16 research outputs found

    Increasing access to reproductive health care through improved service delivery

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    The study documented in this report examines the provision and utilization of public and private sector maternal and child health services in Punjab, Pakistan with a focus on family planning (FP) services. It is aimed at enabling a better understanding of the specific demand and supply dynamics leading to low contraceptive prevalence despite unmet need, and the opportunities that must be seized to enhance access to quality family planning services. The report is part of a larger project being implemented by the Population Council with the assistance of the Department for International Development, UK entitled ā€œSustaining Focus on Provincial Governments for FP 2020 Goals and Increasing Access to Reproductive Healthcare through Improved Service Delivery.ā€ The findings of the study suggest that there is scope for improving delivery of FP services and methods through all four major sectors, i.e., the public health facilities, the private health facilities, Lady Health Workers, and pharmacies. Based on its findings, the report recommends specific measures and approaches to address unmet need for family planning and the skewed method mix in Punjab

    The availability and quality of family planning services across eight districts in Pakistan: The potential and the constraints

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    This report forms part of a multipronged investigation to determine why, despite evident unmet need for family planning, contraceptive prevalence especially for modern methods remains so low in Pakistan. The research, conducted by the Population Council with the support of the Research and Advocacy Fund, consists of four component studies: 1) review of relevant academic, program, and policy literature; 2) a qualitative study of perspectives of men, women, and service providers in the country on family planning; 3) a situation analysis of contraceptive quality, supply, and access factors at health facilities; and 4) an examination of supply issues affecting the availability of contraceptives. This report presents the latter two studies

    Gut-Thyroid axis: How gut microbial dysbiosis associated with euthyroid thyroid cancer

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    Thyroid cancer in humans has a fast-growing prevalence, with the most common lethal endocrine malignancy for unknown reasons. The current study was aimed to perform qualitative and quantitative investigation and characterization of the gut bacterial composition of euthyroid thyroid cancer patients. The fecal samples were collected from sixteen euthyroid thyroid cancer patients and ten from healthy subjects. The PCR-DGGE was conducted by targetting the V3 region of 16S rRNA gene, as well as real-time PCR for Bacteroides vulgatus, E.coli Bifidobacterium, Clostridium leptum and Lactobacillus were carried. High-throughput sequencing of V3+V4 region of 16S rRNA gene was performed on Hiseq 2500 platform on 20 (10 healthy & 10 diseased subjects) randomly selected fecal samples. The richness indices and comparative diversity analysis showed significant gut microbial modification in euthyroid thyroid cancer than control. At phylum level, there was significant enrichment of Firmicutes, Verrucomicrobia, while a significant decrease in Bacteroidetes was detected in the experimental group. At family statistics, significant high levels of Ruminococcaceae and Verrucomicrobiaceae, while the significant lower abundance of Bacteroidaceae, Prevotellaceae, Porphyromonadaceae, and Alcaligenaceae was after observed. It also found that the significantly raised level of Escherichia-Shigella, Akkermansia [Eubacterium]_coprostanoligenes, Dorea, Subdoligranulum, and Ruminococcus_2 genera, while significantly lowered genera of the patient group were Prevotella_9, Bacteroides and Klebsiella. The species-level gut microbial composition showed a significantly raised level of Escherichia coli in euthyroid thyroid cancer. Thus, this study reveals that euthyroid thyroid cancer patients have significant gut microbial dysbiosis. Moreover, Statistics (P<0.05) of each gut microbial taxa were significantly changed in euthyroid thyroid cancer patients. Therefore, the current study may propose new approaches to understanding thyroid cancer patients' disease pathways, mechanisms, and treatment

    Synthesis of Shape and Size controlled gold nanoparticles using glycerol as a low-cost and environmental friendly reducing and stabilizing agent

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    As nanopartĆ­culas de ouro (AuNPs), com formatos e distribuiĆ§Ć£o de tamanhos definidos, tĆŖm atraĆ­do grande atenĆ§Ć£o devido Ć s suas propriedades Ć³ticas e e catalĆ­ticas Ćŗnicas, que dependem de da forma e tamanho de AuNPs e que sĆ£o importantes para diversos aplicaƧƵes. O desenvolvimento de mĆ©todos simples e ecolĆ³gicamente seguros para a sĆ­ntese de AuNPs de tamanho e forma controlados, empregando reagentes de baixo custo e de fĆ”cil manuseamento Ć©, portanto, de grande importĆ¢ncia. Considerando isto, realizou-se um estudo sistemĆ”tico para preparar nanoparticlus de ouro (AuNPs) e prata (AgNPs) com um controle de forma e tamanho, empregando exclusivamente glicerol como um agente redutor flexivel, eco-friendly e de baixo custo. Em primeiro lugar, descrevemos um novo one-pot mĆ©todo para a preparaĆ§Ć£o de nanorods ou nanobastƵes de ouro (AuNRs) monocristalinos com quase 100% de rendimento empragando o glicerol em meio alcalino como agente redutor e Brometo de hexadeciltrimetilamĆ³nio (CTAB) como agente controlador da forma de particulas. Podemos conseguir um controle da razƵes de aspecto (Aspect ratio do inglĆŖs, AR = 2 a 6), rendimento de AuNRs (27-99%) bem como da posicao de banda de absorĆ§Ć£o Ć³ticas de AuNRs (de 620 a 1200 nm) simplesmente variando as condiƧƵes experimentais, principalmente o pH de meio reaccional (variou-se entre 12-13,5) e a concentraĆ§Ć£o do AgNO3. Descobrimos que a formaĆ§Ć£o de AuNRs Ć© mais rĆ”pida a pH mais alto (> 11) e a maior temperatura (> 30 Ā° C), mas o rendimento de AuNRs Ć© menor (11) and higher temperature (>30Ā°C) but the AuNRs yield is smaller (< 70%). HRTEM analysis showed that the AuNRs grow in [001] direction and have a perfect single crystalline fcc structure, free from structural faults or dislocations. Secondly, we successfully carried out the formation of nearly monodisperse spherical AuNPs of around 8 nm using the as-received crude glycerol (CG) from the biodiesel plant for the first time. No special chemical or physical treatment of CG except simple filtration was carried out. Two different crude glycerol samples with different glycerol contents (65% and 73%) and different impurity levels (low and high) and types (organic and inorganic) were employed to prepare AuNPs so as to study the effect of possible impurities on the shape and size distribution of AuNPs. For comparison, AuNPs were also prepared using pure commercial (99.5 %) glycerol under identical experimental conditions. AuNPs with similar size and shape were obtained in both cases (commercial pure glycerol as well as CG) indicating that commercial glycerol can be replaced with CG in the AuNPs synthesis and the organic and inorganic impurities do not significantly affect the particle size distribution of prepared AuNPs. This study opens up new possibilities for the environment-friendly preparation of metallic nanoparticles using the low-cost, non-toxic and biodegradable CG as a reducing agent. Thirdly, we developed a ligand-free one-pot synthesis method of AuNPs employing the eco-friendly glycerol both as reducing agent and stabilizing agent. The idea was to avoid the use of an external stabilizing agent which often hinder the catalytic activity and adversely affect the biocompatibility of the surfactant/AuNP systems. Stable AuNPs with reasonably good size distribution (8 &plusmn; 3 nm) were obtained by this method and the stability and size distribution of the particles was found to be dependent on the water/glycerol ratio, temperature and pH of the reaction media. Such surfactant-free biocompatible AuNPs prepared using the eco-friendly glycerol may find useful applications in catalysis and biomedical applications

    VeÄ£etāro diētu ietekme uz aptaukoÅ”anos

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    MedicÄ«naVeselÄ«bas aprÅ«peMedicineHealth CareAktualitāte: Å Ä« zinātniskā darba mērÄ·is ir apkopot zinātnisko literatÅ«ru par aptaukoÅ”anās nozÄ«mi dažādu veÄ£etāro un neveÄ£etāro diētu kontekstā. AtŔķirÄ«ba starp abām diētām bÅ«tu tādu dzÄ«vnieku izcelsmes produktu kā liellopa, jēra un cÅ«kgaļas, kā arÄ« piena produktu patēriņŔ. Tā kā gaļas sastāvā ir augstāks tauku lÄ«menis salÄ«dzinot ar augu izcelsmes produktiem, ir izteikts pieņēmums, ka aptaukoÅ”anās Ä«patsvars varētu palielināties. Tāpat ēdienu pagatavoÅ”anas veidi gadu gaitā ir dažādojuÅ”ies. Ēdiena gatavoÅ”anas metodes ir mainÄ«juŔās no grilÄ“Å”anas lÄ«dz pārtikas fritÄ“Å”anai, kā arÄ« pieejamais ēdienu klāsts ir stipri palielinājies. Å Ä«s izmaiņas var ietekmēt personu veselÄ«go dzÄ«vesveidu. Minētās izmaiņas var novest pie aptaukoÅ”anās un palielināt citu slimÄ«bu attÄ«stÄ«bas risku.Tad tika veikti daži salÄ«dzinājumi ar aptaukoÅ”anās izplatÄ«bu un Ä·ermeņa masas indeksu starp dažādām diētām. LÄ«dz ar to Ŕī literatÅ«ras apskata pamatā ir apkopot pamatzināŔanas par aptaukoÅ”anos, tās Ä«paŔības un tipiskās attÄ«stÄ«bas veidiem. Šādi tiek iegÅ«ta lielāka izpratne par veÄ£etārajām un neveÄ£etārajām diētām, dažādajiem veidiem un to ietekmi uz Ä·ermeņa masas indeksu un aptaukoÅ”anās iespējamÄ«bu. Visbeidzot, tiek salÄ«dzināta aptaukoÅ”anās izplatÄ«ba un Ä·ermeņa masas indekss, ievērojot dažādas diētas. Hipotēze: Ievērojot neveÄ£etāro diētu salÄ«dzinot ar veÄ£etāro diētu, aptaukoÅ”anās lÄ«meņa paaugstināŔanās ir bÅ«tiska. MērÄ·is: Darba mērÄ·is ir novērtēt veÄ£etārās diētas, vegānu un lakto-ovo-veÄ£etārieÅ”u diētas ietekmi uz aptaukoÅ”anos salÄ«dzinājumā ar neveÄ£etāro diētu. PētÄ«juma metode: Apkopotie dati ir zinātniskās literatÅ«ras apskats, tajā skaitā zinātniskie žurnāli, raksti un gadÄ«jumu pētÄ«jumi. Rezultāti: SalÄ«dzinot dažādās diētas, izteikta korelācija ir vērojama starp svara zudumu un vegānu diētu. Diētas pamatā bija zema glikēmiskā indeksa pārtikas produkti, piemēram, pupiņas, lēcas un zaļumi. Rezultātā bija vērojams ne tikai svara zudums, bet arÄ« uzlabots vispārējais veselÄ«bas stāvokli. Daži pētÄ«jumi gan parāda, ka gadÄ«jumos, kad cilvēki ievēro diētu, kuras pamatā ir kaloriju ierobežoÅ”ana, un salÄ«dzina to ar vegānu diētu, svara zudums bÅ«tiski neatŔķiras. SalÄ«dzinot lakto-ovo-veÄ£etāro un neveÄ£etāro diētu, bija vērojams svara zudums, kā rezultātā aptaukoÅ”anās lÄ«menis samazinājās. Pēc sākotnējiem rādÄ«tājiem dalÄ«bnieku vidējais svars bija 67.2 +/- 5.2 kg, bet 12 mēneÅ”us ievērojot lakto-ovo-veÄ£etāro diētu vidējais svars samazinājās lÄ«dz 65.3 +/- 4.7 kg. Secinājumi: Pēc zinātniskās literatÅ«ras analÄ«zes parādās bÅ«tiskas iezÄ«mes, kas norāda, ka neveÄ£etārai diētai pastāv spēcÄ«ga saistÄ«ba ar aptaukoÅ”anos, salÄ«dzinot ar veÄ£etāro diētu. To var saistÄ«t ar lielo gaļas un augstu glikēmisko pārtikas produktu patēriņu.Background: This scientific paper aims to summarise the medical literature concerning the likelihood of being obese when following either a vegetarian or nonvegetarian diet. The difference between the two diets would be the consumption of animal products such as beef, lamb and pork as well as dairy products. Therefore, assuming there would be an increase in the prevalence of obesity as meat consist of a higher fat level when compared to plant-based products. Also, over the years we have become more creative when it comes to cooking. We have changed our methods of cooking from grilling to deep frying food as well as the range of foods available. These changes can affect the healthy lifestyle of individuals. This could possibly lead to obesity and increase the risks of developing other diseases. With that in mind, the layout of this paper would be to gather background knowledge about obesity, the characteristics and the typical mechanism for development. Then you will gain a greater understanding into vegetarian and non-vegetarian diets, the different types and the impact it would have on the body mass index and the likelihood of being obese. Then some comparisons were made with the prevalence of obesity and body mass index between the different diets. Hypothesis: There would be a significant increase in the level of obesity in the non-vegetarian diet compared to the vegetarian diet. Aim: The aim is to evaluate the prevalence of obesity and its effect in vegetarian diets, vegan and lacto-ovo-vegetarian compared to the nonvegetarian diet. Method: The evidence gathered is collected from previous medical literature. The medical literature involved are scientific journals, articles and case studies. Results: When comparing the different diets, there is a negative correlation of obesity when participants were following a vegan diet. The diet consisted of low glycaemic index foods such as beans, lentils and greens. Not only did they see an improvement in weight loss therefore decreasing the prevalence of obesity but in their overall health. However, some studies have shown when individuals follow a calorie restriction diet compared to a vegan diet, there is no significant difference in weight loss. When comparing the lacto-ovo-vegetarian and the non-vegetarian diet, there was a decrease in weight loss resulting in a decrease in obesity rate. As initially, the participants weighted 67.2 +/- 5.2 kg and after 12 months of following a lacto-ovo-vegetarian diet, the weight decreased to 65.3 +/- 4.7 kg. Conclusion: After reviewing the evidence, it was shown there is a strong association of becoming obese when consuming a non-vegetarian diet compared to a vegetarian diet. This is associated with the high consumption of meat alongside the high glycaemic foods


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    Teachers are nation builders and they can perform their duties up to the marks with the help of professionalā€™s skills. Thus, teacher training through formal mode at M.Ed. level in Punjab has been focus of study for many educational researchers. It helps to know the aspects which may be intervened to increase the teacherā€™s professional capabilities towards teaching. Objectives of the study were to investigate the contribution of existing teacher training programs through formal education system in Punjab. Two questionnaires were developed for this purpose. Data was collected, organized, tabulated and interpreted. The population of the study included the students and teachers of M.Ed program of Sargodha University and Pir Mehar Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi. Total population of teacher student ratio was 18 and 99. By applying formula of Gay, R.L. (2000) the sample was taken as 16 and 80. Results showed that both the groups of respondents agreed that instructional material was easy to understand and curriculum fulfils the needs of concerning teaching of M. Ed. program. Teachers were regular, necessary guidance and counseling was provided to students. All the students were agreed that examination was conducted on time and examination centreā€™s were accessible to students. Teachers agreed that course contents were comprehensive and according to the national level. They also agreed that they used modern technology in teaching learning process. Teachers/ agreed that final examination fulfils the purpose and need of summative assessment

    Association between emotional intelligence and academic success among undergraduates: A cross-sectional study in KUST, Pakistan.

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    The study investigated the association between emotional intelligence and academic success among undergraduates of Kohat University of Science & Technology (KUST), Pakistan. A sample of 186 students who were enrolled during the semester Fall 2015 to Spring 2018 was selected through a random sampling technique. A cross-sectional, descriptive and correlational research methods were employed in this study. A standardized tool "Emotional Intelligence Scale" was employed for the collection of information from the undergraduates. Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of the students was considered as academic success. Data were collected through personal visits. Statistical tools i.e., simple percentage, mean, standard deviation, ANOVA, Pearson's product-moment correlation and multiple linear regression were employed to reach the desired research outcomes. The findings revealed that there was a strong positive relationship (r = 0.880) between emotional intelligence and academic success among undergraduate students. The multiple linear regression analysis showed that self-development (Beta = 0.296), emotional stability (Beta = 0.197), managing relations (Beta = 0.170), altruistic behaviour (Beta = 0.145), and commitment (Beta = 0.117) predict academic success of undergraduates positively. The findings suggest that the emotional intelligence of the undergraduate students may be further improved so that their academic performance may further be enhanced

    Selective deposition of dietary Ī±-Lipoic acid in mitochondrial fraction and its synergistic effect with Ī±-Tocoperhol acetate on broiler meat oxidative stability

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    The use of bioactive antioxidants in feed of broiler to mitigate reactive oxygen species (ROS) in biological systems is one of promising nutritional strategies. The aim of present study was to alleviate ROS production in mitochondrial fraction (MF) of meat by supplemented dietary antioxidant in feed of broiler. For this purpose, mitochondria specific antioxidant: Ī±-lipoic acid (25Ā mg, 75Ā mg and 150Ā mg) with or without combination of Ī±-tocopherol acetate (200Ā mg) used in normal and palm olein oxidized oil (4%) supplemented feed. One hundred and eighty one day old broiler birds were randomly divided into six treatments and provided the mentioned feed from third week. Feed intake, feed conversion ratio (FCR) remained statistically same in all groups while body weight decreased in supplemented groups accordingly at the end of study. The broiler meat MF antioxidant potential was significantly improved by feeding supplemented feed estimated as 1,1-di phenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging activity, 2,2-azinobis-(3- ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulphonic acid) (ABTS+) and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS). The maximum antioxidant activity was depicted in group fed on 150Ā mg/kg Ī±-lipoic acid (ALA) and 200Ā mg/kg Ī±-tocopherol acetate (ATA) (T4) in both breast and leg MF. Moreover, TBARS were higher in leg as compared to breast MF. Although, oxidized oil containing feed reduced the growth, lipid stability and antioxidant potential of MF whilst these traits were improved by receiving feed containing ALA and ATA. ALA and ATA showed higher deposition in T4 group while least in group received oxidized oil containing feed (T5). Positive correlation exists between DPPH free radical scavenging activity and the ABTSā€‰+ā€‰reducing activity. In conclusion, ALA and ATA supplementation in feed had positive effect on antioxidant status of MF that consequently diminished the oxidative stress in polyunsaturated fatty acid enriched meat