120 research outputs found

    Terrestrial and Astronomical Applications of Uncooled Infrared Technology

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    This thesis provides an account of the application of uncooled microbolometer technology in two different fields; astronomy and conservation ecology. Uncooled microbolometers are readily available as low-cost, commercial detectors for imaging in the 7.5 − 13.5μm spectral region. Their affordable price and coverage of the wavelengths at which the the spectral energy distribution of animals that use metabolic heat to maintain a stable internal temperature peaks, has popularised these systems for use in ecology. However, their use as the primary detectors in conservation surveys suffers from a data analysis bottleneck due to the large volumes of data and the manual approach to detecting and identifying animal species. As a result, the efficiency and efficacy of these systems is limited by the volume of data and the lack of resources and experience in handling infrared imagery. In contrast, astronomical techniques are well developed for infrared wavelengths and the analysis of large quantities of data has been successfully automated for many years. Apart from observations of solar system objects with very small (<200mm aperture) telescopes and some high altitude experiments, microbolometers have not been deployed in astronomy for ground-based observing. Although observing in this spectral region is key to understanding the cold, dusty and distant universe, resources for mid-IR observing are not as readily available as those for other wavelengths due to the very high thermal background and the requirement for specialist detector systems. Through our work, we attempt to discern whether microbolometers, and standard astronomical infrared observing and data analysis techniques, can be applied successfully in these two fields. In part I three analogous, standard astronomical instrumentation techniques are applied to characterise the random and spatial noise present in a FLIR Tau 2 Core microbolometer to determine the systematics and sources of statistical noise that limit read-out accuracy. Flat fielding, stacking and binning are used to determine that the focal plane array is dominated by large structure noise, and demonstrate how this can be corrected. An NEdT of < 60mK is isolated and recorded for the system. Part II introduces Astro-Ecology, a field that couples microbolometers and astronomy instrumentation techniques for application in conservation biology to monitor vulnerable species. Several investigations are presented to determine the feasibility of developing an astronomy based, fully automated reduction pipeline for mid-IR data collected using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) technology From these investigations the efficacy of microbolometers for animal surveys was found to be highly dependent on ground and ambient air temperatures, and to fully automate a pipeline would require more than standard astronomical techniques and software. In part III, a small, passively cooled, prototype, N -band (∼ 10μm) instrument is developed and tested. The optical and mechanical design of the instrument is described, with the instrument constructed from commercially available components and an uncooled microbolometer focal-plane array. The incorporation of adjustable germanium reimaging optics rescale the image to the appropriate plate scale for the 2-m diameter Liverpool Telescope on La Palma. A week-long programme of observations was conducted to test the system sensitivity and stability, and the feasibility of using this technology in ‘facility’ class instruments for small telescopes. From observations of bright solar system and stellar sources, a plate scale of 0.75′′ per pixel is measured, with this confirming that the optical design allows diffraction limited imaging. A photometric stability of ∼ 10% is recorded with this largely due to sky variability. A 3σ sensitivity of 7 × 103 Jy for a single, ∼ 0.11 second exposure is measured, which corresponds to a sensitivity limit of 3 × 102 Jy for a 60 second total integration. Recognising the need for improved sensitivity, the instrument was upgraded to be optimised for mid-IR observations using a chopping system. The instrument was deployed for a week on the 1.52m Carlos Sanchez Telescope on Tenerife alongside a regime of chopping and nodding. Observations of several very bright mid-IR sources with catalogue fluxes down to ∼ 600 Jy are presented. A sensitivity improvement of ∼ 4 magnitudes over previous unchopped observations is recorded, in line with sensitivity predictions

    Organizational knowledge and capacity for service improvement in UK public organizations

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    This is a study on organizational knowledge and capacity, with a particular focus on how learning takes place and how capacity can be developed to improve public service organizations. It has wider implications for how we think about learning in all types of organization. The study adds theoretically and empirically to the limited literature that addresses organizational capacity in public organizations. It examines explanations of capacity that may be associated with better performing local authorities and organizational sharing of knowledge and service improvement. The research design and methodology incorporate a conceptual framework and an empirical measurement instrument designed to investigate factors that explain organizational capacity. A longitudinal, quantitative survey of the population level of all 388 English local authorities examined comparisons of organizational capacity between better performing and lower performing councils. The findings provide empirical evidence of the relationship between better performing organizations and greater organizational capacity. Those organizations with greater capacity for learning can draw on prior knowledge to increase their current capacity. Capacity contributes to explanations of the relationship between an organization’s particular environment, and utilization of its internal potential, including organizational knowledge, for future performance. The study concludes with a reformulated definition of organizational capacity. It also finds that capacity building derives from different perspectives and is conceptually different from organizational capacity. It draws attention to the importance of context for organizational studies, and calls for definitions and operational measures that are suitable for all sectors

    Larkin Terminal : meeting the operators requirements / Nor Rashman A. Rahman

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    1st January 1996, Johor Bahru new bus terminal, Larkin Terminal started its operations. This new terminal replaced the old one in Jalan Trus. There are some reasons that make the Local Government planned and constructed the new terminal in Larkin. The main reasons are the congestion problems that always occur in the terminal and along Jalan Trus. Small space inside the terminal are not enough for the increasing numbers of buses and lastly, the establishment of Johor Bahru as a city makes the Local Government constructed this new terminal. Larkin Terminal operations was privatised to Rahmat Tani Sdn. Bhd. for 15 years and after that, this terminal will be handed back to the Local Government. Larkin Terminal offers many facilities to public and also to the operators. Operators plays an important role to the success of the terminal. Operators provide services to the people and try to satisfied their passengers. Therefore, in order to produce a high level of services, the operators must be operating in a convenient environment. Developer have to ensure that the operators are satisfied with the terminal. All the facilities provided for the operators such as counters, bus bays and announcement services must be inaccordance to the operators. As this terminal are privatised to Rahmat Tani Sdn. Bhd., therefore, operators have to a pay certain monthly fees for counter rental, bus bay rental and service charges. Operators hope that their requirement in operating the services in this terminal could be met and fulfilled. A high level and efficient service will be provided by the operators if their requirements are fulfilled and it will result in passengers being attracted to use the terminal. These factors determines the success of the terminal

    Addressing environmental and atmospheric challenges for capturing high-precision thermal infrared data in the field of astro-ecology

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    Using thermal infrared detectors mounted on drones, and applying techniques from astrophysics, we hope to support the field of conservation ecology by creating an automated pipeline for the detection and identification of certain endangered species and poachers from thermal infrared data. We test part of our system by attempting to detect simulated poachers in the field. Whilst we find that we can detect humans hiding in the field in some types of terrain, we also find several environmental factors that prevent accurate detection, such as ambient heat from the ground, absorption of infrared emission by the atmosphere, obscuring vegetation and spurious sources from the terrain. We discuss the effect of these issues, and potential solutions which will be required for our future vision for a fully automated drone-based global conservation monitoring system.Comment: Published in Proceedings of SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation 2018. 8 pages, 3 figure

    Uncooled Microbolometer Arrays for Ground Based Astronomy

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    We describe the design and commissioning of a simple prototype, low-cost 10 μm imaging instrument. The system is built using commercially available components including an uncooled microbolometer array as a detector. The incorporation of adjustable germanium reimaging optics rescale the image to the appropriate plate scale for the 2 m diameter Liverpool Telescope. From observations of bright Solar system and stellar sources, we demonstrate a plate scale of 0.75 arcsec per pixel and confirm the optical design allows diffraction limited imaging. We record a ∼10 percent photometric stability due to sky variability. We measure a 3σ sensitivity of 7 × 103 Jy for a single, ∼0.11 s exposure. This corresponds to a sensitivity limit of 3 × 102 Jy for a 60 s total integration. We present an example science case from observations of the 2019 January total lunar eclipse and show that the system can detect and measure the anomalous cooling rate associated with the features Bellot and Langrenus during eclipse


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    The article highlights the issue of solutions improving the quality of information provision and the formation of advanced organizational structures for the implementation of effective marketing activities of business entities. Theoretical and methodological and practical aspects of effective relationships between companies and manufacturers marketing services such as marketing agencies to obtain high-quality market information. The necessity of forming a new or change existing organizational structure and management information system management decisions. It is possible to put forward in the article the hypothesis that the formation of complex organizational and informational models of marketing agency must meet both criteria of efficiency of resource support and economic feasibility of the implementation of production for the company and meet the representations final consumer about the quality, price and the actual process of consumption, aimed at maximizing level fulfilling of needs.The work formed the main mechanism blocks the formation of complex organizational models and information marketing agency providing a gradual transition from the existing business model through the transformation of the ideal business model. As an ideal business model in the context of marketing agencies invited to understand this model, which provides employment and growth in market share desired marketing services while maintaining or increasing amounts of profits and rates of return.В статье освещено решение вопроса обеспечения повышения качества информационного обеспечения и формирования совершенных организационных структур для реализации эффективной маркетинговой деятельности субъектов хозяйствования. Рассмотрены теоретико-методические и практические аспекты формирования эффективных отношений между предприятиями и производителями маркетинговых услуг, а именно маркетинговыми агентствами, с целью получения качественной информации о рынке. Определена необходимость формирования новой или изменения существующей организационной структуры управления и информационной системы принятия управленческих решений. Это позволило выдвинуть в статье гипотезу, что формирование комплексной организационной и информационной модели маркетингового агентства должно соответствовать как критериям экономичности ресурсного обеспечения и экономической целесообразности осуществления производства на предприятии, так и представлениям конечного потребителя о качестве, цене и собственно процессе потребления, ориентированным на максимизацию уровня удовлетворения потребностей.В работе сформированы основные блоки механизма формированиякомплексной организационной и информационной модели маркетингового агентства, обеспечивающих постепенный переход отдействующей модели бизнеса через трансформацию к идеальноймодели бизнеса. Как идеальную модель бизнеса в контексте деятельности маркетингового агентства предложено понимать такуюмодель, которая обеспечивает занятия и рост желаемой доли рынка маркетинговых услуг при сохранении или наращивании объемов прибыли и нормы доходности. В статті висвітлено рішення питання забезпечення підвищення якості інформаційного забезпечення та формування досконалих організаційних структур для реалізації ефективної маркетингової діяльності суб’єктів господарювання. Розглянуто теоретико-методичні і практичні аспекти формування ефективних відносин між підприємствами та виробниками маркетингових послуг, а саме маркетинговими агенціями, з метою отримання якісної інформаціїпро ринок. Визначено необхідність формування нової або зміни існуючої організаційної структури управління та інформаційної системи прийняття управлінських рішень. Це дозволило висунути встатті гіпотезу, що формування комплексної організаційної та інформаційної моделі маркетингової агенції повинно відповідати яккритеріям економічності ресурсного забезпечення та економічноїдоцільності здійснення виробництва для підприємства, так і відповідати уявленням кінцевого споживача про якість, ціну та власнепроцес споживання, орієнтований на максимізацію рівня задоволення потреб.В роботі сформовані основні блоки механізму формування комплексної організаційної та інформаційної моделі маркетингової агенції, які забезпечують поступовий перехід від діючої моделі бізнесу через трансформацію до ідеальної моделі бізнесу. Як ідеальну модель бізнесу в контексті діяльності маркетингової агенції запропоновано розуміти таку модель, яка забезпечує зайняття та зростання бажаної частки ринку маркетингових послуг при збереженні або нарощуванні обсягів прибутку та норми прибутковості

    Addressing environmental and atmospheric challenges for capturing high-precision thermal infrared data in the field of astro-ecology

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    Using thermal infrared detectors mounted on drones, and applying techniques from astrophysics, we hope to support the field of conservation ecology by creating an automated pipeline for the detection and identification of certain endangered species and poachers from thermal infrared data. We test part of our system by attempting to detect simulated poachers in the field. Whilst we find that we can detect humans hiding in the field in some types of terrain, we also find several environmental factors that prevent accurate detection, such as ambient heat from the ground, absorption of infrared emission by the atmosphere, obscuring vegetation and spurious sources from the terrain. We discuss the effect of these issues, and potential solutions which will be required for our future vision for a fully automated drone-based global conservation monitoring system

    A low-cost chopping system and uncooled microbolometer array for ground-based astronomy

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    Mid-Infrared imaging is vital for the study of a wide variety of astronomical phenomena, including evolved stars, exoplanets, and dust enshrouded processes such as star formation in galaxies. However, infrared detectors have traditionally been expensive and it is difficult to achieve the sensitivity needed to see beyond the overwhelming mid-infrared background. Here we describe the upgrade and commissioning of a simple prototype, low-cost 10 μ m imaging instrument. The system was built using commercially available components including an uncooled microbolometer focal plane array and chopping system. The system was deployed for a week on the 1.52 m Carlos Sanchez Telescope and used to observe several very bright mid-infrared sources with catalogue fluxes down to ∼600 Jy. We report a sensitivity improvement of ∼4 mag over our previous unchopped observations, in line with our earlier predictions

    High-resolution SOFIA/EXES Spectroscopy of Water Absorption Lines in the Massive Young Binary W3 IRS 5

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    We present in this paper mid-infrared (5-8~μ\mum) spectroscopy toward the massive young binary W3~IRS~5, using the EXES spectrometer in high-resolution mode (RR\sim50,000) from the NASA Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA). Many (\sim180) ν2\nu_2=1--0 and (\sim90) ν2\nu_2=2-1 absorption rovibrational transitions are identified. Two hot components over 500 K and one warm component of 190 K are identified through Gaussian fittings and rotation diagram analysis. Each component is linked to a CO component identified in the IRTF/iSHELL observations (RR=88,100) through their kinematic and temperature characteristics. Revealed by the large scatter in the rotation diagram, opacity effects are important, and we adopt two curve-of-growth analyses, resulting in column densities of 1019\sim10^{19} cm2^{-2}. In one analysis, the model assumes a foreground slab. The other assumes a circumstellar disk with an outward-decreasing temperature in the vertical direction. The disk model is favored because fewer geometry constraints are needed, although this model faces challenges as the internal heating source is unknown. We discuss the chemical abundances along the line of sight based on the CO-to-H2_2O connection. In the hot gas, all oxygen not locked in CO resides in water. In the cold gas, we observe a substantial shortfall of oxygen and suggest that the potential carrier could be organics in solid ice.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ. 34 pages, 13 figures, and 14 tables. Comments are more than welcome

    Successful observation of orangutans in the wild with thermal-equipped drones

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    We investigated the efficacy of a drone equipped with a thermal camera as a potential survey tool to detect wild Bornean orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus) and other tropical primates. Using the thermal camera we successfully detected 41 orangutans and a troop of proboscis monkeys, all of which were confirmed by ground observers. We discuss the potential advantages and limitations of thermal-equipped drones as a tool to complement other methods, and the potential of this technology for use as a future survey tool