30 research outputs found

    The Extended Parameter Filter

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    The parameters of temporal models, such as dynamic Bayesian networks, may be modelled in a Bayesian context as static or atemporal variables that influence transition probabilities at every time step. Particle filters fail for models that include such variables, while methods that use Gibbs sampling of parameter variables may incur a per-sample cost that grows linearly with the length of the observation sequence. Storvik devised a method for incremental computation of exact sufficient statistics that, for some cases, reduces the per-sample cost to a constant. In this paper, we demonstrate a connection between Storvik's filter and a Kalman filter in parameter space and establish more general conditions under which Storvik's filter works. Drawing on an analogy to the extended Kalman filter, we develop and analyze, both theoretically and experimentally, a Taylor approximation to the parameter posterior that allows Storvik's method to be applied to a broader class of models. Our experiments on both synthetic examples and real applications show improvement over existing methods

    Open Source Infrastructure for Differentiable Density Functional Theory

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    Learning exchange correlation functionals, used in quantum chemistry calculations, from data has become increasingly important in recent years, but training such a functional requires sophisticated software infrastructure. For this reason, we build open source infrastructure to train neural exchange correlation functionals. We aim to standardize the processing pipeline by adapting state-of-the-art techniques from work done by multiple groups. We have open sourced the model in the DeepChem library to provide a platform for additional research on differentiable quantum chemistry methods

    Retrosynthetic reaction prediction using neural sequence-to-sequence models

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    We describe a fully data driven model that learns to perform a retrosynthetic reaction prediction task, which is treated as a sequence-to-sequence mapping problem. The end-to-end trained model has an encoder-decoder architecture that consists of two recurrent neural networks, which has previously shown great success in solving other sequence-to-sequence prediction tasks such as machine translation. The model is trained on 50,000 experimental reaction examples from the United States patent literature, which span 10 broad reaction types that are commonly used by medicinal chemists. We find that our model performs comparably with a rule-based expert system baseline model, and also overcomes certain limitations associated with rule-based expert systems and with any machine learning approach that contains a rule-based expert system component. Our model provides an important first step towards solving the challenging problem of computational retrosynthetic analysis

    Differentiable Modeling and Optimization of Battery Electrolyte Mixtures Using Geometric Deep Learning

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    Electrolytes play a critical role in designing next-generation battery systems, by allowing efficient ion transfer, preventing charge transfer, and stabilizing electrode-electrolyte interfaces. In this work, we develop a differentiable geometric deep learning (GDL) model for chemical mixtures, DiffMix, which is applied in guiding robotic experimentation and optimization towards fast-charging battery electrolytes. In particular, we extend mixture thermodynamic and transport laws by creating GDL-learnable physical coefficients. We evaluate our model with mixture thermodynamics and ion transport properties, where we show improved prediction accuracy and model robustness of DiffMix than its purely data-driven variants. Furthermore, with a robotic experimentation setup, Clio, we improve ionic conductivity of electrolytes by over 18.8% within 10 experimental steps, via differentiable optimization built on DiffMix gradients. By combining GDL, mixture physics laws, and robotic experimentation, DiffMix expands the predictive modeling methods for chemical mixtures and enables efficient optimization in large chemical spaces