617 research outputs found

    Electrostatic Electron Microscopy. II

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    This paper is a continuation of the description of problems arising in the development and design of an electrostatic electron microscope. The present article discusses depth of focus, lens and field stops, shielding, manufacturing tolerances, the choice of the number of stages of magnification, and alternative methods of viewing and recording the final image. A following paper will describe a completed instrument

    Electrostatic Electron Microscopy. III

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    This article, the final one of a series on the design of electrostatic electron microscopes, contains a description of an instrument which illustrates the principles previously discussed. The microscope described is believed to be the first constructed with the object of providing the greatest of simplicity in construction, operation, and maintenance with the design parameters balanced to give a particular range of resolving power. The range chosen is about ten times the light microscope. The instrument is permanently aligned and utilizes external photography. The over-all size and weight of the instrument, as well as the number and complexity of components, are materially less than previously described instruments

    A Transformer Architecture for Online Gesture Recognition of Mathematical Expressions

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    The Transformer architecture is shown to provide a powerful framework as an end-to-end model for building expression trees from online handwritten gestures corresponding to glyph strokes. In particular, the attention mechanism was successfully used to encode, learn and enforce the underlying syntax of expressions creating latent representations that are correctly decoded to the exact mathematical expression tree, providing robustness to ablated inputs and unseen glyphs. For the first time, the encoder is fed with spatio-temporal data tokens potentially forming an infinitely large vocabulary, which finds applications beyond that of online gesture recognition. A new supervised dataset of online handwriting gestures is provided for training models on generic handwriting recognition tasks and a new metric is proposed for the evaluation of the syntactic correctness of the output expression trees. A small Transformer model suitable for edge inference was successfully trained to an average normalised Levenshtein accuracy of 94%, resulting in valid postfix RPN tree representation for 94% of predictions.Comment: 12 pages, 3 Figures, 4 Table

    Cefalea racimos en una niña de 3 años

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    Summary. Introduction. Cluster headache is a rare disorder in childhood. We identified, in the literature, 64 cases of cluster headache starting at or before 18 years (only 17 of them began before 10 years old). All patients met the criteria of the International Headache Society. Russell et al demonstrated recently that the cluster headache is an inherited disorder in some families. They conclude that the gene is present in 3 to 4% of males and 7 to 10% of females with cluster headache and that it has an autossomal dominant transmission. Clinical case. The authors report the clinical case of a five-year-old child with cluster headache starting at three years. This paper reviews the differential diagnosis and the treatment of cluster headach

    Effects of using different plasmonic metals in metal/dielectric/metal subwavelength waveguides on guided dispersion characteristics

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    The fundamental guided dispersion characteristics of guided light in a subwavelength dielectric slit channel embedded by two different plasmonic metals are investigated when varying the gap width. As a result, an overall and salient picture of the guided dispersion characteristics is obtained over a wide spectrum range below and above the plasma frequencies of the two different plasmonic metals, which is important preliminary information for analyzing this type of subwavelength waveguide. In particular, the effects of using two different metals on the guided mode dispersions are emphasized in comparison with the effects of using the same plasmonic metal cladding.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figures, typos corrected, reference added, text modifie

    Genetic uniqueness of Cryptosporidium parvum from dairy calves in Colombia

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    Fecal specimens from 432 pre-weaned calves younger than 35 days were collected over a 2-year period (2010–2012) from 74 dairy cattle farms in the central area of Colombia. These samples were microscopically examined for the presence of Cryptosporidium oocysts, and positive specimens were selected for molecular examination. Microscopy revealed that 115 calves (26.6%) from 44 farms (59.5%) tested positive. Oocyst shedding was recorded in calves aged 3-day-old onwards, although the infection rate peaked at 8–14 days (40.7%). Infection rates were higher in diarrheic (52.2%) than in non-diarrheic calves (19.9%) (p < 0.0001, ¿2), and infected calves had up to seven times more probability of having diarrhea than non-infected calves. Cryptosporidium species and subtypes were successfully identified in 73 samples from 32 farms. Restriction and sequence analyses of the SSU rRNA gene revealed C. parvum in all but two isolates identified as Cryptosporidium bovis. Sequence analyses of the 60-KDa glycoprotein (gp60) gene revealed eight subtypes within the IIa family. An unusual subtype (IIaA18G5R1) was the most prevalent and widely distributed (more than 66% specimens and 68% farms) while the subtype most frequently reported in cattle worldwide (IIaA15G2R1) was found in less than 13% of specimens and 16% farms. The remaining subtypes (IIaA16G2R1, IIaA17G4R1, IIaA20G5R1, IIaA19G6R1, IIaA20G6R1, and IIaA20G7R1) were restricted to 1–3 farms. This is the first large-sample size study of Cryptosporidium species and subtypes in Colombia and demonstrates the genetic uniqueness of this protozoan in cattle farms in this geographical area

    B3LYP calculations of cerium oxides RID C-3994-2009

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    In this paper we evaluate the performance of density functional theory with the B3LYP functional for calculations on ceria (CeO2) and cerium sesquioxide (Ce2O3). We demonstrate that B3LYP is able to describe CeO2 and Ce2O3 reasonably well. When compared to other functionals, B3LYP performs slightly better than the hybrid functional PBE0 for the electronic properties but slightly worse for the structural properties, although neither performs as well as LDA+U(U=6 eV) or PBE+U(U=5 eV).We also make an extensive comparison of atomic basis sets suitable for periodic calculations of these cerium oxides. Here we conclude that there is currently only one type of cerium basis set available in the literature that is able to give a reasonable description of the electronic structure of both CeO2 and Ce2O3. These basis sets are based on a 28 electron effective core potential (ECP) and 30 electrons are attributed to the valence space of cerium. Basis sets based on 46 electron ECPs fail for these materials

    Prediction of subgap states in Zn- and Sn-based oxides using various exchange-correlation functionals

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    We present a density-functional-theory analysis of crystalline and amorphous Zn- and Sn-based oxide systems which focuses on the electronic defect states within the band gap. A comparison of these electronic levels reveals that the hybrid functionals PBE0, HSE06, or B3LYP agree with a self-interaction corrected (SIC) local-density-approximation functional on occupied defect levels when similar treatments of the self-interaction are considered. However, for unoccupied levels, the hybrid functionals and the SIC approach lead to very different predictions. We show that a prerequisite for the determination of the energetic position of subgap states in these oxides is that a functional needs to predict correctly the electronic band structure over a wide energy range and not just close to the band gap. We conclude that for accurate defect levels, an adequate treatment of the self-interaction problem is required especially in the presence of nearby metal-metal interactions.Financial support for this work was provided by the European Commission through Contract No. NMP3-LA-2010-246334 (ORAMA). The calculations at Cambridge were performed using the High Performance Computing Facility, Darwin, and also the UK national high performance computing service ARCHER, for which access was obtained via the UKCP consortium and funded by EPSRC Grant No. EP/K014560/1.Phys. Rev. B 90, 195142 – Published 21 November 2014 ©2014 American Physical Society, http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.90.19514

    Occurrence and genetic diversity of Cryptosporidium and Giardia in urban wastewater treatment plants in north-eastern Spain

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    This study was designed to investigate the presence and removal efficiency of Cryptosporidium and Giardia in wastewater treatment plants at the 20 most populated towns in Aragón (north-eastern Spain). Samples of influent and effluent wastewater and dewatered sewage sludge were collected seasonally from 23 plants and processed according to USEPA Method 1623. All samples from raw and treated wastewater tested positive for Giardia, at an average concentration of 3247 ± 2039 cysts/l and 50 ± 28 cysts/l, respectively. Cryptosporidium was identified in most samples from both raw (85/92) and treated (78/92) wastewaters in a concentration significantly lower than Giardia, at both influent (96 ± 105 oocysts/l) and effluent samples (31 ± 70 oocysts/l) (P < 0.001). The (oo)cyst counts peaked in summer in most plants. The removal efficiency was higher for Giardia (1.06-log to 2.34-log) than Cryptosporidium (0.35-log to 1.8-log). Overall, high removal efficiency values were found for Giardia after secondary treatment based on activated sludge, while tertiary treatment (microfiltration, chlorination and/or ultraviolet irradiation) was needed to achieve the greatest removal or inactivation of Cryptosporidium. Most samples of treated sludge were positive for Giardia (92/92) and Cryptosporidium (45/92), at an average concentration of 20–593 cysts/g and 2–44 oocyst/g, respectively. The molecular characterization of Cryptosporidium oocysts and Giardia cysts were attempted at the SSU rRNA/GP60 and bg/tpi loci, respectively. G. duodenalis sub-assemblage AII was identified in all plants, with a large proportion of samples (15/47) harboring mixed assemblages (AII + B). Nine Cryptosporidium species and six subtypes were identified, with C. parvum IIaA15G2R1 being the most prevalent. The presence of significant numbers of (oo)cysts in samples of final effluents and treated sludge reveals the limited efficacy of conventional treatments in removing (oo)cysts and highlights the potential environmental impact and public health risks associated with disposal and reclamation of wastewater