10 research outputs found

    Optically-Heralded Entanglement of Superconducting Systems in Quantum Networks

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    Networking superconducting quantum computers is a longstanding challenge in quantum science. The typical approach has been to cascade transducers: converting to optical frequencies at the transmitter and to microwave frequencies at the receiver. However, the small microwave-optical coupling and added noise have proven formidable obstacles. Instead, we propose optical networking via heralding end-to-end entanglement with one detected photon and teleportation. In contrast to cascaded direct transduction, our scheme absorbs the low optical-microwave coupling efficiency into the heralding step, thus breaking the rate-fidelity trade-off. Moreover, this technique unifies and simplifies entanglement generation between superconducting devices and other physical modalities in quantum networks

    Scalable photonic integrated circuits for programmable control of atomic systems

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    Advances in laser technology have driven discoveries in atomic, molecular, and optical (AMO) physics and emerging applications, from quantum computers with cold atoms or ions, to quantum networks with solid-state color centers. This progress is motivating the development of a new generation of "programmable optical control" systems, characterized by criteria (C1) visible (VIS) and near-infrared (IR) wavelength operation, (C2) large channel counts extensible beyond 1000s of individually addressable atoms, (C3) high intensity modulation extinction and (C4) repeatability compatible with low gate errors, and (C5) fast switching times. Here, we address these challenges by introducing an atom control architecture based on VIS-IR photonic integrated circuit (PIC) technology. Based on a complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) fabrication process, this Atom-control PIC (APIC) technology meets the system requirements (C1)-(C5). As a proof of concept, we demonstrate a 16-channel silicon nitride based APIC with (5.8Ā±\pm0.4) ns response times and -30 dB extinction ratio at a wavelength of 780 nm. This work demonstrates the suitability of PIC technology for quantum control, opening a path towards scalable quantum information processing based on optically-programmable atomic systems

    A scalable cavity-based spin-photon interface in a photonic integrated circuit

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    A central challenge in quantum networking is transferring quantum states between different physical modalities, such as between flying photonic qubits and stationary quantum memories. One implementation entails using spin-photon interfaces that combine solid-state spin qubits, such as color centers in diamond, with photonic nanostructures. However, while high-fidelity spin-photon interactions have been demonstrated on isolated devices, building practical quantum repeaters requires scaling to large numbers of interfaces yet to be realized. Here, we demonstrate integration of nanophotonic cavities containing tin-vacancy (SnV) centers in a photonic integrated circuit (PIC). Out of a six-channel quantum micro-chiplet (QMC), we find four coupled SnV-cavity devices with an average Purcell factor of ~7. Based on system analyses and numerical simulations, we find with near-term improvements this multiplexed architecture can enable high-fidelity quantum state transfer, paving the way towards building large-scale quantum repeaters.Comment: to be published in Optica Quantu

    Nanoelectromechanical control of spin-photon interfaces in a hybrid quantum system on chip

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    Atom-like defects or color centers (CC's) in nanostructured diamond are a leading platform for optically linked quantum technologies, with recent advances including memory-enhanced quantum communication, multi-node quantum networks, and spin-mediated generation of photonic cluster states. Scaling to practically useful applications motivates architectures meeting the following criteria: C1 individual optical addressing of spin qubits; C2 frequency tuning of CC spin-dependent optical transitions; C3 coherent spin control in CC ground states; C4 active photon routing; C5 scalable manufacturability; and C6 low on-chip power dissipation for cryogenic operations. However, no architecture meeting C1-C6 has thus far been demonstrated. Here, we introduce a hybrid quantum system-on-chip (HQ-SoC) architecture that simultaneously achieves C1-C6. Key to this advance is the realization of piezoelectric strain control of diamond waveguide-coupled tin vacancy centers to meet C2 and C3, with ultra-low power dissipation necessary for C6. The DC response of our device allows emitter transition tuning by over 20 GHz, while the large frequency range (exceeding 2 GHz) enables low-power AC control. We show acoustic manipulation of integrated tin vacancy spins and estimate single-phonon coupling rates over 1 kHz in the resolved sideband regime. Combined with high-speed optical routing with negligible static hold power, this HQ-SoC platform opens the path to scalable single-qubit control with optically mediated entangling gates

    Multiplexed control of spin quantum memories in a photonic circuit

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    A central goal in many quantum information processing applications is a network of quantum memories that can be entangled with each other while being individually controlled and measured with high fidelity. This goal has motivated the development of programmable photonic integrated circuits (PICs) with integrated spin quantum memories using diamond color center spin-photon interfaces. However, this approach introduces a challenge in the microwave control of individual spins within closely packed registers. Here, we present a quantum-memory-integrated photonics platform capable of (i) the integration of multiple diamond color center spins into a cryogenically compatible, high-speed programmable PIC platform; (ii) selective manipulation of individual spin qubits addressed via tunable magnetic field gradients; and (iii) simultaneous control of multiple qubits using numerically optimized microwave pulse shaping. The combination of localized optical control, enabled by the PIC platform, together with selective spin manipulation opens the path to scalable quantum networks on intra-chip and inter-chip platforms.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Spin-Phonon-Photon Strong Coupling in a Piezomechanical Nanocavity

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    We introduce a hybrid tripartite quantum system for strong coupling between a semiconductor spin, a mechanical phonon, and a microwave photon. Consisting of a piezoelectric resonator with an integrated diamond strain concentrator, this system achieves microwave-acoustic and spin-acoustic coupling rates āˆ¼\simMHz or greater, allowing for simultaneous ultra-high cooperativities (āˆ¼103\sim 10^3 and āˆ¼102\sim 10^2, respectively). From finite-element modeling and master equation simulations, we estimate photon-to-spin quantum state transfer fidelities exceeding 0.97 based on separately demonstrated device parameters. We anticipate that this device will enable hybrid quantum architectures that leverage the advantages of both superconducting circuits and solid-state spins for information processing, memory, and networking

    Cavity-enhanced emission from an ensemble of color centers in silicon

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    Optical quantum technologies require strong light-matter interaction. We couple silicon color center ensembles to high-Q/V cavities and show enhanced emission in the telecommunications O-band.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository 'You share, we take care!' - Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.QID/Hanson La

    Cavity-enhanced single artificial atoms in silicon

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    Abstract Artificial atoms in solids are leading candidates for quantum networks, scalable quantum computing, and sensing, as they combine long-lived spins with mobile photonic qubits. Recently, silicon has emerged as a promising host material where artificial atoms with long spin coherence times and emission into the telecommunications band can be controllably fabricated. This field leverages the maturity of silicon photonics to embed artificial atoms into the worldā€™s most advanced microelectronics and photonics platform. However, a current bottleneck is the naturally weak emission rate of these atoms, which can be addressed by coupling to an optical cavity. Here, we demonstrate cavity-enhanced single artificial atomsĀ in silicon (G-centers) at telecommunication wavelengths. Our results show enhancement of their zero phonon line intensities along with highly pure single-photon emission, while their lifetime remains statistically unchanged. We suggest the possibility of two different existing types of G-centers, shedding new light on the properties of silicon emitters