361 research outputs found

    Exploring patient and family satisfaction in pediatric neurological surgery

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    Introduction Patient and family satisfaction during outpatient visits is correlated with a continuance of care and likelihood to recommend the practice to others. Additionally, patient-family satisfaction can determine the success of the practice and influence medical outcomes. Utilizing a well-validated surveys instrument, patient and family satisfaction can be explored in the office setting. Methods During a consecutive 36 month period, a standardized and validated patient satisfaction survey instrument was provided to the family members of patients who presented to two pediatric neurosurgery clinics associated with Nemours Children\u27s Health System. The completed surveys were analyzed statistically to identify correlations between overall satisfaction, defined as “Likelihood to Recommend (LTR) the Practice”, and relevant practice and provider variables. Results The factors that exhibited the greatest correlation to LTR were: ‘Cheerfulness of Practice’ (r = 0.74), ‘Ability to Get Desired Appointment’ (r = 0.70), ‘Likelihood of Recommending Care Provider’ (r = 0.65), ‘Staff Worked Together’ (r = 0.65), and ‘Waiting Area Comfort and Pleasantness’ (r = 0.60). Discussion and conclusions Patient and family satisfaction surveys are useful for gaining insight into pediatric neurosurgical practices. Data from this cohort suggest that the environment in which patient care is delivered, timeliness of appointments and positive perceptions of the healthcare team correlate most strongly with overall satisfaction. © 201

    Rekondisi Mesin Bubut DoALL LT 13 BU01 di Laboratorium Mekanik Politeknik Manufaktur Negeri Bangka Belitung

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    This paper discusses the process of restoring the original condition (recondition) of DoAll LT 13 Bu01 by focusing on electrical system improvements, geometric precision and machine performance. Direct observation methods are applied to solve problems that include cause and effect relationships using 5 (five) why analyzes. The reconditioning stage starts from the initial data collection of damage obtained by visual inspection, function testing and geometric testing on the machine; then proceed with analyzing the damage; and corrective actions based on the results of the analysis. Functional testing methods, geometric deviation tests, machine performance tests are performed to see the achievement of recondition goals. Based on the results of the tests performed, the function of the electrical system returned to normal, the average value of geometric deviation still satisfied based on ISO-1708 standard and machine performance for spindle rotation value with 5% deviation, the value of the roundness and taper work-piece results of 0 and 0.004mm / 255mm, respectively and spindle vibration in the range of 0.33 - 0.66 mm / s RMS for speed 50 - 2500 RPM is still considered normal based on ISO 10816 standards

    Aktivitas Ekstrak Kulit Bawang Merah (Allium Ascalonicum L.) terhadap Pertumbuhan Bakteri Streptococcus Mutans Penyebab Karies Gigi

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    Onion (Allium ascalonicum L.) is one of the most commonly used spices other than as a cooking spice as well as traditional medicine. The use of red onions is restricted to the meat alone, while the skin contains many chemical compounds that can be used as antibacterials such as flavonoids, saponins, tannins, glycosides and steroids or triterpenoids regarded as waste. This study aims to determine the inhibition power of onion skin extract (Allium ascalonicum L.) on the growth of Streptococcus mutans bacteria. The type of research used was experimental research consisting of three treatments, two controls: positive control and negative control with three repetitions. This research is done by cylinder cup method. Onion skin extract was obtained from maceration using 96% ethanol solvent. The test sample in this study was made with concentrations of 10%, 20% and 30%. The results showed that onion skin extracts with concentrations of 10%, 20% and 30% had mean inhibitions of 1.33 mm, 2.12 mm and 2.51 mm. The result of ANOVA test showed that F count (205,098 > F table (3,478) so that BNT further test showed that there is real effect difference of onion skin extract on the growth of Streptococcus mutans bacteria

    The Influence of Motivation, Voice Behavior and Work Engagement of the Individual Performance at Islamic Bank

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    This study discusses the problems frequently experienced by human resource managers in improving the performance of individual employees at Islamic banks. In this regard has been expressed by the fact that the need for human resources (HR) at Islamic banks much needed especially qualified individual performance. This study purpose to prove that the behavior of sound, employee engagement and motivation have an influence on the performance of the individual in Islamic banks. The method used is quantitative approach with a simple linear regression analysis to prove the independent variable (sound behavior, work engagement and motivation) have an influence on the dependent variable (performance of individuals). The sample used in this study is limited to the existing Islamic banks. The results of this study can be used as a reference for HR managers at companies, especially in the banking sector. For further research is expected to add to the object and the amount of sample, is not limited to only Islamic banks but coupled with commercial banks (conventional)

    Perbandingan Jumlah Kasus Postdural Puncture Headache pada Pasien Pasca Sectio Caesarea dengan Anestesi Spinal Menggunakan Jarum Tipe Quincke 25g dan 26g di RSUD Arifin Achmad

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    Postdural Puncture Headache (PDPH) is an iatrogeniccomplication from spinal anesthesia caused by puncture or laceration fromduramater which leads to leakage of cerebrospinal liquor (LCS). Manyfactors to influence the incidence of PDPH one of which is the size ofspinal needle. The purpose of this research to know comparison theincidence of PDPH between Quincke 25G and 26G in patients with postsectio caesarea. In this cohort analytic study, 68 consecutive patients withpost sectio caesarea under spinal anaesthesia accordance to the inclusiveand exlusive criteria were included. Incidence of PDPH in the Quincke25G needle is 4 repondents (11,8%) and the 26G Quincke is 2 respondents(5.9%). With the most common sites of pain on Frontooccipital, andseverity were assessed using the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). The resultsof this research showed that no significant relationship between the size ofthe spinal needle with the incidence of PDPH in sectio caesarea patient atthe Arifin Achmad Hospital

    Infant-feeding patterns and the effects of early introduction to formula and solid foods on childhood overweight or obesity among 10-years-olds in a low socioeconomic area of Lebanon : an exploratory analysis

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    In Lebanon, there has been an alarming increase in childhood overweight and obesity. In addition, most mothers do not meet the WHO recommendation that infants should be introduced to formula or solids only during the second half of their first year. Because the study population, Burj Hammoud, which is a low socioeconomic district, is small, we performed an exploratory analysis of infant feeding patterns and the effects of introducing formula and solids within six months, respectively, on childhood overweight/obesity among 10-year-old children. A total of 101 mothers were recruited from seven intercommunity dispensaries located across the district. Descriptive, univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were performed. There were 86.1% infants initiating breastfeeding, 18% exclusively breastfeeding at 6 months of age, 67.1% and 52.6% starting formula and solids by 6 months, respectively, and 53.5% becoming overweight/obese by the age of 10 years. Working mothers were significantly less likely to introduce formula but not solids within the first six months of infancy. Based on two case-control studies, after controlling for maternal employment, there were 2.278- and 1.511-fold significantly higher odds of introducing solids and formula before the age of 6 months compared with after the age of 6 months, respectively, for the overweight/obese individuals among 10-year-olds. Future research should focus on conducting a larger study by incorporating other low socioeconomic regions to confirm these relationships

    Association between the timing of pre-workout macronutrient intake and rated appetite among resistance-trained adults in Jbeil, Lebanon

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    Macronutrients play an important role in appetite regulation. In addition, adequate nutrient and energy intake, which may be altered by exercise-induced appetite fluctuations, is required to ensure important training outcomes. However, findings regarding appetite responses to macronutrient consumption before training and to different resistance training intensities remain inconclusive. This study investigated the association of three types of macronutrient intake before different intensities of resistance training with appetite. A purposive cross-sectional design was used to collect data from 280 resistance-trained individuals (mean age 26.4 ± 5.8 years) representing five gyms located in Jbeil, Lebanon, and who completed an online questionnaire. Data collected included socio-demographics, nutritional strategies followed by each respondent, training characteristics, and appetite rating before, during and after exercise using a validated visual analogue scale (VAS). A short-term suppression of appetite was reported during resistance-training, with no significant difference in exercise intensities (p > 0.05). In addition, low-fiber carbohydrate and protein food/beverage content consumed 30–60 min before training had an advantage in appetite suppression. In summary, these findings suggest that resistance training combined with pre-workout consumption of a whole meal was associated with appetite suppression, at least during the short period of exercise. From the perspective of appetite control and energy balance, the critical factor is the quantity and quality of macronutrient food sources, in addition to the timing surrounding training of nutrients ingested

    Analisis Perubahan Morfologi Sungai Rokan Berbasis Sistem Imformasi Geografis dan Penginderaan Jauh

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    The river morphology is a geometry (shape and size), the type, property and circumstance of the river with all aspects and changes in the dimensions of space and time. Extreme changes in river morphology would be harmful to the assets in the region around the river. This study is located in downstream of Rokan river that was analyzed by using Geographical Information Systems and remote sensing. To investigate the rate and extent change, this study extract the river change from satellite data during 1988 to 2016. Changes would be reviewed is limited to changes horizontally divided into two classes of areas including erosion and deposition area. The data that used is imagery satellite data those are Landsat-5 TM, Landsat-7 ETM+, and Landsat-8 OLI_TIRS that were obtained from the USGS (United States Geological survey). Based on the analysis results, it was obtained that total morphological changes of Rokan river eroded area of 2799.63 ha with an erosion rate average of 101.69 ha / year and covering an area of 2541.95 ha deposited with a deposition rate average of 92.33 ha / years. The magnitude of the changes in river morphology of Rokan River has broken meanders neck, resulting in severance and change the direction of the river flow. Morphological changes of Rokan River that occurred also pose a potential breakup of a meander, damaging transport infrastructure, settlements and plantations eroded residents area around the Rokan River
