705 research outputs found

    Terrorisk: The Impact of Terrorist Attacks on Sovereign Bond Yield Spreads of Targeted Countries

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    This study estimates the effects of terrorism incidents on a nation’s borrowing costs. An event study approach is used to evaluate changes in sovereign-bond yield spreads after terrorist attacks occur. Prior research is not in consensus on whether the effect of terrorism on bond markets is significant, and no study shows why certain bond indices may rise while others may fall after a terrorist attack. This study does not find statistical significance, which suggests that the effect of an attack may depend on the targeted country. For terrorist researchers, this study is one step toward answering whether terrorists can manipulate financial markets to their advantage

    L'urgence : l'inattendu - parfois ; l'immédiat (sans médiation) - souvent

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    Ce texte à trois voix a pour fonction de rendre compte de façon collective d'une expérience clinique particulière: l'urgence au Centre d'interventions thérapeutiques brèves (CITB)

    Local adaptation to hosts and parasitoids shape Hamiltonella defensa genotypes across aphid species

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    Facultative symbionts are common in insects and can provide their hosts with significant adaptations. Yet we still have a limited understanding of what shapes their distributions, such as why particular symbiont strains are common in some host species yet absent in others. To address this question, we genotyped the defensive symbiont Hamiltonella defensa in 26 aphid species that commonly carry this microbe. We found that Hamiltonella strains were strongly associated with specific aphid species and that strains found in one host species rarely occurred in others. To explain these associations, we reciprocally transferred the Hamiltonella strains of three aphid species, Acyrthosiphon pisum, Macrosiphoniella artemisiae and Macrosiphum euphorbiae, and assessed the impact of Hamiltonella strain on: the stability of the symbiosis, aphid fecundity and parasitoid resistance. We demonstrate that the Hamiltonella strains found in nature are locally adapted to specific aphid hosts, and their ecology: aphids tend to carry Hamiltonella strains that are efficiently transmitted to their offspring, non-lethal, and that provide strong protection against their dominant parasitoid species. Our results suggest that facultative symbiont distributions are shaped by selection from natural enemies, and the host itself, resulting in locally adapted symbioses that provide significant benefits against prevailing natural enemies

    Système de détection et de mesure de la fluorescence

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    Le besoin de concevoir des systèmes de détection efficaces de diverses substances afin d'améliorer le contrôle de qualité et la sécurité environnementale, nous amène à chercher de nouvelles approches pour contourner les problèmes reliés aux systèmes de détection actuels, tels leur taille, coût, sélectivité et consommation d'énergie. Il est aussi souhaitable de définir un modèle de développement qui ne soit pas contraint par le besoin d'une connaissance précise des processus physiques sous-jacents, souvent inconnus. Ce mémoire décrit la mise en oeuvre partielle d'un dispositif permettant d'identifier et de mesurer la concentration de substances fluorophoriques dans un milieu optique typique (Solution liquide ou suspension dans un fluide). La méthode est basée sur des mesures de fluorescence multispectrales, réalisées en excitant une substance inconnue avec une ou plusieurs diodes électroluminescentes qui couvrent un intervalle de longueurs d'ondes donné. La conception du détecteur photoélectrique repose sur la propriété inhérente des diodes électroluminescentes d'agir comme détecteurs photoélectriques quand elles sont polarisées à l'envers, et cela en offrant une réponse spectrale qui dépend de leur couleur. Dans ce mémoire, on propose un système dont l'entrée est composée d'une diode excitatrice et d'un ensemble de diodes électroluminescentes de différentes couleurs qui détectent la lumière à différentes longueurs d'ondes. Les données acquises par les photodiodes sont transmises à un système d'amplification puis à un convertisseur analogique numérique avant d'être acheminées vers un microcontrôleur implémenté sur une puce FPGA. Ce dernier permet de commander le processus de saisie des données et l'affichage des résultats obtenus quant au type et à la concentration des données obtenues. Un réseau de neurones artificiel (RNA) codé en logiciel réalise le traitement des données requis. Ce mémoire couvre tous les aspects du design sauf celui du RNA. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Mesure de fluorescence, Photodiode, FPGA, MicroBlaze

    Microalgal Growth in Aquaculture Effluent: Coupling Biomass Valorisation with Nutrients Removal

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    Natural resources are becoming increasingly scarce, and the need to control their consumption and recycle their use is growing. Water is one of the essential resources for human survival. Therefore, there has been an increasing interest in ways to save, recycle and treat water supplies. Aquaculture is one of the most polluting activities as it produces a significant wastewater volume, which needs proper treatment before being discharged into the environment or recycled. Microalgae are a potential solution for wastewater treatment. Due to their numerous advantages, the use of microalgal biomass is being studied, and, at present, there is already a market and room for profit in the sale of microalgal components in various forms, such as animal and human supplements. From a biorefinery point of view, it is important to take advantage of all the qualities and benefits that microalgae have by combining their great capacity to treat wastewater and exploit the produced biomass, analysing its composition for subsequent valorisation, for example. In this study, Chlorella vulgaris was used to treat aquaculture wastewater from a trout farm aquaculture facility, and the treatment efficiency was evaluated. To valorise the resulting biomass, its composition was also assessed. C. vulgaris successfully grew in the effluent with growth rates of 0.260 +/- 0.014 d(-1) and with average productivity of 32.9 +/- 1.6 mg L-1 d(-1). The achieved removal efficiencies were 93.5 +/- 2.1% for total nitrogen, 98.0 +/- 0.1% for nitrate-nitrogen and 92.7 +/- 0.1% for phosphate-phosphorus. Concerning biomass composition, the lipids (15.82 +/- 0.15%), carbohydrates (48.64 +/- 0.83%), and pigment contents (0.99 +/- 0.04% for chlorophyll a + b and 0.21 +/- 0.04% for carotenoids) were similar to the values of similar studies. However, the protein content obtained (17.93 +/- 1.21%) was lower than the ones mentioned in the literature


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    ASUHAN KEPERAWATAN AN. D DENGAN INFEKSI SALURAN PERNAPASAN AKUT (ISPA) DI RSUD PANEMBAHAN SENOPATI BANTUL ABSTRAK Latar Belakang : Infeksi Saluran Pernafasan Akut (ISPA) merupakan penyakit yang sangat sering dijumpai dengan manifestasi ringan sampai berat dan banyak di temukan pada anak di bawah lima tahun karena pada kelompok usia ini adalah kelompok yang memiliki sistem kekebalan tubuh yang masih rentan terhadap berbagai penyakit. Tujuan : Dapat memberikan asuhan keperawatan pada anak dengan infeksi saluran pernapasan akut di RSUD Panembahan Senopati Bantul Metode : Desain penelitian yang digunakan yaitu dengan studi kasus, pengambilan data dilakukan dengan observasi dan wawancara, responden sejumlah 1 anak yang dirawat di RSUD Panembahan Senopati Bantul. Hasil Penelitian : Diagnosa keperawatan yang ditemukan adalah Bersihan jalan napas tidak efektif berhubungan dengan sekresi yang tertahan, Hipertermia berhubungan dengan proses penyakit. Implementasi keperawatan yang dilakukan adalah Latihan batuk efektif, Manajemen hipertermia. Kesimpulan : Setelah dilakukan tindakan keperawatan selama tiga hari ketidakefektifan bersihan jalan napas dapat teratasi. Kata Kunci : ISPA, Asuhan Keperawatan, Ana

    FSL-BM: Fuzzy Supervised Learning with Binary Meta-Feature for Classification

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    This paper introduces a novel real-time Fuzzy Supervised Learning with Binary Meta-Feature (FSL-BM) for big data classification task. The study of real-time algorithms addresses several major concerns, which are namely: accuracy, memory consumption, and ability to stretch assumptions and time complexity. Attaining a fast computational model providing fuzzy logic and supervised learning is one of the main challenges in the machine learning. In this research paper, we present FSL-BM algorithm as an efficient solution of supervised learning with fuzzy logic processing using binary meta-feature representation using Hamming Distance and Hash function to relax assumptions. While many studies focused on reducing time complexity and increasing accuracy during the last decade, the novel contribution of this proposed solution comes through integration of Hamming Distance, Hash function, binary meta-features, binary classification to provide real time supervised method. Hash Tables (HT) component gives a fast access to existing indices; and therefore, the generation of new indices in a constant time complexity, which supersedes existing fuzzy supervised algorithms with better or comparable results. To summarize, the main contribution of this technique for real-time Fuzzy Supervised Learning is to represent hypothesis through binary input as meta-feature space and creating the Fuzzy Supervised Hash table to train and validate model.Comment: FICC201

    Corals of the genus Porites are a locally abundant component of the epibiont community on mangrove prop roots at Calabash Caye, Turneffe Atoll, Belize

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    Mangroves are generally regarded as inhospitable for corals, but recent reports suggest they provide ecological refuge for some species. We surveyed diverse mangrove habitats on Turneffe Atoll, Belize, documenting 127 colonies of Porites divaricata (Thin Finger Coral) along 1858 m of mangrove prop roots at Calabash Caye and a much more diverse coral assemblage at Crooked Creek. At Calabash, corals were highly clumped, and varied widely in size and morphology, including large well-arborized colonies, encrusting forms with few branches, and new recruits with no branches, suggesting an age-structuredpopulation exhibiting extensive morphological plasticity. The data described here contributeto an emerging picture of mangroves as potentially critical habitat for many Caribbeancoral species.Accepted manuscrip