7 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan terhadap Kesetiaan Pengunjung di Desa Wisata

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    This study aimed to describe and understand the tangiable, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy that can affect the loyalty of visitors in Koja Doi Tourism Village. The research method used is a quantitative method. The data used in this study is primary data in the form of questionnaires distributed to tourists visiting the Koja Doi Tourism Village, Sikka Regency. The sample used has a sampling limit of 100 respondents. The results showed, Test result F is known to be a significant value (10.033) with a significant value of 0.00 where smaller 0.05 or below 5%.   The results of the T test are known that, a) the significance value of the physical evidence of 0.049 < 0.05; b) the significance value of reliability of 0.048 < 0.05; c) the significance value of the presumption of 0.044 < 0.05; d) the significance value of the guarantee of 0.013 < 0.05; e) the significance value of the attention of 0.036 < 0.05. Conclusions, partially or simultaneously show that physical evidence, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and attention affect the loyalty of visitors..   Keywords: Service Quality, Visitor Loyalty, Koja Doi Tourism Village, Sikka Regenc

    Kepatuhan Wajib Pajak Di Desa Maluruwu Kecamatan Palue Kabupaten Sikka Ditinjau Dari Aspek Kesadaran Wajib Pajak, Tingkat Penghasilan, Sanksi, Tingkat Pengetahuan Dan Kualitas Pelayanan

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    This study aimed to determine the effect of taxpayer awareness, taxpayer income level, taxpayer sanctions, taxpayer knowledge level and service quality on mandatory compliance. The research method used is a quantitative method and a survey approach. The data used in this study is primary data in the form of a questionnaire distributed to taxpayers registered in Maluriwu Village, Palue District, Sikka Regency. The sample used has a sampling limit of 90 respondents. The results showed that the F test results were known to be significant (0.249) greater than 0.05 or above 5%. The results of the T test are known that, a) the significance value of taxpayer awareness is 0.850 > 0.05; b) the significance value of the income level of the taxpayer is 0,-91 > 0.05; c) the significance value of the sanction is 0.164 > 0.05; d) the significance value of taxpayer knowledge is 0.878 > 0.05; e) the significance value of service quality is 0.594 > 0.05. The conclusion, partially or simultaneously, shows that taxpayer awareness, income level, sanctions, knowledge level and service quality do not affect taxpayer compliance. Keywords: Taxpayer Compliance, Taxpayer Awareness, Service Quality, Taxpayer Sanctions, Income Level, Knowledge Leve


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    This study aims to determine whether bureaucratic reform has an influence on the quality of public services in the Population and Civil Registry Office of SIKKA Regency. This research is a descriptive study with a quantitative approach. The sample in this study amounted to 33 people consisting of 4 officials including the head of the Office and 29 employees who work in the Office of Population and Civil Registry of Sikka Regency. The data collection techniques in this study used interview techniques, questionnaires and documentation. The results of this study indicate that the bureaucratic reform variable influences the quality of public services in the Office of Population and Civil Registry of Sikka Regency by 32.8%. Keywords: bureaucratic reform, quality of public services

    Metode Altman Z-Skor Dalam Memprediksi Kepailitan Di Semua Koperasi Kredit Di Kabupaten Maumere

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    Abstract Problems that often occur in a cooperative are usually caused by financial problems. To measure the level of financial health cooperatives can be used analysis of financial ratios using the Altman Z-Score model. This research aims to predict bankruptcy in the credit Union of the regional government Puskopdit, Maumere, using the Altman Z-Score model. The samples in this study were credit cooperatives of the main district Puskopdit in 2015-2017 consisting of 16 cooperatives. The data source used is the secondary data in the form of cooperative financial statements. The analytical technique used is the Altman Z-Score Bankruptcy Prediction model. The results showed that there is a cooperative that has been in the healthy category during the year 2015-2017, namely Torch Mas Cooperative, Tuke Jung, Ortal, Plantation, star East, and Serba Te. In the years 2015 and 2016 Kelubagolit cooperatives entered in the category of gray area, but in the year 2017 the cooperative is in a healthy category. In addition, there are cooperatives during the year 2015-2017 in the category of gray area namely Sube Huter Cooperative, Tuke Ler, Hiro Heling, Bina Pertiwi, and Surya Sakti. The cooperatives of San Dominggo in 2015 and 2016 were in the category of bankruptcy, but the following year entered the gray area category. The cooperative in the category of bankruptcy from 2015-2017 is the youth cooperative Hokeng and Ankara. In the year 2015 Plelu Meluk Cooperative entered in the category of gray area, the cooperative's performance continued to decline and in the year 2016 and 2017 the cooperative was entered in the category of bankruptcy. In the years 2018, Hokeng Youth Cooperative experienced an amalgamation with Mitan Gitan Cooperative. This indicates that the accuracy level of the Altman Z-Score model is high.

    Evaluasi Penerimaan Kas Terhadap Pendapatan Pada PT.Suryagita Nusaraya Cargo Cabang Maumere

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    An accounting information system is a collection of various resources, both human and equipment, which are specially designed to assist processing to convert financial data and other data into information. This study aims to determine whether the accounting information system for cash receipts for package delivery revenue at PT.Suryagita Nusaraya is adequate. The analytical method used is descriptive qualitative method. Research data obtained from interviews, observation and documentation. The results showed that the functions, documents, accounting records, and cash receipts accounting information system procedures were still inadequate. The existing functions are based on theory, but in carrying out their functions there is no separation of duties. The documents used are incomplete because the company did not make a packing slip. Accounting records and cash receipt procedures have been implemented properly. The results also show that the main elements of internal control that support the cash receipt process have not been implemented properly. Keywords: Accounting Information Systems, Cash Receipt

    Kinerja Kerja Pegawai Ditinjau dari Aspek Kompetensi dan Disiplin Kerja di Dinas Pendidikan Pemuda dan Olahraga Kabupaten Sikka

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    The research aims to analyse the influence of competence and work discipline on the work performance of the staff at the Youth and Sports Education office in Sikka district. The study used a sample of 57 employees as respondents. The type of research used is quantitative research. While the method used is sampling saturation. The results showed that multiple linear regression equations in the study were known that Y = 6.306 + 0.076 X1 + 0.696 X2 where competence (X1), did not have a partial effect on employee work performance (Y). Meanwhile, the working discipline partially affects the employee's work performance (Y) and competency variables (X1) and work discipline (X2) simultaneously influence the work performance of the staff (Y) of the Youth and Sports Education Office of Sikka District. Keywords: Competence, Work Discipline, and Employee Work Performanc


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah sistem informasi akuntansi penerimaan kas atas pendapatan pengiriman paket di PT.Suryagita Nusaraya sudah memadai. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif deskriptif. Data penelitian diperoleh dari wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fungsi, dokumen, pencatatan akuntansi, dan prosedur sistem informasi akuntansi penerimaan kas masih kurang memadai. Fungsi yang ada didasarkan pada teori, namun dalam menjalankan fungsinya tidak ada pemisahan tugas. Dokumen yang digunakan tidak lengkap karena perusahaan tidak membuat slip pembungkus. Pencatatan akuntansi dan prosedur penerimaan uang tunai, telah dilaksanakan dengan baik. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan elemen utama pengendalian internal yang mendukung proses penerimaan kas belum terlaksana dengan baik