1,744 research outputs found

    Stabilization of proteins by a bacteriophage T4 gene cloned in Escherichia coli.

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    Towards a resource-based habitat approach for spatial modelling of vector-borne disease risks

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    Given the veterinary and public health impact of vector-borne diseases, there is a clear need to assess the suitability of landscapes for the emergence and spread of these diseases. Current approaches for predicting disease risks neglect key features of the landscape as components of the functional habitat of vectors or hosts, and hence of the pathogen. Empirical–statistical methods do not explicitly incorporate biological mechanisms, whereas current mechanistic models are rarely spatially explicit; both methods ignore the way animals use the landscape (i.e. movement ecology). We argue that applying a functional concept for habitat, i.e. the resource-based habitat concept (RBHC), can solve these issues. The RBHC offers a framework to identify systematically the different ecological resources that are necessary for the completion of the transmission cycle and to relate these resources to (combinations of) landscape features and other environmental factors. The potential of the RBHC as a framework for identifying suitable habitats for vector-borne pathogens is explored and illustrated with the case of bluetongue virus, a midge-transmitted virus affecting ruminants. The concept facilitates the study of functional habitats of the interacting species (vectors as well as hosts) and provides new insight into spatial and temporal variation in transmission opportunities and exposure that ultimately determine disease risks. It may help to identify knowledge gaps and control options arising from changes in the spatial configuration of key resources across the landscape. The RBHC framework may act as a bridge between existing mechanistic and statistical modelling approaches

    Behaviour of piles driven in chalk

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    Driving resistance is difficult to predict in chalk strata, with both pile free-fall self-weight ‘runs’ and refusals being reported. Axial capacity is also highly uncertain after driving. This paper reviews recent research that has explored these topics. Programmes of onshore tests and novel, high-value offshore, experiments involving static, dynamic and cyclic loading are described. The key findings form the basis of the Chalk ICP-18 approach for estimating the driving resistance and axial capacity of piles driven in low-to medium-density chalk. The new approach is presented and the highly significant impact of set-up after driving is emphasised. It is shown that Chalk ICP-18 overcomes the main limitations of the industry’s current design guidelines by addressing the underlying physical mechanisms. While further tests are required to enlarge the available test database, the new approach is able to provide better predictions for tests available from suitably characterised sites. A new Joint Industry Project is outlined that extends the research to cover further axial, lateral, static and cyclic loading cases

    The estimated economic burden of genital herpes in the United States. An analysis using two costing approaches

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    BACKGROUND: Only limited data exist on the costs of genital herpes (GH) in the USA. We estimated the economic burden of GH in the USA using two different costing approaches. METHODS: The first approach was a cross-sectional survey of a sample of primary and secondary care physicians, analyzing health care resource utilization. The second approach was based on the analysis of a large administrative claims data set. Both approaches were used to generate the number of patients with symptomatic GH seeking medical treatment, the average medical expenditures and estimated national costs. Costs were valued from a societal and a third party payer's perspective in 1996 US dollars. RESULTS: In the cross-sectional study, based on an estimated 3.1 million symptomatic episodes per year in the USA, the annual direct medical costs were estimated at a maximum of 984million.Ofthesecosts,49.7984 million. Of these costs, 49.7% were caused by drug expenditures, 47.7% by outpatient medical care and 2.6% by hospital costs. Indirect costs accounted for further 214 million. The analysis of 1,565 GH cases from the claims database yielded a minimum national estimate of $283 million direct medical costs. CONCLUSIONS: GH appears to be an important public health problem from the health economic point of view. The observed difference in direct medical costs may be explained with the influence of compliance to treatment and possible undersampling of subpopulations in the claims data set. The present study demonstrates the validity of using different approaches in estimating the economic burden of a specific disease to the health care system

    Supercooling: A Promising Technique for Prolonged Organ Preservation in Solid Organ Transplantation, and Early Perspectives in Vascularized Composite Allografts.

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    Ex-vivo preservation of transplanted organs is undergoing spectacular advances. Machine perfusion is now used in common practice for abdominal and thoracic organ transportation and preservation, and early results are in favor of substantially improved outcomes. It is based on decreasing ischemia-reperfusion phenomena by providing physiological or sub-physiological conditions until transplantation. Alternatively, supercooling techniques involving static preservation at negative temperatures while avoiding ice formation have shown encouraging results in solid organs. Here, the rationale is to decrease the organ's metabolism and need for oxygen and nutrients, allowing for extended preservation durations. The aim of this work is to review all advances of supercooling in transplantation, browsing the literature for each organ. A specific objective was also to study the initial evidence, the prospects, and potential applications of supercooling preservation in Vascularized Composite Allotransplantation (VCA). This complex entity needs a substantial effort to improve long-term outcomes, marked by chronic rejection. Improving preservation techniques is critical to ensure the favorable evolution of VCAs, and supercooling techniques could greatly participate in these advances

    Factors affecting patterns of tick parasitism on forest rodents in tick-borne encephalitis risk areas, Germany

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    Identifying factors affecting individual vector burdens is essential for understanding infectious disease systems. Drawing upon data of a rodent monitoring programme conducted in nine different forest patches in southern Hesse, Germany, we developed models which predict tick (Ixodes spp. and Dermacentor spp.) burdens on two rodent species Apodemus flavicollis and Myodes glareolus. Models for the two rodent species were broadly similar but differed in some aspects. Patterns of Ixodes spp. burdens were influenced by extrinsic factors such as season, unexplained spatial variation (both species), relative humidity and vegetation cover (A. flavicollis). We found support for the ‘body mass’ (tick burdens increase with body mass/age) and for the ‘dilution’ hypothesis (tick burdens decline with increasing rodent densities) and little support for the ‘sex-bias’ hypothesis (both species). Surprisingly, roe deer densities were not correlated with larvae counts on rodents. Factors influencing the mean burden did not significantly explain the observed dispersion of tick counts. Co-feeding aggregations, which are essential for tick-borne disease transmission, were mainly found in A. flavicollis of high body mass trapped in areas with fast increase in spring temperatures. Locally, Dermacentor spp. appears to be an important parasite on A. flavicollis and M. glareolus. Dermacentor spp. was rather confined to areas with higher average temperatures during the vegetation period. Nymphs of Dermacentor spp. mainly fed on M. glareolus and were seldom found on A. flavicollis. Whereas Ixodes spp. is the dominant tick genus in woodlands of our study area, the distribution and epidemiological role of Dermacentor spp. should be monitored closely

    Ticks in the wrong boxes: assessing error in blanket-drag studies due to occasional sampling

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    BACKGROUND The risk posed by ticks as vectors of disease is typically assessed by blanket-drag sampling of host-seeking individuals. Comparisons of peak abundance between plots - either in order to establish their relative risk or to identify environmental correlates - are often carried out by sampling on one or two occasions during the period of assumed peak tick activity. METHODS This paper simulates this practice by 're-sampling' from model datasets derived from an empirical field study. Re-sample dates for each plot are guided by either the previous year's peak at the plot, or the previous year's peak at a similar, nearby plot. Results from single, double and three-weekly sampling regimes are compared. RESULTS Sampling on single dates within a two-month window of assumed peak activity has the potential to introduce profound errors; sampling on two dates (double sampling) offers greater precision, but three-weekly sampling is the least biased. CONCLUSIONS The common practice of sampling for the abundance of host-seeking ticks on single dates in each plot-year should be strenuously avoided; it is recommended that field acarologists employ regular sampling throughout the year at intervals no greater than three weeks, for a variety of epidemiological studies

    Optimization of Ex Vivo Machine Perfusion and Transplantation of Vascularized Composite Allografts

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    Background: Machine perfusion is gaining interest as an efficient method of tissue preservation of Vascularized Composite Allografts (VCA). The aim of this study was to develop a protocol for ex vivo subnormothermic oxygenated machine perfusion (SNMP) on rodent hindlimbs and to validate our protocol in a heterotopic hindlimb transplant model. Methods: In this optimization study we compared three different solutions during 6 h of SNMP ( n = 4 per group). Ten control limbs were stored in a preservation solution on Static Cold Storage [SCS]). During SNMP we monitored arterial flowrate, lactate levels, and edema. After SNMP, muscle biopsies were taken for histology examination, and energy charge analysis. We validated the best perfusion protocol in a heterotopic limb transplantation model with 30-d follow up ( n = 13). As controls, we transplanted untreated limbs ( n = 5) and hindlimbs preserved with either 6 or 24 h of SCS ( n = 4 and n = 5). Results: During SNMP, arterial outflow increased, and lactate clearance decreased in all groups. Total edema was significantly lower in the HBOC-201 group compared to the BSA group ( P = 0.005), 4.9 (4.3-6.1) versus 48.8 (39.1-53.2) percentage, but not to the BSA + PEG group ( P = 0.19). Energy charge levels of SCS controls decreased 4-fold compared to limbs perfused with acellular oxygen carrier HBOC-201, 0.10 (0.07-0.17) versus 0.46 (0.42-0.49) respectively ( P = 0.002). Conclusions: Six hours ex vivo SNMP of rodent hindlimbs using an acellular oxygen carrier HBOC-201 results in superior tissue preservation compared to conventional SCS. (c) 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved