154 research outputs found

    A comprehensive database on synoptic and local circulation over Sicily for mesoscale applications

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    The aim of this work is to present a database of information available on the island of Sicily (Italy) to be used for the evaluation and/or the calibration of the numerical mesoscale meteorological models. The database relates to land type and land cover of the island as well as to meteorological fields collected at various locations over a time span of various years. The analysis of the database provides information on spatiotemporal variability of characteristic meteorological patterns on the mesoscale range over the island. Specific wind and temperature values characteristic of the regional circulation on the island are presented in the database and analyzed in this paper. The available data have different sources (fixed monitoring stations or measuring campaigns, remote-sensing instruments), and refer to vertical soundings or to measurements at fixed heights. Air temperature, wind speed and wind direction are among the meteorological parameters taken into account. The temporal frequency of the data ranges from 10 minutes to 24 hours

    Small is beautiful? Emerging organizational strategies among Italian professionals

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    The traditional debate about professional groups has mainly focused on conflicts between professions and organizations, reinforcing dualisms and dichotomies. Few scholars have investigated the extent to which professionalism and organizations are intertwined while focusing on the case of professionals integrated into large organizations, and even less attention has been paid to emerging forms of organization among self-employed professionals. Taking as an example organizational trends among architects (liberal professionals) and management consultants (emerging professionals) in Italy, this article investigates how small, flexible, and (often) interprofessional organizations promoted by self-employed professionals are increasingly instrumental in overcoming market pressures and responding to emerging social needs in times of crisis and austerity.Le debat traditionnel à propos des groupes professionnels a principalement concerné les conflits entre professions et organisations, renforçant ainsi les dualisations et dichotomies entre ces deux groupes. Peu de chercheurs ont enquêté à quel point la profession et l'organisationnel sont interdependants lors de l'étude de l'integration de professionnels à de grandes organisations. En fait, moins d'attention a été portée aux formes organisationnelles émergentes entre les professionnels indépendants. En prenant exemple sur les architectes (professionnels libéraux) et les professionnels dans le conseil en management (professionnels émergents) qui travaillent en Italie, cet article analyse comment les organisations des professionnels indépendants, qui sont petites, flexibles et (souvent) interprofessionnelles, se transforment en outils pour faire face à la pression du marché et pour répondre aux besoins émergents en temps de crises et austérité

    Sulla proposta di istituzione dell’Assegno Unico e Universale per i Figli (AUUF)

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    L'approvazione, imminente, della Legge delega per il varo dell'Assegno unico e universale per i figli (AUUF) rappresenta un importante momento della riforma degli istituti di trasferimento monetario del welfare del nostro paese. Il Gruppo Arel/Feg/Alleanza per l'infanzia intende fornire un proprio contributo nella fase di elaborazione dei Decreti attuativi, proponendosi di ragionare su tale riforma nel presupposto che il testo della Legge delega approvata alla Camera venga approvato in via definitiva al Senato (A.S. n. 1892) senza modificazioni e che i contributi che si vorranno fornire siano rispettosi dei principi contenuti nella Legge delega, pur tenendo conto dei margini di discrezionalità che essa lascia aperti nella produzione dei decreti legislativi

    Milan: A City Lost in the Transition from the Growth Machine Paradigm Towards a Social Innovation Approach

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    Milan can be described as a city lost in transition. For more than two decades, Milan has been ruled by a system of strongly market-oriented governance, following the rhetoric that creating a "good business climate" is an effective way to not only foster growth and innovation but also eradicate poverty and deliver higher standards of living. This approach has led to: (a) a disinvestment in welfare services directly provided by the municipality, in favour of a more residual welfare system based on non-profit and private involvement; (b) a huge investment in neo-liberal tools of government for the economic development of the city, such as the promotion of international events (Expo 2015) and large real estate investments through public–private partnerships. After some scandals as well as a huge increase of social inequalities, municipal elections rewarded a new coalition following a style of governance oriented to a social innovation approach. However, the difficult financial situation of the municipality has reduced ambitions of the current government
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