2,792 research outputs found


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    The wine sector is currently facing a transformation all over the world. Facing a surplus, it rebuilds itself. In Brazil, firms assist to the decline of their market share (but reflecting a tendency to protectionism) to imported wines although per capita consumption begins to overcome discreetly an historical stagnation with perspectives of sustainable growth. Thus, it is of utmost importance to look for new capabilities in order to achieve greater integration in a globally fragmented market and with low attractiveness rates. The wine pole of Vale do São Francisco (VSF), though emergent, already needs to find a new strategic innovative positioning. However, it reveals some innovative features. This study has as its main objectives (a) to analyze the strategic and innovative adaptations of local firms; (b) to propose innovative additional lines of strategic action; and (c) to perspective their success possibilities in the new globalized competitive environment. The methodological positioning is set out through the study of multiple and exploratory cases

    STRATEGY AND INNOVATION IN ORDER TO BE COMPETITIVE IN A GLOBALIZED WORLD; an evolutionary analysis of the emerging wine sector pole of São Francisco Valley (Brazil).

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    Globalized and fragmented, the wine production sector reconfigures itself. The New World Wine Producers innovate in wine sector management by means of industrial production logics. Brazil faces the challenge of reaching a wider global insertion. The emerging pole of Vale do São Francisco, through a comparative and exploratory multiple case study (2006 to 2010), shows an evolutionary phenomenology with some innovative features. The objective is to analyze the regional innovative strategic positioning and to present proposals to accrued innovative competitiveness

    Elucidating the Role of EPAC-Rap1 Signaling Pathway in the Blood-Retinal Barrier

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    Abnormalities in retinal vascular permeability can result in macular edema, the buildup of fluid in the retina, which causes the retina to swell and thicken, and leads to neuronal cell death and vision loss. Increased retinal vascular permeability is found in many eye pathologies, including diabetic retinopathy (DR), age-related macular degeneration (AMD), and retinal vein occlusion (RVO). The pathological changes in vascular permeability are driven by elevated levels of growth factors such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and pro-inflammatory cytokines such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF-α). The use of VEGF-neutralizing antibodies as a form of treatment improves vision in about half of patients treated. However, these treatments are invasive, secondary complications are observed, and half of the patients treated do not improve. Therefore, understanding mechanisms that block vascular permeability and restore the blood-retinal barrier (BRB) are important for developing novel therapies promoting barrier restoration. The small guanosine triphosphatase (GTPase) Rap1 and its guanine-nucleotide-exchange factor (GEF), EPAC, have been identified as key regulators of barrier formation, promoting cell-cell adhesion, cell-extracellular matrix (ECM) adhesion, and the assembly of junctional complexes in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) and epithelial cells. However, it is unknown whether the EPAC-Rap1 signaling pathway regulates the tight junctions (TJs) of retinal endothelial cells and the relationship between EPAC-Rap1 and VEGF signaling in retinal permeability is poorly understood. The goals of this thesis are to: 1) determine whether EPAC-Rap1 signaling regulates the barrier properties of the BRB, and 2) gain insight into the mechanisms of endothelial cell permeability to identify novel therapeutic targets. To investigate the role of EPAC-Rap1 signaling in the BRB, EPAC was activated using the membrane permeable cAMP analog, 8-pCPT-2´-O-Me-cAMP-AM (8CPT-AM). 8CPT-AM treatment blocked and, importantly, reversed permeability induced by VEGF and TNF-α both in vivo and in vitro and promoted TJ organization in bovine retinal endothelial cells (BREC). Additionally, inhibition of EPAC2 or knockdown of Rap1B led to an increase in basal permeability. Rap1B knockdown alone recapitulated the TJ disorganization observed with VEGF. Furthermore, pretreatment of cells with 8CPT-AM prior to VEGF, decreased VEGF-induced phosphorylation of VEGFR2 and Erk1/2. Together, these data show that activation of EPAC-Rap1 signaling can promote and restore barrier properties by blocking permeability inducing agents, attenuate VEGF-Erk1/2 signaling, and promote organization of the TJ complex. To further explore and gain insight into the mechanisms of VEGF signaling in retinal endothelial permeability, mass-spectrometry based phosphoproteomics was performed on BREC. 1,724 proteins were identified. From these proteins, 107 phosphoproteins that had a 25% phosphorylation change in the presence of VEGF and were present in more than one mass spectrometry analysis were identified and used to develop protein interaction networks using Cytoscape. One of the protein interaction networks obtained consists of the proteins EPAC, rasip1, and afadin (AF-6), all of which show significant changes in phosphorylation in the presence of VEGF. The results presented here provide new evidence that EPAC-Rap1 signaling contributes to the barrier properties of the BRB via regulation of the TJ complex. Additionally, the phosphoproteome analysis suggests how VEGF may increase permeability through phosphorylation and regulation of the EPAC/Rap/rasip1 pathway. Overall, the results from this thesis expand our knowledge on the role of EPAC2 and Rap1B in regulating retinal endothelial barrier properties and permeability. Further, these data identify specific targets for novel therapies addressing abnormalities in retinal vascular permeability.PHDCellular & Molecular BiologyUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/140967/1/cjram_1.pd

    The One-Carbon metabolic network, the L-Arginine pathway and hypertension in adults and during pregnancy.

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    La alteración del metabolismo de monocarbono (1CM) se ha asociado a la hipertensión y a la hipertensión inducida por el embarazo, aunque el mecanismo es desconocido. Durante la remetilación de la homocisteína, S-adenosilmetionina dona grupos metilo para metilar la L-Arginina, creando ADMA y SDMA, que perjudican la conversión de L-Arginina en óxido nítrico (NO) por la eNOS. Lo cual se ha asociado a la disfunción endotelial, ya que el NO es un vasodilatador. En una población representativa de 788 adultos tHcy, pero no el genotipo MTHFR C677T, se asoció con ADMA y SDMA. ADMA, el Ratio L-Arginina/ADMA y la variante del genotipo NOS G894T se asociaron con la hipertensión en adultos de más de 50 años. En el Reus-Tarragona Birth Cohort, se reclutaron 810 madres con <12 semanas de gestación. Las concentraciones plasmáticas maternas del primer trimestre de ADMA y SDMA fueron mayores en el tercil alto de tHcy del primer trimestre, en comparación con el bajo y menores en los participantes con el genotipo MTHFR TT frente al CC. El Ratio ADMA/SDMA en el plasma materno del primer trimestre se asoció con un mayor riesgo de hipertensión inducida por el embarazo. Los 416 padres que participaron con tHcy en el tertil más altos tenían concentraciones plasmáticas de ADMA y SDMA más altas en comparación con los tertiles más bajos. Las concentraciones paternas de ADMA y SDMA no difirieron entre los genotipos MTHFR C677T.L'alteració del metabolisme de *monocarbono (1CM) s'ha associat a la hipertensió i a la hipertensió induïda per l'embaràs, encara que el mecanisme és desconegut. Durant la remetilació de la *homocisteína, S-*adenosilmetionina dona grups metil per a *metilar la L-Arginina, creant *ADMA i *SDMA, que perjudiquen la conversió de L-Arginina en òxid nítric (NO) per la *eNOS. La qual cosa s'ha associat a la disfunció endotelial, ja que el NO és un vasodilatador. En una població representativa de 788 adults *tHcy, però no el genotip *MTHFR C677T, es va associar amb *ADMA i *SDMA. *ADMA, el Ràtio L-Arginina/*ADMA i la variant del genotip ENS G894T es van associar amb la hipertensió en adults de més de 50 anys. En el Reus-Tarragona *Birth *Cohort, es van reclutar 810 mares amb <12 setmanes de gestació. Les concentracions plasmàtiques maternes del primer trimestre de *ADMA i *SDMA van ser majors en el tercil alt de *tHcy del primer trimestre, en comparació amb el baix i menors en els participants amb el genotip *MTHFR *TT enfront del CC. El Ràtio *ADMA/*SDMA en el plasma matern del primer trimestre es va associar amb un major risc d'hipertensió induïda per l'embaràs. Els 416 pares que van participar amb *tHcy en el *tertil més alts tenien concentracions plasmàtiques de *ADMA i *SDMA més altes en comparació amb els *tertiles més baixos. Les concentracions paternes de *ADMA i *SDMA no van diferir entre els genotips *MTHFR C677T.Impaired One-Carbon metabolism (1CM) has been associated with hypertension and pregnancy-induced hypertension, although the mechanism is unknown. During homocysteine remethylation, S-adenosylmethionine donates methyl groups to methylate L-Arginine, creating ADMA and SDMA, which impair the conversion of L-Arginine to nitric oxide (NO) by eNOS. This has been associated with endothelial dysfunction, as NO is a vasodilator. In a representative population of 788 adults tHcy, but not the MTHFR C677T genotype, was associated with ADMA and SDMA. ADMA, the L-Arginine/ADMA Ratio and the NOS G894T genotype variant were associated with hypertension in adults over 50 years of age. In the Reus-Tarragona Birth Cohort, 810 mothers at <12 weeks of gestation were recruited. First-trimester maternal plasma concentrations of ADMA and SDMA were higher in the highest first-trimester tHcy tertile compared with the lowest, and lower in participants with the MTHFR TT versus CC genotype. The ADMA/SDMA Ratio in first- trimester maternal plasma was associated with an increased risk of pregnancy-induced hypertension. The 416 participating fathers with tHcy in the highest tertile had higher plasma ADMA and SDMA concentrations compared with the lowest tertiles. Paternal ADMA and SDMA concentrations did not differ between MTHFR C677T genotypes

    Contemporaneidade e identidade: um caminho para a educação artística através das artes plásticas no 2º ciclo do ensino básico

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    Acreditando que a relação com a arte constitui um precioso auxílio para o processo educativo, na medida em que proporciona experiências promotoras de criatividade, flexibilidade e iniciativa, reflexão crítica e perceção, este estudo desenvolve-se no sentido de encontrar alguns caminhos para que a disciplina de Educação Visual se torne um melhor veículo da educação artística, para as artes plásticas, no 2º ciclo do ensino básico. Trata-se de um estudo empírico, traduzido numa Investigação-Ação que tem como finalidade melhorar uma situação educativa concreta, no caso, uma escola pública do concelho de Oeiras, inovando e estimulando o processo de ensino-aprendizagem, no sentido de aproximar os alunos da arte, e da arte contemporânea em particular, proporcionando-lhes todos os benefícios colaterais desse contacto. Os dados apurados permitiram-nos concluir que as estratégias de contacto direto com a arte, a realização de exercícios de agilização do pensamento criativo e a abordagem de conteúdos relacionados com as artes plásticas e arte contemporânea, a par da realização de experiências de produção plástica, proporcionaram o aumento dos níveis de literacia em artes plásticas, promovendo os conhecimentos sobre arte contemporânea e o desenvolvimento do potencial criativo. A apreciação estética estimulou a capacidade de observação, interpretação e sentido crítico, destes alunos, contribuindo para um melhor entendimento das manifestações artísticas

    Aspergillus species in ten hospitals food units from Lisbon

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    The hospital environment is a source of acquired infections. Microbiologic control of hospital environments may play a role in the prevention of cross-infection. Fungal exposure in hospitals is of particular interest due to the possible patient's susceptibility. Effects due to fungal exposure are dependent on the: species present; metabolic products; concentration and exposure duration; individual susceptibility. It is important to contribute to the increase of knowledge referring to air fungal contamination in hospitals' indoor spaces, such as food units, in order to identify the most effective preventive measures to avoid such contamination. This investigation was designed to describe environmental air fungal contamination by Aspergillus species in ten hospitals' food units from Lisbon.N/

    A formatura dos cursos de graduação como mecanismo de organização e desorganização do espaço público nas universidades federais

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    Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar o projeto de pesquisa As solenidades públicas de colação de grau1 como mecanismo de organização, desenvolvimento e fortalecimento do espaço público: um estudo de caso na Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina em desenvolvimento por meio do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC), sob a orientação da Prof.ª Dr.ª Carla Cristina Dutra Búrigo. O objetivo do estudo é analisar a contribuição das solenidades públicas de colação de grau da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina em nível de graduação, resgatadas a partir de 2004, com vistas à organização, desenvolvimento e fortalecimento do espaço público na universidade como instituição social, sob a perspectiva dos gestores acadêmicos. As formaturas da Instituição até o fim da década de 80 apresentavam o caráter público e democrático. A partir da década de 90 foram privatizadas e no ano de 2004, foi resgatado seu caráter institucional, público e democrático. A devolução da formatura pública para a comunidade garantiu a participação na solenidade, de todos os formandos em igualdade de condições e sem custos para o estudante. Trata-se da democratização das solenidades de colação de grau dos seus cursos de graduação, na perspectiva de resgatar o seu caráter público, fortalecendo o exercício da cidadania dos seus estudantes e familiares, que foi fortemente abalado a partir da década de 90. Analisar a contribuição das formaturas públicas da UFSC para a construção, desenvolvimento e fortalecimento do espaço público na Universidade, é o foco principal da referida pesquisa


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    O objetivo deste artigo é analisar a contribuição das solenidades públicas de colação de grau da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina (UFSC) em nível de graduação, resgatadas a partir de 2004, com vistas à organização, desenvolvimento e fortalecimento do espaço público na universidade. As formaturas da Instituição até o fim da década de 80 apresentavam o caráter público e democrático. A partir da década de 90 foram privatizadas e no ano de 2004, foi resgatado seu caráter público. A devolução da formatura pública para a comunidade garantiu a participação na solenidade, dos formandos em igualdade de condições e sem custos para o estudante. A partir dos resultados da pesquisa, foi possível observar fortes evidências de que a formatura pública da UFSC é envolvida por relações de grandes dimensões e que refletem diretamente no seu caráter público, democrático e isonômico. Assim, ela se constitui em um processo que se apresenta em constante movimento, contribuindo assim para a organização ou para a desorganização do espaço público. A Universidade é uma instituição complexa caracterizada pela diversidade da sua comunidade interna e externa. Aliado a isso, as relações de poder que se manifestam no seu fazer diário, fazem com que a sustentação do espaço público demande muito esforço, vontade política, ousadia e compromisso institucional

    Developing network pictures as a research tool : capturing the output of individuals' sense-making in organisational networks

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    For the past twenty years, drawing on the Industrial Network Approach, Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Group researchers have been trying to get a better understanding of organisational networks related issues. Researchers frequently highlight that whatever the researched phenomena, it is important to consider actors’ subjective views of the world. The concept of Network Pictures as introduced in the IMP (Industrial Marketing and Purchasing) body of literature by Ford et al. (2002b), refers to those subjective views and despite its recognised importance no in-depth research had been conducted so far on the concept which has thus remained blurred. Ford et al. (2002b) brought in this concept to emphasise that the network is in fact a varying thing depending on what people see. The question is whether this can be translated into a research device, so that researchers may see in a structured and analytical way what an actor’s picture is. This is what this research project is about. The concept’s theoretical foundations are uncovered by reviewing some principles from Sense-Making Theory. This review results most importantly in the identification of a close association between actors’ views of the world and the outcome of those actors’ sense making processes or frameworks. The relevance of actors’ views to obtain a clearer understanding of organisational networks is highlighted when the relation that is believed to exist between those views and action in organisational networks is addressed. With the aim of developing Network Pictures as research tool a two-stage method is put forward and carried out. The method consisted of operationalising the construct of Network Pictures and then testing it in two different network contexts to see if it was usable and useful for carrying out research in organisational networks. The results point to the usability and usefulness of the developed device: not only does it allow for capturing what is believed to be individuals’ views of the world in a rich and comprehensive way, as it also shows diversity between individuals in different contexts. Also and interestingly, some of the identified ‘practitioner theories’ were found to be not coherent with some IMP theoretical cornerstones.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo