7 research outputs found

    Organization Features and Profitability: Implications for a Sample of Emerging Countries

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    A huge number of prior works has tested the link between control mechanisms and organization profitability. Several methods are used by such works to enhance the notion that there is an inconsistent result in the link between the board feature and organization profitability.  However, there is unpredictability of this link shown by the prior works. Thus, the current work aims at testing the board features as internal control mechanisms represented by the size of both organization and the board of directors in their impact on organization profitability in the non-financial companies in Jordan, which was selected from a sample of Emerging Countries. Data were collected from the annual reports for 65 organizations for the year 2019 from the website of ASE via utilizing a cross-sectional analysis study. After testing the hypothesis of the current work, the findings revealed that the size of the board of director has a significant impact on the organization profitability of nonfinancial companies in Jordan. However, this work showed that organization size has an insignificant impact on organization profitability. The current work might help policymakers in Emerging Countries in general, and Jordanian non-financial sector in particular, deliberate policies related to using robust control mechanisms to enhance directors' commitment toward utilizing internal control mechanisms for the ultimate aim in promoting organization profitabilit


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    Purpose of the study: In this article, the objective is to discover the influence of business financial policy on the firm’s Capital structure of the textile zone of Pakistan. The present outcomes of productivity, total assets, future growth, and asset structure have started a discussion over the total debt ratio. Methodology: The methodology used to conduct this work in order to examine the effect of total assets, future growth, profitability, and asset structure and its impact on total debt ratio, Panel data analysis has been accomplished and together the firm and industry explicit dynamics have been measured, yearly data has been taken off 96 textile firms of Pakistan concluded the period of 2012 - 2017 for OLS, regression model & LSDVM. Main Findings: The results reveal that the OLS regression model is not a good fit and the model shows that there is no significant impact of all the independent variables on the dependent variables. Whereas the results of LSDVM indicated that this model is a good fit, the model revealed that the entire individuals have combined effect on the dependent variable. Similarly, the alternate hypothesis indicates the significant influence of independent variables on the dependent variable whereas the Null hypothesis indicated no or insignificant influence of independent variables on the dependent variable. Application of this study: This study contributes toward the financial sector for policymakers in order to construct the best capital configuration of the firm. This study also suggests that which element is having more importance while making capital configuration of the firm. The originality of this study: Capital structure is a crucial issue for entrepreneurs and CEOs of any firm. The number of studies is available related to other industries but fewer studies are available related to the textile firms of Pakistan so this research work provides the technique while making the best capital configuration for textile firms of Pakistan

    The Influence of ‘Adventure Tourism Activities’ in promoting tourism business in mountain stations.

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    Tourism has emerged as an instrument for employment generation, poverty alleviation and sustainable human development. Tourism promotes international understanding and gives support to local handicrafts and cultural activities. It is an important segment of the country's economy, especially in terms of its contribution towards foreign exchange earnings, generation of additional income and creation of employment opportunities. The foreign exchange earnings from tourism during the year 2000 were estimated at about Rs. 14,408 crores with an estimated direct employment of about 15 million, which is about 2.4% of the total labour force of the country as per the report of UNESCO. Tourism is the third largest foreign exchange earner for India. The International tourist traffic in the country is estimated to be 2.64 million during the year 2000. However, according to the World Tourism Organizations (WTO), India's share in world tourism arrivals is only 0.38%, accounting for 0.62% of the world tourist receipts. This indicates that much of the tourist potential is yet to be tapped

    Research Trends and Performance of IIoT Communication Network-Architectural Layers of Petrochemical Industry 4.0 for Coping with Circular Economy

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    In the present era, many Petrochemical Industries (PIs) are driven energetically due to IIoT (Industrial Internet of Things) Communication Networks/Architectural Layers (CNs/ALs), abbreviated as PI4.0-CNs/ALs. PI4.0 fruitfully participated to achieve the Circular Economy (CE) by speeding the reutilization, recovery, and recycling of scrap materials by minimizing cost, unproductive operations, energy consumption, emission of flue gases, etc. Recently, it has been ascertained that the identification and measurement of Research Trends (RTs) of CNs-ALs help the PI4.0 to build the future CE. In addressing the said research challenge, the objective of this research dossier is turned towards inculcating into future PI4.0 researchers the RTs of CNs/ALs of PI4.0, so that the researches can be organized over the very weak and moderately performing CNs-ALs to hike the future CE. To materialize the RTs of PI4-CNs/ALs, the authors conducted the Systematic Literature Survey (SLS) focusing on PI4.0-CNs/ALs, i.e., Internet of Things (IoTs), Cyber Physical System (CPS), Virtual Reality (VR), Integration (I), Data Optimization (DO), Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Plant Control (PC), Data and Analytics (DA), Network (N), and Information and Data Management (IDM). The authors searched three hundred two research documents, wherein two hundred seventy-five research manuscripts qualified as RQ2. Next, the authors collected the DOIs/URLs corresponding to each CN-AL and explored the Sum of Digit Scoring System (SDSS) to summarize the DOIs/URLs of PI4.0-CNs/ALs. The RTs of DO have been determined as excellent and stronger over 2007-2017 than residue CNs/ALs. Eventually, the authors advised scholars to focus on the research areas of very weak and moderately weak performing CNs/ALs in order to attain future CE

    Exploiting GWmZd Model by Exploring Knowledge-Based Grey-Holistic Technique for Sustainable Vendor Evaluation

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    It is investigated that the thoughts of sustainability gained the momentum among researchers in the present era. The industrial empirical research survey proved that green operations, waste minimization strategies, and zero defect planning are three potential pillars in mapping the sustainability of supplier/vendor units. The authors built and proposed a grey knowledge-based green-waste minimizing and zero defect (GWmZd) sustainability appraisement hierarchical structural evaluation model/framework to production companies for assessing the sustainability ratio of their candidate suppliers/partners. Due to the uncertainty associated with the measures and metrics of the proposed model, the incomplete information is procured from a cluster of professionals’ vs GWmZd measures and metrics in the terms of the grey (except fuzzy) set. It is sensed by the prior literature survey that a few grey knowledge-based sustainability model are framed, but they were constrained to the individual first level layer without weight evaluation cum noncomparative analysis-based modern technique, and it is respected as a major research gap and challenge. To compensate the major research gap, the authors elected AHP and enabled AHP (analytic hierarchy process) to materialize and aggregate the assigned rating of each expert for evaluating weights of 2nd level metrics (overcoming the drawback of combined/group ratings). Later, the authors structured and proposed a new mathematical equation, assisted authors to evaluate the global weight of the first layer-three pillars-measures of the proposed model. Eventually, the authors constructed and fruitfully implemented a grey-holistic technique (merger of grey-MOORA-FMF fused with the dominance theory) on the model to compute sustainability index and score of suppliers. A production company is investigated to exhibit the application of the research work practically. The sustainability of supplier A1 is found the best than the residue of suppliers. The research forum can be explored by production companies to opt the feasible supplier under the proposed model. The conducted research has a value across the global production companies. The research forum can be explored by managers of production companies for benchmarking the performance of global suppliers under GWmZd and future advancing models along with grey-holistic technique fused with the dominance theory

    Diversification of Economy -- An Insight into Inclusive Growth & Food Security with Special Reference to Pakistan's Agriculture Economy

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    In order to improve agricultural economies, diversification is an important step to deal with the challenges of both the present and the future. This research attempted to deal with the above challenges of different economies as well as Pakistan’s economy to achieve inclusive growth through internal diversification and reforms. The main objective of this paper is to see how internal diversification and land reform can prove to be a milestone in tackling the above challenges. In order to perform numerical and qualitative analysis of primary and secondary data, the descriptive statistics is being used. As a result, it was shown that through internal diversification and land reforms, Pakistan's agricultural economy can be strengthened. At the end of the paper, some effective suggestions have been proposed, which will be important in achieving the aforementioned objectives

    Diversification of Economy -- An Insight into Inclusive Growth & Food Security with Special Reference to Pakistan's Agriculture Economy

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    In order to improve agricultural economies, diversification is an important step to deal with the challenges of both the present and the future. This research attempted to deal with the above challenges of different economies as well as Pakistan’s economy to achieve inclusive growth through internal diversification and reforms. The main objective of this paper is to see how internal diversification and land reform can prove to be a milestone in tackling the above challenges. In order to perform numerical and qualitative analysis of primary and secondary data, the descriptive statistics is being used. As a result, it was shown that through internal diversification and land reforms, Pakistan's agricultural economy can be strengthened. At the end of the paper, some effective suggestions have been proposed, which will be important in achieving the aforementioned objectives