1,395 research outputs found

    Design and implementation of a smart dual axis sun tracker based on astronomical equations

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    This paper presents a new design algorithm for stand-alone solar tracking system based on ATMEL Microcontroller. The proposed idea of the design is based on astronomical equations to determine the position of the sun in the sky at any time of the day to calculate the tilt angle and polar angle for the two axis tracking purposes. The system is capable of tracking the sun properly at any position on the earth because of the general nature of the algorithm used in the design. At the same time the system reliability, cost effectiveness, precision and flexibility are taken into consideration

    Desıgn of a control and data acquısıtıon system for a multı-mode solar trackıng farm

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    This paper presents a combination network design for a solar tracking farm consisting of n-solar tracking systems. Serial communication protocol has been adopted for this network with developed strategy to make the farm expandable for possible future extension. The master control unit is responsible for managing all the trackers of the sun location in multi-tracking mode, diagnosis all the trackers for any faults and give complete information about the produced power by each of the solar tracking system. This network protocols is designed to deal with the error control, congestion control and flow control for data transmission in the network


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh tebal selimut beton terhadap potensial korosi pada beton busa pozzolan bertulang dan membandingkan risiko korosi beton busa pozzolan dengan beton normal konvensional. Spesimen berbentuk balok dengan panjang 50 cm, lebar 8 cm dan tinggi 8 cm sebanyak 3 buah dengan variasi tebal selimut beton yaitu 2 cm, 3 cm, dan 4 cm. Spesimen mendapatkan perlakuan wet-dry cycle dalam media larutan NaCl 3,5 % untuk mempercepat proses terjadinya korosi. Untuk mencari letak tulangan di dalam beton digunakan Profometer 3 dan untuk mengukur nilai potensial pada permukaan beton digunakan Half-Cell Potential Meter. Potensial korosi dianalisis berdasarkan kriteria dalam ASTM C876. Hasil pengukuran potensial korosi pada beton busa pozzolan bertulang SG 1,2 dengan tebal selimut 2 cm setelah 8 minggu dan 10 minggu wet-dry cycle menunjukkan nilai rata-rata sebesar -221 mV dan -250 mV. Pada tebal selimut 3 cm sebesar -220 mV dan -246 mV. Sedangkan untuk tebal tebal selimut 4 cm sebesar -219 mV dan -243 mV. Sementara untuk tebal selimut 5 cm sebesar -214 mV dan -236 mV. Kemudian, nilai potensial korosi beton busa pozzolan SG 1,4 dengan tebal selimut 2 cm menunjukkan nilai rata-rata -268 mV dan -285 mV, pada tebal selimut 3 cm sebesar -247 mV dan -255 mV. Untuk tebal selimut 4 cm nilai potensial korosi sebesar -226 mV dan -247 mV, dan untuk tebal selimut 5 cm sebesar -213 mV dan -213 mV. Perbadingan antara beton busa pozzolan bertulang dengan beton normal konvensional setelah 10 minggu wet-dry cycle menunjukkan nilai rata-rata sebesar -250 mV dan -348 mV. Melalui hasil pengukuran tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa ketebalan selimut beton belum memberikan pengaruh yang berarti terhadap nilai potensial korosi dalam masa 10 minggu wet dry cycle. Kemudian, terlihat bahwa risiko korosi beton busa pozzolan cenderung lebih rendah dibandingkan beton normal konvensional. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya penelitian lebih lanjut dengan menambah waktu wet-dry cycle guna melihat pengaruh tebal selimut terhadap potensial korosi

    The Political Implications of the Evolution of the Electoral System in Jordan

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    This study highlights the impact of the electoral system on the nature of the political system and applying it to the Jordanian case. The study followed the systems-analysis approach as the development of the electoral systems becomes an input that triggers change in the political system environment. Especially, In regard to the representation and the power of the political parties, levels of political participation, woman representation, fairness of parliamentary representation and the conflict management within the political system. The study concluded that the pattern of the electoral system translates the orientations of the political system and the objectives it seeks to achieve. In addition, the reform of the political system necessitates the reform or change of the electoral system. In the Jordanian case, the electoral system has witnessed a notable development, especially in the laws of 2012 and 2016, but their contribution to the promotion of the democratic levels of the political system remains marginal. Keywords: Electoral System, Elections, Political System, Political Implications, Democracy, Jordan. DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/99-12 Publication date:July 31st 202

    Literature Review: Working Memory and Genre Instruction

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    Teaching children to write is a complex and sophisticated task that teachers undertake in all subject areas.  For students to be successful writers, teachers benefit from developing a strong understanding of the writing process and the components necessary in a successful writing program.  This literature review, relevant for teachers of young children, focuses on two aspects of writing. It first looks at current writing practices in North American schools, and the role working memory plays in learning to write. Secondly, it focuses on the effectiveness of teaching genre through the lens of Systemic Functional Linguistic (SFL) theory.  Although limited research has been conducted on SFL in an English Language Arts context, and all the research included on SLF is from an Australian context, the results show positive effects on students’ writing.  Future research focusing on the impact of SFL in a writing classroom is highly recommended, especially for a North American classroom context. This literature review posits that when children receive explicit, research-driven writing instruction, writing performance improves.


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    Abstrak: Pesantren adalah lembaga pendidikan Islam tradisional yang mempelajari, memahami, mendalami, menghayati, dan mengamalkan ajaran Islam dengan menekankan pada urgensi moral-keagamaan sebagai pedoman perilaku sehari-hari. Lembaga pesantren telah hidup dan eksis sejak ratusan tahun yang lalu, sehingga identik dengan budaya pendidikan hampir mayoritas umat Islam Indonesia khususnya yang berdomisili di desa. Salah satu strategi yang bisa digunakan pada sistem pendidikan pesantren adalah menggunakan metode SWOT (Strength – Weakness – Opportunities – Threat) sebagai upaya menghasilkan temuan yang realistis untuk ditindaklanjuti. Pendidikan pesantren juga sangat membutuhkan kejujuran para pengelola dan stakeholder. Metode SWOT bisa menjadi teropong dalam membedah secara transparan dan jujur keberadaan lembaga Pesantren apa adanya. Abstract: Pesantren is a traditional Islamic educational institutions to learn, understand, explore, appreciate, and practice the teachings of Islam emphasising on moral-religious value as everyday behavior guidance. Boarding institutions have existed  since hundreds of years ago  that it is almost identical to the cultural education of the Muslim majority in Indonesia, especially those residing in the village. The  strategy used in pesantren education system is SWOT (Strength - Weakness - Opportunities - Threat) as an effort to produce a realistic findings for further action. SWOT analysis  can be used to see transparantly and the truly condition of the institution.   Kata Kunci: Pendidikan Pesantren, SBM, SWOT, Matra Plus-Minu

    A 'New Era' in the New Middle East: China, Russia and the Reinvention of the South

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    Who would have expected that the BRICS nations could rise and become the potential rival of the G7 countries, the World Bank and the IMF combined? That once seemingly distant possibility now has real prospects which could change the equilibrium of world politics. The more successful BRICS becomes, the weaker Western hegemony over the South will be. Although some Western politicians and media insist on downplaying the group’s role in shaping the new world order, the change seems real and irreversible. Even before the Ukraine war commenced in February 2022, much evidence pointed to the fact that Russia and China’s goal was hardly temporary or impulsive. The very language of multipolarity has defined both countries’ discourse for years, a discourse that was mostly inspired by the two countries’ displeasure with US militarism from the Middle East to Southeast Asia, their frustration with Washington’s bullying tactics whenever a disagreement arises, be it in trade or border demarcations, the punitive language, the constant threats, the military expansion of NATO and much more. While it is too early to determine, with any degree of certainty, the winners and losers of this new configuration, it is almost certain that a US-westerndominated world is no longer possible

    Note on Collatz conjecture

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    In this paper, we show that if the numbers in the range [1,2n][1,2^n] satisfy Collatz conjecture, then almost all integers in the range [2n+1,2n+1][2^n+1,2^{n+1}] will satisfy the conjecture as n→∞n \to \infty. The previous statement is equivalent to claiming that almost all integers in [2n+1,2n+1][2^n+1,2^{n+1}] will iterate to a number less than 2n2^n. This actually has been proved by many previous results. But in this paper we prove this claim using different methods. We also utilize our assumption on numbers in [1,2n][1,2^n] to show that there are a set of integers (denoted by p-⁡Cp\operatorname{-}C) whose seem to be not iterating to a number less than 2n2^n, but since they are connected to Collatz numbers in [1,2n][1,2^n] they eventually will iterate to 11. We address the distribution of p-⁡Cp\operatorname{-}C and give an explicit formula which computes a lower bound to the number of these integers. We also show (computationally) that the number of p-⁡Cp\operatorname{-}C in a given interval is proportional to the numbers of another set of incidental Collatz numbers in the same interval (whose distribution is completely unpredictable)

    The social implications of the architecture at Ppnb Ghwair I

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    Investigations at the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B (PPNB) Village of Ghwair I in the Wadi Feinan in Southern Jordan have yielded important information concerning the development of social structure during the early Neolithic. The architecture at the site becomes more complex throughout occupation exhibiting more compartmentalization along with the emergence of certain special structures. This along with the location of certain key artifacts and an infant burial in association with the architecture all indicate that the social structure became more complex throughout PPNB occupation. This further corroborates the association between sedentism, domestication, demographic changes and an increase in social complexity

    Semantic data integration for supply chain management: with a specific focus on applications in the semiconductor industry

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    Supply Chain Management (SCM) is essential to monitor, control, and enhance the performance of SCs. Increasing globalization and diversity of Supply Chains (SC)s lead to complex SC structures, limited visibility among SC partners, and challenging collaboration caused by dispersed data silos. Digitalization is responsible for driving and transforming SCs of fundamental sectors such as the semiconductor industry. This is further accelerated due to the inevitable role that semiconductor products play in electronics, IoT, and security systems. Semiconductor SCM is unique as the SC operations exhibit special features, e.g., long production lead times and short product life. Hence, systematic SCM is required to establish information exchange, overcome inefficiency resulting from incompatibility, and adapt to industry-specific challenges. The Semantic Web is designed for linking data and establishing information exchange. Semantic models provide high-level descriptions of the domain that enable interoperability. Semantic data integration consolidates the heterogeneous data into meaningful and valuable information. The main goal of this thesis is to investigate Semantic Web Technologies (SWT) for SCM with a specific focus on applications in the semiconductor industry. As part of SCM, End-to-End SC modeling ensures visibility of SC partners and flows. Existing models are limited in the way they represent operational SC relationships beyond one-to-one structures. The scarcity of empirical data from multiple SC partners hinders the analysis of the impact of supply network partners on each other and the benchmarking of the overall SC performance. In our work, we investigate (i) how semantic models can be used to standardize and benchmark SCs. Moreover, in a volatile and unpredictable environment, SC experts require methodical and efficient approaches to integrate various data sources for informed decision-making regarding SC behavior. Thus, this work addresses (ii) how semantic data integration can help make SCs more efficient and resilient. Moreover, to secure a good position in a competitive market, semiconductor SCs strive to implement operational strategies to control demand variation, i.e., bullwhip, while maintaining sustainable relationships with customers. We examine (iii) how we can apply semantic technologies to specifically support semiconductor SCs. In this thesis, we provide semantic models that integrate, in a standardized way, SC processes, structure, and flows, ensuring both an elaborate understanding of the holistic SCs and including granular operational details. We demonstrate that these models enable the instantiation of a synthetic SC for benchmarking. We contribute with semantic data integration applications to enable interoperability and make SCs more efficient and resilient. Moreover, we leverage ontologies and KGs to implement customer-oriented bullwhip-taming strategies. We create semantic-based approaches intertwined with Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms to address semiconductor industry specifics and ensure operational excellence. The results prove that relying on semantic technologies contributes to achieving rigorous and systematic SCM. We deem that better standardization, simulation, benchmarking, and analysis, as elaborated in the contributions, will help master more complex SC scenarios. SCs stakeholders can increasingly understand the domain and thus are better equipped with effective control strategies to restrain disruption accelerators, such as the bullwhip effect. In essence, the proposed Sematic Web Technology-based strategies unlock the potential to increase the efficiency, resilience, and operational excellence of supply networks and the semiconductor SC in particular
