29 research outputs found

    Monocyte-derived dendritic cells from breast cancer patients are biased to induce CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) regulatory T cells

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    DCs orchestrate immune responses contributing to the pattern of response developed. In cancer, DCs may play a dysfunctional role in the induction of CD4(+)CD25(+) Foxp3(+) Tregs, contributing to immune evasion. We show here that Mo-DCs from breast cancer patients show an altered phenotype and induce preferentially Tregs, a phenomenon that occurred regardless of DC maturation stimulus (sCD40L, cytokine cocktail, TNF-alpha, and LPS). The Mo-DCs of patients induced low proliferation of allogeneic CD3(+)CD25(neg)Foxp3(neg) cells, which after becoming CD25(+), suppressed mitogen-stimulated T cells. Contrastingly, Mo-DCs from healthy donors induced a stronger proliferative response, a low frequency of CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) with no suppressive activity. Furthermore, healthy Mo-DCs induced higher levels of IFN-gamma, whereas the Mo-DCs of patients induced higher levels of bioactive TGF-beta 1 and IL-10 in cocultures with allogeneic T cells. Interestingly, TGF-beta 1 blocking with mAb in cocultures was not enough to completely revert the Mo-DCs of patients' bias toward Treg induction. Altogether, these findings should be considered in immunotherapeutic approaches for cancer based on Mo-DCs. J. Leukoc. Biol. 92: 673-682; 2012.Fundacao de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de Sao Paulo (FAPESP) [09/02074-6, 09/54599-5]Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientifico e Tecnologico (CNPq

    Inflammatory events during murine squamous cell carcinoma development

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    Background: Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is one of the most common human cancers worldwide. In SCC, tumour development is accompanied by an immune response that leads to massive tumour infiltration by inflammatory cells, and consequently, local and systemic production of cytokines, chemokines and other mediators. Studies in both humans and animal models indicate that imbalances in these inflammatory mediators are associated with cancer development. Methods: We used a multistage model of SCC to examine the involvement of elastase (ELA), myeloperoxidase (MPO), nitric oxide (NO), cytokines (IL-6, IL-10, IL-13, IL-17, TGF-β and TNF-α), and neutrophils and macrophages in tumour development. ELA and MPO activity and NO, IL-10, IL −17, TNF-α and TGF-β levels were increased in the precancerous microenvironment. Results: ELA and MPO activity and NO, IL-10, IL −17, TNF-α and TGF-β levels were increased in the precancerous microenvironment. Significantly higher levels of IL-6 and lower levels of IL-10 were detected at 4 weeks following 7,12-Dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA) treatment. Similar levels of IL-13 were detected in the precancerous microenvironment compared with control tissue. We identified significant increases in the number of GR-1+ neutrophils and F4/80+/GR-1- infiltrating cells in tissues at 4 and 8 weeks following treatment and a higher percentage of tumour-associated macrophages (TAM) expressing both GR-1 and F4/80, an activated phenotype, at 16 weeks. We found a significant correlation between levels of IL-10, IL-17, ELA, and activated TAMs and the lesions. Additionally, neutrophil infiltrate was positively correlated with MPO and NO levels in the lesions. Conclusion: Our results indicate an imbalance of inflammatory mediators in precancerous SCC caused by neutrophils and macrophages and culminating in pro-tumour local tissue alterations.FAPESP [2011/03195-1; 2006/01617-8; 2009/14127-7; 2009/03471-9]Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    Cross-sectional analysis of students and school workers reveals a high number of asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections during school reopening in Brazilian cities

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    Brazil experienced one of the most prolonged periods of school closures, and reopening could have exposed students to high rates of SARS-CoV-2 infection. However, the infection status of students and school workers at the time of the reopening of schools located in Brazilian cities is unknown. Here we evaluated viral carriage by RT-PCR and seroprevalence of anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies (IgM and IgG) by immunochromatography in 2259 individuals (1139 students and 1120 school workers) from 28 schools in 28 Brazilian cities. We collected the samples within 30 days after public schools reopened and before the start of vaccination campaigns. Most students (n = 421) and school workers (n = 446) had active (qRT-PCR + IgM− IgG− or qRT-PCR + IgM + IgG−/+) SARS-CoV-2 infection. Regression analysis indicated a strong association between the infection status of students and school workers. Furthermore, while 45% (n = 515) of the students and 37% (n = 415) of the school workers were neither antigen nor antibody positive in laboratory tests, 16% of the participants (169 students and 193 school workers) were oligosymptomatic, including those reinfected. These individuals presented mild symptoms such as headache, sore throat, and cough. Notably, most of the individuals were asymptomatic (83.9%). These results indicate that many SARS-CoV-2 infections in Brazilian cities during school reopening were asymptomatic. Thus, our study highlights the need to promote a coordinated public health effort to guarantee a safe educational environment while avoiding exacerbating pre-existent social inequalities in Brazil, reducing social, mental, and economic losses for students, school workers, and their families

    The immunosuppressive microenvironment in cancer: local and systemic effects on patients monocytes.

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    O desenvolvimento do câncer está associado a falhas no sistema imune. Investigamos como o microambiente tumoral de mama afetaria a diferenciação de monócitos. Observamos que a alta frequência de macrófagos (MΦ) CD163+ associou-se à baixa sobrevida das pacientes e a um baixo infiltrado de células T CD3+ nos tumores. Sobrenadantes obtidos da dilaceração des tumores (SNDil) induziram a diferenciação de monócitos para MΦ CD163highIL-10high, os quais suprimiram células T CD4+. O fenótipo CD163highIL-10high associou-se a altos níveis de M-CSF, TGF-β e VEGF nos tumores. Monócitos circulantes de pacientes falharam em diferenciar-se em M1-M Φ; deram origem à DCs capazes de induzir alta frequência de células T reguladoras (Tregs) e produziram altos níveis de citocinas anti-inflamatórias sob ativação por LPS. Em conclusão, o microambiente tumoral favorece a diferenciação de MΦ CD163highIL-10high supressivos e afeta sistemicamente o potencial de diferenciação de monócitos de pacientes.Cancer development is associated with failures in the immune system. We investigated here if breast tumor microenvironment affect the differentiation of monocytes. We observed that the high frequency of macrophages (MΦ) CD163+ was associated with poor patients survival and a low infiltration of CD3+ T cells in tumors. Supernatants obtained from dilacerated tumors (SNDil) skewed the differentiation of monocytes into CD163highIL10high MΦ, which suppressed CD4+ T cells. The CD163highIL-10high phenotype was associated with high levels of M-CSF, TGF-β and VEGF in tumors. Circulating monocytes from patients failed to differentiate into M1-MΦ; gave rise to DCs able to induce high frequency of regulatory T cells (Tregs) and produced high levels of anti-inflammatory cytokines under LPS activation. In conclusion, the tumor microenvironment promotes the differentiation of suppressive CD163highIL10high MΦ and affects the potential of differentiation of patients\' monocytes systemically

    Investigation of a possible immunosuppressive bias in dendritic cells derived from cancer patients.

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    As células dendríticas (DCs) são as mais eficazes células apresentadoras de antígenos. Mesmo com a possibilidade da geração de DCs in vitro, que permitiu a criação de protocolos de vacinação antitumoral, mecanismos de tolerância periférica, mediados por células T reguladoras, impedem uma resposta imune antitumoral eficaz. O presente estudo visou avaliar, in vitro, a geração de linfócitos T reguladores por células dendríticas derivadas de pacientes portadoras de câncer de mama. Para tanto, DCs foram diferenciadas a partir de monócitos do sangue periférico de pacientes com câncer, por sete dias, na presença de GM-CSF e IL-4 (DCs imaturas - iDCs), e ativadas, por adição de TNF-a no dia cinco de cultura (DCs maduras - mDCs). As DCs foram caracterizadas, por citometria de fluxo, quanto à: expressão de CD1a, CD11c, CD14, CD80, CD86, CD83, CD123, PD-L1, HLA-ABC e HLA-DR; produção de IL-10 e TGF-beta1, por ELISA; e ainda em ensaio funcional, que se deu pela co-cultura das DCs com linfócitos T (CD3+, CD3+CD25neg ou CD4+CD25neg), isolados por microsferas imunomagnéticas. Após co-cultura, a expressão de CD25, a proliferação (diluição de CFSE), a produção de citocinas (IFN-g, IL-10, TGF-beta1) e a geração de células Tregs foram analisadas. As células foram caracterizadas como Tregs por seu fenótipo (CD4+CD25+CD127lowCTLA-4+Foxp3+) e sua capacidade supressora sobre linfócitos alogeneicos. iDCs de pacientes apresentaram aumento da expressão de CD86 (com duas subpopulações: CD86High e CD86Low) e CD123 além de produção elevada de IL-10 e TGF-beta1 bioativo. Co-culturas com DCs de pacientes apresentaram níveis altos de TGF-beta1 bioativo (298,08 pg/ml x ctrl: 57,63 pg/ml) e induziram um alta freqüência de Tregs (iDCs: 57% ± 4,1; mDCs: 48% ± 5,0 x ctrl: 2,5% ± 0,7) a partir de precursores CD25negFoxp3neg, que foram capazes de suprimir a proliferação de linfócitos alogeneicos. O bloqueio de TGF-beta nas co-culturas reduziu parcialmente a freqüência de Treg geradas por DCs de pacientes. Esses achados são condizentes com a alta freqüência de Tregs no sangue periférico dessas mesmas pacientes (19,5% ± 2,3 x 8% ± 2,3) e com a presença de células com fenótipo de DCs no sangue, apresentando marcação semelhante a iDCs geradas in vitro. Por outro lado, iDCs provenientes de doadoras saudáveis induziram estimulação linfocitária mais intensa (35,7% ± 7,9 x 11,8 ± 5,9% CD25+), intensa proliferação de linfócitos CD4+ (82,7% x 29,4%) e CD8+ (73,8% x 21%) e alta produção de IFN-g (109,85 pg/ml x 7,86 pg/ml) nas co-culturas. Estes dados indicam que DCs derivadas de monócitos de pacientes com câncer de mama apresentam um viés imunossupressor que não é estritamente dependente do seu status de maturação ou de TGF-beta. Esses achados além de contribuir para a compreensão das interações entre o sistema imune e as neoplasias, devem ser considerados no delineamento de protocolos imunoterapêuticos baseados em DCs.Dendritic cells (DCs) are the most effective professional antigen-presenting cells. Even considering the possibility of generating DCs in vitro, which allowed the design of antitumor vaccination protocols, mechanisms of peripheral tolerance mediated by regulatory T cells prevent an effective antitumor immune response. The aim of our study was evaluate, in vitro, the induction of regulatory T cells by dendritic cells derived from breast cancer patients.DCs were differentiated from breast cancer patients blood monocytes, for seven days, in the presence of GM-CSF and IL-4 (immature DCs- iDCs) and activated by TNF-a on day five of culture (mature DCs- mDCs). DCs were characterized by flow cytometry to CD1a, CD11c, CD14, CD80, CD86, CD83, CD123, PD-L1, HLA-ABC and HLA-DR expression; the cytokine secretion to IL-10 and bioactive TGF-beta1, by ELISA; and in functional assay by co-culturing DCs with T lymphocytes (CD3+, CD3+CD25neg or CD4+CD25neg) isolated by microbeads. Cell activation (CD25 expression), proliferation (CFSE dilution), cytokine production (IFN-gamma, IL-10 and TGF-beta1) and de novo regulatory T cells (Tregs) generation, were analyzed in these co-cultures after 5 or 6 days. Tregs were characterized by their phenotype (CD4+CD25+CD127LowCTLA-4+Foxp3+) and suppressive capability on allogeneic T cell proliferation. Patients iDCs showed a higher expression of CD86 (two subpopulation: CD86High and CD86Low) and CD123 beyond the elevated production of IL-10 and bioactive TGF-beta1. Co-cultures using patients DCs presented high levels of bioactive TGF-beta1 (298.08 pg/ml x ctrl: 57.63 pg/ml) and induced elevated frequency of Tregs (iDCs: 57% ± 4.1; mDCs: 48% ± 5.0 x ctrl: 2.5% ± 0.7) from CD25neg Foxp3neg precursors, which were able to suppress the allogeneic lymphocyte proliferation. The TGF-beta blocking partially reduced the frequency of induced Tregs by patients DCs. These findings are consistent with the higher frequency of Tregs on peripheral blood of those patients (19.5% ± 2.3 x ctrl 8% ± 2.3) and the presence of DCs also on the blood, showing similar markings with iDCs generated in vitro. Contrastingly, iDCs from healthy donors were better stimulator cells, leading to a higher CD25+ cell frequency (ctrl 35.7% ± 7.9 x 11.8 ± 5.9% CD25+), more intense proliferation of CD4+ (82.7% x 29.4%) and CD8+ (73.8% x 21%) cells and higher production of IFN-gamma (109.85 pg/ml x 7.86 pg/ml) on co-cultures. These data indicate that DCs derived from breast cancer patients show an immunosuppressive bias that is not strictly dependent on DCs maturation status or TGF-beta. Finally, these observations call to caution in the use of patients monocytes for the generation of DC-based vaccines and also contribute to the comprehension of the interactions between the immune system and cancer

    O microambiente suppressor no câncer : efeitos locais e sistêmicos em monócitos de pacientes

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    Chez les patients atteints de cancer, les cellules néoplasiques échappent au contrôle du système immunitaire en raison de leur faible immunogénicité et d'une capacité exacerbée à moduler le micro-environnement. Nous décrivons ici les effets de ce micro-environnement tumoral sur la différenciation locale et systémique des monocytes et l'impact de la présence de Macrophages-Associés aux Tumeurs (TAM) CD163+ sur la survie des patientes atteintes de cancer du sein. Par une analyse de cytométrie en flux, nous décrivons un composition hétérogène des sous-types de TAM CD163low et CD163high, où nous avons observé l'association entre une fréquence élevée de TAM CD163high et une faible infiltration des lymphocytes T CD3+. Par immunohistochimie sur une analyse rétrospective (±12 ans), nous avons démontré une forte corrélation entre la fréquence élevée de TAM CD163+ et un risque accru de progression pour les patientes (log-rank *p<0.05, n=238). In vitro, les monocytes CD14+ conditionnés par le micro-environnement tumoral présentent une différenciation biaisée en faveur des MΦ CD163highCD86lowIL-10high, que non seulement ne stimulent pas la prolifération des lymphocytes T CD4+ naïfs, mais inhibent fortement l'expansion et la production d'IFN-γ et de TNF-α par les lymphocytes T CD4+ préalablement activé. Cette différenciation de MΦ en M2-like (CD163highIL-10high) est associée à des quantités élevées de TGF-β, M-CSF et VEGF dans le micro-environnement tumoral. Par ailleurs, les monocytes circulants des patientes atteintes de cancer du sein présentent un profil cytokinique immunosuppresseur et sont biaisés vers une différenciation en MΦ et Mo-DCs qui présentant des capacités suppressivesIn cancer patients, the neoplastic cells escape from the immune control because of their low immunogenicity and their exacerbated capacity to modulate the microenvironment. Here we describe the local and systemic effects of the tumor microenvironment on monocyte differentiation and the impact of the presence of Tmor Associated Macrophages (TAM) CD163+ on the survival of breast cancer patients. By flow cytometry analysis, we describe a heterogeneous composition of CD163low and CD163high TAM subtypes, where we observed the association between high frequency of CD163high TAM infiltration and low CD3+ T lymphocytes presence. By immunohistochemistry on a retrospective analysis (±12 years), we have shown a strong correlation between high frequency CD163+ TAM and an increased risk of progression for patients (log-rank *p<0.05, n= 238). In vitro, CD14+ monocytes conditioned by tumor microenvironment exhibit a biased differentiation towards a CD163highCD86lowIL-10high macrophages (MΦ) phenotype, that not only failed to stimulate the proliferation of naive CD4+ T cells, but strongly inhibited the expansion and the production of IFN-γ and TNF-α by activated-CD4+ T cells. This differentiation into M2-like MΦ (CD163highIL-10high) is associated with high levels of TGF-β, M-CSF and VEGF found in the tumor microenvironment. Furthermore, circulating monocytes of breast cancer patients produced an immunosuppressive cytokine profile and are biased towards the differentiation into MΦ and Mo-DCs that show suppressive capacitiesO desenvolvimento do câncer é normalmente associado a desvios no sistema imune, principalmente devido a sua falha em perceber, reconhecer e eliminar células neoplásicas de maneira eficiente. Nesse contexto, duas Células Apresentadoras de Antígenos (APCs), Células Dendríticas (DCs) e Macrófagos (MΦ), têm um papel crucial na identificação de alterações nos tecidos e na estimulação da imunidade adaptativa antitumoral. No entanto, fatores derivados de tumores modulam essas APCs, impedindo a iniciação das respostas imunes e culminando no estabelecimento do câncer. Investigamos aqui como o microambiente tumoral poderia modular a diferenciação de monócitos em APCs in vitro e de modo sistêmico. Nossos dados revelaram que em cânceres de mama e ovário, Macrófagos-Associados a Tumores (TAMs) são a subpopulação mais frequente em leucócitos CD45+MHCII+, e são encontrados em uma frequência variável de TAMs CD163low ou TAMs CD163high. O último, (TAMs CD163high) expressaram maiores níveis de PD-L1 e elevada produção de IL-10 sob a ativação de LPS. Além disso, a análise retrospectiva por imunohistoquímica revelou uma forte correlação entre a presença de TAMs CD163+ e uma baixa taxa de sobrevida em pacientes com câncer de mama. Ainda, a alta frequência de TAMs CD163high foi correlacionada com um baixo infiltrado de células T CD3+. Monócitos saudáveis condicionados por sobrenadantes de tumores de mama tiveram sua diferenciação in vitro direcionada para um fenótipo CD163highIL-10high, células capazes de suprimir a expansão de células T naive CD4+ e a produção de IFN- γ e TNF-α via IL-10. Esse fenótipo adquirido por monócitos condicionados foi associado à presença de altos níveis de CCL22, M-CSF, TGF-β1, TGF-β3, e VEGF no microambiente tumoral. Interessantemente, avaliando os efeitos sistêmicos dos tumores, monócitos circulantes de pacientes com câncer de mama falharam em diferenciar-se em M1- MΦ na presença de GM-CSF/IFN-γ e mantiveram um fenótipo alterado CD163+/-IL-10+TNF-α

    What Are the Molecules Involved in Regulatory T-Cells Induction by Dendritic Cells in Cancer?

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    Dendritic cells (DCs) are essential for the maintenance of homeostasis in the organism, and they do that by modulating lymphocyte priming, expansion, and response patterns according to signals they receive from the environment. The induction of suppressive lymphocytes by DCs is essential to hinder the development of autoimmune diseases but can be reverted against homeostasis when in the context of neoplasia. In this setting, the induction of suppressive or regulatory T cells contributes to the establishment of a state of tolerance towards the tumor, allowing it to grow unchecked by an otherwise functional immune system. Besides affecting its local environment, tumor also has been described as potent sources of anti-inflammatory/suppressive factors, which may act systemically, generating defects in the differentiation and maturation of immune cells, far beyond the immediate vicinity of the tumor mass. Cytokines, as IL-10 and TGF-beta, as well as cell surface molecules like PD-L1 and ICOS seem to be significantly involved in the redirection of DCs towards tolerance induction, and recent data suggest that tumor cells may, indeed, modulate distinct DCs subpopulations through the involvement of these molecules. It is to be expected that the identification of such molecules should provide molecular targets for more effective immunotherapeutic approaches to cancer

    Analysis of PD-L1 expression in non-small cell lung cancer microenvironment and its role as a potential predictive biomarker/

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    Objetivo: Analisar a literatura científica para a expressão de PD-L1 no infiltrado de células imunes de tumores do tipo CPCNP, além de seu potencial uso como biomarcador preditivo de desfechos clínicos e de resposta à imunoterapia com drogas anti PD-1 e anti PD-L1. Métodos: 5 bases de dados foram consultadas para buscas (PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Lilacs e Clinical Trials.gov.). Artigos foram incluídos se pertinentes, disponíveis através de acesso institucional e se escritos em Português, Inglês ou Espanhol. Não houve restrição na seleção quanto tipo de estudo ou ano de publicação. Resultados: 15 artigos foram selecionados. Foi observado relação entre o nível de expressão de PD-L1 e a presença de células dendríticas imaturas, além de expressão constitutiva da molécula em fibroblastos de pacientes com CPCNP. A expressão de PD-L1 nas células imunes infiltradas correlacionou-se com sobrevida aumentada e resposta tumoral melhor após terapia com atezolizumab, além de benefícios clínicos na terapia anti-PD-1. Outros artigos demonstram correlação significativa entre a expressão de PD-L1 em linfócitos T periféricos e desfechos clínicos. Discussão: Observações preliminares demonstraram que a expressão de PD-L1 nas células imunes estão relacionadas ao sucesso clínico da imunoterapia e ao microambiente imunossupressor visto no CPCNP.Objective: To analyse the recent findings regarding programmed-death ligand 1(PD-L1) expression on tumor infiltrating immune cells in NSCLC and its potential role as a predictive biomarker for clinical outcomes and for successful PD-1/PD-L1 blocking immunotherapy. Methods: 5 databases were accessed for search: PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus, Lilacs, and Clinical Trials.gov. Articles were selected if written in English, Portuguese or Spanish and if available via institutional access. Results: 15 articles were selected. PD-L1 expression was found to be related to the presence of immature DCs and had also constitutive expression on fibroblasts derived from NSCLC specimens. PD-L1 expression in tumor infiltrating immune cells was observed to be correlated with overall survival benefit and improved tumor response after atezolizumab therapy. A significant correlation between PD-L1 expression in peripheral T cells and clinical outcomes was also detected, besides the finding of significant correlation between an increased PD-L1 expression and clinical benefits in anti-PD-1 therapy. Discussion: Preliminary observations showed that PD-L1 expression in immune cells is related to an immunosuppressive milieu in NSCLC and to clinical benefits of immunotherapy

    Inflammatory events during murine squamous cell carcinoma development

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    Abstract Background Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is one of the most common human cancers worldwide. In SCC, tumour development is accompanied by an immune response that leads to massive tumour infiltration by inflammatory cells, and consequently, local and systemic production of cytokines, chemokines and other mediators. Studies in both humans and animal models indicate that imbalances in these inflammatory mediators are associated with cancer development. Methods We used a multistage model of SCC to examine the involvement of elastase (ELA), myeloperoxidase (MPO), nitric oxide (NO), cytokines (IL-6, IL-10, IL-13, IL-17, TGF-β and TNF-α), and neutrophils and macrophages in tumour development. ELA and MPO activity and NO, IL-10, IL −17, TNF-α and TGF-β levels were increased in the precancerous microenvironment. Results ELA and MPO activity and NO, IL-10, IL −17, TNF-α and TGF-β levels were increased in the precancerous microenvironment. Significantly higher levels of IL-6 and lower levels of IL-10 were detected at 4 weeks following 7,12-Dimethylbenz(a)anthracene (DMBA) treatment. Similar levels of IL-13 were detected in the precancerous microenvironment compared with control tissue. We identified significant increases in the number of GR-1+ neutrophils and F4/80+/GR-1- infiltrating cells in tissues at 4 and 8 weeks following treatment and a higher percentage of tumour-associated macrophages (TAM) expressing both GR-1 and F4/80, an activated phenotype, at 16 weeks. We found a significant correlation between levels of IL-10, IL-17, ELA, and activated TAMs and the lesions. Additionally, neutrophil infiltrate was positively correlated with MPO and NO levels in the lesions. Conclusion Our results indicate an imbalance of inflammatory mediators in precancerous SCC caused by neutrophils and macrophages and culminating in pro-tumour local tissue alterations.</p