49 research outputs found

    A microarray approach to identify genes involved in seed-pericarp cross-talk and development in peach

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Field observations and a few physiological studies have demonstrated that peach embryogenesis and fruit development are tightly coupled. In fact, attempts to stimulate parthenocarpic fruit development by means of external tools have failed. Moreover, physiological disturbances during early embryo development lead to seed abortion and fruitlet abscission. Later in embryo development, the interactions between seed and fruit development become less strict. As there is limited genetic and molecular information about seed-pericarp cross-talk and development in peach, a massive gene approach based on the use of the μPEACH 1.0 array platform and quantitative real time RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) was used to study this process.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A comparative analysis of the transcription profiles conducted in seed and mesocarp (cv Fantasia) throughout different developmental stages (S1, S2, S3 and S4) evidenced that 455 genes are differentially expressed in seed and fruit. Among differentially expressed genes some were validated as markers in two subsequent years and in three different genotypes. Seed markers were a LTP1 (lipid transfer protein), a PR (pathogenesis-related) protein, a prunin and LEA (Late Embryogenesis Abundant) protein, for S1, S2, S3 and S4, respectively. Mesocarp markers were a RD22-like protein, a serin-carboxypeptidase, a senescence related protein and an Aux/IAA, for S1, S2, S3 and S4, respectively.</p> <p>The microarray data, analyzed by using the HORMONOMETER platform, allowed the identification of hormone-responsive genes, some of them putatively involved in seed-pericarp crosstalk. Results indicated that auxin, cytokinins, and gibberellins are good candidates, acting either directly (auxin) or indirectly as signals during early development, when the cross-talk is more active and vital for fruit set, whereas abscisic acid and ethylene may be involved later on.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In this research, genes were identified marking different phases of seed and mesocarp development. The selected genes behaved as good seed markers, while for mesocarp their reliability appeared to be dependent upon developmental and ripening traits. Regarding the cross-talk between seed and pericarp, possible candidate signals were identified among hormones.</p> <p>Further investigations relying upon the availability of whole genome platforms will allow the enrichment of a marker genes repertoire and the elucidation of players other than hormones that are involved in seed-pericarp cross-talk (i.e. hormone peptides and microRNAs).</p

    Transcriptomic insights on the preventive action of apple (cv Granny Smith) wkin wounding on superficial scald development

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    Superficial scald is a post-harvest chilling storage injury leading to browning of the surface of the susceptible cv Granny Smith apples. Wounding of skins has been reported to play a preventive role on scald development however its underlying molecular factors are unknown. We have artificially wounded the epidermal and sub-epidermal layers of apple skins consistently obtaining the prevention of superficial scald in the surroundings of the wounds during two independent vintages. Time course RNA-Seq analyses of the transcriptional changes in wounded versus unwounded skins revealed that two transcriptional waves occurred. An early wave included genes up-regulated by wounding already after 6 h, highlighting a specific transcriptional rearrangement of genes connected to the biosynthesis and signalling of JA, ethylene and ABA. A later transcriptional wave, occurring after three months of cold storage, included genes up-regulated exclusively in unwounded skins and was prevented from its occurrence in wounded skins. A significant portion of these genes was related to decay of tissues and to the senescence hormones ABA, JA and ethylene. Such changes suggest a wound-inducible reversed hormonal balance during post-harvest storage which may explain the local inhibition of scald in wounded tissues, an aspect that will need further studies for its mechanistic explanatio

    Dissecting postharvest chilling injuries in pome and stone fruit through integrated omics

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    Lowering the storage temperature is an effective method to extend the postharvest and shelf life of fruits. Nevertheless, this technique often leads to physiological disorders, commonly known as chilling injuries. Apples and pears are susceptible to chilling injuries, among which superficial scald is the most economically relevant. Superficial scald is due to necrotic lesions of the first layers of hypodermis manifested through skin browning. In peaches and nectarines, chilling injuries are characterized by internal symptoms, such as mealiness. Fruits with these aesthetic or compositional/structural defects are not suitable for fresh consumption. Genetic variation is a key factor in determining fruit susceptibility to chilling injuries; however, physiological, or technical aspects such as harvest maturity and storage conditions also play a role. Multi-omics approaches have been used to provide an integrated explanation of chilling injury development. Metabolomics in pome fruits specifically targets the identification of ethylene, phenols, lipids, and oxidation products. Genomics and transcriptomics have revealed interesting connections with metabolomic datasets, pinpointing specific genes linked to cold stress, wax synthesis, farnesene metabolism, and the metabolic pathways of ascorbate and glutathione. When applied to Prunus species, these cutting-edge approaches have uncovered that the development of mealiness symptoms is linked to ethylene signaling, cell wall synthesis, lipid metabolism, cold stress genes, and increased DNA methylation levels. Emphasizing the findings from multi-omics studies, this review reports how the integration of omics datasets can provide new insights into understanding of chilling injury development. This new information is essential for successfully creating more resilient fruit varieties and developing novel postharvest strategies

    Metabolic and molecular rearrangements of Sauvignon Blanc (Vitis vinifera L.) berries in response to foliar applications of specific dry yeast

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    Dry yeast extracts (DYE) are applied to vineyards to improve aromatic and secondary metabolic compound content and wine quality; however, systematic information on the underpinning molecular mechanisms is lacking. This work aimed to unravel, through a systematic approach, the metabolic and molecular responses of Sauvignon Blanc berries to DYE treatments. To accomplish this, DYE spraying was performed in a commercial vineyard for two consecutive years. Berries were sampled at several time points after the treatment, and grapes were analyzed for sugars, acidity, free and bound aroma precursors, amino acids, and targeted and untargeted RNA-Seq transcriptional profiles. The results obtained indicated that the DYE treatment did not interfere with the technological ripening parameters of sugars and acidity. Some aroma precursors, including cys-3MH and GSH3MH, responsible for the typical aromatic nuances of Sauvignon Blanc, were stimulated by the treatment during both vintages. The levels of amino acids and the global RNA-seq transcriptional profiles indicated that DYE spraying upregulated ROS homeostatic and thermotolerance genes, as well as ethylene and jasmonic acid biosynthetic genes, and activated abiotic and biotic stress responses. Overall, the data suggested that the DYE reduced berry oxidative stress through the regulation of specific subsets of metabolic and hormonal pathway

    Transcriptome profiling of ripening nectarine (Prunus persica L. Batsch) fruit treated with 1-MCP

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    A large-scale transcriptome analysis has been conducted using μPEACH1.0 microarray on nectarine (Prunus persica L. Batsch) fruit treated with 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP). 1-MCP maintained flesh firmness but did not block ethylene biosynthesis. Compared with samples at harvest, only nine genes appeared to be differentially expressed when fruit were sampled immediately after treatment, while a total of 90 targets were up- or down-regulated in untreated fruit. The effect of 1-MCP was confirmed by a direct comparison of transcript profiles in treated and untreated fruit after 24 h of incubation with 106 targets differentially expressed. About 30% of these targets correspond to genes involved in primary metabolism and response processes related to ethylene, auxin, and other hormones. In treated fruit, altered transcript accumulation was detected for some genes with a role in ripening-related events such as softening, colour development, and sugar metabolism. A rapid decrease in flesh firmness and an increase in ethylene production were observed in treated fruit maintained for 48 h in air at 20 °C after the end of the incubation period. Microarray comparison of this sample with untreated fruit 24 h after harvest revealed that about 45% of the genes affected by 1-MCP at the end of the incubation period changed their expression during the following 48 h in air. Among these genes, an ethylene receptor (ETR2) and three ethylene-responsive factors (ERF) were present, together with other transcription factors and ethylene-dependent genes involved in quality parameter changes

    Gene expression profile during apricot fruit growth, using a peach microarray

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    Acta Horticulturae, Volume 817, 28 February 2009, Pages 113-118There is a high degree of sequence conservation within the Family Rosaceae and, in particular, among the Prunus species. The first available peach microarray (μPEACH1.0) was employed for the investigation of the transcription profile during apricot (Prunus armeniaca) fruit growth and development. Fruits (cv. 'Goldrich') were harvested at two growth stages, corresponding to immature (6 weeks before harvest) and ripe (at harvest) stage. Overall, this preliminary transcriptomic approach suggests that peach microarray can be employed in a heterologous fashion. Amongst the 746 genes which could be statistically analysed, 287 were induced, while 260 were down-regulated. In addition to the well documented role of genes implicated in ethylene biosynthesis perception and transduction as well as those involved in cell wall metabolism, this study brings into light a putative role for genes encoding auxin-regulated proteins, and those responsive to stress conditions and to other biotic or abiotic stimuli. The data of the present study can also be used for comparative purposes within Prunus species, since for 203 and 189 genes that were up- and down-regulated respectively during apricot fruit development, data exist for their regulation during the last stages of peach fruit ripening. Future experiments should include analysis of more fruit stages and data validation for the genes of interes

    Rosaceae fruit development, ripening and post-harvest: An epigenetic perspective

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    Rosaceae is a family with an extraordinary spectrum of fruit types, including fleshy peach, apple, and strawberry that provide unique contributions to a healthy diet for consumers, and represent an excellent model for studying fruit patterning and development. In recent years, many efforts have been made to unravel regulatory mechanism underlying the hormonal, transcriptomic, proteomic and metabolomic changes occurring during Rosaceae fruit development. More recently, several studies on fleshy (tomato) and dry (Arabidopsis) fruit model have contributed to a better understanding of epigenetic mechanisms underlying important heritable crop traits, such as ripening and stress response. In this context and summing up the results obtained so far, this review aims to collect the available information on epigenetic mechanisms that may provide an additional level in gene transcription regulation, thus influencing and driving the entire Rosaceae fruit developmental process. The whole body of information suggests that Rosaceae fruit could become also a model for studying the epigenetic basis of economically important phenotypes, allowing for their more efficient exploitation in plant breeding

    Peaches harvested at advanced ripening stage: postharvest treatment for maintaining quality

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    Consumers of peaches and nectarines often complain of the low eating quality of these fruits that, for commercial purposes, are harvested before their physiological maturation is completed on the tree. The higher quality attained by delaying harvest contradicts the possibility of prolonging shelf-life, particularly for those varieties characterised by a very rapid softening process. In previous works (Tonutti et al., 1998; Bonghi et al., 1999) we have shown that Ultra Low Oxygen (ULO) postharvest treatments (up to 48h) without refrigeration are effective in reducing the softening rate in Springcrest peaches. Considering the differences existing among peach varieties in terms of ripening physiology, the aim of the present work was to evaluate the effects of a short-term ULO treatment on white (WF) and yellow (YF) flesh peach varieties harvested at an advanced ripening stage