages. The proposed analysis relates to the hydraulic reliability of the system accounting for RRTC PCVs compared to the classic PCVs (already installed). The analysis also assumes fire protection requirements, statistical increase of customer demands and the increase of pipes deterioration (background leakages and pipe roughness). The hydraulic reliability analysis is part of the Management module of the WDNetXL system and is based on advanced hydraulic modelling, including pressure-dependent water demand components (e.g., background leakages), classic PCV and RRTC-PCVs as well as any hydraulic control device (pumps, directional valves) that might change WDN topology during the simulationpublishedVersio

    A Risk-Based Approach in Rehabilitation of Water Distribution Networks

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    A risk-based approach to support water utilities in terms of defining pipe rehabilitation priorities is presented. In a risk analysis in the risk management process, the probability that a given event will happen and the consequences if it does happen have to be estimated and combined. In the quantitative risk analysis, numerical values are assigned to both consequence and probability. In this study, the risk event addressed was the inability to supply water due to pipe breaks. Therefore, on the probability side, the probability of pipes breaking was assessed, and on the consequence side, the reduced ability to satisfy the water demand (hydraulic reliability) due to pipe breakage was computed. Random Forest analysis was implemented for the probability side, while the Asset Vulnerability Analysis Toolkit was used to analyse the network’s hydraulic reliability. Pipes could then be ranked based on the corresponding risk magnitude, thereby feeding a risk evaluation step; at this step, decisions are made concerning which risks need treatment, and also concerning the treatment priorities, i.e., rehabilitation priorities. The water distribution network of Trondheim, Norway, was used as a case study area, and this study illustrates how the developed method aids the development of a risk-based rehabilitation plan.publishedVersio

    Overvannshündtering med fordrøyende tak

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    Fordrøyende tak har vært et sentralt forskningstema i Klima 2050 der testfeltet Høvringen utenfor Trondheim har spilt en særlig viktig og samlende rolle. Hensikten med denne rapporten er å gi en kort oversikt over de ulike vitenskapelige artiklene som omhandler fordrøyende tak og hvordan resultatene fra disse artiklene kan brukes. Videre veiledes interesserte lesere til riktig publikasjon avhengig av problemstilling. For hver artikkel gis det et kort sammendrag av den vitenskapelige artikkelen før det gis en kort redegjørelse for hvordan resultatene kan tolkes og brukes. I noen tilfeller gis det også et eksempel på bruk og en kort oppsummering. Helt kort kan resultatene fra Høvringen oppsummeres slik: • Det er utviklet et støtteverktøy som kan brukes av prosjektorganisasjoner som jobber med det fordrøyende tak. Særskilte sjekklister og referanser til andre verktøy o.l. finnes for alle prosjektets faser og gir prosjektleder/ansvarlig prosjekterende/bygg-herre en enkel oversikt over kritiske punkter. • Det kan i mange tilfeller være utfordrende å bruke kun en hendelsesbasert tilnærming til å vurdere ytelsen til fordrøyende tak (gjelder generelt alle naturbaserte løsninger). Bruk av varighetskurver kan være et supplement til å vurdere hvordan en løsning håndterer overvannet gjennom årets normalsituasjoner, og vil dermed kunne gi en god pekepinn på hvor mye kapasitet man kan frigjøre i ledningsnettet (hvis det benyttes ledningsnett). Varighetskurver vil ikke være særlig nyttige for å si noe om effekten av en løsning for å redusere flomtopper i ekstreme nedbørsituasjoner. Kurvene vil uansett vise hvor mye reduksjon av totalt vannvolum man kan forvente nedstrøms en implementert løsning. • En sammenligning av avrenningskoeffisienter målt på lignende takoppbygninger både i laboratorium og i felt viste store variasjoner. Den store variasjonen i målte avrenningskoeffisienter mellom lab og felt illustrerer utfordringene med å beregne effekten av fordrøyende tak med en enkel parameter. • Det er utviklet modeller for å anslå retensjonen fra fordrøyende tak med et toppdekke av sedum. Særlig effekten av geografisk beliggenhet og klima er studert og det gis anbefalinger hvordan ta hensyn til dette. • Videre viste en større sammenligning av ulike fordrøyende tak noen generelle trekk ved de ulike løsningene: o Takene med grønt toppdekke viste større variasjon i det målte fuktighets-innholdet enn takene med toppdekke av belegningsstein på grunn av transpirasjonsprosessen. Dette resulterte i økt retensjon av vann (nedbør som ikke blir avrenning) fra takene med toppdekke av vegetasjon. o Takløsningene med ekstra fordrøyning viste større fordrøyning og flom-toppreduksjon enn tak uten ekstra fordrøyningslag. o Løsninger som kombinerte grønt toppdekke med fordrøyningslag under, oppnådde god fordrøyning og evapotranspirasjon. Dette viste seg å være den beste løsningen for både flomtoppreduksjon og retensjon av vann. o Det er utviklet noen enkle ligninger som gir overslag av hvor mye avrenning man kan forvente fra de ulike takløsningene. • Det er undersøkt om modelleringsverktøyet SWMM kan brukes til å modellere fordrøyende tak. SWMM LID-modellen ble kalibrert ved å bruke avrenningsdata fra ulike byer, og det er gjengitt en rekke ulike parameter-sett som kan brukes. Basert på resultatene er det imidlertid vanskelig å overføre modeller mellom ulike geografiske steder. • Effekten av ulike størrelser er undersøkt i detalj på et fordrøyende tak med lettklinker der en har studert sammenhengen mellom de uavhengige variablene varighet, nedbørintensitet, gjennomsnittlig og toppintensitet, forutgående tørr våt periode og initiell metning med responsparameterne varighet avrenning, forsinkelse avrennings-topp, reduksjon avrenningstopp og innledende avrenning. • Fordrøyende tak har betydelig konsentrasjonstid selv under ekstreme forhold, der vanninnhold i det fordrøyende taket ved starten av hendelsen har større påvirkning enn nedbørsprofilet, intensitet og varighet på kort-tids nedbørhendelsen. Det kan også være verdt å merke seg at nedbørsprofil, intensitet og varighet har liten effekt på forsinkelsen av indikatorene massetyngdepunkt og T50. • Det er utviklet en konseptuell nedbør-avrenningsmodell som kan brukes til å estimere den hydrologiske ytelsen til fordrøyende tak. Modellen er kalibrert med data fra tak lokalisert i fire norske byer og resultatene har vist at modellen kan simulere avrenning fra fordrøyende tak på tvers av flere klimatiske soner og forskjellige takkon-figurasjoner. Oppgitte verdier for parameterne kan benyttes for å estimere den hydrologiske ytelsen til tak med lignende takkonstruksjoner i andre byer. • Til slutt er det undersøkt om ulike maskinlæringsmodeller egner seg til å modellere fordrøyende tak. Det anbefales imidlertid bruk av den konseptuelle nedbør-avrenningsmodell framfor maskinlæringsmodellene for å estimere retensjon. Men det anbefales videre studier for å utforske det fulle potensialet til maskinlærings-modellene. • En gjennomgang av alle løsningene som er testet på Høvringen (i alt seks løsninger i tre generasjoner), viser gode fordrøyende egenskaper ved alle løsningene. • Løsninger med vegetasjon har som forventet høyere retensjon enn løsninger uten vegetasjon.publishedVersio

    Reliability analysis of complex water distribution systems: the role of the network connectivity and tanks

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    A reliable water distribution network (WDN) can provide an adequate supply service to customers under both normal and abnormal working conditions. The WDN reliability analysis, therefore, is a keystone to improve the supply service efficiency. Strategies for reliability analysis are usually proved on small WDNs, which do not compare with large real complex systems in terms of number of water tanks, pressure reduction valves, variable speed pumps, controlled devices and possible alternative water supply schemes. The topological changes due to pipeline interruptions impact on emptying–filling of water tanks and network pressure status. This work proposes a two-level procedure for mechanical reliability assessment, suited for large real WDNs. It leverages a path/connectivity-based approach to set up reliability indicators for global-level analysis and local screening of the most critical scenarios. The employed advanced hydraulic model includes the automatic detection of topological changes and the robust modelling of water level in tanks using the generalized global gradient algorithm. The extended period simulation enables the reliability assessment of alternative water supply schemes and the sensitivity of tanks and controlled devices to single failure events. The procedure is demonstrated on a real complex network, being consistent with the ongoing digital transition in the WDN management sector.publishedVersio

    Review of stormwater management practices

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    Actual stormwater management involves the direct removal of surface water through a series of pipes to the nearest watercourse to prevent local flooding. Due to climate change and urbanisation stormwater volumes and pollution are getting more and more important leading to significant loads of sediments, heavy metals, nutrients, oils, grease, bacteria and salt pollutants which deteriorate the receiving water bodies. Consequently, modern stormwater management should aim at both flood control and pollution control especially because of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) which emphases the control of diffuse pollution as a key factor in enabling good ecological status. Therefore, there is a development of more environmentally-conscious approaches to stormwater management know as ‘Sustainable (urban) drainage systems’ (SUDS), ‘low impact development’ (LID) or ‘best management practices’ (BMPs). This report provides a review on the problem definition concerning the stormwater pollution and quantity, as well as actual physico-chemical and sustainable urbane drainage methods available for the management of stormwater. In addition, it presents an overview of the European roads runoff treatment practises and trends.publishedVersio

    A Critical Review of Wastewater Resource Recovery Implementation in Indonesia

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    Wastewater has been recognized as a resource due to its large quantities, and it contains many valuable resources that can be converted into valuable material. Reusing or recovering resources from wastewater can reduce the environmental footprint of wastewater treatment, minimize the contamination and ensure the availability of valuable resources for the human being. The ultimate aim of wastewater resource recovery (WRR) is to create a sustainable and resilient community which is very relevant in Indonesia as this country experiences many natural or human-made disaster. To have an effective implementation, therefore, it is crucial to identify the barriers or supporting factors in its implementation of Wastewater Resource Recovery, which can be different for many regions. Through extensive literature studies, this study intends to review the possibility of WRR implementation in Indonesia. This study discusses Indonesia policy/regulation about wastewater management across all-region in Indonesia, identify barriers in WRR, compares global trends of wastewater management to Indonesia practice and list wastewater resources that potentially can be recovered in Indonesia. From the review, barriers of WRR implementation in Indonesia is most probably due to the policy and regulation of wastewater management which many of them did not support the option of WRR, instead of suggesting only safe discharge option. However, some regulations have mentioned the utilization of wastewater by-product, but it is limited only to treated water utilization. Other obstacles are social acceptance and distance between recovered material supply and demand. Social acceptance includes the human perception regarding the health risk associated with wastewater by-product. Religion also could be a potential barrier that needs to be handled in the implementation of WRR. This study could give new insight into the current state of wastewater resource recovery initiative in Indonesia; thus the strategy to overcome the barriers could be designed