662 research outputs found

    The Influence of Organic Matter and pH on Transformations of Nitrites to Elemental Nitrogen

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    Nitrogen occupies an important and prominent place in plant and animal nutrition. Large quantities are required by plants and must be available in the soil. Recently the use of nitrogenous fertilizers has increased manyfold. In view of the importance of this element in crop production, even greater use is anticipated in the coming years. In order to make full use of the applied nitrogen, continued investigations of soil-nitrogen relationship are imperative; however, this element presents many complex and challenging problems to investigators

    Computational Study of Geometry, Solvation Free Energy, Dipole Moment, Polarizability, Hyperpolarizability and Molecular Properties of 2-Methylimidazole

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    Ab initio calculations were carried out to study the geometry, solvation free energy, dipole moment, molecular electrostatic potential (MESP), Mulliken and Natural charge distribution, polarizability, hyperpolarizability, Natural Bond Orbital (NBO) energetic and different molecular properties like global reactivity descriptors (chemical hardness, softness, chemical potential, electronegativity, electrophilicity index) of 2-methylimidazole. B3LYP/6-31G(d,p) level of theory was used to optimize the structure both in the gas phase and in solution. The solvation free energy, dipole moment and molecular properties were calculated by applying the Solvation Model on Density (SMD) in four solvent systems, namely water, dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), n-octanol and chloroform. The computed bond distances, bond angles and dihedral angles of 2-methylimidazole agreed reasonably well with the experimental data except for C(2)-N(1), C(4)-C(5) and N(1)-H(7) bond lengths and N(1)-C(5)-C(4) bond angle. The solvation free energy, dipole moment, polarizability, first order hyperpolarizability, chemical potential, electronegativity and electrophilicity index of 2-methylimidazole increased on going from non-polar to polar solvents. Chemical hardness also increased with increasing polarity of the solvent and the opposite relation was found in the case of softness. These results provide better understanding of the stability and reactivity of 2-methylimidazole in different solvent systems

    Steroidi i poliketidi iz kore biljke Uvaria hamiltonii

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    Two known steroids, stigmasterol and 6beta-hydroxystigmasta-4,22-dien-3-one (1) and two unusual polyketides, cis-4-hydroxymellein (2) and trans-4-hydroxymellein (3) were isolated from the stem bark of Uvaria hamiltonii. The structures of the compounds were elucidated independently by high-resolution 2D-NMR techniques and confirmed by comparison with previously reported values.Dva poznata steroida, stigmasterol i 6-hidroksistigmasta-4,22-dien-3-on (1) i dva neuobičajena poliketida, cis-4-hidroksimelein (2) i trans-4-hidroksimelein (3) izolirana su iz kore biljke Uvaria hamiltonii. Strukture spojeva određene su neovisno 2D-NMR spektroskopijom visoke rezolucije i usporedbom s literaturnim podacima


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    Objective: The aim of the study is to explore the effects of solvent polarity on solvation free energy, dipole moment, polarizability, first order hyperpolarizability and different molecular properties like chemical hardness and softness, chemical potential, electronegativity, electrophilicity index of aspirin which may lead to better understand the reactivity and stability of aspirin in different solvent systems.Methods: Becke, 3-parameter, Lee-Yang-Parr (B3LYP) level of theory with 6-31G(d,p) basis set was employed to conduct all type of calculations for both in the gas phase and in solution. The solvation free energy, dipole moment and molecular properties were calculated by applying the Solvation Model on Density (SMD) in four solvent systems namely water, methanol, ethanol and n-octanol.Results: The solvation energies steadily increased as the dielectric constant was decreased i.e. free energy increases with decreasing polarity of the solvent. The dipole moment of aspirin was found to be increased when going from non-polar to polar solvents. The dipole moment of aspirin was higher in different solvents than that of the gas phase. The polarizability and first order hyperpolarizability were also increased with the increasing dielectric constant of the solvent. Moreover, ongoing from non-polar to polar solvent the chemical potential, electronegativity and electrophilicity index were increased except in n-octanol. The chemical potential, electronegativity and electrophilicity index of aspirin in n-octanol was higher than that of ethanol. On the other hand, chemical hardness was increased with decreasing polarity of the solvent and the inverse relation was found in the case of softness.Conclusion: The calculated solvation free energy, dipole moment, polarizability, first order hyperpolarizability and molecular properties found in this study may lead to the understanding of stability and reactivity of aspirin in different solvent systems

    Antioxidant, antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities of Corypha taliera Roxb

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    The methanol extract of Corypha taliera fruits as well as its n-hexane, carbon tetrachloride, dichloromethane and aqueous soluble fractions were subjected to screening for antioxidant, antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities. The methanolic crude extract exhibited the highest antioxidant activity (IC50 19.33 μg/ml as compared to 9.5 μg/ml for the standard agent, BHT). The crude methanol extract and its carbon tetrachloride, dichloromethane and aqueous soluble fractions showed mild to moderate inhibition of microbial growth against some of the tested organisms. All the extractives exhibited strong cytotoxic properties, among which the methanol extract revealed the strongest cytotixicity (LC50 = 0.43 μg/ml).Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    Antioxidant, antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities of Corypha taliera Roxb

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    The methanol extract of Corypha taliera fruits as well as its n-hexane, carbon tetrachloride, dichloromethane and aqueous soluble fractions were subjected to screening for antioxidant, antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities. The methanolic crude extract exhibited the highest antioxidant activity (IC50 19.33 μg/ml as compared to 9.5 μg/ml for the standard agent, BHT). The crude methanol extract and its carbon tetrachloride, dichloromethane and aqueous soluble fractions showed mild to moderate inhibition of microbial growth against some of the tested organisms. All the extractives exhibited strong cytotoxic properties, among which the methanol extract revealed the strongest cytotixicity (LC50 = 0.43 μg/ml).Colegio de Farmacéuticos de la Provincia de Buenos Aire

    On the Convergence of the Homotopy Analysis Method for Inner-Resonance of Tangent Nonlinear Cushioning Packaging System with Critical Components

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    Homotopy analysis method (HAM) is applied to obtain the approximate solution of inner-resonance of tangent cushioning packaging system based on critical components. The solution is obtained in the form of infinite series with components which can be easily calculated. Using a convergence-control parameter, the HAM utilizes a simple method to adjust and control the convergence region of the infinite series solution. The obtained results show that the HAM is a very accurate technique to obtain the approximate solution

    Enhancing the bearing capacity of rigid footing using limited life kenaf geotextile reinforcement

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    This research focuses on soft clay improvement by using Kenaf textile as a natural geotextile reinforcement. A series of small-scale laboratory tests were conducted to study the impact of the geotextile reinforcement depth, d, the vertical spacing between reinforcement, S and the number of reinfor- cement layers, N on the bearing capacity of the soil model. The test results were verified using the numerical simulation by PLAXIS 2D. In this study, the influence factors included four different d/B ratios of 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1.0; three different S/B ratios of 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75, and a different number of reinforcement layers, N from 1 to 4 were investigated where B is the footing width. The results clearly showed that the bearing capacity of rigid footings was significantly improved with the Kenaf geotextile layers in the kaolin. The measured and predicted bearing capacity results were in good agreement. The optimum d/B ratio and S/B ratio, which resulted in the maximum ultimate bearing capacity of the Kenaf-reinforced model ground were about 0.25 and 0.25, respectively. The optimum N was 3, i.e., the bearing capacity insignificantly improved even with N > 3

    A New Generalization of Power Garima Distribution with Applications in Blood Cancer and Relief Times

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    The present study deals with the weighted version of power Garima distribution and its various statistical properties have been obtained. For estimating its parameters, the technique of maximum likelihood estimation have been used and also observed its Fisher’s information matrix. Finally, the two real lifetime data sets from medical sciences have been used to discuss the superiority of new distribution

    Chemical and biological investigations of Delonix regia (Bojer ex Hook.) Raf.

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    U radu je opisana izolacija pet sastojaka petroleterske i diklormetanske frakcije metanolnog ekstrakta kore biljke Delonix regia: lupeol (1), epilupeol (2), β-sitosterol (3), stigmasterol (4) i p-metoksibenzaldehid (5). Nadalje, testirano je antimikrobno djelovanje različitih ekstrakata difuzijskom metodom na disku (15 μg mm2). Zone inhibicije za sastojke topljive u petroleteru, tetraklormetanu i diklormetanu bile su 914 mm, 1113 mm, odnosno 920 mm, dok je zona inhibicije standarda kanamicina bila 2025 mm. U biološkom pokusu smrtnosti morskih kozica najveću toksičnost pokazali su spojevi topljivi u tetraklormetanu (LC50 = 0,83 μg mL1), dok je topljivost sastojaka topljivih u petroleteru i diklormetanu bila LC50 14,94, odnosno 3,29 μg mL1, a standarda vinkristin sulfata 0,812 μg mL1. Ovo je prvo izvješće o izolaciji sastojaka, antimikrobnom djelovanju i citotoksičnosti biljke D. regia.In this study five compounds, lupeol (1), epilupeol (2), β-sitosterol (3), stigmasterol (4) and p-methoxybenzaldehyde (5) were isolated from the petroleum ether and dichloromethane fractions of a methanolic extract of the stem bark of Delonix regia. Antimicrobial screening of the different extracts (15 μg mm2) was conducted by disc diffusion method. The zones of inhibition demonstrated by the petroleum ether, carbon tetrachloride and dichloromethane fractions ranged from 914 mm, 1113 mm and 920 mm, respectively, compared to kanamycin standard with the zone of inhibition of 2025 mm. In brine shrimp lethality bioassay, the carbon tetrachloride soluble materials demonstrated the highest toxicity with LC50 of 0.83 μg mL1, while petroleum ether and dichloromethane soluble partitionates of the methanolic extract revealed LC50 of 14.94 and 3.29 μg mL1, respectively, in comparison with standard vincristine sulphate with LC50 of 0.812 μg mL1. This is the first report on compounds separation from D. regia, their antimicrobial activity and cytotoxicity
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