4 research outputs found
Batik Fashion Trends and National Identity
National identity is an identity that distinguishes one nation from another. The rapid development of globalization in the digital era has been able to influence national identity and has the potential to undermine the nation's cultural values. One example is the change in the function of fashion from what was originally only a primary need, now it has doubled as a lifestyle and trend of people in the world. However, the fashion trend in Indonesia is dominated by the influence of foreign cultures. Fashion from western countries and Korea has become the daily consumption of Indonesian people. Therefore, the acculturation of Indonesian culture with current fashion trends needs to be done so as not to further fade the nation's national identity. Batik as an intangible cultural heritage can also become the national identity of the Indonesian nation. So, researchers took the initiative to acculturate batik with current fashion trends in an effort to strengthen the national identity of the Indonesian nation. Knowing the interest of the younger generation, regarding our innovation in the form of acculturating batik with fashion trends. Survey-based research method by providing open-ended questions related to respondents' interest in acculturating batik with contemporary fashion trends to the population of the young group aged 15-19 years through an online survey with 100 samples and 9 samples for interviews with the surrounding distribution area around the islands of Borneo and Java. The younger generation is proud when wearing batik, but they don’t have the habit of using batik in their daily life. Researchers offer acculturation innovations to all respondents and they are interested in our innovations because they can still follow fashion trends in addition to wearing batik as their daily clothes and can give the effort to strengthen their national identity
Batik Fashion Trends and National Identity
National identity is an identity that distinguishes one nation from another. The rapid development of globalization in the digital era has been able to influence national identity and has the potential to undermine the nation's cultural values. One example is the change in the function of fashion from what was originally only a primary need, now it has doubled as a lifestyle and trend of people in the world. However, the fashion trend in Indonesia is dominated by the influence of foreign cultures. Fashion from western countries and Korea has become the daily consumption of Indonesian people. Therefore, the acculturation of Indonesian culture with current fashion trends needs to be done so as not to further fade the nation's national identity. Batik as an intangible cultural heritage can also become the national identity of the Indonesian nation. So, researchers took the initiative to acculturate batik with current fashion trends in an effort to strengthen the national identity of the Indonesian nation. Knowing the interest of the younger generation, regarding our innovation in the form of acculturating batik with fashion trends. Survey-based research method by providing open-ended questions related to respondents' interest in acculturating batik with contemporary fashion trends to the population of the young group aged 15-19 years through an online survey with 100 samples and 9 samples for interviews with the surrounding distribution area around the islands of Borneo and Java. The younger generation is proud when wearing batik, but they don’t have the habit of using batik in their daily life. Researchers offer acculturation innovations to all respondents and they are interested in our innovations because they can still follow fashion trends in addition to wearing batik as their daily clothes and can give the effort to strengthen their national identity
Latar Belakang : Ibu hamil yang mengalami kecemasan bila tidak ditangani akan membawa dampak dan pengaruh pada ibu maupun janin. Ibu hamil harus menjaga keseimbangan tubuh dan pikirannya untuk menciptakan pikiran tenang dan nyaman sehingga keduanya bisa bekerja seimbang yang akan mengarah pada kehamilan dan persalinan yang tenang dan membahagiakan. Salah satu cara untuk mencegah dan mengurangi gangguan psikologis adalah dengan menari. Belly dance adalah gerakan tari perut yang mempunyai peranan penting sebagai tarian melahirkan. Belly dance dapat membuat pikiran menjadi rileks dan mengatasi rasa sakit.
Tujuan penelitian : mengetahui pengaruh Belly Dance terhadap penurunan tingkat kecemasan pada ibu primigravida trimester III.
Metode : Penelitian Quasy eksperimen dengan menggunakan pendekatan group pretest dan postest design with control group.. Sampel penelitian berjumlah 22 orang, tehnik pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan random ( probability samples. Pengumpulan data kecemasan menggunakan kuesioner (HRSA), dan pengumpulan data dukungan keluarga menggunakan kuseioner dukungan keluarga.
Hasil : Hasil analisis menunjukkan ada perbedaan bermakna rerata kecemasan pada kelompok intervensi (p=,0001), dan ada perbedaan bermakna antara kelompok intervensi dan kelompok kontrol (p=,001).
Simpulan : Belly Dance berpengaruh terhadap penurunan tingkat kecemasan pada ibu primigravida trimester III.
Kata kunci : Belly dance, kecemasan, ibu hamil trimester III
Background: Pregnant women who have anxiety and if not treated will have an impact and influence on the mother and fetus. Pregnant women should keep balace the body and mind to create comfortable so that both can work together that will lead pregnancy and childbirt are calm and happy. One of the ways to prevent and reduce psychological disorders is by dancing. Belly dance is a movement with have an important role as a dance childbirth. Belly dance can make the mind to relax and reduce pain.
Research purposes: This study aims toanalyze the influence of belly dance againts the level of anxiety of third trimester primigaravida pregnant women.
Method: This research use techniques Quasy Exsperimen tal control group pre-test and post-test desing. The number of the samples in this study were 22 respondents were divided into two groups : acontrol groups (11 respondents) and treatment groups (11 respondents). The sampling technique is done by random ( probability samples). Collection data anxiety using questionnaires HARS, and collection data familly support using questionnaires family support.
Result: Satistical analysis showed significant differences anxiety between control groups and treatment groups ( p= ,001) and significant differences between before and after treatment in the treatment groups ( p=,0001).
Conclusion: The implication of this study is Belly Dance could be considered to be a complementary therapy to reduce anxiety of third trimester primigaravida pregnant women.
Keywords : Belly dance, anxiety, third trimester pregant wome