2,025 research outputs found

    Las artes plásticas como estrategia pedagógica para el desarrollo de habilidades comunicativas orales en niños de preescolar

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    121 páginasEl ser humano desde su nacimiento es un ser social con necesidad de comunicar sus ideas; por medio de símbolos verbales, plásticos y sonoros visibiliza los sentimientos y particularidades que dan sentido a su realidad y pensamiento. Considerando esto, se desarrolló esta Investigación Acción Participativa con alcance descriptivo, que buscó determinar cómo las artes plásticas como estrategia pedagógica, posibilitan el desarrollo de la expresión y comprensión oral en niños de preescolar. A través de la narrativa del arte, la observación y la autoevaluación como técnicas de recolección de datos, se desarrollaron las fases de la investigación, determinando que las artes plásticas son una herramienta eficaz para el fortalecimiento de procesos comunicativos, pues el aula se convierte en el escenario de creación, exploración y narración por parte de los niños, en donde manifiestan sus experiencias propias, anécdotas de sus realidades y se vuelven creadores de sus propias historias.The human being from birth is a social being with the need to communicate their ideas; through verbal, plastic and sound symbols, he makes visible the feelings and particularities that give meaning to his reality and thought. Considering this, this Participatory Action Research was developed with a descriptive approach, which sought to determine how the plastic arts as a pedagogical strategy, enable the development of oral expression and comprehension in preschool children. Through the art narrative, observation and self-evaluation as data collection techniques, the research phases were developed, determining that the plastic arts are an effective tool for strengthening communication processes, since the classroom becomes a the scenario of creation, exploration and narration by children, where they manifest their own experiences, anecdotes of their realities and become creators of their own stories.Maestría en Desarrollo InfantilMagíster en Desarrollo Infanti


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    El beneficio es que las personas conozcan un poco de los lugares turísticos de los diferentes países del mundo y que hay lugares muy lindos a donde pueden viajar, y disfrutar de los distintos climas que la naturaleza nos brinda Está enfocado a todas las personas que les guste viajar y conocer del mundo y sus culturas, con esto se espera que les pueda ayudar para ser ubicados cuando lleguen a otros lugares del mundo su programación está en Microsoft visual basic 2008; el cual ilustra un planisferio los países del mundo, al seleccionar un país, el programa abrirá otra ventana proporcionando información del país seleccionado. La información que nos va a ofrecer va a ser: la extensión territorial, temperaturas aproximadas, cultura general (historia, costumbres y tradiciones), lugares turísticos, ubicación, idioma que se utiliza, número de habitantes aproximado

    The effect of temperature and enzyme concentration in the transesterification process of synthetic microalgae oil

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    Throughout the world, the fossil fuel has supplied around the 80% of the energetic requirements, in Colombia alone 95.1% of energetic demand is made by the transportation sector solely, supplied by oil, kerosene, gasoline and diesel, this sector has an extremely small participation with biofuel of 3%, which is represented only by biodiesel. Microalgae had been proposed as biofactories with a remarkable third generation biofuels production. The culture of the microorganism comprehends interesting characteristics as countless environments where its natural growth could be replicated in fresh, salty and even sewage waters, with a higher growth rate and a higher oil production. The implementation of enzymes in the transesterification process have generated a good curiosity in the field, due to its mild reactions conditions, lesser energetic requirements, a high standard in the selection of the enzymes with the objective of avoiding the formation of soaps, creating in this way cleaner products and sub-products, in which the separation of the phases biodiesel/glycerol, give the possibility to recuperate the bio catalyzer and high output of reactions. However, the high volume of medium required to obtain lipids is one of the major drawbacks to test the viability of these enzymes. The present study aims to design an enzymatic transesterification process for the production of biodiesel form synthetic Chlorella oil. The synthetic oil was designed according to the lipid profile of C 16:0, C16:1, C18:0, C18:1, C18:2 and C18:3 from Chlorella spp CHL2 cultured on Bold Basal media under limited concentrations of NaNO3. The enzymatic transesterification efficiency was evaluated by the implementation of a 22 experimental factorial design (temperature and lipase concentration) under a 3: 1 molar ratio of alcohol:oil and a fixed reaction time of 6 hours. The obtained results show that, in order to obtain superior yields of biodiesel (>91%) the transesterification process must be carried out under temperature conditions close to 38°C and lipase concentrations of 5%

    Low-level developmental lead exposure does not predispose to adult alcohol self-administration, but does increase the risk of relapsing to alcohol seeking in mice: Contrasting role of GLT1 and xCT brain expression

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    Lead (Pb) is a neurotoxic heavy metal pollutant. Despite the efforts to reduce Pb environmental exposure and to prevent Pb poisoning, exposure in human populations persists. Studies of adults with history of childhood lead exposure have consistently demonstrated cognitive impairments that have been associated with sustained glutamate signaling. Additionally, some clinical studies have also found correlations between Pb exposure and increased proclivity to drug addiction. Thus, here we sought to investigate if developmental Pb exposure can increase propensity to alcohol consumption and relapse using an alcohol self-administration paradigm. Because Pb exposure is associated with increased glutamatergic tone, we also studied the effects on the expression of synaptic and non-synaptic glutamate transporters in brain regions associated with drug addiction such as the nucleus accumbens (NAc), dorsomedial striatum (DMS), dorsolateral striatum (DLS), and medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC). We found that while developmental Pb exposure did not increase risk for alcohol self-administration, it did play a role in relapsing to alcohol. The effects were associated with differential expression of the glutamate transporter 1 (GLT1) and the glutamate/cystine antiporter (xCT). In the NAc and DLS the expression of GLT1 was found to be significantly reduced, while no changes were found in DMS or mPFC. Contrastingly, xCT was found to be upregulated in NAc but downregulated in DLS, with no changes in DMS or mPFC. Our data suggest that lead exposure is involved in relapse to alcohol seeking, an effect that could be associated with downregulation of GLT1 and xCT in the DLS

    Introduction to the Karst Geoheritage of the municipality of El Peñón (Santander, Colombia)

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    Los sistemas kársticos constituyen uno de los ambientes más vulnerables al cambio climático y las acciones humanas, así mismo las actividades turísticas mal desarrolladas en áreas con sistemas kársticos (espeleoturismo) han demostrado que pueden ser una amenaza para su conservación, sin embargo, el turismo también podría ser una forma efectiva de conservación aportando a su vez al desarrollo sostenible de los territorios rurales. El municipio más joven de Santander, El Peñón, ubicado sobre rocas calcáreas de la Formación Rosablanca constituye un extenso e importante sistema kárstico que alberga una gran riqueza geológica, paisajística, arqueológica y biótica. El desarrollo kárstico de la región está regido por el control tectónico de la zona evidenciado en las orientaciones preferenciales NW-SE y NE-SW que adquieren las unidades exo y endokársticas. El estado casi prístino de la gran mayoría de estas manifestaciones subterráneas permite su estudio para la contribución al planteamiento de alternativas que vean este patrimonio como un recurso con gran potencial para aportarle al desarrollo sostenible de este territorio.   Se presentan avances en el inventario del patrimonio geológico kárstico con el que cuenta el municipio de El Peñón, y la valoración por medio de la metodología M-GAM de los primeros 6 geotopos identificados: Cañón de Panamá, Caverna Los Carracos, Cueva del Oro, Cueva de La Virgen, Karst Town y Caverna La Tronera. La evaluación por medio de esta metodología permitió conocer la situación actual del turismo en la región y confirmar que estos lugares poseen una riqueza única con vastas oportunidades para el desarrollo del geoturismo y espeleoturismo. La aplicación del índice estandarizado de sensibilidad de cuevas permitió conocer el grado de sensibilidad a las acciones antrópicas de estos ecosistemas, indicando el mayor control que debe existir sobre las actividades que se desarrollen en la galería inferior de la Caverna Los Carracos y la Cueva del Oro.Karstic systems constitute one of the most vulnerable environments to climate change and human actions, the tourist activities not suitables in areas with karstic systems (speleotourism) have shown that it can be a danger to their conservation, nevertheless, tourism could also be an effective way of conservation contributing to the sustainable development of rural territories. The youngest municipality in Santander, El Peñón, located on calcareous rocks of the Rosablanca Formation constitutes an extensive and important karstic system that houses a great geological, landscape, archeological and biotic wealth. The karstic development of the region is governed by the tectonic control of the area evidenced in the preferential orientations NW-SE and NE-SW acquired by the exo and endo karst units. The almost pristine state of the great majority of these underground manifestations allows its study for the contribution to the approach of alternatives that see this heritage as a resource with great potential to contribute to the sustainable development of this territory with a recent past of violence.   Advances are made in the inventory of the karstic geological heritage that El Peñón has, and the valuation through the M-GAM methodology of the first 6 identified geosites: Panama canyon, Los Carracos Cavern, Golden Cave, Virgin´s Cave, Karst Town and La Tronera Cavern. The evaluation through this methodology allowed an evaluation of tourism in the region and confirm that these places have a unique wealth with vast opportunities for the development of geotourism and speleotourism. The application of the standardized index of sensitivity of caves also allowed us to have a better understanding of the richness of these ecosystems, indicating the greater control that should exist over human activities that take place in the lower gallery of Los Carracos Cavern and Golden Cave

    Growth Dynamics and Water Potential Components of Three Summer Squash (Cucurbita pepo L.) Cultivars

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    Summer squash fruit is a horticultural crop that possesses a very short postharvest life due to its high rates of metabolism and transpiration along with a low cuticle resistance exhibited mainly when the fruit is harvested at horticultural maturity. This research was realized following the fruit growth of the summer squash cultivars: ‘Enterprise’, ‘Pascola’ and ‘Hurakan F1’, whose seeds were germinated in polystyrene trays and their seedlings were subsequently transferred to pots for optimum growth under greenhouse conditions. Fruits were sampled at 3, 5, 7 and 9 days after anthesis (DAA). Physical (weight, diameter, and length of fruit), chemical (pH, titratable acidity and total soluble solids), hydric status (water, osmotic and pressure potentials), and histological analysis were done. The highest number of fruits having marketing quality were shown in both ‘Pascola’ and ‘Hurakan F1’ cultivars at 7 DAA, whereas, in ‘Enterprise’ was shown at 9 DAA. Marketing quality fruits from the three cultivars showed similarities on pH (about 6.6), titratable acidity (TA) decreases in ‘Enterprise’ and ‘Hurakan F1’, whereas total soluble solids (TSS) decreases in ‘Pascola’ and ‘Hurakan F1’ (pJ 0.5). From 3 to 9 DAA, in all cultivars, the water potential was close to -1.0 MPa, the osmotic potential showed an increasing pattern ranging between -1.59 and -1.15 MPa, and the pressure potential remained in the positive range. Tissue water stability was histologically related to a well-defined parenchyma tissue showing thin-walled, polygonal, intact and turgid cells during fruit growth

    Technical-economic study of three productive alternatives of the dual-purpose bovine system in Meta-Colombia

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    Introduction. The profitability of the dual-purpose system (DPS) is affected by low production efficiency and high production costs generated in traditional management. Studies based on the reduction of expenses and increase of income, could suggest strategies to improve economic efficiency. Objective. Determine the technical y profitable efficiency of three production alternatives for bovine DPS in Meta, Colombia. Materials and methods. Seventy-two Bos taurus x Bos indicus cows were selected, starting lactation, fed under grazing, during the period 2016-2017, in a farm in Meta, Colombia. The cows and their calves were distributed in three groups; alternative 1 (MA1): milking 2 times a week until weaning (100 days), alternative 2 (MA2): milking 2 times a week until weaning (240 days), and traditional (MT): milking daily until weaning (240 days). In the calves, the weight at birth and at 252 days of age (W252) were measured, and the daily weight gain (DWG) was estimated. In the cows, the birth rate (BR) and the milk produced per lactation (MPL) were measured. The productive response fed the economic analysis projected for a breeding stock of 100 cows. Results. The W252 and DWG between MA1 (189.30 kg; 0.64 kg/animal/day) and MA2 (186.10 kg; 0.63 kg/animal/day) were similar (P>0.05), but higher (p<0.05) than those of the MT (155.10 kg; 0.54 kg/animal/day). BR presented the highest benefit for MA1 (0.84 calves/cow/year), followed by MA2 (0.74 calves/cow/ year) and MT (0.68 calves/cow/year). The MPL was 1204.36 kg for MT, 303.74 kg for MA2 and 158.75 kg for MA1. MA1’s profitability outperformed MA2 and MT by 9.5 and 9.2 %, respectively. Conclusions. The MA1 reflected the greater economic efficiency mainly due to the effect of the increase in the BR and the decrease in production costs

    Emergencia, crecimiento y calidad de planta de dos genotipos de papaya (Carica papaya L.) inoculadas con hongos entomopatógenos

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    La papaya (Carica papaya L.) es un cultivo de importancia económica en México y América Latina. La fase de vivero juega un papel primordial en el proceso de producción, en esta etapa es susceptible a plagas y enfermedades. El uso de biofertilizantes a base de hongos entomopatógenos (HE) es una alternativa para producir plántulas sanas y de calidad, a través de la agricultura biológica. El objetivo fue evaluar la habilidad de Beauveria brongniartii y Purpureocilium lilacinum para colonizar tejidos, promover la emergencia y mejorar la calidad de planta de dos genotipos de papaya en vivero. Se estableció un experimento con diseño factorial A×B [A = genotipo: híbrido “Intenzza” y var. “Maradol”) y B = inoculación de B. brongniartii (Bb), P. lilacinum (Pl) y sin inoculación]. Se cuantificó, el porcentaje de emergencia (PE), Altura de Planta (AP), Diámetro de Tallo (DT), Biomasa Fresca (BF) y Seca (BS), endofitismo, Índice de Lignificación (ILIG) y Calidad de Dickson (ICD). El PE incrementó (6%, P = 0,0043) con la inoculación de Bb. Ambos HE incrementaron la AP (P = 0,00001) en 0,38 (Bb) y 0,37 cm (Pl), y el DT (P = 0,00001) en 0,24 (Bb) y 0,23 mm (Pl), respectivamente. La BF aérea y radicular (P = 0,0003) incrementó con Bb y Pl en 0,16 y 0,1 g y 0,17 y 0,1 g, respectivamente. El ILIG (P = 0,0128) e ICD (P = 0,0433) fueron superiores con Bb. Tanto Bb y Pl colonizaron diferentes tejidos de la planta. La inoculación de Bb promovió la emergencia de semillas. Ambos HE lograron colonizar endofíticamente diferentes órganos de la planta y favorecieron su calidad