48 research outputs found

    SeMA: A Design Methodology for Building Secure Android Apps

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    UX (user experience) designers visually capture the UX of an app via storyboards. This method is also used in Android app development to conceptualize and design apps. Recently, security has become an integral part of Android app UX because mobile apps are used to perform critical activities such as banking, communication, and health. Therefore, securing user information is imperative in mobile apps. In this context, storyboarding tools offer limited capabilities to capture and reason about security requirements of an app. Consequently, security cannot be baked into the app at design time. Hence, vulnerabilities stemming from design flaws can often occur in apps. To address this concern, in this paper, we propose a storyboard based design methodology to enable the specification and verification of security properties of an Android app at design time.Comment: Updates based on AMobile 2019 review

    Why do Users Kill HPC Jobs?

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    Given the cost of HPC clusters, making best use of them is crucial to improve infrastructure ROI. Likewise, reducing failed HPC jobs and related waste in terms of user wait times is crucial to improve HPC user productivity (aka human ROI). While most efforts (e.g.,debugging HPC programs) explore technical aspects to improve ROI of HPC clusters, we hypothesize non-technical (human) aspects are worth exploring to make non-trivial ROI gains; specifically, understanding non-technical aspects and how they contribute to the failure of HPC jobs. In this regard, we conducted a case study in the context of Beocat cluster at Kansas State University. The purpose of the study was to learn the reasons why users terminate jobs and to quantify wasted computations in such jobs in terms of system utilization and user wait time. The data from the case study helped identify interesting and actionable reasons why users terminate HPC jobs. It also helped confirm that user terminated jobs may be associated with non-trivial amount of wasted computation, which if reduced can help improve the ROI of HPC clusters.Comment: Minor formatting and content update based on reader feedbac

    Logical Concurrency Control from Sequential Proofs

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    We are interested in identifying and enforcing the isolation requirements of a concurrent program, i.e., concurrency control that ensures that the program meets its specification. The thesis of this paper is that this can be done systematically starting from a sequential proof, i.e., a proof of correctness of the program in the absence of concurrent interleavings. We illustrate our thesis by presenting a solution to the problem of making a sequential library thread-safe for concurrent clients. We consider a sequential library annotated with assertions along with a proof that these assertions hold in a sequential execution. We show how we can use the proof to derive concurrency control that ensures that any execution of the library methods, when invoked by concurrent clients, satisfies the same assertions. We also present an extension to guarantee that the library methods are linearizable or atomic

    BenchPress: Analyzing Android App Vulnerability Benchmark Suites

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    In recent years, various benchmark suites have been developed to evaluate the efficacy of Android security analysis tools. The choice of such benchmark suites used in tool evaluations is often based on the availability and popularity of suites and not on their characteristics and relevance. One of the reasons for such choices is the lack of information about the characteristics and relevance of benchmarks suites. In this context, we empirically evaluated four Android specific benchmark suites: DroidBench, Ghera, IccBench, and UBCBench. For each benchmark suite, we identified the APIs used by the suite that were discussed on Stack Overflow in the context of Android app development and measured the usage of these APIs in a sample of 227K real world apps (coverage). We also compared each pair of benchmark suites to identify the differences between them in terms of API usage. Finally, we identified security-related APIs used in real-world apps but not in any of the above benchmark suites to assess the opportunities to extend benchmark suites (gaps). The findings in this paper can help 1) Android security analysis tool developers choose benchmark suites that are best suited to evaluate their tools (informed by coverage and pairwise comparison) and 2) Android app vulnerability benchmark creators develop and extend benchmark suites (informed by gaps).Comment: Updates based on AMobile 2019 review

    Mining Quantified Temporal Rules: Formalism, Algorithms, and Evaluation

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    Abstract—Libraries usually impose constraints on how clients should use them. Often these constraints are not well-documented. In this paper, we address the problem of recovering such constraints automatically, a problem referred to as specification mining. Given some client programs that use a given library, we identify constraints on the library usage that are (almost) satisfied by the given set of clients. The class of rules we target for mining combines simple binary temporal operators with state predicates (involving equality constraints) and quantification. This is a simple yet expressive subclass of temporal properties that allows us to capture many common API usage rules. We focus on recovering rules from execution traces and apply classical data mining concepts to be robust against bugs (API usage rule violations) in clients. We present new algorithms for mining rules from execution traces. We show how a propositional rule mining algorithm can be generalized to treat quantification and state predicates in a unified way. Our approach enables the miner to be complete — mine all rules within the targeted class that are satisfied by the given traces — while avoiding an exponential blowup. We have implemented these algorithms and used them to mine API usage rules for several Windows APIs. Our experiments show the efficiency and effectiveness of our approach. I

    Using Relational Verification for Program Slicing

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    Program slicing is the process of removing statements from a program such that defined aspects of its behavior are retained. For producing precise slices, i.e., slices that are minimal in size, the program\u27s semantics must be considered. Existing approaches that go beyond a syntactical analysis and do take the semantics into account are not fully automatic and require auxiliary specifications from the user. In this paper, we adapt relational verification to check whether a slice candidate obtained by removing some instructions from a program is indeed a valid slice. Based on this, we propose a framework for precise and automatic program slicing. As part of this framework, we present three strategies for the generation of slice candidates, and we show how dynamic slicing approaches - that interweave generating and checking slice candidates - can be used for this purpose. The framework can easily be extended with other strategies for generating slice candidates. We discuss the strengths and weaknesses of slicing approaches that use our framework