94 research outputs found

    Development of a glucose sensor system with real time calibration

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    This research discussed on developing a glucose sensor with real time calibration. In general cases, the blood sugar level is checked through puncturing the fingertip to get the blood sample on a test strip. Moreover, this method is not convenient for the patients because it requires changing of the strips for taking the blood samples every time and its price is also higher. This may expose the patients to infections while taking the blood samples. A non-invasive method is developed in this work to improve the old method. A near infrared (NIR) sensor is used to detect the scattering and absorption of light through glucose concentration. The simulation and construction of glucose sensor circuit are implemented through testing different solutions of glucose concentration (50-300 mg/dL) using microcontroller and Matlab software. The data of blood tests from 6 patients are compared and analyzed with the constructed glucose sensor. Results show that, the glucose sensor can detect the glucose concentrations (hyperglycemia, normal and hypoglycemia level) through finger and display it on Liquid Crystal Display (LCD). This sensor is able to provide an alert if glucose level reach higher than normal range. So the diabetes disease can be monitored in real time without difficulties of the patients in addition this method is competitive, affordable and convenient for the patients

    Designing an algorithm for bioloid humanoid navigating in its indoor environment

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    Gait analyses are the preliminary requirements to establish a navigation system of a humanoid robot. Designing a suitable indoor environment and its mapping are also important for the android localization, selection of a goal to achieve it and to perform the assigned tasks in its surroundings. This paper delineates the various gaits like walking, turning, obstacle overcoming and step up-down stairs for a humanoid system. The writing also explicates the design of the indoor test environment with the stationary obstacles placed on the navigation routes. The development of an efficient algorithm is also excogitated based on the various analyses of gaits and the predefined map of the test environment. As the navigation map is predetermined, the designed algorithm animates the humanoid to navigate by selecting an optimal route, depending on some external commands, to reach at the goal position. Finally the performance of the system is analysed based on the elapsed time of the navigation action with the validation of optimal navigation strategy where the designed algorithm demonstrates the robustness of its implementation and execution

    Effect of nanoclay on thermal behavior of jute reinforced composite

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    Due to enhanced mechanical strength, superior flame resistance, and decreased gas permeability, montmorillonite nanoclay has been introduced to the jute-polyester resin composite materials for structural application. Long-fiber Bangla tossa special jute is being used as reinforcement materials along with 1, 3, and 5% addition of nanoclay within the matrix-fiber mixture to find the optimum percentage of nanoclay. These doped hand lay-up-processed plates are used to made samples for dynamic mechanical analysis and thermogravimetry testing as per ASTM standards. Temperature-induced weight loss due to thermal decomposition was measured and char residue was calculated up to 1000 ยฐC, where 5% added nanoclay samples showed better thermal stability. Viscoelastic properties through storage modulus and loss modulus showed better stability with 1% nanoclay-added composite in dynamic mechanical analysis.Moisture and temperature did not affect the tested samples significantly in diminutive exposure for 1% nanoclay-added samples even though there is a loss of storage modulus 12 to 30% for 3 and 5% nanoclay-added samples, respectively

    Autonomous boat for underwater surveillance

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    Generally, an autonomous boat with vision ability faces difficulties in navigation and data processing. In this work, implementation on image processing in underwater environment is implemented using autonomous for surveillance purposes. In this endeavor, the focus will be on analyzing the use of single vision cameras in providing data for research on environmental front underwater and also detecting depth and obstacles for better navigation. The system is able to detect solid objects in underwater and it can provide different information of marine environment using correct algorithm and technique. The result is accurate enough to detect obstacles or objects above and beneath the water taking into account the diffraction of light needed for perfect vision. In this research, OpenCV library is used for digital image processing and color feature analysis rather than MATLAB due to the complexity for real time process. The design structure is mainly based on Pontoon style because it is more stable and reliable especially on the river wave condition. Moreover, additional sensors and actuators are implemented in this project to monitor underwater information for navigation purposes

    Biodiesel production process optimization from spirulina maxima microalgae and performance investigation in a diesel engine

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    Biodiesel is a renewable, easily biodegradable, eco-friendly and sustainable alternative energy source. In this investigation, crude oil was extracted from Spirulina maxima microalgae through biochemical conversion method with the help of soxhlet apparatus. Biodiesel pro- duction process parameters were optimized through base transesterification. Maximum biodiesel yield achieved was 87.75 % at optimal reaction condition after transesterification, when methanol to oil ratio was 6:1, catalyst loading was 1 % KOH (wt.%), temperature was 65 ยฐC, and stirring speed was 600 rpm for a reaction time of 70 minutes. All the physicochemical properties of the produced biodiesel were determined and compared with the ASTM D6751 specification. Finally, performance and emission of an unmodified diesel engine was evaluated with 20 % and 40 % (v/v) biodiesel blends and compared the results with ordinary Diesel fuel (DF). Using biodiesel blends improves Hydrocarbon (HC) emission by 10-15 % and Carbon monoxide (CO) emission by 9.3-13.9 %. However, Brake specific fuel consumption (BSFC), Oxides of nitrogen (NOX), Carbon dioxide (CO2) and smoke opacity were found to be slightly higher for biodiesel blends, and Brake thermal efficiency (BTE) was found slightly lower than DF. Thus, Spirulina maxima serves as a potential feedstock for biodiesel production and prospective fuel in diesel engine application

    Temperature effect analysis on magneto-rheological damperโ€™s performance

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    Magnetorheological (MR) damper is one of the most advanced applications of semi active damper in controlling vibration. Its use is increasing day by day in the vehicle suspension system due to its continuous controllability in both on and off state. MR damperโ€™s damping force can be controlled by changing the viscosity of its internal magnetorheological fluids (MRF). Applying an external magnetic field viscosity of MRF can be controlled. Electromagnet such as solenoid coil is normally used as external magnetic field source. These coils are attached inside the damperโ€™s piston head. When the damper operates these coils create heat. Thatโ€™s why the conventional MR dampers normally face wide variations in temperature. This change of temperature results decay in MRF viscosity as well as post-yield damping of the damper. In this paper temperature effect on MR fluids viscosity and on MR dampers performance represented analytically and experimentally. Due to this temperature effect the deviation of MR dampers performance has shown here experimentally. Also a novel technique for solving the problem explained clearly

    Development of Non-Contact Liquid Level Measurement and Data Storage System

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    The normal contact type liquid measurement devices have some drawbacks since they have potential damage due to the sensor fouling or corrosion since those are continuously exposed to the liquid. Especially flash flood may cause the damage of liquid level sensor. So that, it is important to design a non-contact device for liquid level measurement in order to avoid this constrain. Distance can be measured without contact such as laser, ultrasonic and radar. In this research, ultrasonic sensor is used to provide non-contact feature of the device since it is low cost and uses ultra-sound waves rather than light. This vital sensing device is able to sense uneven surfaces, liquids, clear objects, and objects in dirty environments. This paper discussed the measurement of liquid level in a tank as well as storing historical data

    The 2022 dengue outbreak in Bangladesh: hypotheses for the late resurgence of cases and fatalities

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    Bangladesh reported the highest number of annual deaths (n = 281) related to dengue virus infection in 2022 since the virus reappeared in the country in 2000. Earlier studies showed that >92% of the annual cases occurred between the months of August and September. The 2022 outbreak is characterized by late onset of dengue cases with unusually higher deaths in colder months, that is, October-December. Here we present possible hypotheses and explanations for this late resurgence of dengue cases. First, in 2022, the rainfall started late in the season. Compared to the monthly average rainfall for September and October between 2003 and 2021, there was 137 mm of additional monthly rainfall recorded in September and October 2022. Furthermore, the year 2022 was relatively warmer with a 0.71ยฐC increased temperature than the mean annual temperature of the past 20 yr. Second, a new dengue virus serotype, DENV-4, had recently reintroduced/reappeared in 2022 and become the dominant serotype in the country for a large naรฏve population. Third, the post-pandemic return of normalcy after 2 yr of nonpharmaceutical social measures facilitates extra mosquito breeding habitats, especially in construction sites. Community engagement and regular monitoring and destruction of Aedes mosquitoes' habitats should be prioritized to control dengue virus outbreaks in Bangladesh

    Review of coal fired power plants in Bangladesh

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    This article is based on the current and future coal power plants of Bangladesh. Although, it is known to all that, coal fired power plants are the great sources of carbon and other pollutant ingredients. But it has several positive impacts for developing countries like Bangladesh, where there is a lack of natural resources, lands and unstable economy. Bangladesh government has a vision to supply the electricity all over the country of Bangladesh, from Teknaf to Tetulia, and also for the remote islands also. In this paper, energy demand and vision of Bangladesh government is discussed in section 1. Section 2, gives the answer, why coal fired power plant is necessary for Bangladesh. In section 3, impacts of coal fired power plant is discussed and showed all current power plants in a table. Section 4 comprises with the future of coal fired power plant in Bangladesh

    Study on physicochemical status, bacterial analysis and its correlation

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    Swimming pool, as a recreational facility is now a part of current lifestyle that offers social and health benefits. More demand for hotels with swimming pool facility and are highly used during peak seasons. However swimming pool could become a pooling medium of various bacteria came from the bathers, air and soils thus risk of water-borne disease and impose hazard to human health. Therefore, a well disinfected swimming pool that meets the minimum standard requirement must be reached. This study aimed to assess the status of physicochemical parameters including free chlorine, pH, and temperature and to assess status of bacteria analysis of swimming pool water samples. 11 swimming pool water samples were taken from hotels in Klang valley, Malaysia. The physicochemical parameters were tested using colorimetric method using N,N-diethyl-1,4-phenylenediamine and bacteria analysis were obtained by standard plate count (SPC) method. Results are presented in mean and standard deviation. Correlation coefficient is obtained by Pearsonโ€™s correlation statistical test. Results showed mean of temperature 29.64ยฑ1.430C, pH 7.56ยฑ0.40, free chlorine 1.22ยฑ1.16 ppm and bacterial SPC 4,825.64ยฑ8,409.16cfu/ml. Correlation-coefficient between temperature and SPC r: 0.71. The findings showed current physicochemical status of hotel swimming pool water samples met the minimum standard requirement. However, the bacterial SPC is highly above acceptable range and positively correlated to temperature. This indicates bacterial count increase with temperature rise despite of acceptable chlorine level. The acceptable level of chlorine as disinfectant is insufficient to oxidize bacteria thus may put the swimming pool water at risk of spreading water borne diseases. This finding suggests increase dosage of chlorine is required to maintain swimming pool sanitation during hot season in order to provide a safe water recreational facility. However, larger sample size is required to confirm the findings website
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