32 research outputs found

    Threatened edible insects in Hidalgo, Mexico and some measures to preserve them

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    Edible insects are a natural renewable resource that provides food to many ethnic groups in Mexico. Some of these species are overexploited because of increased consumption, caused by the huge human population growth in the area and because of the large demand of these insects from many restaurants in Mexico and in other countries. In Tulancalco, a small arid village in the State of Hidalgo, I carried out studies on edible insects over 25 years. The inhabitants of this village have a natural economy and use some 30 species of insects as food. At present, we have noticed a decrease in the population of several species due to overexploitation, which is carried by non-qualified independent workers who are not natives of the town. These gatherers sell their catch to make a living, thus contributing to the socioeconomic factors associated with this issue. These actions have degraded the ecosystems of this area, and consequently the prevention of these measures is critical. The study species in this paper include 14 threatened species and we discuss some pragmatic measures that could implemented to avoid their extinction. In addition, some actions for the preservation of the ethnoentomobiodiversity in the area are proposed

    Diagnóstico sociobioeconómico del chapulín de Oaxaca, Sphenarium purpurascens Charpentier, 1842 (Orthoptera: Pyrgomorphidae), en México

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    A sociobioeconomical analysis was conducted with a natural renewable resource from Oaxaca State, represented by the grasshopper Sphenarium purpurascens Ch. (Orthoptera: Pyrgomorphidae). Different aspects were surveyed, such as: where they come from; how they are gathered or obtained at different markets; how they are prepared for consumption or for sale in the towns around the city; their commercialization by the market salesman and/or street sellers at the Zaachila, Etla, Zimatlán, Ocotlán, San Antonino, 4 Centenario markets, as well as in the Central de Abastos (Big Providing Resources Center) of Oaxaca City. The cost-benefit that these sales bring to the sellers was analyzed. Specimens bought from different sellers were used to calculate the percentage of females that have already oviposited in order to determine if their indiscriminate capture could diminish grasshopper populations significantly. This percentage oscillated between 14% to 51%, so it seems that grasshoppers can reestablish their biomass. A check list of host plants on which S. purpurascens rest, take shelter or feed upon is given. The role of age and gender in the families of acridid sellers was also surveyed. As for reasons for the decline in the grasshopper populations of S. purpurascens in Oaxaca, the use of insecticides and high male emigration rate is suggested. Measures to protect this grasshopper as a sustainable food source are also discussed.Con el objeto de obtener un diagnóstico sobre la situación actual por un recurso natural renovable representado en el chapulín Sphenarium purpurascens Ch. (Orthoptera: Pyrgomorphidae) en el estado de Oaxaca, se investigaron varias facetas de éste insecto. Ellas fueron: cual era su proveniencia; formas de captura y/o obtención en diferentes mercados; la manera de prepararlos para su consumo y/o venta en diferentes poblaciones aledañas; su comercialización a nivel de puesto o ambulantaje en los mercados de Zaachila, Etla, Zimatlán, Ocotlán, San Antonino, 4 Centenario y en la Central de Abastos de la ciudad de Oaxaca; el costo benefico que brinda a los vendedores. También se analizó a través del muestreo de los especímenes comprados el porcentaje de hembras que habían ovipositado, para investigar el impacto de la captura de estos acrididos en sus poblaciones, descartando el hecho de que su captura indiscriminada, provocara que sus poblaciones pudieren reducirse, pero este osciló de 14 % a 51 % y se considera es suficiente para restablecer las mismas. Se señala igualmente el papel que cada género en la familia de los colectores y vendedores efectúa en las diferentes edades en esta actividad. Se sugieren como algunas causas de la disminución de las poblaciones de chapulines, entre las que destacan, la aspersión de insecticidas y la elevada migración masculina que ha habido, y se discuten posibles medidas para salvaguardar los chapulines como un recurso alimenticio sostenible

    Abundancia poblacional de los acridoideos del municipio de Tepotzotlán, Estado de México

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    In Tepotzotlán at Mexico State in Mexico, a collection of grasshoppers was made, in maize crop fields of 40 hec mixed with wild plants a collect of grasshoppers, utilizing the manual capture, these were Sphenarium purpurascens Ch., Akamasacris variabilis (S.) and Trimetropis occidentalis (B.), by the number obtained, the first species was the most important achieving a total of 4.538 samples captured, this species also obtained the highest fresh weight and dry weight. From the second species, A. variabilis (S.), 204 samples were obtained and only 28 samples correspondding to T. occidentalis (B.). Their gathering was done in different dates and in diverse schedules. The socioeconomic importance of this edible renewal natural resource is significant, because they give meal and money to peasants through their commercialization, which is very important for these people, with a natural economy. In addition to this, their capture brings a double benefit because this activity constitutes a natural control method, avoiding the use of insecticides and consequently a plague formation. The best schedule for the obtaining was determined between 7:00 to 8:00 AM.En Tepotzotlán, Estado de México, en un área de 40 has cultivada de maíz mezclada con plantas silvestres, recolectamos chapulines utilizando la técnica manual, la especie rastreada y colectada más importante fue Sphenarium purpurascens Ch, con un total de 4,538 individuos capturados, esta especie también obtuvo los más elevados pesos fresco y seco. En segundo lugar estuvo Akamasacris variabilis (Scudder) con 204 ejemplares y en tercer lugar Trimerotropis occidentalis (Bruner) con sólo 28 ejemplares. Su recolección fue hecha en diferentes fechas y horarios, comprendidos sólo durante las mañanas. La importancia socioeconómica que tiene este recurso natural renovable comestible, es significativa, ya que no sólo dan alimento a los campesinos, sino que también a través de su comercialización les provee de dinero, muy importante para gente con una economía natural como ellos tienen. Además, su captura brinda un doble beneficio, porque esta actividad constituye un método natural de control que impide la formación de plagas y consecuentemente el uso de insecticidas. El mejor horario determinado para su captura fue de las 7:00 a las 8:00 AM

    Edible Lepidoptera in Mexico: Geographic distribution, ethnicity, economic and nutritional importance for rural people

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    In this paper, we reported the butterflies and moths that are consumed in Mexico. We identified 67 species of Lepidoptera that are eaten principally in their larval stage in 17 states of Mexico. These species belong to 16 families: Arctiidae, Bombycidae, Castniidae, Cossidae, Geometridae, Hepialidae, Hesperiidae, Lasiocampidae, Noctuidae, Nymphalidae, Papilionidae, Pieridae, Pyralidae, Saturniidae, Sesiidae, and Sphingidae. Saturniidae, Pieridae, Noctuidae and Nymphalidae were the more species consumed with 16, 11, 9, and 8 species, respectively. The genera with the largest numbers of species were: Phassus, Phoebis, Hylesia and Spodoptera, with three species. Their local distribution, corresponding to each state of Mexico, is also presented

    Could Grasshoppers Be a Nutritive Meal

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    ABSTRACT The nutritive value of 25 edible Orthoptera in Mexico is shown. Protein content ranges from 43.93% to 77.13% (mix of Edible Acrididade of Puebla). Fat percentage goes from 4.22% to 34.21%. Richest species in ashes were Arphia fallax S., Sphenarium histrio G. and Sphenarium purpurascens Ch. with 16.5%. Energy contribution varies from 14.05 kJ to 21.88 kJ. Their amino acids profile was compared with the WHO/FAO/UNU Pattern (1985). The total quantity of essential amino acids that all insects species provides was superior to those signaled in the pattern. The highest quantity (53.60 g) was for Sphenarium histrio G. Chemical score goes from 50% to 88%. In vitamins, the highest value in Thiamine and Riboflavine was for Sphenarium magnum M., in Niacine for Sphenarium borrei B., in vitamin C and for vitamin D Acheta domestica L., and in Vitamin A for Periplaneta americana L. In minerals, all species were very rich in magnesium. All the edible orthopterans results were compared with those of the most conventional mexican foods used to obtain proteins. The quantity and quality of the nutrients that these edible orthopterans allows, provides a significant contribution to the nutrition of the peasants who eat them

    Uso de la diversidad vegetal por Atta cephalotes L. 1758 en San Rafael Piña, municipio de Zentla, Veracruz, México

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    Ants have an important role in the tropical rainy forest because they are prominent herbivores in many Neotropical communities. However, in many cases, as with Atta cephalotes L. 1758, the ant-plant relationships have not been enough studied. In this paper, plants used by A. cephalotes in 16 ant colonies at two localities in the Zentla municipality, in Veracruz, Mexico have been surveyed. It was found that the number of plant species used by ant colonies is related to the place diversity and that ants are selective and focus on the colony self-organization.Las hormigas ocupan un lugar importante en los ecosistemas de los bosques lluviosos tropicales y son herbívoros que se destacan en muchas comunidades neotropicales. Sin embargo, en muchos casos, como es el de Atta cephalotes L. 1758, la relación hormiga-planta ha sido poco estudiada. En este trabajo se determinaron las especies vegetales utilizadas por 16 colonias de A. cephalotes localizadas en tres localidades del municipio de Zentla, Veracruz, México. Aunque el número de especies vegetales utilizadas por colonia está relacionado con la diversidad del lugar, las hormigas son selectivas y atienden a necesidades de organización interna de sus nidos

    A Latin American Perspective to Agricultural Ethics

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    The mixture of political, social, cultural and economic environments in Latin America, together with the enormous diversity in climates, natural habitats and biological resources the continent offers, make the ethical assessment of agricultural policies extremely difficult. Yet the experience gained while addressing the contemporary challenges the region faces, such as rapid urbanization, loss of culinary and crop diversity, extreme inequality, disappearing farming styles, water and land grabs, malnutrition and the restoration of the rule of law and social peace, can be of great value to other regions in similar latitudes, development processes and social problems. This chapter will provide a brief overview of these challenges from the perspective of a continent that is exposed to the consequences of extreme inequality in multiple dimensions and conclude by arguing for the need to have a continuous South-South dialogue on the challenges of establishing socially and environmentally sustainable food systems

    Efecto de las radiaciones del cobalto 60 en Tribolium confusum DUVAL.

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    Uno de los usos de las radiaciones ionizantes es la de proteger los productos almacenados contra el ataque de los insectos. Desde hace algunos años se han efectuado experimentos para el control de plagas de productos almacenados mediante el empleo de las radiaciones gamma del Cobalto 60. En los insectos, el uso de estas radiaciones, dependiendo el grado de las dosis, puede provocar una serie de alteraciones en su comportamiento e incluso llegar hasta la muerte de los mismos. El objeto del presente trabajo fue el de precisar las dosis letales media y total de las radiaciones gamma de Cobalto 60 en Tribolium confusum, así como el de observar otros efectos como la pérdida del apetito, parálisis, fertilidad, fecundidad, cambios en el desarrollo, etc. ABSTRACT: One of the applications of ionizing radiations is the protection of store products against the attack of insects. In the last few years experiments have been made on the control of stored products pest by means of Gamma-radiations of Cobalt 60. Depending fo the doses applied these radiations may provoque several alterations in the behavior of the insect and even kill them. The purporse of this work was to determinate the lethal dosis of Gamma-radiations from cobalt 60 on Tribolium confusum as well as to observe some other effects, such as the reduction of eating capacity, partial or total paralysis, changes in fertility and fecundity, developmental changes, etc.AGROCIENCIA Vol. 1. Núm. 2 1967. pp. 45-5

    El Consumo de Insectos entre los Lacandones de la Comunidad Bethel y su Valor Nutritivo

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    Los Lacandones de la comunidad Bethel en la Selva Lacandona, tuvieron un consumo de insectos comestibles que ascendió a 53 especies registradas en sólo una estación del año, pertenecientes a los cuatro órdenes más numerosos de la clase Insecta: Hymenoptera (24 especies), Coleoptera (18 especies), Orthoptera (nueve especies), Lepidoptera (dos especies). La familia mejor representada fue la Vespidae la cual alberga diez especies, correspondientes a los géneros: Polybia, Mischocyttarus, Polistes, Vespula, Brachygastra, Parachartegus y Apoica. El análisis químico realizado con el objeto porcentajes expresados en base seca, oscilan de 25.72% a 76.50% correspondiendo el primer valor a deconocer su valor nutritivo efectuado en 29 especies arrojó un alto contenido de proteínas, cuyos las larvas del escarabajo Aplagiognathus spinosus (Coleoptera-Cerambycidae) y el más alto al chapulín Sphenarium histrio (ninfas y adultos) (Orthoptera-Acrididae). Además, se muestra la composición en aminoácidos de estas proteínas en 14 especies, notando que en general los aminoácidos esenciales se encuentran en buena proporción con respecto al patrón FAO/WHO/UNU 1985 para adultos , siendo varias especies ligeramente limitantes en triptofano. Para el caso de las necesidades de niños (dos acincoaños), notamos que todas las especies superan los valores con excepción de Ascalapha odorata en el caso de la histidina. También se estudió el contenido de sales minerales, vitaminas del grupo B y la proporción de calorías que albergan, comparándolos con los alimentos convencionales. Se concluyeque los insectos comestibles ayudan a mejorar la dieta de estos Lacandones al proveerlos de buenos nutrimentos, con la consecuente repercusión en su salud