875 research outputs found

    Heterogeneous Discount Factors in an Assignment Model with Search Frictions

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    We look at a simple market with two-sided heterogeneity and pairwise meetings. On the supply side are two landlord types who differ in the quality of their apartments. On the demand side is a continuum of tentant types who differ in their valuations for apartment types and their patience. For infinitesimal search frictions and an atomless tanant type distribution, we full ycharacterize all possible steady stage equilibria in a typical region of the parameter space. Our main finding is that the heterogeneous discount factors can cause strong deviations from the Walrasian outcome even when we asymptotically remove all the search frictions. All conventional frictional models with non-Walrasian limits are qualitatively different from the model in this paper.

    OSS architecture for mixed-criticality systems – a dual view from a software and system engineering perspective

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    Computer-based automation in industrial appliances led to a growing number of logically dependent, but physically separated embedded control units per appliance. Many of those components are safety-critical systems, and require adherence to safety standards, which is inconsonant with the relentless demand for features in those appliances. Features lead to a growing amount of control units per appliance, and to a increasing complexity of the overall software stack, being unfavourable for safety certifications. Modern CPUs provide means to revise traditional separation of concerns design primitives: the consolidation of systems, which yields new engineering challenges that concern the entire software and system stack. Multi-core CPUs favour economic consolidation of formerly separated systems with one efficient single hardware unit. Nonetheless, the system architecture must provide means to guarantee the freedom from interference between domains of different criticality. System consolidation demands for architectural and engineering strategies to fulfil requirements (e.g., real-time or certifiability criteria) in safety-critical environments. In parallel, there is an ongoing trend to substitute ordinary proprietary base platform software components by mature OSS variants for economic and engineering reasons. There are fundamental differences of processual properties in development processes of OSS and proprietary software. OSS in safety-critical systems requires development process assessment techniques to build an evidence-based fundament for certification efforts that is based upon empirical software engineering methods. In this thesis, I will approach from both sides: the software and system engineering perspective. In the first part of this thesis, I focus on the assessment of OSS components: I develop software engineering techniques that allow to quantify characteristics of distributed OSS development processes. I show that ex-post analyses of software development processes can be used to serve as a foundation for certification efforts, as it is required for safety-critical systems. In the second part of this thesis, I present a system architecture based on OSS components that allows for consolidation of mixed-criticality systems on a single platform. Therefore, I exploit virtualisation extensions of modern CPUs to strictly isolate domains of different criticality. The proposed architecture shall eradicate any remaining hypervisor activity in order to preserve real-time capabilities of the hardware by design, while guaranteeing strict isolation across domains.ComputergestĂŒtzte Automatisierung industrieller Systeme fĂŒhrt zu einer wachsenden Anzahl an logisch abhĂ€ngigen, aber physisch voneinander getrennten SteuergerĂ€ten pro System. Viele der EinzelgerĂ€te sind sicherheitskritische Systeme, welche die Einhaltung von Sicherheitsstandards erfordern, was durch die unermĂŒdliche Nachfrage an FunktionalitĂ€ten erschwert wird. Diese fĂŒhrt zu einer wachsenden Gesamtzahl an SteuergerĂ€ten, einhergehend mit wachsender KomplexitĂ€t des gesamten Softwarekorpus, wodurch Zertifizierungsvorhaben erschwert werden. Moderne Prozessoren stellen Mittel zur VerfĂŒgung, welche es ermöglichen, das traditionelle >Trennung von Belangen< Designprinzip zu erneuern: die Systemkonsolidierung. Sie stellt neue ingenieurstechnische Herausforderungen, die den gesamten Software und Systemstapel betreffen. Mehrkernprozessoren begĂŒnstigen die ökonomische und effiziente Konsolidierung vormals getrennter Systemen zu einer effizienten Hardwareeinheit. Geeignete Systemarchitekturen mĂŒssen jedoch die RĂŒckwirkungsfreiheit zwischen DomĂ€nen unterschiedlicher KritikalitĂ€t sicherstellen. Die Konsolidierung erfordert architektonische, als auch ingenieurstechnische Strategien um die Anforderungen (etwa Echtzeit- oder Zertifizierbarkeitskriterien) in sicherheitskritischen Umgebungen erfĂŒllen zu können. Zunehmend werden herkömmliche proprietĂ€r entwickelte Basisplattformkomponenten aus ökonomischen und technischen GrĂŒnden vermehrt durch ausgereifte OSS Alternativen ersetzt. Jedoch hindern fundamentale Unterschiede bei prozessualen Eigenschaften des Entwicklungsprozesses bei OSS den Einsatz in sicherheitskritischen Systemen. Dieser erfordert Techniken, welche es erlauben die Entwicklungsprozesse zu bewerten um ein evidenzbasiertes Fundament fĂŒr Zertifizierungsvorhaben basierend auf empirischen Methoden des Software Engineerings zur VerfĂŒgung zu stellen. In dieser Arbeit nĂ€here ich mich von beiden Seiten: der Softwaretechnik, und der Systemarchitektur. Im ersten Teil befasse ich mich mit der Beurteilung von OSS Komponenten: Ich entwickle Softwareanalysetechniken, welche es ermöglichen, prozessuale Charakteristika von verteilten OSS Entwicklungsvorhaben zu quantifizieren. Ich zeige, dass rĂŒckschauende Analysen des Entwicklungsprozess als Grundlage fĂŒr Softwarezertifizierungsvorhaben genutzt werden können. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit widme ich mich der Systemarchitektur. Ich stelle eine OSS-basierte Systemarchitektur vor, welche die Konsolidierung von Systemen gemischter KritikalitĂ€t auf einer alleinstehenden Plattform ermöglicht. Dazu nutze ich Virtualisierungserweiterungen moderner Prozessoren aus, um die Hardware in strikt voneinander isolierten RechendomĂ€nen unterschiedlicher KritikalitĂ€t unterteilen zu können. Die vorgeschlagene Architektur soll jegliche Betriebsstörungen des Hypervisors beseitigen, um die EchtzeitfĂ€higkeiten der Hardware bauartbedingt aufrecht zu erhalten, wĂ€hrend strikte Isolierung zwischen DomĂ€nen stets sicher gestellt ist

    Competencies of Production in SMEs in Assembly Industries in a Digital, Volatile Business Environment

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    SMEs are currently confronted with major challenges such as increasing uncertainty and volatility. In order to face these challenges, agility and digitalization can be implemented. Both concepts bring about numerous opportunities and new competency requirements. Currently, there are few scientifically based, practical training courses that focus on digitization and/or agility. The aim of this paper is to provide a roadmap for the development of the training concept. In this training, participants will be able to acquire theoretical content on a learning platform in a flexible way and they will be able to apply this knowledge in a learning factory. Based on a literature overview, requirements for such a training and the necessary skills in a digital, volatile business environment will be given

    Heterogeneous Discount Factors in an Assignment Model with Search Frictions

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    We look at a simple market with two-sided heterogeneity and pairwise meetings. On the supply side are two landlord types who differ in the quality of their apartments. On the demand side is a continuum of tentant types who differ in their valuations for apartment types and their patience. For infinitesimal search frictions and an atomless tanant type distribution, we full ycharacterize all possible steady stage equilibria in a typical region of the parameter space. Our main finding is that the heterogeneous discount factors can cause strong deviations from the Walrasian outcome even when we asymptotically remove all the search frictions. All conventional frictional models with non-Walrasian limits are qualitatively different from the model in this paper.

    Kommentar zu Georg von Wangenheim: Beschleunigung von Genehmigungsverfahren

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    Genehmigungsverfahren, Verwaltungsreform,

    Genetic variation and covariation of aphid life-history traits across unrelated host plants

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    A central paradigm of life-history theory is the existence of resource mediated trade-offs among different traits that contribute to fitness, yet observations inconsistent with this tenet are not uncommon. We previously found a clonal population of the aphid Myzus persicae to exhibit positive genetic correlations among major components of fitness, resulting in strong heritable fitness differences on a common host. This raises the question of how this genetic variation is maintained. One hypothesis states that variation for resource acquisition on different hosts may override variation for allocation, predicting strong fitness differences within hosts as a rule, but changes in fitness hierarchies across hosts due to trade-offs. Therefore, we carried out a life-table experiment with 17 clones of M. persicae, reared on three unrelated host plants: radish, common lambsquarters and black nightshade. We estimated the broad-sense heritabilities of six lifehistory traits on each host, the genetic correlations among traits within hosts, and the genetic correlations among traits on different hosts (cross-environment genetic correlations). The three plants represented radically different environments with strong effects on performance of M. persicae, yet we detected little evidence for trade-offs. Fitness components were positively correlated within hosts but also between the two more benign hosts (radish and lambsquarters), as well as between those and another host tested earlier. The comparison with the most stressful host, nightshade, was hampered by low survival. Survival on nightshade also exhibited genetic variation but was unrelated to fitness on other hosts. Acknowledging that the number of environments was necessarily limited in a quantitative genetic experiment, we suggest that the rather consistent fitness hierarchies across very different plants provided little evidence to support the idea that the clonal variation for life-history traits and their covariance structure are maintained by strong genotyperenvironment interactions with respect to hosts. Alternative explanations are discusse
