65 research outputs found

    The influence of a weekend with passive rest on the psychological and autonomic recovery in professional male handball players

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    This study aimed to examine the influence of a weekend of passive rest on the perceived stress and heart rate variability (HRV) in professional handball players. Fourteen elite athletes participated in the study (age 26.0±4.6 years; body mass 89.0 ±10.1 kg; body height 186.5±7.2 cm; practice 12.5±6.0 years). Stress symptoms via the Daily Analysis of Life Demands for Athletes (DALDA) questionnaire, time and frequency-domain to HRV indices were measured on Friday morning of a normal training load week and again after 72 hours of passive recovery. In response to the weekend without a scheduled match, the handball players significantly reduced their DALDA ‘worse than normal’ responses from 6.1±3.8 to 3.4±2.5 (ES 0.85). Further, changes in the root-mean-square difference of successive normal RR intervals (RMSSD) and standard deviation of all normal RR intervals (SDNN) were greater than the smallest worthwhile change over the weekend. These results highlight the positive role of a passive rest weekend for the psychological and autonomic recovery that should be considered during athletic training periodization

    Efeitos Comportamentais e Imunológicos da Fluoxetina em Ratos Submetidos ao Nado Forçado

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    In the present study, behavioral and immunomodulatory effects of fluoxetine were evaluated with the forced swim test, an animal model of depression. In this model, floating behavior is responsive to antidepressants and is used as a behavioral index of despair. During 12 days, three times a day, two groups were treated intraperitoneally with saline or fluoxetine. Additionally, the humoral immune response to immunostimulation (sheep red blood cells) was evaluated. The animals treated with fluoxetine floated longer, showed decreases in body mass and had lower total production of antibodies. The results indicate simultaneous modulation of behavior and antibody production by fluoxetine.Evidências sugerem que a depressão envolve alterações imunológicas. No presente trabalho, os efeitos comportamentais e imunomoduladores de um antidepressivo, a fluoxetina, são avaliados num modelo animal de depressão, o nado forçado. Nesse modelo, o comportamento de flutuar é usado como índice de desespero comportamental. Ratos foram tratados por 12 dias com fluoxetina (10mg/kg) três vezes ao dia ou com salina; e, nos mesmos dias, foram submetidos a sessões de nado forçado. Adicionalmente, a resposta imune humoral a uma imunoestimulação foi avaliada. Os animais tratados com fluoxetina apresentaram menor produção total de anticorpos e queda de massa corporal, além de passarem mais tempo flutuando. Os resultados sugerem que o desespero comportamental e a produção de anticorpos são simultaneamente atenuados pela fluoxetina

    The influence of a weekend with passive rest on the psychological and autonomic recovery in professional male handball players

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    This study aimed to examine the influence of a weekend of passive rest on the perceived stress and heart rate variability (HRV) in professional handball players. Fourteen elite athletes participated in the study (age 26.0±4.6 years; body mass 89.0±10.1 kg; body height 186.5±7.2 cm; practice 12.5±6.0 years). Stress symptoms via the Daily Analysis of Life Demands for Athletes (DALDA) questionnaire, time and frequency-domain to HRV indices were measured on Friday morning of a normal training load week and again after 72 hours of passive recovery. In response to the weekend without a scheduled match, the handball players significantly reduced their DALDA 'worse than normal' responses from 6.1±3.8 to 3.4±2.5 (ES 0.85). Further, changes in the root-mean-square difference of successive normal RR intervals (RMSSD) and standard deviation of all normal RR intervals (SDNN) were greater than the smallest worthwhile change over the weekend. These results highlight the positive role of a passive rest weekend for the psychological and autonomic recovery that should be considered during athletic training periodization

    Relationship between methods of training load quantification based on perception of effort and heart rate in young futsal players

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    The aims of this study were to verify the association between the methods of training load quantification session-RPE and training impulse -proposed by Lucia (LuciaTRIMP) -and to describe the training intensity distribution in under-18 semi-professional futsal. Fifteen male players (mean and SD; age: 17 ± 1 years; body mass: 70.4 ± 6.5 kg; height: 175 ± 4 cm and BMI 23 ± 2 kg.m²) performed an incremental treadmill test to determine the ventilatory threshold (VT), respiratory compensation point (RCP), and maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max). Only eight athletes had their training loads quantified by means of session-RPE and Lucia methods over a total of 78 training sessions before the main competition of the season. High to almost perfect correlations (r = 0.64 - 0.91) were found between session-RPE and LuciaTRIMP methods. The distribution of the training intensity was, respectively, 76, 18 e 6% of training duration below VT (zone 1), between VT and RCP (zone 2), and above RCP (zone 3). The session-RPE method was highly associated with an objective method of training load quantification. Furthermore, the training sessions of a semi-professional under-18 futsal team showed a decreasing training intensity distribution.Os objetivos do estudo foram verificar a associação entre os métodos de quantificação da carga de treinamento, PSE da sessão e impulso de treinamento proposto por Lucía (LuciaTRIMP) e descrever a distribuição da intensidade de treinamento no futsal semiprofissional da categoria sub 18. Quinze jogadores (média e DP; idade: 17 ± 1 ano; massa corporal: 70,4 ± 6,5 kg; estatura: 175 ± 4 cm e IMC 23 ± 2 kg.m-2) foram submetidos a um teste de corrida incremental para determinar o limiar ventilatório (LVmax), o ponto de compensação respiratória (PCR) e o consumo máximo de oxigênio (VO2max). Apenas oito atletas foram monitorados por meio dos métodos PSE da sessão e LuciaTRIMP durante 78 sessões de treinamento antes da principal competição da temporada. Foram encontradas correlações individuais de magnitudes alta a quase perfeita (r = 0,64 - 0,91) entre os métodos PSE da sessão e LuciaTRIMP. O padrão de distribuição da intensidade de treinamento foi 76, 18 e 6% do tempo abaixo do LV (zona 1), entre LV e PCR (zona 2) e acima do PCR (zona 3), respectivamente. O método PSE da sessão se mostrou altamente relacionado com um método objetivo de quantificação da carga de treinamento. Além disso, as sessões de treinamento de uma equipe de futsal semiprofissional da categoria sub 18 apresentaram um padrão decrescente de distribuição das intensidades de treinamento

    Effects of light-emitting diodes phototherapy on autonomic modulation of footballers

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    The aim of the study was to analyze the effects of LED therapy during a training week on parasympathetic modulation and perceived stress in football players. Eigthteen soccer players participated in this study (Age: 21.2 ± 2.6 years; Body mass: 73 ± 7.2 kg; Stature: 178.0 ± 6.2 cm). Pre and post one training week rest heart rate and subjective perceived stress through daily analysis of life demands for athletes (DALDA) questionnaire was obtained. During this week the athletes were randomized in two groups: LED phototherapy (LED) and placebo (PLA). The treatment with LED phototherapy was applied on four points in lower limbs on quadriceps and hamstring muscles every day after the last training session. The treatment was performed in a doubleblind fashion. ANCOVA with repeated measures was applied to check the effects of treatment on autonomic modulation. The training performed by both groups was similar regarding intensity and duration. Likewise, there was no difference between groups for the internal load. We observed a time effect for the parameters mean RR intervals (RRmédio - LED: pre = 1033.4 ± 150.7 ms post = 1056.7 ± 114.8 ms; PLA: pre = 962 ± 15.8 ms post = 1016.8 ± 173.5 ms), standard deviation of the mean RR intervals (SDNN - LED: pre = 101 ± 37.3 ms post = 92.3 ± 27.5 ms; PLA: pre = 97.5 ± 34.9 ms post=108.7 ± 16.4 ms), e low and high frequency ratio (LF/HF- LED: pre = 1.7 ± 0.7 post = 1.4 ± 0.6; PLA: pre=3.7 ± 3.4 post=3.4 ± 2.1) for both groups. Furthermore, there were small changes in the sources (pre = 1 ± 1; post = 0 ± 1) and symptoms (‘better than normal’ pre = 5 ± 1; post = 4 ± 4; ‘normal’ pre = 19 ± 7; post = 21 ± 3) of DALDA for LED group. The LED phototherapy did not affect the autonomic modulation, but led to small changes in the perceived stress.O objetivo do estudo foi verifi car o efeito da fototerapia com diodos emissores de luz (LED fototerapia) durante uma semana de treinamento sobre a modulação parassimpática e estresse percebido em atletas de futebol. Fizeram parte da amostra 18 atletas (Idade: 21,2 ± 2,6 anos; Peso: 73 ± 7,2 kg; Estatura: 178,0 ± 6,2 cm.). Pré e após uma semana de pré-temporada foram realizadas coletas da frequência cardíaca de repouso e a avaliação subjetiva de estresse e recuperação foi obtida por meio do “daily analysis of life demands for athletes” (DALDA). Os atletas foram aleatorizados em dois grupos, com nove atletas cada, grupo LED fototerapia (LED) e grupo placebo (PLA). O tratamento foi aplicado nos membros inferiores nos músculos do quadríceps e bíceps femoral todos os dias após a última sessão de treinamento. A aplicação foi realizada de maneira “duplo cego”. ANCOVA de medidas repetidas foi utilizada para verifi car o efeito do tratamento sobre modulação autonômica. O treinamento realizado por ambos os grupos foi o mesmo tanto em duração quanto intensidade. Da mesma forma, não houve diferença entre os grupos nos parâmetros de carga interna. Foi observado efeito da semana nos parâmetros média dos intervalos RR (Rrmédio - LED: pré = 1033,4 ± 150,7 ms pós = 1056,7 ± 114,8 ms; PLA: pré = 962 ± 150,8 ms pós = 1016,8 ± 173,5 ms), desvio padrão dos intervalos RR normais (SDNN - LED: pré = 101 ± 37,3 ms pós = 92,3 ± 27,5 ms; PLA: pré = 97,5 ± 34,9 ms pós = 108,7 ± 16,4 ms), e razão baixa e alta frequência (LF/HF - LED: pré = 1,7 ± 0,7 pós = 1,4 ± 0,6; PLA: pré = 3,7 ± 3,4 pós = 3,4 ± 2,1) para ambos os grupos. Além disso, houve pequenas alterações nas fontes (pré = 1 ± 1; pós = 0 ± 1) e sintomas (‘melhor que normal’ pré = 5 ± 1; pós = 4 ± 4; ‘normal’ pré = 19 ± 7; pós = 21 ± 3) do DALDA para o grupo LED. A LED fototerapia não apresentou efeito sobre a modulação autonômica, mas proporcionou pequenas alterações nas fontes e sintomas de estresse

    Impact of interaction between chronic variable stress and moderate intensity physical exercise on antibody production in Wistar rats

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    Stress in its chronic form has been an important factor in the onset of depression. In addition, it can lead to immunosuppression. On the other hand, physical exercise has a protective action on the immune system and reduces the signs and symptoms of stress. Studies on the effects of chronic variable stress (CVS) and moderate intensity physical exercise (MIPE) on humoral immunity are scarce. Thus, in this study, we investigated the interaction between the effects of CVS and MIPE on antibody production. Wistar rats were divided into four groups: control (C); physical exercise (P); stress (S); and physical exercise and stress (PS). The P and PS groups were trained in MIPE for six weeks. From the fourth week of the study, concomitant with the MIPE, the S and PS groups were subjected to CVS. To evaluate the production of antibodies, all groups were immunized. Regarding antibody production, it was observed that females in the C and S groups presented higher IgM antibody production in relation to males. Furthermore, the production of IgM was potentiated in males of the PS group. On the other hand, no significant differences were observed in relation to the production of IgG1 and IgG2a. We conclude that CVS prevented the increase in IgM production in male rats and MIPE was effective in reversing the effects of stress on the production of IgM in male rats. On the other hand, the production of IgG1 and IgG2a was not affected by MIPE or CVS

    Caderno da atenção básica de nº 31: práticas integrativas e complementares: plantas medicinais e fitoterapia na atenção básica / Primary care notebook no. 31: integrative and complementary practices: medicinal plants and phytotherapy in primary care

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    Tem por objetivo: informar sobre as políticas nacionais, normas, serviços e produtos referentes a fitoterapia na Unidade Básica de Saúde (UBS). Dessa maneira, busca orientar os gestores e profissionais de saúde a estruturar e fortalecer a atenção em fitoterapia com formulação, implementação de políticas, melhoria do acesso da população aos produtos, atendimentos e serviços de qualidade

    Caderno da atenção básica de nº 30: procedimentos na atenção básica / Primary care notebook no 30: primary care procedures

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    Esse caderno tem como objetivo auxiliar a equipe de saúde para um atendimento adequado e a realização de procedimentos. Este estudo é uma resenha de livro, que descreve de forma geral o caderno de procedimentos na atenção básica, elencando os principais procedimentos que ocorrem, relacionado a técnica, condutas e protocolos importantes

    Caderno da atenção básica de n° 28: acolhimento e demanda espontânea / Primary care notebook n° 28: reception and spontaneous demand

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    Auxiliar as equipes de saúde e a gestão, na análise e na intervenção das situações mais comuns dos usuários que buscam a Unidade Básica de Saúde. Este artigo é da modalidade resenha de livro, que descreve o caderno da atenção básica de nº 28, acerca das condutas essenciais no acolhimento à demanda espontânea na atenção básica. Entende-se a importância dos profissionais de saúde acolherem os pacientes da forma correta, além de classificar a assistência ofertada, de acordo com suas vulnerabilidades e riscos