33 research outputs found

    A Complex of NuMA and Cytoplasmic Dynein Is Essential for Mitotic Spindle Assembly

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    AbstractNuMA is a nuclear protein during interphase but redistributes to the spindle poles early in mitosis. To investigate its role during spindle formation, we tested spindle assembly in frog egg extracts from which NuMA was immunodepleted. Immunodepletion revealed that NuMA forms a complex with cytoplasmic dynein and dynactin. The depleted extracts failed to assemble normal mitotic spindles, producing, instead, chromatin-associated irregular arrays of microtubules lacking characteristic spindle poles. A subdomain of the NuMA tail was shown to induce microtubule aster formation by mediating microtubule bundling. Our findings suggest that NuMA forms bifunctional complexes with cytoplasmic dynein and dynactin that can tether microtubules at the spindle poles and that are essential for mitotic spindle pole assembly and stabilization

    Nuclear Retention of Multiply Spliced HIV-1 RNA in Resting CD4(+) T Cells

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    HIV-1 latency in resting CD4(+) T cells represents a major barrier to virus eradication in patients on highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). We describe here a novel post-transcriptional block in HIV-1 gene expression in resting CD4(+) T cells from patients on HAART. This block involves the aberrant localization of multiply spliced (MS) HIV-1 RNAs encoding the critical positive regulators Tat and Rev. Although these RNAs had no previously described export defect, we show that they exhibit strict nuclear localization in resting CD4(+) T cells from patients on HAART. Overexpression of the transcriptional activator Tat from non-HIV vectors allowed virus production in these cells. Thus, the nuclear retention of MS HIV-1 RNA interrupts a positive feedback loop and contributes to the non-productive nature of infection of resting CD4(+) T cells. To define the mechanism of nuclear retention, proteomic analysis was used to identify proteins that bind MS HIV-1 RNA. Polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB) was identified as an HIV-1 RNA-binding protein differentially expressed in resting and activated CD4(+) T cells. Overexpression of PTB in resting CD4(+) T cells from patients on HAART allowed cytoplasmic accumulation of HIV-1 RNAs. PTB overexpression also induced virus production by resting CD4(+) T cells. Virus culture experiments showed that overexpression of PTB in resting CD4(+) T cells from patients on HAART allowed release of replication-competent virus, while preserving a resting cellular phenotype. Whether through effects on RNA export or another mechanism, the ability of PTB to reverse latency without inducing cellular activation is a result with therapeutic implications

    NlpC/P60 domain-containing proteins of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis that differentially bind and hydrolyze peptidoglycan

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    A subset of proteins containing NlpC/P60 domains are bacterial peptidoglycan hydrolases that cleave noncanonical peptide linkages and contribute to cell wall remodeling as well as cell separation during late stages of division. Some of these proteins have been shown to cleave peptidoglycan in Mycobacterium tuberculosis and play a role in Mycobacterium marinum virulence of zebra fish; however, there are still significant knowledge gaps concerning the molecular function of these proteins in Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP). The MAP genome sequence encodes five NlpC/P60 domain-containing proteins. We describe atomic resolution crystal structures of two such MAP proteins, MAP_1272c and MAP_1204. These crystal structures, combined with functional assays to measure peptidoglycan cleavage activity, led to the observation that MAP_1272c does not have a functional catalytic core for peptidoglycan hydrolysis. Furthermore, the structure and sequence of MAP_1272c demonstrate that the catalytic residues normally required for hydrolysis are absent, and the protein does not bind peptidoglycan as efficiently as MAP_1204. While the NlpC/P60 catalytic triad is present in MAP_1204, changing the catalytic cysteine-155 residue to a serine significantly diminished catalytic activity, but did not affect binding to peptidoglycan. Collectively, these findings suggest a broader functional repertoire for NlpC/P60 domain-containing proteins than simply hydrolases

    MAP1272c Encodes an NlpC/P60 Protein, an Antigen Detected in Cattle with Johne’s Disease

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    The protein encoded by MAP1272c has been shown to be an antigen of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis that con- tains an NlpC/P60 superfamily domain found in lipoproteins or integral membrane proteins. Proteins containing this domain have diverse enzymatic functions that include peptidases, amidases, and acetyltransferases. The NlpC protein was examined in comparison to over 100 recombinant proteins and showed the strongest antigenicity when analyzed with sera from cattle with Johne’s disease. To further localize the immunogenicity of NlpC, recombinant proteins representing defined regions were ex- pressed and evaluated with sera from cattle with Johne’s disease. The region from amino acids 74 to 279 was shown to be the most immunogenic. This fragment was also evaluated against a commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Two monoclonal antibodies were produced in mice immunized with the full-length protein, and each recognized a dis- tinct epitope. These antibodies cross-reacted with proteins from other mycobacterial species and demonstrated variable sizes of the proteins expressed from these subspecies. Both antibodies were further analyzed, and their interaction with MAP1272c and MAP1204 was characterized by a solution-based, luminescent binding assay. These tools provide additional means to study a strong antigen of M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis

    MAP1272c Encodes an NlpC/P60 Protein, an Antigen Detected in Cattle with Johne’s Disease

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    The protein encoded by MAP1272c has been shown to be an antigen of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis that con- tains an NlpC/P60 superfamily domain found in lipoproteins or integral membrane proteins. Proteins containing this domain have diverse enzymatic functions that include peptidases, amidases, and acetyltransferases. The NlpC protein was examined in comparison to over 100 recombinant proteins and showed the strongest antigenicity when analyzed with sera from cattle with Johne’s disease. To further localize the immunogenicity of NlpC, recombinant proteins representing defined regions were ex- pressed and evaluated with sera from cattle with Johne’s disease. The region from amino acids 74 to 279 was shown to be the most immunogenic. This fragment was also evaluated against a commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Two monoclonal antibodies were produced in mice immunized with the full-length protein, and each recognized a dis- tinct epitope. These antibodies cross-reacted with proteins from other mycobacterial species and demonstrated variable sizes of the proteins expressed from these subspecies. Both antibodies were further analyzed, and their interaction with MAP1272c and MAP1204 was characterized by a solution-based, luminescent binding assay. These tools provide additional means to study a strong antigen of M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis

    Biochemical Characterization of Murine Qa-1

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    Qa-1 is a member of the mouse MHC Ib family with roles in both the adaptive and innate arms of immunity. While it is presumed to be quite similar in structure to the class Ia molecules, Qa-1 has limited polymorphism and only presents a limited repertoire of known peptides. Although Qa-1 is the primary ligand for the Natural Killer cell NKG2/CD94 receptors, Qa-1 restricted CD8+ cytotoxic T cells have also been identified. To better understand the molecular mechanisms of these recognition events and the remarkably short lifetime of the Qa-1/peptide complex, a series of biophysical and biochemical characterizations were made of this molecule. Initial attempts at bacterial expression and in vitro reconstitution of the complex led to the identification of a single residue which drastically destabilizes the complex both in vivo and in vitro. Mutation of this residue results in significant acceleration of Qa-1’s maturation rate as well as increased half-life of the molecule. The ability of this mutant to present peptide to T cells and its interaction with the NKG2 receptor have been investigated. While presentation of the cognate peptide predominantly found in complex with Qa-1 has not been altered, the enhanced cell surface expression and the elongated half-life of the mutant molecule provide insights into the normal physiological role of the wild type molecule as a real-time sensor for immunosurveillance by NK cells and rapid cytotoxic response by the effectors of adaptive immunity

    NlpC/P60 domain-containing proteins of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis that differentially bind and hydrolyze peptidoglycan

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    A subset of proteins containing NlpC/P60 domains are bacterial peptidoglycan hydrolases that cleave noncanonical peptide linkages and contribute to cell wall remodeling as well as cell separation during late stages of division. Some of these proteins have been shown to cleave peptidoglycan in Mycobacterium tuberculosis and play a role in Mycobacterium marinum virulence of zebra fish; however, there are still significant knowledge gaps concerning the molecular function of these proteins in Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP). The MAP genome sequence encodes five NlpC/P60 domain-containing proteins. We describe atomic resolution crystal structures of two such MAP proteins, MAP_1272c and MAP_1204. These crystal structures, combined with functional assays to measure peptidoglycan cleavage activity, led to the observation that MAP_1272c does not have a functional catalytic core for peptidoglycan hydrolysis. Furthermore, the structure and sequence of MAP_1272c demonstrate that the catalytic residues normally required for hydrolysis are absent, and the protein does not bind peptidoglycan as efficiently as MAP_1204. While the NlpC/P60 catalytic triad is present in MAP_1204, changing the catalytic cysteine-155 residue to a serine significantly diminished catalytic activity, but did not affect binding to peptidoglycan. Collectively, these findings suggest a broader functional repertoire for NlpC/P60 domain-containing proteins than simply hydrolases