9 research outputs found

    Perikanan dan Terumbu Karang yang Rusak: Bagaimana Mengelolanya?

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    Terumbu karang telah mengalami degradasi yang serius oleh berbagai aktivitasmanusia. Di sisi lain, nelayan pesisir sangat bergantung pada perikanan terumbukarang. Terumbu karang memberikan beberapa fungsi ekologi terhadap biotalaut (ikan dan invertebrata), yaitu sebagai daerah pemijahan, daerahpembesaran, dan daerah mencari makan. Terumbu karang yang sehat denganstruktur bio-fisik yang kompleks akan menyediakan makanan yang maksimalterhadap pelbagai organisme, menyediakan mikrohabitat yang baik untukberlangsungnya proses-proses reproduksi dan perlekatan larva, dan memberiperlindungan fisik dari predator (khususnya untuk larva). Kerusakan terumbukarang akan memberikan pengaruh tidak hanya berupa penurunan keragamanhayati tetapi juga berdampak sosial-ekonomi bagi masyarakat pesisir (nelayan).Oleh karena itu, diperlukan kegiatan-kegiatan yang terkait dengan USAha-USAhaagar dapat membatasi kerusakan tersebut (regulasi), dan melindungi ataumelakukan restorasi terhadap terumbu karang yang rusak

    Studi Awal: Desain Jejaring Kawasan Konservasi Perairan di Pantai Barat Sulawesi Selatan

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    This study was related to government policies , especially PP No 60 / 2007 article 19 of the mandate of the establishment of network of marine conservation areas in various levels, both local ( provincial ), national, regional and global. One aspect is the establishment of a network of ecological data availability . The method used is the spatial analysis techniques combined with field surveys in the waters of the West Coast of South Sulawesi , especially in the waters of Makassar . Research shows that the condition of each ecosystem ; seagrass with range from 32.5 to 72.5 % with an average of 54 % (Good Condition) condition of coral reef ecosystems which range covered of 17.5 to 57.5 % with an average of 39.5 , % (critical condition ) and condition of mangrove ecosystem with moderate conditions with an area 142 hectares which in the category of denc

    Kondisi Telur pada Berbagai Bagian Cabang Karang Acropora Nobilis

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui distribusi telur menurut tingkat perkembangannya, rataan jumlah telur per polip dan proporsi polip yang reproduktif pada berbagai bagian cabang karang A. nobilis. Sebanyak 10 koloni A. nobilis yang berdiameter > 15 cm diambil contohnya secara acak di bagian barat laut perairan terumbu karang Pulau Barrang Lompo, Kepulauan Spermonde, Makassar pada tanggal 27 Januari 2002 (satu hari sebelum bulan purnama). Polip dari tiga bagian cabang (apikal, tengah dan basal) diperiksa jumlah telur yang dikandungnya secara histologis. Terdapat interaksi antara pertumbuhan dan reproduksi terhadap alokasi sumber daya pada berbagai bagian koloni karang. Alokasi sumber daya terhadap fungsi biologi tertentu akan mengorbankan fungsi biologi lainnya. Pertumbuhan karang yang terlokalisasi pada bagian tertentu suatu koloni karang berhubungan dengan rendahnya aktivitas reproduksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya perbedaan yang nyata (p < 0.001) distribusi telur menurut tingkat perkembangannya pada berbagai bagian cabang karang. Bagian tengah cabang memiliki proporsi polip karang yang berkaitan dengan lokasi energi untuk pertumbuhan yang lebih reproduktif (100%) dengan kandungan rataan jumlah telur yang lebih tinggi (5.22 butir/potongan polip) dibanding bagian apikal dan basal cabang

    Pemetaan Spasio-temporal Ikan-ikan Herbivora di Kepulauan Spermonde, Sulawesi Selatan [Spatio-temporal Mapping Of Herbivorous Fishes At Spermonde Islands, South Sulawesi]

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    Ikan herbivora di terumbu karang menjadi salah satu indikator tingkat kesehatan ekosistem. Pada terumbu karang yang sehat biasanya ditandai dengan kelimpahan ikan herbivora yang tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memetakan distribusi spasial dan temporal ikan herbivora dalam kaitannya dengan kondisi kesehatan karang. Pendataan jumlah jenis dan kepadatan ikan herbivora dengan metode transek sabuk dan pencacahan dengan teknik visual sensus, sedangkan penilaian kesehatan karang dengan metode transek kuadran. Data sebaran diplot dengan teknik pemetaan sedangkan data kepadatan dikelompokkan berdasarkan pulau dan dianalisis perbedaannya dengan analisis ragam. Hubungan antara kepadatan ikan herbivora dengan kesehatan karang dilakukan dengan menggunakan regresi sederhana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata kepadatan ikan herbivora periode April-Agustus dengan kisaran 0,014-0,532 ekor.m-2. Hasil analisis ragam menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan kepadatan ikan herbivora antarpulau. Hubungan antara kepadatan ikan herbivora dengan kondisi kesehatan karang berkorelasi positif dan nyat

    Aplikasi Metode Multycriteria Decision Making (MCDM)dengan Teknik Pembobotan Dalam Mengidentifikasi Dan Mendesain Kawasan Konservasi Perairan Daerah Di Kabupaten Luwu Utara, Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan

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    The study, in 2012, has successfully formulated with the MCDM for each allocation of space in KKPD allotment (core areas, sustainable fisheries zone, used zone, and other zones). This weighting techniques need to be tested and be implemented in identifying and designing the KKPD in the study area. This study aims to identify and map the biophysical conditions and the potential of coastal and marine natural resources in marine conservation area candidate, North Luwu Regency; to identify the areas suitable for the KKPD based on weighting technique with the MCDM method; and to evaluate potential candidates for marine protected areas in the coastal region. This study used a survey method to perform in situ measurements of physico-chemical parameters, conducted a survey of coastal ecosystems using the transect method. The socio-economic data of coastal communities were collected using the questionnaire. The biophysical conditions and marine resources were analyzed using descriptive statistical methods. The results showed that the candidate region has a rich diversity of coastal ecosystems, but the ecosystem, particularly seagrass beds and coral reefs have been in damaged category. Only the mangrove ecosystem that was still in a good condition category with moderate-to-heavy levels of density. There were 6 species of seagrasses and 6 species of mangroves and 71 species of reef fish. It was discovered 2 regions corresponding to the allotment of the Core Zone, which is in the Region I and III with the total area of 654.22 hectares. For sustainable fisheries zone, Region II and IV would be the first choice with the total area of 620.27 hectares. The Used Zone was identified in the Region V with total area of 480.66 hectares. The total area of the region was equal to 1755.15 hectares. Marine protected areas of was suggested to the protection of coastal ecosystems including mangroves, seagrass beds, and coral reefs and its associated biota, especially the protection of local feeding ground of several species (sea turtles and dugongs)

    Keberhasilan Rehabilitasi Terumbu Karang Akibat Peristiwa Bleaching Tahun 2016 dengan Teknik Transplantasi

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    The purpose of this study was to analyze the succesfullnes use of two coral reef transplantation methods in the rehabilitation ofcoral reefs damaged by the phenomenon of bleaching in 2016 at the waters of Liukangloe Island, Bulukumba, South Sulawesi.In this study two methods were implemented, i.e. methods frame-spider and methods of nails-natural substrates, with 5 unitsas replication, respectively. A total of three kinds of branching corals weretransplanted, namely Acropora robusta, Poritescylindrica, and Pocillopora verrucosa. On each unit transplantation models, attached 6 coral fragments with branch length of5-12 cm for each kind of corals. A total of 3 fragments for each species of corals were labeled and coded for the survival rateand absolute growth monitoring. All five unit of experiments on each model are placed on two areas separately and placedrandomly with depths ranging from 3-4 m in the northern part of island. Observations survival rate and absolute growth of coraltransplant were conducted for every 2 weeks for 28 days by counting the dead coral fragment or missing and measure the lengthof transplant coral branch with a measuring ruler. The effectiveness of the two methods was analyzed based on the survival andgrowth of the absolute value of coral transplant. Survival rate were analyzed descriptively and the average values of absolutegrowth were analyzed by t-student. The use of frame-spider methods and methods of nails-natural substrates as effective inrehabilitating the coral reefs from bleaching phenomenon based on the parameters of survival and growth of Acropora robusta,Porites cylindrica, and Pocillopora verrucos