267 research outputs found

    Evaluating Mobility Impacts of Construction Work Zones on Utah Transportation System Using Machine Learning Techniques

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    Construction work zones are inevitable parts of daily operations at roadway systems. They have a significant impact on traffic conditions and the mobility of roadway systems. The traffic impacts of work zones could significantly vary due to several interacting factors such as work zone factors (work zone location and layout, length of the closure, work zone speed, intensity, and daily active hours); traffic factors (percentage of heavy vehicles, highway speed limit, capacity, mobility, flow, density, congestion, and occupancy); road factors (number of total lanes, number of open lanes, and pavement grade and condition); temporal factors (e.g., year, season, month, weekday, daytime, and darkness); weather conditions (rainy, sunny, and snowy); and spatial factors (road lane width, proximity, and number of ramps). Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT) is continuously collecting and storing project-related data. Due to the significant impact of work zones on traffic conditions, they are interested in evaluating the impacts of work zone attributes on mobility and traffic conditions of roadway systems within the state of Utah. Such an analysis will help the UDOT personnel better understand and plan for more efficient work zone operations, select the most effective traffic management systems for work zones, and assess the hidden costs of construction operations at work zones. To help UDOT address this problem, we propose a robust, deep neural network (DNN) model capable of evaluating the impacts of the factors mentioned earlier on the mobility conditions of Utah roadway systems. DNNs can capture all the relationships between input variables and output compared to traditional machine learning algorithms. The results of this project show that work zone features have an important effect on the traffic condition. In the end, the performance of the model is evaluated using three different measures, including R2 score, RMSE, and MAE. Comparing the measurement to previously conducted research, it is the first study that has attempted to investigate the effect of work zone features on hourly traffic volume


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    Objective: The present study aims to recognize and evaluate treatment-seeking behavior and the related factors among the dwellers of Safashahr city.Methods: The current applied research is cross-sectional with a population size of 380 and executed in a systematic random sampling among thedwellers of Safashahr city and the villages governed by it. SPSS version 22 has been utilized for analyzing the data in this study. T-test, Chi-squarevariance analysis, Pearson test, and Spearman test have been used to evaluate the significance and the relationship between the understudy variableswith the treatment-seeking variables.Results: 75% of participants in the study have reported being diagnosed with illness in the past 6 months. Visiting family physician was rankedhighest with an average 3.36 followed by public hospitals with an average of 3.05. However, they chose to go to clinic centers with an average of2.1. Self-medication has been reported for an average of 2.6% and 88.2% of the participants in this study have preferred to ignore the medium andless than medium treatment. In this study, a significant relationship has been found between age, number of family members, living location, salary,habitation status, and type of insurance with at least one of the search-for-treatment (p<0.05).Conclusion: Taking into account the findings of the research, lifting the society's awareness about the consequences of self-medication and ignorancetoward treatment, continuing and executing the urban family physician in other areas, implementation of measures for limiting access to unprescribedmedications, increasing satisfaction, and trust toward public sector and provision and allocation of health resources across cities are recommended asappropriate solutions to improving the pattern of using health services.Keywords: Treatment seeking behavior, Self-medication.Objective:Thepresentstudyaimstorecognizeandevaluatetreatment-seekingbehaviorandtherelatedfactorsamongthedwellersofSafashahrcity.Methods:Thecurrentappliedresearchiscross-sectionalwithapopulationsizeof380andexecutedinasystematicrandomsamplingamongthedwellersofSafashahrcityandthevillagesgovernedbyit.SPSSversion22hasbeenutilizedforanalyzingthedatainthisstudy.T-test,Chi-squarevarianceanalysis, Pearsontest,andSpearmantesthavebeenusedtoevaluatethesignificanceandtherelationshipbetweentheunderstudy variableswith the treatment-seeking variables.Results:75%ofparticipantsinthestudyhavereportedbeingdiagnosedwithillnessinthepast6months.Visitingfamilyphysicianwasrankedhighestwithanaverage3.36followedbypublichospitalswithanaverageof3.05.However,theychosetogotocliniccenterswithanaverageof2.1.Self-medicationhasbeenreportedforanaverageof2.6%and88.2%oftheparticipantsinthisstudyhavepreferredtoignorethemediumandlessthanmediumtreatment.Inthisstudy,asignificantrelationshiphasbeenfoundbetweenage,numberoffamilymembers,livinglocation,salary,habitation status, and type of insurance with at least one of the search-for-treatment (p<0.05).Conclusion:Takingintoaccountthefindingsoftheresearch,liftingthesociety'sawarenessabouttheconsequencesofself-medicationandignorancetowardtreatment,continuingandexecutingtheurbanfamilyphysicianinotherareas,implementationofmeasuresforlimitingaccesstounprescribedmedications,increasingsatisfaction,andtrusttowardpublicsectorandprovisionandallocationofhealthresourcesacrosscitiesarerecommendedasappropriate solutions to improving the pattern of using health services.Keywords: Treatment seeking behavior, Self-medication

    Kompetensi Interpersonal Dalam Kalangan Pelajar Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP): Satu Analisis

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    Kajian ini dijalankan untuk mengkaji kompentensi interpersonal dalam kalangan pelajar Universiti Malaysia Pahang. Sampel kajian seramai 281 orang yang terdiri dari pelajar sarjana muda telah dipilih menjadi sampel kajian. Sehubungan dengan itu, pengkaji menggunakan prosedur pensampelan kelompok tiga tingkat. Setelah itu, data kajian telah dianalisis menggunakan perisian Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) versi 19.0 bagi mendapatkan nilai min, sisihan piawai dan Korelasi Pearson. Hasil kajian menunjukkan kemahiran komunikasi berada pada tahap sederhana, sementara itu, kemahiran etika dan moral profesional, kerja berpasukan, keusahawanan dan pembelajaran berterusan dan pengurusan maklumat berada pada tahap tinggi. Kajian ini merumuskan bahawa perlu ada program yang sewajarnya untuk meningkatkan prestasi universiti dan potensi pelajar

    Pengurusan modal insan dalam organisasi: Perspektif pengurusan Islam

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    Pengkaji barat yang popular dengan pengurusan secara saintifik, telah berjaya mengutarakan beberapa teori yang bernas dan mereka telah memisahkan organisasi pengurusan daripada agama dan kepercayaan.Pendekatan saintifik ini juga telah dipraktikan di dalam semua bentuk pengurusan dan hasilnya dikatakan telah membawa banyak perubahan kepada organisasi dan telah meningkatkan produktiviti syarikat. Perkara ini sememangnya menjadi matlamat sistem pengurusan barat yang berorentasikan kebahagiaan keduniaan semata-mata tanpa mengira faktor modal insan yang perlu diberi perhatian. Kertas kerja ini akan menyingkap sistem pengurusan Islam, pendekatan organisasi dalam mendokong harapan negara untuk melahirkan insan yang sebenar-benarnya dan akhirnya akan mencapai konsep alfalah. Pengurusan Islam dalam pengurusan kerja akan menyentuh tentang konsep kerja dalam Islam dan pengawasan dalam bekerja. Sehubungan dengan itu pengurusan modal insan saling berkaitan dengan ahli organisasi itu sendiri atau tenaga kerja yang terdapat dalam organisasi itu. Justeru itu, matlamat akhir organisasi dalam Islam bukan hanya mengejar keuntungan semata-mata tetapi ada yang lebih penting dari keuntungan di dunia iaitu mencapai reda Allah SWT. Bermula dari langkah inilah manusia akan berfungsi menurut acuan yang benar dari Islam dan seterusnya melahirkan modal insan yang berkualiti dalam masyarakat dan Negara. Manusia adalah makhluk yang dipilih oleh Allah untuk menjadi khalifah di muka bumi. Kenapa Allah memilih manusia untuk memperkukuhkan ajaran Islam? Sudah tentu ada hikmah disebaliknya yang akan diungkap secara lengkap dalam kertas kerja ini

    Investigando o efeito da moderação da imagem da marca em relações públicas percebidas em clientes de seguros do Irã em Ahvaz City

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    Customer loyalty has known as a very important factor in trade organizations. One of the important subjects for managers of this organizations, identify factors related to loyalty and understanding the relationships between these factors. Managers of Insurance industries, one of the important services in international level, are always trying to keep and develop relationships between their customers and create loyalty between them. This research helps to understand relationships between customer loyalty, customer satisfaction and mental image therefore it has provided significant scientific and application instructions in insurance management. The results show that public relations perceptions activities and brand identity has related with customer loyalty directly and brand image could influenced the relationship between PR and customer loyalty. If brand image is desirable then the effect of PRP on customer loyalty would lead to lower loyalty. The results of this research show that PRP does not have any relationship with loyalty directly. This result is not corresponding with An-Tine Hsieh and Chung-KaiLi research, but other factors are same. For this purpose we need to 150 questionnaires that distributed 200 pieces and collected 160 pieces.  La lealtad del cliente ha sido un factor muy importante en las organizaciones comerciales. Uno de los temas importantes para los gerentes de estas organizaciones es identificar los factores relacionados con la lealtad y comprender las relaciones entre estos factores. Los gerentes de las industrias de seguros, uno de los servicios importantes a nivel internacional, siempre intentan mantener y desarrollar relaciones entre sus clientes y crear lealtad entre ellos. Esta investigación ayuda a comprender las relaciones entre la lealtad del cliente, la satisfacción del cliente y la imagen mental, por lo que ha proporcionado importantes instrucciones científicas y de aplicación en la gestión de seguros. Los resultados muestran que las actividades de percepción de las relaciones públicas y la identidad de marca se han relacionado directamente con la lealtad de los clientes y que la imagen de la marca podría influir en la relación entre las relaciones públicas y la lealtad del cliente. Si la imagen de marca es deseable, el efecto de PRP sobre la lealtad de los clientes daría lugar a una menor lealtad. Los resultados de esta investigación muestran que PRP no tiene ninguna relación con la lealtad directamente. Este resultado no corresponde con la investigación de An-Tine Hsieh y Chung-KaiLi, pero otros factores son los mismos. Para este propósito, necesitamos 150 cuestionarios que distribuyeron 200 piezas y recolectaron 160 piezas.A lealdade do cliente tem sido um fator muito importante nas organizações comerciais. Uma das questões importantes para os gestores dessas organizações é identificar os fatores relacionados à lealdade e entender as relações entre esses fatores. Os gerentes das indústrias de seguros, um dos importantes serviços internacionais, sempre tentam manter e desenvolver relacionamentos entre seus clientes e criar lealdade entre eles. Esta pesquisa ajuda a entender as relações entre a lealdade do cliente, a satisfação do cliente e a imagem mental, por isso, forneceu importantes instruções científicas e aplicação na gestão de seguros. Os resultados mostram que as atividades de percepção de relações públicas e identidade de marca têm relação direta com a fidelização de clientes e que a imagem da marca pode influenciar a relação entre relações públicas e fidelização de clientes. Se a imagem da marca é desejável, o efeito do PRP na fidelidade do cliente resultaria em menor lealdade. Os resultados desta investigação mostram que o PRP não tem relação direta com a lealdade. Este resultado não corresponde à pesquisa de An-Tine Hsieh e Chung-KaiLi, mas outros fatores são os mesmos. Para isso, precisamos de 150 questionários que distribuíram 200 peças e coletaram 160 peças