99 research outputs found

    Shubnikov-de Haas quantum oscillations reveal a reconstructed Fermi surface near optimal doping in a thin film of the cuprate superconductor Pr1.86Ce0.14CuO4±δ

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    We study magnetotransport properties of the electron-doped superconductor Pr2-xCexCuO4±δ with x=0.14 in magnetic fields up to 92 T, and observe Shubnikov-de Haas magnetic quantum oscillations. The oscillations display a single frequency F=255±10 T, indicating a small Fermi pocket that is ∼1% of the two-dimensional Brillouin zone and consistent with a Fermi surface reconstructed from the large holelike cylinder predicted for these layered materials. Despite the low nominal doping, all electronic properties including the effective mass and Hall effect are consistent with overdoped compounds. Our study demonstrates that the exceptional chemical control afforded by high quality thin films will enable Fermi surface studies deep into the overdoped cuprate phase diagram

    Fragile charge order in the nonsuperconducting ground state of the underdoped high-temperature superconductors.

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    The normal state in the hole underdoped copper oxide superconductors has proven to be a source of mystery for decades. The measurement of a small Fermi surface by quantum oscillations on suppression of superconductivity by high applied magnetic fields, together with complementary spectroscopic measurements in the hole underdoped copper oxide superconductors, point to a nodal electron pocket from charge order in YBa2Cu3(6+δ). Here, we report quantum oscillation measurements in the closely related stoichiometric material YBa2Cu4O8, which reveals similar Fermi surface properties to YBa2Cu3(6+δ), despite the nonobservation of charge order signatures in the same spectroscopic techniques, such as X-ray diffraction, that revealed signatures of charge order in YBa2Cu3(6+δ). Fermi surface reconstruction in YBa2Cu4O8 is suggested to occur from magnetic field enhancement of charge order that is rendered fragile in zero magnetic fields because of its potential unconventional nature and/or its occurrence as a subsidiary to more robust underlying electronic correlations.B.T., A.S, and S.E.S. acknowledge support from the Royal Society, the Winton Programme for the Physics of Sustainability, and the European Research Council under the European Unions Seventh Framework Programme (grant number FP/2007-2013)/ ERC Grant Agreement number 337425. N.H., Z.Z., F.F.B., and B.J.R. acknowl- edge support for high-magnetic-field experiments from the US Department of Energy, Office of Science, BES- MSE `Science of 100 Tesla' programme. G.G.L. acknowl- edges support from EPSRC grant EP/K012894/1. Work at NIU was supported by The Institute for Nanoscience, Engineering, and Technology - InSET. A portion of this work was performed at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, which is supported by NSF co-operative agreement number DMR-0654118, the state of Florida, and the DOE. We are grateful for the experimental assis- tance provided by National High Magnetic Field Labora- tory personnel, including J. B. Betts, Y. Coulter, M. Gor- don, C. H. Mielke, A. Parish, R. McDonald, D. Rickel, and D. Roybal.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the National Academy of Sciences via http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.150416411

    Chemical potential oscillations from a single nodal pocket in the underdoped high-Tc superconductor YBa2Cu3O6+x

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    The mystery of the normal state in the underdoped cuprates has deepened with the use of newer and complementary experimental probes. While photoemission studies have revealed solely `Fermi arcs' centered on nodal points in the Brillouin zone at which holes aggregate upon doping, more recent quantum oscillation experiments have been interpreted in terms of an ambipolar Fermi surface, that includes sections containing electron carriers located at the antinodal region. To address the question of whether an ambipolar Fermi surface truly exists, here we utilize measurements of the second harmonic quantum oscillations, which reveal that the amplitude of these oscillations arises mainly from oscillations in the chemical potential, providing crucial information on the nature of the Fermi surface in underdoped YBa2Cu3O6+x. In particular, the detailed relationship between the second harmonic amplitude and the fundamental amplitude of the quantum oscillations leads us to the conclusion that there exists only a single underlying quasi-two dimensional Fermi surface pocket giving rise to the multiple frequency components observed via the effects of warping, bilayer splitting and magnetic breakdown. A range of studies suggest that the pocket is most likely associated with states near the nodal region of the Brillouin zone of underdoped YBa2Cu3O6+x at high magnetic fields.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Open tension free repair of inguinal hernias; the Lichtenstein technique

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    BACKGROUND: Recurrences have been a significant problem following hernia repair. Prosthetic materials have been increasingly used in hernia repair to prevent recurrences. Their use has been associated with several advantages, such as less postoperative pain, rapid recovery, low recurrence rates. METHODS: In this retrospective study, 540 tension-free inguinal hernia repairs were performed between August 1994 and December 1999 in 510 patients, using a polypropylene mesh (Lichtenstein technique). The main outcome measure was early and late morbidity and especially recurrence. RESULTS: Inguinal hernia was indirect in 55 % of cases (297 patients), direct in 30 % (162 patients) and of the pantaloon (mixed) type in 15 % (81 patients). Mean patient age was 53.7 years (range, 18 – 85). Follow-up was completed in 407 patients (80 %) by clinical examination or phone call. The median follow-up period was 3.8 years (range, 1 – 6 years). Seroma and hematoma formation requiring drainage was observed in 6 and 2 patients, respectively, while transient testicular swelling occurred in 5 patients. We have not observed acute infection or abscess formation related to the presence of the foreign body (mesh). In two patients, however, a delayed rejection of the mesh occurred 10 months and 4 years following surgery. There was one recurrence of the hernia (in one of these patients with late mesh rejection) (recurrence rate = 0.2 %). Postoperative neuralgia was observed in 5 patients (1 %). CONCLUSION: Lichtenstein tension-free mesh inguinal hernia repair is a simple, safe, comfortable, effective method, with extremely low early and late morbidity and remarkably low recurrence rate and therefore it is our preferred method for hernia repair since 1994

    Magnetic-field-induced charge-stripe order in the high temperature superconductor YBa2Cu3Oy

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    Electronic charges introduced in copper-oxide planes generate high-transition temperature superconductivity but, under special circumstances, they can also order into filaments called stripes. Whether an underlying tendency of charges to order is present in all cuprates and whether this has any relationship with superconductivity are, however, two highly controversial issues. In order to uncover underlying electronic orders, magnetic fields strong enough to destabilise superconductivity can be used. Such experiments, including quantum oscillations in YBa2Cu3Oy (a notoriously clean cuprate where charge order is not observed) have suggested that superconductivity competes with spin, rather than charge, order. Here, using nuclear magnetic resonance, we demonstrate that high magnetic fields actually induce charge order, without spin order, in the CuO2 planes of YBa2Cu3Oy. The observed static, unidirectional, modulation of the charge density breaks translational symmetry, thus explaining quantum oscillation results, and we argue that it is most likely the same 4a-periodic modulation as in stripe-ordered cuprates. The discovery that it develops only when superconductivity fades away and near the same 1/8th hole doping as in La2-xBaxCuO4 suggests that charge order, although visibly pinned by CuO chains in YBa2Cu3Oy, is an intrinsic propensity of the superconducting planes of high Tc cuprates.Comment: For a final version, see http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v477/n7363/full/nature10345.htm

    Mottness at finite doping and charge instabilities in cuprates

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    The intrinsic instability of underdoped copper oxides towards inhomogeneous states is one of the central puzzles of the physics of correlated materials. The influence of the Mott physics on the doping-temperature phase diagram of copper oxides represents a major issue that is subject of intense theoretical and experimental effort. Here, we investigate the ultrafast electron dynamics in prototypical single-layer Bi-based cuprates at the energy scale of the O-2p\u2192Cu-3d charge-transfer (CT) process. We demonstrate a clear evolution of the CT excitations from incoherent and localized, as in a Mott insulator, to coherent and delocalized, as in a conventional metal. This reorganization of the high-energy degrees of freedom occurs at the critical doping pcr 430.16 irrespective of the temperature, and it can be well described by dynamical mean field theory calculations. We argue that the onset of the low-temperature charge instabilities is the low-energy manifestation of the underlying Mottness that characterizes the p<pcr region of the phase diagram. This discovery sets a new framework for theories of charge order and low-temperature phases in underdoped copper oxides. ArXI

    Focus on collagen: in vitro systems to study fibrogenesis and antifibrosis _ state of the art

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    Fibrosis represents a major global disease burden, yet a potent antifibrotic compound is still not in sight. Part of the explanation for this situation is the difficulties that both academic laboratories and research and development departments in the pharmaceutical industry have been facing in re-enacting the fibrotic process in vitro for screening procedures prior to animal testing. Effective in vitro characterization of antifibrotic compounds has been hampered by cell culture settings that are lacking crucial cofactors or are not holistic representations of the biosynthetic and depositional pathway leading to the formation of an insoluble pericellular collagen matrix. In order to appreciate the task which in vitro screening of antifibrotics is up against, we will first review the fibrotic process by categorizing it into events that are upstream of collagen biosynthesis and the actual biosynthetic and depositional cascade of collagen I. We point out oversights such as the omission of vitamin C, a vital cofactor for the production of stable procollagen molecules, as well as the little known in vitro tardy procollagen processing by collagen C-proteinase/BMP-1, another reason for minimal collagen deposition in cell culture. We review current methods of cell culture and collagen quantitation vis-à-vis the high content options and requirements for normalization against cell number for meaningful data retrieval. Only when collagen has formed a fibrillar matrix that becomes cross-linked, invested with ligands, and can be remodelled and resorbed, the complete picture of fibrogenesis can be reflected in vitro. We show here how this can be achieved. A well thought-out in vitro fibrogenesis system represents the missing link between brute force chemical library screens and rational animal experimentation, thus providing both cost-effectiveness and streamlined procedures towards the development of better antifibrotic drugs