6 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk untuk mengetahui (1) apakah terdapat pengaruh model pembelajaran Auditory Intellectually Repetition terhadap kemampuan pemecahan masalah matematis siswa MTs Negeri 2 Labuhanbatu, (2) bagaimana respon siswa terhadap model pembelajaran dan (3) bagaimana proses dan kesalahan jawaban siswa terhadap tes kemampuan. Teknik pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini adalah dengan tes dan non-tes dan pengujian hipotesis menggunakan uji-t. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kemampuan yang ditunjukkan dari hasil uji hipotesis bahwa  sehingga  ditolak dan  diterima. Respon siswa dalam model pembelajaran terhadap kemampuan ada sebanyak 15 siswa (50,0%) menyatakan sangat setuju bahwa siswa memahami materi dalam pembelajaran matematika, sedangkan 10 siswa (33,3%) menyatakan setuju, 2 siswa (6,7%) menyatakan tidak setuju dan 3 siswa (10,0%) menyatakan sangat tidak setuju. Proses dan kesalahan jawaban siswa pada tes kemampuan diketahui terdapat 1 siswa atau 3,3% memiliki jawaban sampai selesai tetapi hasilnya sama sekali salah, terdapat 2 siswa atau 6,7% memiliki jawaban sampai selesai tetapi hasilnya ada yang salah karena kekeliruan dalam proses perhitungan, terdapat 11 siswa atau 36,7% jawaban sampai selesai tetapi hasilnya ada yang salah karena kekeliruan dalam perhitungan, sedangkan siswa yang memberikan jawaban secara tepat dan benar sebanyak 16 siswa atau 53,3 %


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    This research was conducted for 2 weeks in October at SMAN 11 Medan. This type of research is classroom action research. Before the action is taken first, the initial test is given. From the results of the initial test, the average student achievement was 20.62 with a classical completeness level of 0%. After giving action I to creative thinking tests the level of student study in classical is 15%, with an average grade achievement of 33.75. To test student learning outcomes the level of completeness obtained by students is 17.5%, with an average grade achievement of 26.42. After the implementation of action II for creative thinking tests the level of student study learning in classical is 85%, with an average achievement of 72.85 classes. To test student learning outcomes the level of completeness obtained by students is 90%, with an average grade achievement of 77.17. From this there is an increase in the level of classical completeness by 70% for students 'creative thinking and 72.5% for students' mathematics learning outcomes. Keywords: Mathematical Creativity, Mathematics Learning Outcomes, ICT Media, Cooperative Type-STAD Model

    Kemampuan Metakognisi dan Kemandirian Belajar Siswa Pada Pembelajaran Discovery Learning dan Pembelajaran Example Non-Example

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat perbandingan peningkatan kemampuan metakognisi dan kemandirian belajar terhadap pembelajaran discovery learning dengan pembelajaran example non-example. Metode dalam penelitian adalah mixed-method dan teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah non-probability sampling yakni sampling purposive. Instrumen dalam penelitian ini adalah tes metakognisi matematis, angket kemandirian belajar. Analisis data dilakukan secara kuantitatif menggunakan uji Mann-Whithney (non-parametric). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) terdapat perbedaan peningkatan kemampuan metakognisi matematis antara siswa yang mendapat pembelajaran discovery learning dengan siswa yang mendapat pembelajaran example non-example, (2) terdapat perbedaan peningkatan kemandirian belajar antara siswa yang mendapat pembelajaran discovery learning dengan siswa yang mendapat pembelajaran example non-example

    Pemanfaatan Adobe Flash Dengan Pendekatan Konstruktivis Dalam Meningkatkan Efektifitas Pemahaman Materi Pelajaran Fisika Di Smk Siti Banun

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    With the development of an increasingly technological era that greatly affects all sectors, both the economy, tourism, especially education, this does not rule out the possibility that all of us must exist and continue to compete in increasing scientific knowledge to make superior human resources towards a golden Indonesia in 2045. In Law No. 20 of 2003, improving the quality of education is directed at improving the quality of Indonesian people as a whole through heart, thought, exercise, and sports in order to have competitiveness in facing global challenges. This study aims to innovate learning media using a digital system, namely Adobe Flash so that the learning process further increases student motivation, especially to complete the test questions given. The method used is waterfall. The data used are the results of interviews from students who have been collected before using the application and after using the application in solving problems. Based on the results of student interviews, it was concluded that in solving problems using the application, they were more enthusiastic and eager to try because they immediately knew the results of the scores they were doing, both true and false scores. So, from this study, the conclusions obtained are to increase effectiveness in learning, especially solving questions about the need for special learning innovations for tests using digitalization technology, namely Adobe Macromedia Flash

    Profile of MTs Students' Spatial Reasoning in Solving Contextual Problems Based on Mathematical Ability

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    Spatial reasoning as an important component in students' mathematical thinking and problem solving. How do students think spatially, how is the flow in solving contextual problems, this is spatial reasoning. Spatial reasoning consists of three characteristics, namely perceiving, visual-spatial and transforming. This research is included in descriptive qualitative which aims to describe the spatial reasoning of MTs students in imagining and explaining parts of objects, mentioning and describing parts of objects and changing the shape of objects from the problems given. The subjects in this study were three students from class VIII of MTs Negeri 3 Muara Ampolu Tapanuli Selatan who were taken from each level of mathematical ability, namely high, medium and low abilities after being given an initial math ability test. To find out the profile of students' spatial reasoning in contextual solving, the research subjects were given a spatial reasoning test. The results showed that students with high and moderate mathematical abilities in solving contextual problems that required spatial reasoning had good results. Meanwhile, low-ability students have difficulty in solving contextual problems so that their spatial reasoning has poor results