8,840 research outputs found

    Four Stokes parameter radio frequency polarimetry of a flare from AD Leonis

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    Observations of the four Stokes parameters of a 430 MHz flare from the UV Ceti-type star AD Leonis are presented. The maximum amplitude of the event was 0.52 flux units and the durations at one-half and one-tenth maximum were 12 and 40 seconds, respectively. The degree of circular polarization at maximum intensity was approximately 56 percent and was later observed to be as high as 92 percent. Linear polarization was also observed at a level of about 21 percent at flare maximum which allowed an upper limit of 440 radians - sq m to be placed on the rotation measure

    A preliminary case study of the effect of shoe-wearing on the biomechanics of a horse’s foot

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    Horse racing is a multi-billion-dollar industry that has raised welfare concerns due to injured and euthanized animals. Whilst the cause of musculoskeletal injuries that lead to horse morbidity and mortality is multifactorial, pre-existing pathologies, increased speeds and substrate of the racecourse are likely contributors to foot disease. Horse hooves have the ability to naturally deform during locomotion and dissipate locomotor stresses, yet farriery approaches are utilised to increase performance and protect hooves from wear. Previous studies have assessed the effect of different shoe designs on locomotor performance; however, no biomechanical study has hitherto measured the effect of horseshoes on the stresses of the foot skeleton in vivo. This preliminary study introduces a novel methodology combining three-dimensional data from biplanar radiography with inverse dynamics methods and finite element analysis (FEA) to evaluate the effect of a stainless steel shoe on the function of a Thoroughbred horse's forefoot during walking. Our preliminary results suggest that the stainless steel shoe shifts craniocaudal, mediolateral and vertical GRFs at mid-stance. We document a similar pattern of flexion-extension in the PIP (pastern) and DIP (coffin) joints between the unshod and shod conditions, with slight variation in rotation angles throughout the stance phase. For both conditions, the PIP and DIP joints begin in a flexed posture and extend over the entire stance phase. At mid-stance, small differences in joint angle are observed in the PIP joint, with the shod condition being more extended than the unshod horse, whereas the DIP joint is extended more in the unshod than the shod condition. We also document that the DIP joint extends more than the PIP after midstance and until the end of the stance in both conditions. Our FEA analysis, conducted solely on the bones, shows increased von Mises and Maximum principal stresses on the forefoot phalanges in the shod condition at mid-stance, consistent with the tentative conclusion that a steel shoe might increase mechanical loading. However, because of our limited sample size none of these apparent differences have been tested for statistical significance. Our preliminary study illustrates how the shoe may influence the dynamics and mechanics of a Thoroughbred horse's forefoot during slow walking, but more research is needed to quantify the effect of the shoe on the equine forefoot during the whole stance phase, at faster speeds/gaits and with more individuals as well as with a similar focus on the hind feet. We anticipate that our preliminary analysis using advanced methodological approaches will pave the way for new directions in research on the form/function relationship of the equine foot, with the ultimate goal to minimise foot injuries and improve animal health and welfare

    Are Radio Pulsars Strange Stars ?

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    A remarkably precise observational relation for pulse core component widths of radio pulsars is used to derive stringent limits on pulsar radii, strongly indicating that pulsars are strange stars rather than neutron stars. This is achieved by inclusion of general relativistic effects due to the pulsar mass on the size of the emission region needed to explain the observed pulse widths, which constrain the pulsar masses to be less than 2.5 Solar masses and radii to be smaller than 10.5 km.Comment: v.2 : 12 pages including 3 figures and 2 tables, LaTex, uses epsfig. This version has one extra figure, few lines of new text and typos fixe

    Geography of conservation spending, biodiversity, and culture

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    We used linear and multivariate models to examine the associations between geography, biodiversity, per capita economic output, national spending on conservation, governance, and cultural traits in 55 countries. Cultural traits and social metrics of modernization correlated positively with national spending on conservation. The global distribution of this spending culture was poorly aligned with the distribution of biodiversity. Specifically, biodiversity was greater in the tropics where cultures tended to spend relatively less on conservation and tended to have higher collectivism, formalized and hierarchical leadership, and weaker governance. Consequently, nations lacking social traits frequently associated with modernization, environmentalism, and conservation spending have the largest component of Earth's biodiversity. This has significant implications for setting policies and priorities for resource management given that biological diversity is rapidly disappearing and cultural traits change slowly. Therefore, we suggest natural resource management adapt to and use characteristics of existing social organization rather than wait for or promote social values associated with conservation spending. Supporting biocultural traditions, engaging leaders to increase conservation commitments, cross-national efforts that complement attributes of cultures, and avoiding interference with nature may work best to conserve nature in collective and hierarchical societies. Spending in modernized nations may be a symbolic response to a symptom of economic development and environmental degradation, and here conservation actions need to ensure that biodiversity is not being lost

    Musculoskeletal modelling of an ostrich (Struthio camelus) pelvic limb: influence of limb orientation on muscular capacity during locomotion

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    We developed a three-dimensional, biomechanical computer model of the 36 major pelvic limb muscle groups in an ostrich (Struthio camelus) to investigate muscle function in this, the largest of extant birds and model organism for many studies of locomotor mechanics, body size, anatomy and evolution. Combined with experimental data, we use this model to test two main hypotheses. We first query whether ostriches use limb orientations (joint angles) that optimize the moment-generating capacities of their muscles during walking or running. Next, we test whether ostriches use limb orientations at mid-stance that keep their extensor muscles near maximal, and flexor muscles near minimal, moment arms. Our two hypotheses relate to the control priorities that a large bipedal animal might evolve under biomechanical constraints to achieve more effective static weight support. We find that ostriches do not use limb orientations to optimize the moment-generating capacities or moment arms of their muscles. We infer that dynamic properties of muscles or tendons might be better candidates for locomotor optimization. Regardless, general principles explaining why species choose particular joint orientations during locomotion are lacking, raising the question of whether such general principles exist or if clades evolve different patterns (e.g., weighting of muscle force–length or force–velocity properties in selecting postures). This leaves theoretical studies of muscle moment arms estimated for extinct animals at an impasse until studies of extant taxa answer these questions. Finally, we compare our model’s results against those of two prior studies of ostrich limb muscle moment arms, finding general agreement for many muscles. Some flexor and extensor muscles exhibit self-stabilization patterns (posture-dependent switches between flexor/extensor action) that ostriches may use to coordinate their locomotion. However, some conspicuous areas of disagreement in our results illustrate some cautionary principles. Importantly, tendon-travel empirical measurements of muscle moment arms must be carefully designed to preserve 3D muscle geometry lest their accuracy suffer relative to that of anatomically realistic models. The dearth of accurate experimental measurements of 3D moment arms of muscles in birds leaves uncertainty regarding the relative accuracy of different modelling or experimental datasets such as in ostriches. Our model, however, provides a comprehensive set of 3D estimates of muscle actions in ostriches for the first time, emphasizing that avian limb mechanics are highly three-dimensional and complex, and how no muscles act purely in the sagittal plane. A comparative synthesis of experiments and models such as ours could provide powerful synthesis into how anatomy, mechanics and control interact during locomotion and how these interactions evolve. Such a framework could remove obstacles impeding the analysis of muscle function in extinct taxa

    Monitoring dugongs within the Reef 2050 Integrated Monitoring and Reporting Program: final report of the dugong team in the megafauna expert group

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    The objectives of this report are to determine for the dugong: An assessment of the current status of the relevant elements of the Great Barrier Reef (the Reef), including an evaluation of primary drivers, pressures and responses using the Driving Forces, Pressures, States, Impacts, Responses (DPSIR) Framework; Identification of priority indicators for monitoring the key values associated with these elements; Summary of potential sources of data; Evaluation of adequacy of existing monitoring activities within each theme to achieve the objectives and requirements of RIMReP; Recommendations for the design of an integrated monitoring program as a component of RIMReP, specifically considering: The information requirements for each key element of the Reef to ensure that appropriate data and information are being collected to meet the fundamental objectives of RIMReP; The spatial and temporal sampling design to ensure that greatest value can be extracted from the data collected; The logistics of the design to ensure that it can be implemented efficiently; Likely funding required to implement the recommended monitoring design.An accessible copy of this report is not yet available from this repository, please contact [email protected] for more information

    Is pulsar B0656+14 a very nearby RRAT source?

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    The recently discovered RRAT sources are characterized by very bright radio bursts which, while being periodically related, occur infrequently. We find bursts with the same characteristics for the known pulsar B0656+14. These bursts represent pulses from the bright end of an extended smooth pulse-energy distribution and are shown to be unlike giant pulses, giant micropulses or the pulses of normal pulsars. The extreme peak-fluxes of the brightest of these pulses indicates that PSR B0656+14, were it not so near, could only have been discovered as an RRAT source. Longer observations of the RRATs may reveal that they, like PSR B0656+14, emit weaker emission in addition to the bursts.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted by ApJ

    Solutions of the Generic Non-Compact Weyl Equation

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    In this paper, solutions of the generic non-compact Weyl equation are obtained. In particular, by identifying a suitable similarity transformation and introducing a non-trivial change of variables we are able to implement azimuthal dependence on the solutions of the diagonal non-compact Weyl equation. We also discuss some open questions related to the construction of infinite BPS monopole configurations.Comment: 12 pages, Latex. Few extra comments and a reference adde

    Tackling Health Inequalities in Scotland: an Innovative Approach to Implement the ‘Early Years’ Policy into Practice

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    Major health inequalities existing across the world and are often closely linked with degrees of social disadvantage. Scotland is fully committed to tackling this major challenge of health and social inequalities. One key focus is ensuring that every child and young person has equal access to opportunities and health improvements. This is supported by a series of national guidelines and ‘early years’ policy drivers. To implement these policies in practice, one National Health Service (NHS) health board (Lanarkshire) in collaboration with the University of the West of Scotland (UWS), adopted an innovative approach to develop the Best Possible Start (BPS) program of focused activity to reshape ‘early years’ services and ways of working. The foundation for the program was the national transformational initiative ‘Getting it right for every child (GIRFEC)’. This is based on the belief that the developments of the child and their experiences in the early years have a major impact on the child’s future life chances. The early nurturing environment is seen crucial in influencing emotional attachment. The BPS program focused on reshaping and streamlining the related health services in the early years between preconception and early school years. This is incorporated in the universal pathway of care encompassing all ‘early years’ services and related professionals. This universal pathway of care is underpinned with evidence based practice, workforce development, building research capacity and influencing leadership in the workplace. This paper presents a detailed overview of the BPS program including the structure, strategic aims and the rationale underpinning the pathway of care

    Influencing Leadership and Building Research Capacity through the Implementation of Health Policy into Practice

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    Leadership in nursing and midwifery is a cornerstone to guide and support teams in the dynamic and rapidly changing health environment. Developing research capacity in health is also a key factor to produce and implement a sound evidence base for practice. Internationally, building health service research capacity is a recognized essential factor to influence and inform policy and practice. This includes developing research capacity across the range of individuals and teams, organisations and networks. This paper describes how one NHS Health Board in Scotland promoted a supportive environment and activities to develop leadership and increase research capacity to support implementation of national Early Years policies into practice