23 research outputs found

    The survey of diversity, distribution and abundance of phytoplankton in the southern part of Caspian Sea

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    Since phytoplankton are the base of life and productivity of aquatic ecosystems, sustainable ecological study of the Caspian Sea, particularly the distribution and identification of species composition, density and biomass, seasonal and regional variations in phytoplankton before each study seems necessary. Due to various circumstances physical and chemical rivers leading to the sea, seabed topography in different situation appears to be of primary production in the eastern and western between the Caspian Sea in the season, may be altered.Identifying species and determining the distribution and biomass of the changes and how they are affected by environmental changes and we are environmentally conscious. We also compare the current situation with previous studies, we find that the number and types of plankton biomass have been what it is. During 1389 in spring, summer, autumn and winter, in a study of 8 transects of 40 stations. In each transect from Astara to the Turkmen. 5 stations at depths of 5. 10. 20. 50. 100 m were selected for sampling. The total number of 182 species from seven branches Bacillariophyta, Pyrrophyta, Cyanophyta, Chlorophyta, Euglenophyta, Xantophyta and Chrysophyta phytoplankton were identified. Including 81 species of Bacillariophyta, 33 Cyanophyta, 25 Pyrrophyta, 31Chlorophyta, 9 Euglenophyta, 1 Xantophyta and Chrysophyta had 1 specie. Studies have shown that density and biomass of Bacillariophyta were 228 (± 471) per cubic meter × 106) and 6157 (± 290) mg per cubic meter) respectivity and Pyrrophyta were 28/17( ± 27/14) cubic meter × 106in cubic meters) and 3349 ( ± 336) mg per cubic meter) and Cyanophyta 120/40 (± 123/87 ) per cubic meter × 106 per cubic meter), biomass (55 ± 57mg per cubic meter) were the branches of the dominant phytoplankton. Abundance and biomass in different seasons have been significant differences (p <0.05). Most of Bacillariophyta (61 species) was in Autumn and then in winter (48 species). Dominant species of Bacillariophyta were Pseudonitzschia seriata, Rhizosolenia fragilissima, Stephanodiscos sp. , Melosira varians, Nitzschia acicularis and Cyclotella menenghiniana Pyrrophyta was greatest diversity of branches in summer, autumn and winter (19 species), which includes Exuviaella cordata, Exuviaella marina, Prorocentrum praximum and Prorocentrum scutllum. In the autumn density of Cyanophyta was 285.7(±137.1) cubic meters × 106 and biomass was 95(±54) mg per cubic meter) and 18 species were observed. The dominant species in this category were Oscillatoria sp., Nodularia spumigena and Oscillatoria agardhii. Most species of Chlorophyta branche in autumn and winter and summer median region with the highest density at the density of 26.2% and most of it is Binuclearia lauterbornii. Identified as the branches Euglenophyta were Trachelomonas, Euglena and Phacus that were observed in all seasons. In winter, the highest mean biomass was 9(±0.818) mg per cubic meter and the highest density of in summer was 0.5 (±0.5) in cubic meters ×10^6. In winter the depth of 10 meters and surface of Babolsar, Amir Abad and Anzali, a kind of Chrysophyta and in surface of Tonekabon and Anzali a species of Xantophyta were observed that had negligible density and biomass

    Studying native fishes in Hamadan province

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    Studying native fishes of Hamadan province have been done in 159 stations from 51 important water resources (wetland, reservoir, spring, river and qanat) using with electric tool, cast-net, seine and gill-net gears from July 2010 to Oct. 2011 and the main aims were species identifying and determining their distribution and abundance in the studied area. In the study, 33411 fish specimens are caught in 257 times of sampling and selected randomly about 8500 individual and laboratory works showed the fish belong to 37 species from 7 families. Cyprinidae with 25, Nemacheilidae with 6 and Sisoridae with 2 species had the most diversity and Cobitidae, Poeciliidae, Salmonidae and Mastacembelidae had only a representative. 31 fish species were native or endemic and 6 species were alien. Fish species existed in all rivers of Ghezelozan and Sirvan sub-basins but there were not any fish in 10 rivers of Ghara-Chai sub-basin and in 6 rivers of Gamasiab sub-basin, too. Also, it was observe 1-3 fish species in 15 rivers, 4-6 fish species in 10 rivers, 7-10 fish species in 5 rivers and more than 10 fish species in 4 main water resources and Gamasiab sub-basin with 32 fish species was the most diversified and Ghezelozan sub-basin with 2 fish species was the least diversified. There were any species to 4 (mostly 1 or 2) fish species in studied qanats in Ghara-Chai and Gamasiab rivers sub-basins. 23 fish species existed in a subbasin, 12 species in 2 sub-basin, Capoeta capoeta in 3 sub-basin and Squalius cephalus in all sub-basins of studied area. Alburnoides nicolausi,Capoeta aculeata and Alburnus mossulensis have had the most frequency. Studying fish abundance showed Oxynoemacheilus argyrogramma with 17.8%, Garra rufa with 12.3%, A. mossulensis with 12.1% and C. aculeata with 10.2 % of total number of caught fish specimens are dominant. S. cephalus, Capoeta damascina, C. aculeata, C. trutta, Chondrostoma regium and A. mossulensis have had sport fishing value but Acanthobrama marmid, Oxynoemacheilus kiabii, Oxynoemacheilus kermanshahensis, Turcinoemacheilus kosswigi, Alburnus caeruleus and Mastacembelus mastacembelus have biodiversity value for being endemic or having limited habitats in Iran

    Evaluation of quantitative and qualitative of microbial indicator the lake behind Shahid Rajaee dam of Mazandaran province (Sari)

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    One of the country's dams is dam Shahid Rajaee Sari. In this study it was evaluated some bacterial indices. Some bacterial parameters including total bacteria, total coliform, fecal coliform, fecal streptococci , Sulphitereducing Bacteria (SRB) in the water behind the dam Shahid Rjaee for one year at five stations (the entrance Shireenrood branches, input branch of the Sefidrood, cross the river and sweet Sefidrood in the tank, close to the Taj (zero, 15 and 30) and the output reservoir) and seven samples collected during six periods (June, July, August, September, November and February) were tested in 1391. Analysis of water samples for bacterial plate count agar medium (total bacteria count) ECC were inoculated (total coliforms and fecal), SPS (sulfite reducing bacteria) and KF (bacteria Inserts fecal streptococci) was performed using the culture surface culture method. ECC in both 37 and 44 ° C medium temperature Tc, KF and SPS at 37 ° C for 72-24 hours were incubated. The results showed that the mean log of bacteria in different months of CFU / 100ml12 / 0 ± 85/6 1n September months to CFU100ml15 / 0 ± 65/4 is variable in February, the mean total coliform Log in of the CFU / 100ml15 / 0 ± 63/4 in September to CFU / 100ml44 / 0 ± 27/3 in February are variable, the mean log Clostridium Clostridium CFU / 100ml89 / 0 ± 17 / 4 in September to CFU / 100ml13 / 0 ± 07/3 in February is variable, ranging from the mean log reduction in fecal streptococci in different months CFU / 100ml19 / 0 ± 59/3 in September CFU / 100ml17 / 0 ± 10 / 3 in February is variable. The results showed that bacterial indicator pollution load of the dam in more stations in August and September months. . Compare the results of the surface water standards indicate that indicator bacteria have been studied in the standard range. If the water behind the dam is intended to be used for drinking, it has need for more treatments during the final purification for drinking purposes

    Quantitative evaluation and identification of fungi in Shahid Rajaeii Dam Lake, Mazandaran Province (Sari)

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    The present study is carried out to investigate the fungal species present in water of Shahid Rajaeii damlake in Sari, (Mazandaran province). Samples were taken from five stations including, Station 1: Input of Shirinrud river, station 2: Input of Sefidrud river, Station 3: The confluence of the two branches, Station 4: dam crest and stations 5: Output dam from June to February 2012. Every sample was diluted by sterile saline (10-1 and 10-2) and 0.5 mL from each dilution was cultured on SD and incubated at 27-30°C for 3-5 days. Finally, the number of colonies wasrecorded as (colony forming unit = CFU) per 100 mL. Identification of fungal agents were conducted by slide culture preparation and stained in lacto-phenol blue. The results showed that in August and February were significantly highest and lowest rates of fungal colonies were isolated from water in different stations respectively. Moreover, the number of fungal colonies in the crown and the output was significantly higher than other stations. The frequency of identified fungi were: Aspergillus species (31.4%), various types of yeast (mainly Candida) (24.2%), Penicillium sp. (19.3%), Cladosporium sp.(10.3%), Mucor sp. (5.4%), Fusarium sp. (2.9%), sterile hype (2.8%), Alternaria sp. (2.3%) and Paecilomyces sp. (1.4%)

    Feasibility study of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss ) culture in brackish water in earthen fish pond in North Khorasan province

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    The use correct of non-agricultural land due to saline and waternon fresh for rearing of aquatic animals, especially fish, in good seasons, can generate for employment and provide fertile ground . This study aimed to assess the ability of Rainbow Trout reared in earthen ponds potential using brackish water stub area south of North Khorasan province in cold seasons (autumn and winter) have been conducted. Farming operations in three earthen ponds, each with an area of 3,000 square meters and two water wells within 160 days of the initial electric Bahdayt 8400 and 18100 µs was conducted. Average initial weight of juveniles when introduced into soil ponds 32.0±1.0 and 22.7±1/7 grams and density drop in the of ponds 5 and 7 number per cubic meters . Feeding on pond done recipes nutrition standards Related to fish size and water temperature was during the period culture . To help improve the water quality during the breeding ponds of cyclic change in volume of pond water (20-15%) and two aeration SPLASH with errive fresh water to form rain fall in each pond was used. The results obtained during the period of measurement water physico-chemical parameters (temperature, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen, nutrients, total dissolved substances, acidity) shows changes in the mean amplitude of these factors has been tolerated for raising trout The results showed that children reared trout have been introduced since the introduction of nteroperability with brackish water in the pond also grown to over 14 thousand have salt and water changes physical and chemical factors have endured. The results showed that fish farming in addition to works by adapting the environment had to foster the growth of the pond water . So in 5 months, with a mean survival of 87 percent hindrance develop marketable size with an average weight of 340±12-390±13and 470 ±17grams and have a total production of more than 20 tonnes. All of it has been confirmed, the study area (SFRAIEN)is very suitable for the breeding Rainbow trout of pond during the fall and winter seasons

    Determination of water quality characteristics of Shahid Rajaei reservoir (Sari) based on physic-chemical parameters

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    The water quality provides the valuable information about the available resources for human usage. The reservoirs are the important resources of surface water which could be considered as an appropriate water resource for irrigation, drinking water and also fish culturing. The Shahid Rajaei Reservoir- Sari is an important reservoir in Iran, which conducted to study on its water quality in this survey. In this study, some of the physicochemical parameters and Chlorophyl- a of Shahid Rajaei reservoir were measured at 4 stations (Shirin Roud branch, Sefid Roud branch, the crossing point of branches, near the tower) during six sampling months (June, July, August, September, November and February) in 2012-2013. The water quality and trophic status of reservoir calculated based on some reference values and the modified Carlson formula. The results showed that the mean (±Standard Error) of temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, phosohate, amonium and nitrate concentrations and Chlorophyl a were 21.35 (±1.30) ºC, 10.48 (±0.37), 8.54 (±0.04), 0.050 (±0.004), 0.036 (±0.004), 0.75 (±0.03) mg/l and 18.00 (±7.23) mg/m^3 , respectively. In the present study, temperature between surface and deep layer was stratified in June and July, which the stratification was registerd 0.47 and 0.69 °C decreases with increasing of each meter depth in 15 to 30 meter culumn. But, these changes for each increasing meter of water depth were 0.2 to 0.26 °C in August and September, respectively, and finally was close to zero in November. In the warm months (July, August and September) with the formation of thermal stratification in the reservoir was formed oxygen stratification, but in the cold season (November and February), with vertical mixing of water oxygen and percent saturation of the reservoir was nearly homogeneous. The results showed that the European authorities (OECD) trophic status varied between mezotrophic to hypertrophic during the sampling period at all stations. The comparison with the values listed in the references of Iranian dams based on transparency and chlorophyll variables showed similar results. However, phosphorus variable (due to limited for phytoplankton) was not showing the true conditions of trophic status. As a conlusion, trophic status of Shahid Rajaei dam based on Carlson trophic index (TSI) was obtained oligotrophic (May and October), mezotrophic (February) and eutrophic (August and September) condintion during diferent months. Therefore, water management of the reservoir was more attention during warm months

    Evaluation of stocking density vannamei shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone, 1931) in culturing with brackish water of Caspian Sea

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    Recently, the development of aquaculture has focused on the use of seawater, because of freshwater crisis in the world. Whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) is one of the most important species for aquaculture development, because of tolerance and adaptation to different ecological conditions. One of the advantages of species in aquaculture, compatibility status is dense in the rearing period. In this study, the effect of different densities (45/m^2 , 50/m^2 , 55/m^2 and 60/m^2 ), of primary stock whiteleg shrimp postlarvae (PL12) on the growth and survival rate were evaluated. Brackish water (10.52±0.43 ppt) was providing from Caspian Sea. The experiments were performed in 12 circular concrete pond with a sandy bed (area: 78m^2 ) in four treatments and three replications for each treatment. The experiments performed in a 75-day period. In this study, the water temperature was 27.4±1.79°C. The results showed statistically difference in growth parameters and survival rate among experimental treatments (Duncan test, P<0.05). Therefore, with high levels of density, has decreased the amount of weight gain and survival rate (SR), specific growth rate (SGR) and average daily growth (ADG). In addition, the treatments were different variations of FCR (P<0.05) and not depend on the primary stock density of postlarvae. In low density (45/m^2 ) were observed the highest growth (SGR=11±0.04 and ADG=0.25±0.01 gr/day/ind.), survival rate and calculate the amount of production per 78m2 equal 43.6±3.3kg (5596±433kg/ha). Therefore, It is possibility that there is commonly increasing primary stocking of density about L. vannamei postlarvae culture in Iran

    Survey and feasibility study for the introduction of native fish and non- native fish for cage culture in the southern part of Caspian Sea

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    The aim of this study is the feasibility of introducing suitable species of fish (native and exotic) for rearing in cages in the southern region of the Caspian Sea. This study from the perspective of economic efficiency and maintaining ecology were analyzed. The results showed that the southern Caspian Sea has the ability to aquaculture fish. However, due to the yearly temperature variations of water (from surface to a depth of 50 meters), the talent of aquaculture area is preferred for fish in cold water than warm water fish due to possibility rearing over the years. The survey showed that the current conditions and due to unfavorable changes in the ecology of the area in the last decade, the use of non-native fish culture in cages is not recommended. Many species of native fish are suitable for rearing in cages. Nevertheless, there is no infrastructure suitable for the production of all of them. Therefore, respectively species of Salmo caspius, Huso huso and Common carp of Caspian Sea for cultivation of in cages was suggested. In the current situation, this fish for their ability to grow faster than the need for selectivity. It is noteworthy that detailed environmental assessments and species risk assessments before the final introduction of any fish species (native and exotic) for rearing in cages in the Caspian Sea ecosystem is essential

    Comparison of psychological symptoms and cognitive functions in patients under maintenance treatment with methadone or buprenorphine, current opioid users and healthy subjects

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    Methadone and buprenorphine can affect the psychological symptoms and cognitive functioning of substance users. This study aimed to compare psychological symptoms and neuropsychological functioning in methadone maintenance patients (MMP), buprenorphine maintenance patients (BMP), current opioid users, and healthy subjects. One hundred and twenty participants (30 in each group) matched for age, sex, and education completed the Symptom Checklist-90-Revised (SCL-90-R) and a battery of neuropsychological tests including the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST), Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS-IV), and Stroop Color-Word Test (SCWT) assessing executive functioning, working memory, and attention, respectively. Overall, opioid users showed more severe psychological symptoms compared to healthy subjects. MMP and BMP had intermediate scores in SCL-90-R subscales; however, BMP had fewer severe symptoms compared to the MMP group. In terms of cognitive functioning, healthy subjects and current users demonstrated the best and the worst performance, respectively. Also, BMP outperforms MMP on executive functions and attention. However, the MMP had a better performance in WMS (visual memory). Patients receiving maintenance treatment had fewer psychological symptoms and better cognitive performance compared to opioid users. BMP had a better profile in all psychological symptoms and better performance in executive functions and selective attention compared to the MMP suggesting buprenorphine may be a better choice for the treatment of opioid-dependent patients. © 2021 Elsevier B.V