5 research outputs found

    Impact of a Spatial and Regional Planning Policy for Sustainable Food Agricultural Land Protection in Banten Province

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    The development strategy within the regulations on Spatial and Regional Planning (Bahasa Indonesia: Rencana Tata Ruang dan Wilayah - RTRW) intersects with social, cultural, and environmental conditions. One impact is the conversion of agricultural land, plantations and forestry into industrial and residential areas. In the context of Banten Province, the regional regulation on Spatial and Regional Planning (Bahasa Indonesia: Peraturan Daerah Rencana Tata Ruang dan Wilayah - Perda RTRW) is considered to have played a major role in the conversion of agricultural land on a large scale in several regions in Banten Province. This study aimed to determine the impact of spatial and regional planning policies in Banten Province on efforts to protect sustainable food agricultural land (Bahasa Indonesia: Lahan Pertanian Pangan Berkelanjutan – LP2B), which is a national priority. The impact evaluation methodology was used to compare the condition of agricultural land before and after the implementation of this regional and spatial planning regulation. This study found a lack of strong commitment to the protection of LP2B, and that the conversion of agricultural land into industrial and residential areas largely occurred in areas that were included in the regional regulation as agricultural designation areas. Keywords: policy impact, spatial and regional planning (RTRW), land conversio

    Implementasi Prinsip Good Governance Dalam Pelayanan E-Ktp Dan Kartu Keluarga Di Kecamatan Benda Kota Tangerang

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    The purpose of this research is to know the implementation of the principles of good governance in the service of E-KTP and Family Cards in Benda District, Tangerang City, Benda District in the E-KTP and Family Card services. To obtain data in this study, the method used is a qualitative research method. The data collection techniques are observation, interviews and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the Implementation of Good Governance Principles in E-KTP and Family Card Services in Benda District, Tangerang City has not gone well, there are still some things that are still not appropriate, such as the existence of services that prioritize people who have positions and kinship , as well as service employees who still serve with unfriendly looks. The results of this study found that the implementation of the principle of Good Governance in the E-KTP and Family Card services was not in accordance with the principles of Good Governance because there was still injustice in providing services by prioritizing one's position and when performing services if people who had families working there the service would be faster. , but behind that there are several principles of Good Governance that have been in accordance with such as Participation, Rule of Law, Transparency, Responsiveness, Consensus Oriented, Effectiveness and Efficient, Accountability, Strategic Vision

    Optimalisasi Pengelolaan Sampah Di Tempat Pemrosesan Akhir (TPA) Rawa Kucing Kota Tangerang (Dari Perspektif Komunikasi dan Sumber Daya Penanggulangan Sampah)

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    Various problems that are currently happening at the Rawa Kucing TPA are that the volume of waste increases every year. The Tangerang City Government issued Regional Regulation Number 2 of 2022 concerning Tangerang City Waste Management as an effort to overcome this problem. This study aims to discuss the Optimization of Waste Management at the Rawa Kucing Final Processing Site (TPA) in Tangerang City (Viewed from Communication Resources and Waste Management). Researchers used a type of qualitative descriptive research that refers to data collection techniques used through observation, interviews, and documentation. Researchers use the theory of Van Meter Van Horn Policy Implementation. The results of the study show that policy sources are not supportive in carrying out waste management so that the waste problem in Tangerang City, especially at the Rawa Kucing TPA, has not been handled optimally. the quality of human resources at Rawa Kucing TPA in terms of minimal education, the budget has not been fulfilled in overcoming waste problems at Rawa Kucing TPA, one of which is the PLTSa program, and in terms of equipment it is still lacking. It is necessary to carry out waste management at the Rawa Kucing TPA, besides that communication between stakeholders is good, but there are still obstacles in external communication as indicated by the low awareness of the community to dispose of waste in its place, and many people who do not know about the policies and existence of PERDA in waste management. To achieve the goals of the waste management policy at Rawa Kucing TPA, cooperation and participation of the target group is needed, namely the community so that the policies made by the government can work and achieve the desired goals


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    Beberapa studi tentang distribusi sumber daya negara di Provinsi Banten menunjukkan bahwa kerap terjadi politik distributif dalam distribusi hibah dan bansos dengan berbagai pola, terutama pola pork barrel, dimana distribusi hibah dan bansos dilakukan dengan pertimbangan politik balas budi pasca kontestasi politik. Penelitian ini hendak menindak lanjuti beberapa  temuan dalam studi sebelumnya tentang kecenderungan politik distributif dalam distribusi hibah dan bansos di Provinsi Banten. Penelitian ini ingin memfokuskan studi pada pola politik distributif dalam distribusi hibah Kesejahteraan Rakyat (Kesra) di Provinsi Banten pada tahun 2019. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode kualitatif dengan cara menganalisis data-data primer yang didapatkan, dan melakukan wawancara mendalam dengan narasumber yang dibutuhkan. Penelitian ini kemudian menemukan pola baru dalam distribusi hibah Kesejahteraan Rakyat Provinsi Banten tahun 2019, yang berbeda dengan pola yang ditemukan dalam beberapa penelitian sebelumnya.Kata Kunci : Politik Distributif, Kebijakan, Hibah Provins


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    Sistem presidensialisme yang disertai dengan keadaan multipartai ekstrem di Indonesia ternyata telah menghasilkan pemerintahan minoritas dan terbelah, yang mengharuskan presiden terpilih untuk melakukan kompromi politik di parlemen demi mendukung efektifitas jalannya pemerintahan. Penelitian ini mencoba menganalisis perubahan dalam revisi Undang Undang No 7 tahun 2017 tentang Pemilu yang dianggap memiliki pengaruh dalam penguatan sistem presidensial di Indonesia. Beberapa pasal krusial yang dianggap berpengaruh terhadap upaya penguatan sistem presidensial adalah tentang ambang batas presiden dan parlemen, serta keserentakan pemilihan presiden dan parlemen