356 research outputs found

    Analisis Program Kuwau Padek di Dinas Kependudukan dan Pencatatan Sipil Kabupaten Mukomuko

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    This exploration looks at the Advancements of the Kuwau Padek Program at the Mukomuko Regime Populace and Common EnlistmentiAdministration. How to innovate the Kuwau Padek Population Administration Service ai theiOffice ofiPopulation andiCivil Registrationiiof MukomukoiRegency is the study'siproblemiformulation. Rogers' (1995) theory of innovation is as follows: 1) Realative benefits, 2). Compatibility, as well as Complexity. Theiqualitative researchimethods usediin thisistudyiwere Theioral andiwritten dataiused inithis studyiwere obtainedithroughiinterview, observation, and documentation methods. The information investigation method utilized is the information assortment stage, information buildup, show stage, and making determinations. iAccording toithe findingsiof this study, the Kuwau Padek program is being implemented successfully in Mukomukon Regency and can assist the community in an efficient and effective manner.   Keywords: Role of Women, Handling Household Wast

    A study of concentration of sugar mill effluents on properties of soil and types of micro-organisms present in the soil

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     The work was undertaken to assess the effect of various concentrations like 0%, 25%, 50% and 100% of sugar mill effluents (SME) on soil properties and types of micro-oranisms present were also studied. With increased concentration of SME causes increase in Total Organic Carbon (TOC), pH, Electrical Conductivity (EC), Ca+2, Mg+2 etc. of the soil.Keywords: Sugar mill effluents, micro-organisms, Total Organic Carbon (TOC), Electrical Conductivity (EC)

    Information Systems Design of Tourist Attraction in Bandar Lampung City

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    Tourism is one of the selling point that Bandar Lampung City has. The information about the location of tourist attraction and the supporting facility was given in booklet and tourism map. The information distribution through those media haven't use the technology that appropriate to the current development.Some research methods were used in this research such as, data collection methods and system design methods. The data collection methods were done in several ways such as interview with the respondents, literature study and observation. The system design methods use UML (Unified Modelling Language).The output from this research is a design of geographic information system that interactive with the user and able to attract the tourist attention to visit Bandar Lampung City and the tourist attraction. With this design hopefully can bring more information about a tourist attraction in Bandar Lampung City and gain more tourist to visit Bandar Lampung City. KEY WORDSGeographic Information System, Design, Touris

    Systematic study of nuclear structure properties of proton-rich even-even tellurium isotopes with the Gogny energy density functional

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    298-303The ground state nuclear structure properties of the proton rich even-even tellurium isotopes are studied by using Gogny energy density functional within the framework of Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (HFB) method. The HFB equations are solved by using the axial cylindrical transformed deformed harmonic oscillator basis. The full parameterization of Gogny energy density functional is employed in the present study. The evolution of the neutron density distributions with an increase in neutron number is studied and emergence of various nuclear structure phenomena is investigated. Besides this, the ground state nuclear structure properties such as nuclear multipole moments, deformation parameters, binding energies, pairing energies, root mean square radii and charge radii are obtained for the even-even proton-rich tellurium isotopes. The theoretical results on the nuclear ground state properties are compared with the available experimental data and good agreement is found


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    The concepts of phenomenological studies were focused worldly on the assessment of the lived experiences of disabled persons. The current studies were focusing on the lived experiences of visually impaired student in the one central University of India. These studies were conducted by personal interviews of ten visually impairment students. An outcome of this research explores many difficulties overcoming in the higher education learning process of the visually impaired student. This was due to the several major factors involved behinds this as deficient of modern devices of teaching, class lecture recorder, financial problems, over formalities burden by institutions at the time of examination and admission. Psychosocial adjustment in the new environments is another factor who affected education. Learning is a lifelong process which can affect individuals. Every moment of life of the visually impaired student from school to higher education has been a significant role in its own life and such an impact should not be denied. Therefore, this is necessary to provide special support for the improvement of career success among individuals who are visually impaired and avoid their educated barrier in the higher education system.  Article visualizations

    Desain Kelas Luar Ruangan yang Aktif dan Inovatif di Universitas Multimedia Nusantara Tangerang

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    Since the beginning of creation, humans have lived in nature and evolved through coexistence. The natural ecosystem has directly contributed to human development, satisfying basic and spiritual needs, and sustaining life. Therefore, exposure and direct experience with nature are crucial in all aspects of life, including education. Several studies have examined the impact of outdoor learning activities, both in general and at the university level. Learning outdoors can improve focus, trigger diverse ideas and responses, and enhance understanding of natural and social phenomena. There are six main aspects to consider in the design of outdoor classrooms: flexibility and adaptability, comfort and safety, sustainability, aesthetics, accessibility, and technology. Those six aspects were then applied to the design framework of the outdoor classroom at Multimedia Nusantara University as pilot project, which is flexible and open to future changes or additions.Sejak awal penciptaan, manusia telah hidup di dalam alam dan berevolusi melalui koeksistensi. Ekosistem alam berkontribusi langsung terhadap perkembangan manusia, memuaskan kebutuhan dasar dan spiritual, serta menopang kehidupan. Untuk itu, eksposur dan pengalaman langsung dengan alam sangat penting dalam seluruh aspek kehidupan, termasuk dalam pendidikan. Beberapa riset telah mengkaji dampak kegiatan pembelajaran di ruang terbuka, baik secara umum maupun dalam tingkat perguruan tinggi. Melakukan pembelajaran di ruang luar dapat meningkatkan fokus, memicu ide dan respons yang beragam, serta pemahaman fenomena alam dan sosial yang lebih baik. Terdapat enam aspek utama dalam pertimbangan desain kelas luar ruangan, yaitu fleksibilitas dan adaptibilitas, kenyamanan dan keamanan, keberlanjutan, estetika, aksesibilitas, dan teknologi. Keenam aspek ini kemudian diterapkan dalam pilot project perancangan kelas luar ruangan pada Universitas Multimedia Nusantara. Diharapkan melalui perancangan kelas luar ruangan ini dapat berperan dalam menciptakan lingkungan belajar yang aktif dan inovatif


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    Objectives: The present study, aimed to determine and characterize the chemical constituents of Cassia auriculata flower extract by qualitative, quantitative and analytical techniques. Methods: Preliminary Phytochemical, total flavonoid and phenol content was determined in the methanolic extract of C.auriculata (CAFMEt) using standard methods. C-18 silica gel based column chromatography was used to purify CAFMEt using n-hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol and fraction identified by thin layer chromatography. GC-MS and FT-IR techniques used to characterize the lead fraction. Results: CAFMEt showed the presence of flavonoid and Phenols in a significant amount. Three fractions was collected from column chromatography viz., Fraction 1-3 (n-hexane: yellow) was 2.5mg, (ethyl acetate: light orange) 1.8mg and (methanol: light green) 5.67mg respectively. TLC indicated n-hexane has higher refractive factors 0.457 at yellow band and ethyl acetate fraction has 0.329 at light orange band. 14 chemical constituents were identified by GC-MS included alkanes, alcohol, esters and hydrocarbons. The major peak showed the presence of 4-(4-methylphenoxy) phenol at 22.53%. Infra red spectra revealed the presence of phenolic groups in hexane fraction. Conclusion: Further studies will be carried out the pharmacological potential of n-hexane fractions of flowers of C.auriculata

    Geographic Information Systems Design of Tourist Attraction and Nearest Facility in Bandar Lampung City

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    Tourism is one of the selling point that BandarLampung City has. The information about the location oftourist attraction and the supporting facility was given inbooklet and tourism map. The information distributionthrough those media haven't use the technology thatappropriate to the current development.Some research methods were used in thisresearch such as, data collection methods and systemdesign methods. The data collection methods were donein several ways such as interview with the respondents,literature study and observation. The system designmethods use UML (Unified Modelling Language).The output from this research is a design ofgeographic information system that interactive with theuser and able to attract the tourist attention to visit BandarLampung City and the tourist attraction. With this designhopefully can bring more information about a touristattraction in Bandar Lampung City and gain more touristto visit Bandar Lampung City

    Short-course chemotherapy in neuro-tuberculosis - Brief review of clinical trials undertaken at the Tuberculosis Research Centre, Madras

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    Tuberculosis of the nervous system can present as tuberculous meningitis, tuberculoma of brain, Potts paraplegia, tuberculosis of spine and rarely as arachnoiditis and vasculitis. Tuberculosis is conventionally treated for 12 to 18 months to ensure adequate cure, stabilise quiescence and prevent relapses. With the introduction of rifampicin and pyrazinamide it became feasible to shorten the duration of chemotherapy to 6 to 9 months. Many controlled clinical trials conducted all over the world have confirmed the success of this approach in pulmonary tuberculosis by evolving 100% effective SCC regimens 1-5. In a few studies especially tuberculous lymphadenitis, tuberculous abdomen and pericarditis SCC has also been used and found to be as effective as conventional regimens6,7. However, only recently has SCC been tried for neurotuberculosis. This presentation briefly highlights some of the chemotherapy trials conducted at the Tuberculosis Research Centre in some areas of CNS tuberculosis8-10. What is SCC? SCC refers to chemotherapeutic regimens containing powerful bactericidal drugs like INH, Rifampicin and Pyrazinamide, by the use of which the duration of treatment of TB is reduced from the conventional 12 to 18 months to 6 to 9 months

    Detecting Targeted Malicious Email Through Mail Client

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    Sharing and storing of data in the web world is with the help of social networks. Messages are exchanged between hosts using the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). While the email messages are transporting between systems, SMTP communicates delivery parameters using a message envelope separate from the message (header and body) itself. A malicious email message is the one which have been deliberately crafted to cause problems on the server or at the client side. This message may contain a virus. A filtering technique is applied on messaging string contents by applying tokenization and then applying naïve bayesian classifier we classify targeted and non targeted malicious email. A network defender encounters different classes of threat actors with varying intents and capabilities. Conventional computer network attacks exploit network-based listening services such as Web servers. Traditional decision-tree classification algorithms split each node using the best split from all available features. With random forests, each node splits from a randomly selected set of features at that node. It is only focus on mail body not on hyperlinks and attachments. Proposed extension is feature extraction to file attachment metadata. Threat actors might inadvertently leave remnants of infor-mation such as file paths, time zones, or even author names. In addi¬tion, organizations can track features that characterize the types and amounts of email received by a particular email address