1,421 research outputs found

    Origin and evolution of Gneiss-Charnockite rocks of Dharmapuri District, Tamil Nadu, India

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    A low- to high-grade transition area in Dharmapuri district was investigated petrologically and geochemically. The investigation confirmed the presence of a continuous section through a former lower crust, with felsic charnockites predominating the lower part and felsic gneisses the upper part. The structure of original gneisses is preserved in charnockites and the latter show petrographic evidence for prograde metamorphism. The prograde metamorphism is of isochemical nature as revealed by the similarity of compositions of tonalitic gneisses and tonalitic charnockites. However, the depletion of LIL elements particularly Rb, caused variation in K/Rb ratios from low values (345) in the gneisses in upper part to higher values (1775) in the charnockites in the lower crust. This variation in K/Rb ratio in a north to south traverse is related to the progressive break-down of hydrous minerals under decreasing H2O and increasing CO2 fluid conditions. Metasomatism and partial melting has also taken place to a limited extent along shear planes and weak zones. During cooling the H2O circulation affected substantial auto-regression in the transition zone resulting in the formation of second generation biotite

    Materials Development for Indian Nuclear Power Programme: an Industry Perspective

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    AbstractMaterials play very crucial role for a safe, reliable and economic operation of nuclear power plants. Materials used in nuclear reactors encounter hostile environment and aggressive media during service, and are expected to retain their structural and metallurgical integrity over a long period of use. The major challenges are the effect of radiation on embrittlement, creep, erosion, corrosion, radiation induced growth, swelling, stress corrosion cracking, hydrogen embrittlement and radioactivity build up. In order to realize a high degree of reliabilit y and at the same time meet the imposing challenges, material specification and acceptance criteria are extremely stringent and the products have to undergo a detailed testing and characterization prior to their use. To ensure the conformance to the specification, processes need to be developed which involves melting the alloy with stringent chemistry control, optimizing thermo-mechanical treatment and modifying heat treatment schedule suitably to achieve mechanical properties.A typical nuclear power plant makes use of nuclear fuel materials such as uranium, structural materials such as zirconium alloys, stainless steels, nickel base alloys as well as low alloy and carbon steels. The paper outlines processing methodologies and gives an overview of some of the structural materials

    Strategic ERP [Enterprise Resource Planning] System Planning in Alignment with Business Planning for its Improvements

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    Enterprise resource planning (ERP) system has been one of the greatest widespread business management systems, provided that benefits of real-time abilities and whole communication for business in large organizations. However, not all ERP systems implementations have been successful. Since ERP implementation touches entire organizations such as process, people, and culture, so on. There are a number of experiments that companies may come across in implementing ERP system. Business approach is significant to all organizations . Nearly more than 500 companies are implementing Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems to improve the execution of their business strategy and to improve combination with its information technology (IT) strategy. This research observes business and IT planned alignment and pursues to determine whether an ERP implementation can drive business process reengineering and business and IT strategic alignment

    The kinetics of bromine exchange between p-Nitrobenzyl bromide and some ionic bromides in liquid sulphur dioxide

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Boston UniversityThe influence of the counter ion on the reactivity of a nucleophilic anion has not been extensively investigated. A survey of the literature shows that there is some evidence that the reactivity of the ionic nucleophile is modified by ionic association. This problem is intimately connected with the relationship between ion pairs which are counted by conductivity and ion pairs which are kinetically significant. The dissociation constants for a number of ionophores are known in liquid sulfur dioxide at several temperatures and it is a good ionizing solvent. Accordingly, the exchange of radiobromine between p-nitrobenzyl bromide and ionic bromides was studied in liquid sulfur dioxide (Eq. 1). [TRUNCATED

    Influence of electric field on the Eu+3 photolumiscence in lead-free ferroelectric Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3

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    Eu modified Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3 (NBT) was investigated for electric-field induced Eu+3 photoluminescence (PL) and structural changes. Detailed analysis revealed that below a critical Eu composition electric field irreversibly suppresses the structural heterogeneity inherent of the host matrix NBT and brings about a long range ferroelectric state with rhombohedral (R3c) distortion. PL study revealed that structural disorder on the nano-scale opens new channels of radiative transitions which can be suppressed by electric field. This study suggests that Eu+3 luminescence can be used to probe the relative degree of field induced structural ordering in relaxor ferroelectrics and also in high performance piezoelectric alloys where electric field couples very strongly with the lattice and structural degrees of freedom.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figure

    The Indian Mackerel; VI Exploitation

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    The types of fishing craft and gear commonly used in the fishery have been evolved to suit the local requirement depending upon the physical characteristics of the coastline, surf conditions as well as habits of fish. Descriptive accounts of the types of these craft and gear, used both on the west and east coasts of India, are given by Hornell (1910a and 1938), Chopra (1951), Anon. (1941 and 1943), and Zeiner and Rasmussen (1958). Later Jones and Rosa (1965 and 1967) have listed the important types of fishing craft and gear commonly employed in the mackerel fishery. Similarly Rao (1969) has shown, among other things, the most common types of fishing boats and nets used in the Indian waters for this fishery

    Food of the Indian mackerel, Rastrelliger kanagurta (Cuvier) taken by drift-nets in the Arabian sea off Vizhingam, South Kerala

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    Being one of the most important neritic pelagic specie:., the Indian mackerel, RastrelUger kanagurta (Cuvier), has been, the object of investigations by many fishery biologists. On the West Coast of India, while this species supports a rich commercial fishery, its distribution on the East Coast is only of biological interest. Most of the earlier works (Devanesan and John, 1940; Devanesan, 1942; John and Menon, 1942 and Chidambaram, 1944) are of brief notes dealing with the nature of food of the mackerel on the West Coast of India. In recent years, Chidambaram et al. (1952) have studied in detail the fat variations, sizo composition, maturity and food habits of the mackerel. Bhimachar and George (1952) have given a detailed account of the seasonal fluctuations in the food of this species from Calicut. Mention should be made of the comprehensive works of Pradhan (1956) and Sekharan (1958) on the fishery and certain biological aspscts of the mackerel from the Konkan Coast. Our knowledge on the biology of this species from the East Coast of India is confined to the recent works of Kuthalingam (1956) from Madras, Rao and Rao (1957) and Rao (1962) from Waltair

    The Flatfishes

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    Among the food fishes which contribute to the marine fish production in India, flat fishes constitute an important element in the ground fish resources which, until recent years could not be exploited adequately due to the lack of suitable gear. The indigenous gear that are employed in the fishery for flatfishes are not quite eificient to capture them from the bottom; and are able to capture only when these fishes shoal in the surface and subsurface waters in the inshore area. Inspite of these drawbacks, the fishery produces an estimated average annual catch of 9,913 tonnes. There is a great possibility of increasing the production of flatfishes from the present level