193 research outputs found

    Increasing the Value of Knowledge

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    In Denmark there is a developed and well-organised advisory system. However, there is room for improvement. Many advisors experience that the farmers don't follow their advice, and therefore the same problems are discussed over and over. This entails that the advisors feel they lack impact and farmers feel the advising is inefficient and expensive. The job is therefore to make the utility value of the advising more visible, to motivate the farmers to exploit the full potentials of their production, and to make it clear to the farmer that the work of the advisors isn't just an expense, but a way to increase profits. The paper describes our work with advisers and farmers to find and develop methods, which can assist in obtaining these objectives. - Key account manager - No Cure No Pay - Benchmarking as a tool for motivation. In some regions the "key account manager"- idea is developing. The farmer has one advisor who is responsible for customer relations including optimisation of the relationship between the various advisors and the farmer. The paper describes how the advisors ensure that they meet the farmers' expectations. To make the value of advises even more obvious, we also work with contracts with integrated objectives for the farm. This ensures that the advisors are aware of the farmer's expectations and that the follow up part of the advising is at natural part of the process.Institutional and Behavioral Economics,

    Service Check on Pig and Cattle Farms - Establish the Visions

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    A service check for a farm is an interesting new way of advising farmers, which has proven very successful. The objective of a service check is to recognise potential improvements in the production using a holistic approach. Often a service check will try to establish the overall goals for the farmer’s family, the farmer and the farm. In order to do so, the farm is systematically analysed in order to establish strengths, weaknesses and possible paths of development. These issues are normally neglected in the day-today contact between the farmer and the usual adviser, and even far-reaching decisions are often taken without a decent analysis of the strategic goals. A service check involves a joint visit, where two experienced advisors visit the farm together. The advisors are normally an economic advisor and either a pig or cattle advisor, depending on the farm analysed. Usually, the farm’s normal advisors are not participating in the service check. The advisors bring an analysis of the economic and productivity data, and are presented to the farm. A normal service check will produce a report stating the current status, plans for the future and appointments for more specific advisory work that have been agreed upon. Despite the price of a service check, the product has been successful. Farmers achieve a better perspective of the strategic possibilities and limitations of their farm, and it becomes possible to establish realistic long-term goals for the farm development. The clarity improves the farmer’s self-confidence and the pleasure of work. Advisors are also satisfied, since the farmer will often initiate new projects after the service check, which in turn increases the demand for advisory services.Farm Management,

    Embedded Librarianship Einbindung von Wissenschafts - und Informationskompetenz in Schreibkurse / Ein US-amerikanisches Konzept

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    This article was first published in: BuB: Forum Bibliothek und Information.Beim US-amerikanischen Strategiekonzept "Embedded Librarianship" werden Bibliotheksbestände und pädagogische Angebote zur Informationskompetenz unmittelbar dort eingesetzt, wo sie benötigt werden. Dies schafft Chancen für stabile Partnerschaften zwischen Bibliothekaren und Lehrkräften in Forschung und Lehre sowie bei der Vernetzung mit der Öffentlichkeit. Der vorliegende Artikel, verfasst von einer Bibliothekarin und einer Professorin für Germanistik an der Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, beschreibt exemplarisch eine derartige Kooperation. Die Autorinnen dokumentieren ihre Versuche, praxistaugliche und zukunftsfähige Methoden zu finden, mit denen die verschiedenartigen Konzepte der Informationskompetenz, beschrieben in den Information Literacy Frameworks des ACRL (Association of College & Research Libraries), in einen Schreibkurs des ersten Studienjahres integriert werden können. Der Artikel spiegelt die Erfahrungen wider, die die Autorinnen beim Co-Teaching im Kurs "Images that Shock" ("Verstörende Bilder") im Rahmen des Thompson Writing Program der Duke University gesammelt haben

    Systematisk observasjon. En studie om overvåking av læring

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    Masteroppgave i tilpassa opplæring - Universitetet i Nordland, 201

    Risk factors for surgical site infection following cesarean delivery: A hospital-based case–control study

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    Introduction Cesarean section is the single most important risk factor for postpartum infection. Where the rest of the world shows increasing trends, the cesarean section rates are low in Norway and risk factors for infection after cesarean section may differ in high and low cesarean section settings. The goal of this study was to examine independent risk factors for surgical site infection after cesarean delivery in a setting of low cesarean section rates. Material and methods We conducted a hospital-based case-control study at Haukeland University Hospital. We included women who presented to our hospital with surgical site infection after cesarean section during the years 2014–2016 (n = 75). Controls were selected at a ratio of 2:1 (n = 148). Cases and controls were compared with respect to maternal and pregnancy characteristics using uni- and multivariable logistic regression models. Main outcome measures were anticipated risk factors for surgical site infection. Results The occurrence of surgical site infection was 0.4% and 5.4% after elective and emergency cesarean section, respectively. Compared to women without surgical site infection, women with surgical site infection were almost thrice more obese before pregnancy (OR 2.8, 95% CI 1.2–7.0), four times more likely to have preexisting psychiatric conditions (OR 4.4, 95% CI 1.1–17.6), and five times more likely to receive blood transfusion (OR 5.1, 95% CI 1.4–18.8). Signs of infection during labor was a marginally significant risk factor for surgical site infection (OR 2.0, 95% CI 1.0–5.4). Conclusions Emergency cesarean section was a significant risk factor for surgical site infection. Pregestational obesity, preexisting psychiatric conditions, and blood transfusion during or following delivery, were independent risk factors for surgical site infection. Signs of infection during labor was a marginally significant risk factor. Women with either of these risk factors should be carefully monitored and evaluated for signs of infection in the postpartum period.publishedVersio