1,015 research outputs found

    Analisis Terhadap Rasio-rasio Keuangan: Usaha Memahami Potret Perusahaa

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    The numbers from financial statements are presented as a picture of company´s condition in a particular period. Those numbers are raw financial information and need to be analyzed before they are used as a basic of decision making. This study tries to explain the usage of financial ratios for helping users to understand the meaning of accounting numbers better. The objed of study is five mining companies listed in BEJ for the period of 2000-2004. Every ratio brings different information to the users. Those ratios will tell more about companies´ performance and sometime can be used to reveal unusual condition that may convey the symptoms of financial distress. For that reason, the knowledge of financial statement analysis is extremely recommended for those who use financial statements as a basic of decision making. Keywords: financial statement analysis, financial ratios. mining companies, company"s performance, accounting number

    Intertemporal Efficiency Analysis of Indonesian Sharia Commercial Bank after Spin off Period 2013-2017: Data Envelopment Analysis (Window Analysis)

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    This study compares the operational stability of the Islamic Bank in Indonesia in post with a spin off research period 2013 to 2017 with the method of analysis with Window DEA or Intertemporal Efficiency Analysis. Window analysis is one of the development of DEA models that can measure the level of efficiency from time to time (intertemporal) observations on inputs and outputs from the DMU over several time periods, it is important to conduct panel data analysis where it focuses on changes in efficiency from time to time. income. The results are BRI sharia bank is the most efficient and stable out of the other several banks that is the research sample. This proves the concept of efficiency, which emphasizes the utilization of certain company inputs to achieve maximum output levels. In this case, BRI Sharia able to utilize inputs, namely TPF & labor costs to produce maximum output, namely financing and operating income.     Keywords: Islamic Bank Windows DE

    A Survey of Research on Health Monitoring System using Mobile Cloud Computing by Home Node Base Station

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    This paper presents a E-health monitoring scheme based on HNB (home node base station) and mobile cloud computing. In this method, the health data of each user is captured by using sensors and sent to the corresponding devices (i.e desktop, laptop, mobile). From that device the health data is transferred to cloud under which the mobile device is registered. In HNB it is verified whether the user’s health is normal using a database stored inside the HNB. If any abnormality is detected it will shows some indication through some sounds or light. The E-health data are send to cloud for each 15 seconds. In cloud also the data is verified with the normal data and if any abnormalities found it will indicate by sending message to the corresponding healthcare center. The health data in the cloud are stored with high security and only authentic healthcare center can access the data. Based on health data the healthcare centre takes proper action to cure the patient. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15027

    Studi Komparatif terhadap Alternatif Teknologi yang Digunakan untuk Menjamin Keberlangsungan Jaringan Komputer di Perguruan Tinggi

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    Jaringan komputer dalam suatu Perusahaan merupakan aspek kritis yang mendukung berlangsungnya kegiatan operasional Perusahaan terutama dalam hal pertukaran data. Hal ini dianggap kritis karena saat ini data dan informasi merupakan faktor pendukung utama untuk pengembangan dan keberlangsungan bisnis suatu Perusahaan. Hal ini menyebabkan pertukaran data dan informasi dalam internal Perusahaan menjadi proses yang sangat mendukung kegiatan operasional Perusahaan dan dengan pemanfaatan jaringan pertukaran data dapat dilakukan dengan cepat dan aman. Oleh karena itu, keberlangsungan jaringan computer (network continuity) dianggap salah satu aspek penting dalam menjamin keberlangsungan bisnis pada suatu Perusahaan. Terdapat banyak teknologi yang dapat digunakan untuk network continuity. Dalam makalah ini, kami akan memberikan perbandingan antara beberapa teknologi tersebut. Perbandingan tersebut didapatkan dengan literatur pembelajaran terhadap beberapa sumber. Dengan adanya perbandingan untuk setiap teknologi, maka akan dapat diketahui teknologi mana yang cocok untuk diterapkan di perguruan tinggi. &nbsp

    Urgensi Upaya Paksa Dalam Pelaksanaan Putusan Pengadilan Tata USAha Negara

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    The weakness of administrative decision assesed in absence of forceful measures imposed on the defendant administrative. With law No.9 of 2004 and changed with law No.51 of 2009, known forceful measures in administrative decision. Article 116, paragraph 4 „in case the defendant is not willing to implement the binding court decision, to official concerned shall attempt a forced measures such as forced payment of money forced and/or administrative sanction‟. But until now the implementation of rules and technical instruction how both intstrument such a forceful measures implemented has not been issued by the government and by the supreme court. The purpose of this writing is to find out the urgency of forceful measures in the implementation of the binding administrative court decision. Conclusions are (1) many administrative court decision that can not be excecuted, due the factors, both in self respect of defendant and the ansence of the institution of measures. (2) forceful measures as mandated in article 166can be implemented effectively because there‟s no implementing reguletion.(3) theimplementation of forceful measures as a feature of the general principle of good governance, the rule of law. And sanction as a weapon for defendant to implement the administrative court decision.The author suggestion that examined of the problems are, first there should be forcibly implementing regulations regarding it self as the publication of government regulations. Second, confirm the dranft plan of administrative law. Third, indispensable participations of defendant in the execution of administrative court decision to determine the development of execution

    Effect of parity on the proximate composition and fatty acid profile of milk from Nguni cattle grazing on natural pastures

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    The objective of the study is to establish the effect of parity on milk composition and fatty acid profiles of Nguni cattle milk. Forty-four Nguni cows with parities ranging from 1 to 13 were included in this study. The cows were grouped to three parity groups: parity group 1 (parity 1 to 5), parity group 2 (parity 6 to 9) and parity group 3 (parity 10 to 13). Samples of the milk were collected in a single day and the milk was analyzed using gas chromatography. Parity had no effect of proximate composition (fat,DMC and moisture %) on milk. The fatty acids (FA) present in the milk of the three parity groups were primarily palmitic (33.3 to 40.5%), oleic (16.3 to 20.3%), myristic (12.5 to 13.2%) and stearic (10.8 to 11.7%) acids, in decreasing order of proportion. Milk from parity group 3 cows contained significantly (p < 0.05) higher proportions of butyric, myristoleic, oleic, eicosenoic, conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), arachidonic and eicosopentaenoic acids when compared with the other two parity groups. Parity group 3 also had significantly (p < 0.05) higher values for total SFA, MUFA, PUFA, omega 3 fatty acids and n-6/n-3 ratio than the other two parity groups. Cows in higher parities generally have higher values forindividual fatty acids when compared to those in lower parities. Parity is therefore, an important factor that must be considered when assessing milk quality in Nguni cows.Key words: Conjugated linoleic acid, fat content, harsh environment, fatty acid profile, milk composition

    Effect of triple drug antiretroviral therapy on CD4+ count in pregnant women with HIV and prevention of parent to child transmission

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    Background: India has moved from single drug Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) in 2002 to triple drug ART in 2013 to prevent parent to child transmission of HIV. The aim of the study was to know the effects of triple drug ART on maternal CD4+ count and prevention of HIV transmission to baby along with its adherence, side effects and pregnancy outcome.Methods: A prospective study wsas done in Safdarjung Hospital, New Delhi on 40 HIV positive pregnant women who received single dose combination of triple drug ART. CD4+ count, LFT and KFT were done before beginning of ART and repeated after 6 months of ART. The infants received nevirapine prophylaxis and HIV status was determined by DBS PCR at 6 weeks.Results: The median CD4+ count was 317 and 397 pre and post ART for 6 months respectively (p value<0.001. Low birth weight (LBW) was seen in 43.59% which was statistically significant but confounded as 76.4% of these babies were preterm. 23.08% of babies had an APGAR of < 7 at 1 minute, out of which 77.7% were preterm. Nine out of 39 infants (one had abortion) needed NICU admission. Only one baby (2.56%) was HIV positive who died at 4 months of age due to pneumonia. There was no defaulter and no statistically significant changes in LFT and KFT after 6 months of ART.Conclusions: Triple drug ART offers greater convenience improves fetomaternal outcome and minimize the risk of HIV transmission from mother to child

    Penilaian Risiko Green Supply Chain Menggunakan Pendekatan Fuzzy AHP – PDSA pada PT Jamu Sehat

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    . Memasuki era persaingan bisnis global, Perusahaan dituntut untuk terus melakukan inovasi dan perbaikan secara berkelanjutan guna memperluas dan mempertahankan pasar. Ketidakpastian bisnis melahirkan kesadaran baru tentang pentingnya unsur risiko dalam setiap pengambilan keputusan. Risiko tidak bisa dihindari namun risiko dapat dikelola dengan baik sehingga peluang tingkat kerugian dapat dimitigasi. Green Supply Chain Management mengkaji pengintegrasian konsep lingkungan dalam supply chain management. Penelitian terdahulu menyebutkan bahwa terdapat risiko dalam implementasi GSCM mencakup kemitraan, kegagalan kebijakan manajemen, kegagalan pemasok, kegagalan pelanggan utama, teknologi, dan pasar. Risiko ini dapat menyebabkan keterlambatan pengiriman, penyimpangan finansial, dan kerusakan barang atau hal-hal lain yang dapat mempengaruhi kelancaran operasi bisnis. PT. Jamu Sehat yang merupakan salah satu produsen jamu di Indonesia. Permasalahan yang dihadapi adalah penurunan nilai penjualan produk. Untuk itu, Perusahaan berusaha meningkatkan nilai penjualan melalui pemenuhan terhadap tuntutan produk yang ramah lingkungan guna memberikan nilai tambah pada produknya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi risiko implementasi GSCM pada PT. Jamu Sehat. Metode yang digunakan adalah Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process untuk menentukan prioritas risk agent, kemudian metode Plan-Do-Study-Act digunakan untuk menyusun strategi implementasi GSCM. Berdasarkan analisis menggunakan PDSA, usulan strategi adalah memperbaharui Standard Operational Procedure yang ada di Perusahaan dan melakukan standardisasi produk

    Identifikasi dan Penilaian Obyek Daya Tarik Wisata Alam (Studi Kasus di Taman Nasional Ujung Kulon)

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    Ujung Kulon National Park has a wide variety of natural tourist different and nice. However, this potential has not been identified by either. For this tourism potential need to be identified and assessment as an effort to develop this location. This research id aimed to identify the potential of nature tourism and assess of object natural tourist attraction at this conservation area. The method used is a case study, in which data collection is done through in-depth interviews and involved observation. Data were analyzed using assessment of object natural tourist attraction. The results showed that the potential of tourism in Gunung Tilu and Curug Cibayoni which has a high value rated with excellent criteria it needs to be included into the form of tourist activities in accordance with the assessment of Object Natural Tourist Attraction. Forms of nature tourism activities are educational tour; religious tour; recreation; tracking; set up a stall for society; agricultural education tour; and handicraft

    Location-specific forecast at Sriharikota during the launch of GSLV-F01

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    The present study was carried out to examine the performance of two high-resolution mesoscale/regional atmospheric models to provide real time short range forecast during the GSLV-F01 launch on 20 September 2004. The main objective was to provide vertical shear of horizontal wind, which is very important for launch operations. The models are integrated to provide forecasts 36 h in advance. The model predictions are compared with observations and their performances are evaluated in terms of statistical skill scores. The mesoscale model of Pennsylvania State University (PSU)/National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) MM5 was found to perform better than the High-resolution Regional Model (HRM) though marginally. Performance of MM5 model was further investigated after improvement of model initial condition with insertion of conventional observations into the large-scale global analysis to perform reanalysis at high resolution (horizontal resolution of 9 km). Results indicate significant improvement in model performance with improvement in initial condition
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