132 research outputs found

    A Novel Algorithm for Discovering Frequent Closures and Generators

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    The Important construction of many association rules needs the calculation of Frequent Closed Item Sets and Frequent Generator Item Sets (FCIS/FGIS). However, these two odd jobs are joined very rarely. Most of the existing methods apply level wise Breadth-First search. Though the Depth-First search depends on different characteristics of data, it is often better than others. Hence, in this paper it is named as FCFG algorithm that combines the Frequent closed item sets and frequent generators. This proposed algorithm (FCFG) extracts frequent itemsets (FIs) in a Depth-First search method. Then this algorithm extracts FCIS and FGIS from FIs by a level wise approach. Then it associates the generators to their closures. In FCFG algorithm, a generic technique is extended from an arbitrary FI-miner algorithm in order to support the generation of minimal non-redundant association rules. Experimental results indicate that FCFG algorithm performs better when compared with other level wise methods in most of the cases

    Case report on perioperative management of combined factor V and VIII deficiency in a patient with prolapse uterus

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    Combined factor V and factor VIII deficiency is a rare autosomal recessive disorder with incidence of one in 10,00,000. We reported a case of seventy-one-year-old patient with third degree uterovaginal prolapse, diagnosed as combined factor V and VIII deficiency and the successful perioperative management during vaginal hysterectomy. With our experience in this, we conclude that for the patient's with factor V and VIII deficiency that the correction should be given for at least 2 weeks post operatively


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    Objective: The present study was aimed at investigating the prodigiosin production under optimized conditions with different parameters such astemperature, incubation time, substrate concentration, and inoculum size.Methods: Response surface methodology was found to be useful in optimizing and determining interactions among process variables in prodigiosinproduction by applying Box–Behnken and face-centered central composite design.Results: Prodigiosin producing Serratia marcescens (SM) MBB01, MBB02, and MBB05 were isolated from soil (Western Ghats Ecosystem). Thesignificant R value was 0.9666, 0.9459, and 0.9433, and the maximum experimental response for prodigiosin production was 497, 690, and560 mg/mL, whereas the predicted value was 495.3, 706.6, and 574.8 mg/mL for SM MBB01, SM MBB02, and SM MBB05, respectively.2Conclusion: Statistically optimized conditions by Box–Behnken design found to be very significant in improved pigment production by SM MBB01,MBB02, and MBB05. The correlation between the predicted and observed values indicates the adequacy of the model.Keywords: Prodigiosin, Serratia marcescens, RSM

    A new analytical method for determination of dolutegravir and rilpivirine in pharmaceutical formulations by RP-HPLC method

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    A simple, rapid, precise, sensitive and reproducible reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) method has been developed for the quantitative analysis of Dolutegravir and Rilpivirine in pharmaceutical dosage form. Chromatographic separation of Dolutegravir and Rilpivirine was achieved on Waters Alliance -2695, by using Luna C18 (250mm x 4.6mm, 5µm) column and the mobile phase containing 0.1% OPA & ACN in the ratio of 50:50 v/v. The flow rate was 1.0 ml/min, detection was carried out by absorption at 245 nm using a photodiode array detector at ambient temperature. The number of theoretical plates and tailing factor for Dolutegravir and Rilpivirine were NLT 2000 and should not more than 2 respectively. The linearity of the method was excellent over the concentration range 10-150 µg/ml and 5-75 µg/ml for Dolutegravir and Rilpivirine respectively. The correlation coefficient was 0.999. % Relative standard deviation of peak areas of all measurements always less than 2.0. The proposed method was validated according to ICH guidelines. The method was found to be simple, economical, suitable, precise, accurate & robust method for quantitative analysis of Dolutegravir and Rilpivirine study of its stability

    Did human DRD2 haplotypes originate in India? A survey of haplotype frequencies and linkage disequilibrium in the tribes of Eastern Ghats, South India

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    In recent years, a possible role of the dopamine D2 receptor (DRD2) locus has been reported in various fields like the etiology of alcoholism, neuropsychiatric disorders, etc. Therefore, it has been the focus of considerable attention. DNA analysis has made it easier to study haplotypes, arrays of alleles at closely linked loci along the chromosome. These regions are short enough to show little or no recombination, and behave as blocks that might have ancient origins. Scoring these markers as haplotypes, allows analysis both in terms of haplotype frequencies and identity in terms of linkage disequilibrium. The human dopaminergic system is an important focus of study in the fields of neuropsychiatry and pharmacology; it is also a promising nuclear DNA marker in studies of human genome diversity. Haplotype frequencies and linkage disequilibrium for the dopamine D2 receptor gene (DRD2) were determined in 197 unrelated individuals from four tribal populations of the Eastern Ghats, an important region of India. The three marker systems in this study are highly polymorphic in all the four tribal populations and the haplotype system showed high levels of heterozygosity than the Nilgiri Hill tribes and those in other parts of the world, except Africa. Out of the possible eight haplotypes, seven are commonly shared by all the populations. The ancestral allele B2D2Al accounts for 0.028 to 0.166, which was present in all the groups consistently. The linkage disequilibrium was statistically significant in all the populations. The results show a chance of Indian origin or back migration of human DRD2 haplotypes. Data obtained in this study on DRD2 represent one of the small, but growing number of datasets examining disequilibrium and haplotype frequencies in human populations and also indicate that the gene flows from the Eastern Ghats to the Western Ghats. These populations might be one of the oldest among other Indian populations

    HDR Image Quality Assessment using Tone Mapping Operators

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    With the developments in Image acquisition techniques there is an increasing interest towards High Dynamic Range (HDR) images where the number of intensity levels ranges between 2 to 10,000. With these many intensity levels, the accurate representation of luminance variations is absolutely possible. But, because the standard display devices are devised to display Low Dynamic Range (LDR) images, there is a need to convert HDR image to LDR image without losing important image structures in HDR images. In the literature a number of techniques are proposed to get tone mapped image from HDR image. In this paper an attempt has been made to analyze four TMOs, i.e., Linear Mode, Gamma Correction, Reinhard and Reinhard with color correction. A subjective analysis tells us that the Reinhard with color correction has produced better results. In this paper two new tone mapping operators are proposed

    Genetic structure and affinities among tribal populations of southern India: a study of 24 autosomal DNA markers

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    We describe the genetic structure and affinities of five Dravidian-speaking tribal populations inhabiting the Nilgiri hills of Tamil Nadu, in south India, using 24 autosomal DNA markers. Our goals were: (i) to examine what evolutionary forces have most significantly impacted south Indian tribal genetic variation, and (ii) to test whether the phenotypic similarities of some south Indian tribal groups to Africans represent a signature of close relationship to Africans or are due to convergence. All loci were polymorphic and average heterozygosities were substantial (range: 0.347-0.423). Genetic differentiation was high (Gst= 6.7%) and genetic distances were not significantly correlated with geographic distances. Genetic drift therefore probably played a significant role in shaping the patterns of genetic variation observed in southern Indian tribal populations. Otherwise, analyses of population relationships showed that Indian populations are closely related to one another, regardless of phenotypic characteristics, and do not show particular affinities to Africans. We conclude that the phenotypic similarities of some Indian groups to Africans do not reflect a close relationship between these groups, but are better explained by convergence

    Formulation and evaluation of atenolol oro dispersable tablets by co-processed super-disintegration process

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    Oral disintegrating tablet (ODT) is defined as A solid dosage form containing medical substances or active ingredient which disintegrates rapidly usually within a matter of seconds when placed upon the tongue. The aim of the present research is to formulate Atenolol oral disintegrating tablets.Atenolol is ?1- cardio selective adrenergic receptor blocker, widely used in the treatment of hypertension, angina pectoris, arrhythmias and myocardial infarction. It works by slowing down the heart and reducing the work load of the heart.Atenolol was specifically developed so as to pass the blood brain barrier and overcome theside effects such as depression and nightmares.It has been reported that atenolol undergo extensive hepatic first pass metabolism following oral administration and has shorter biological half-life of 6 7 hours with oral bioavailability of 50%. The conventional tablets of atenolol are reported to exhibit fluctuations in the plasma drug levels after administration. Atenolol ODTs are prepared by novel co-processed super-disintegration process using Cross Povidone and Cross carmellose sodium, as the super disintegrants. The prepared tablets were characterized for their hardness, weight variation, disintegration time, wetting time, water absorption ratio friability, and in vitro dissolution studies.he ability of the tablet to release the drug faster depends on the concentration and type of super disintegrant. In this study the oral disintegrating tablets containing Cross carmellose sodium and Cross Povidone as the super disintegrant in the ratio of 1:1 shows better release of drug. About 99.5% of the drug was released from the tablets in 6 mins. Therefore, based on the physico chemical properties, in vitro drug release profile and mouth feel formulation F 1 containing 1:1 of Cross carmellose sodium and crospovidone is optimised as the best formulation

    Optimization of Energy-Efficient Cluster Head Selection Algorithm for Internet of Things in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) now uses the Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) as a platform to sense and communicate data. The increase in the number of embedded and interconnected devices on the Internet has resulted in a need for software solutions to manage them proficiently in an elegant and scalable manner. Also, these devices can generate massive amounts of data, resulting in a classic Big Data problem that must be stored and processed. Large volumes of information have to be produced by using IoT applications, thus raising two major issues in big data analytics. To ensure an efficient form of mining of both spatial and temporal data, a sensed sample has to be collected. So for this work, a new strategy to remove redundancy has been proposed. This classifies all forms of collected data to be either relevant or irrelevant in choosing suitable information even before they are forwarded to the base station or the cluster head. A Low-Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) is a cluster-based routing protocol that uses cluster formation. The LEACH chooses one head from the network sensor nodes, such as the Cluster Head (CH), to rotate the role to a new distributed energy load. The CHs were chosen randomly with the possibility of all CHs being concentrated in one locality. The primary idea behind such dynamic clustering was them resulted in more overheads due to changes in the CH and advertisements. Therefore, the LEACH was not suitable for large networks. Here, Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) and River Formation Dynamics are used to optimize the CH selection (RFD). The results proved that the proposed method to have performed better compared to other methods
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