171 research outputs found

    Häving kui võimalus. Põhjasõja mõju Tartu linnaruumi arenguloole ja identideedile

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    Destruction as an opportunity. how the Great Northern War affected the Tartu urban environment development and identit

    Small temperature difference measurements

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    Thesis (M.A.)--Boston UniversityThe material in this paper is a subjective presentation of the topic of small temperature difference measurements. The basic thermal concepts, thermodynamic laws, and modes of heat transference pertaining to the subject was presented in the first two chapters, followed by a brief discussion of the phenomenon of radiation. Full presentation and discussion of the work done on the measurements and instrumentations of the radiation and a detailed description regarding the types of apparatus hitherto devised were then presented. As an application, the heating effect of radioactive emission was presented, and also a prospective method of the measurement of the heating effect of Beta ray emission was suggested. The theme ended with a brief conclusion and a corollary about the possibility of measuring and tracing the curves of the half life of many of the radioactive isotopes by the heating effect of the emission of each one by employing one of the radiometric instruments described

    Spiral tube decorations on garments: Restoring a lost technique

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    Spiral tubes made from coiled wire have been used as decorative elements on garments in Estonia for the last thousand years (from the 10th to 19th centuries). Decorations using this technique can be found in both archaeological and ethnographic collections. The tradition documented in Estonia is part of a larger phenomenon that spread across the eastern shores of the Baltic Sea (Finland, Northwestern Russia, Latvia, and Lithuania, in addition to Estonia) from the 6th century AD. Thus far, archaeologists have regarded spiral tube decorations mainly as a source for garment history, and not much attention has been paid to understanding their construction. This article focuses on the techniques used to make spiral tube decorations, from wiredrawing to constructing the ornaments. The results from metal analysis prove that the main raw materials used in wiredrawing have been copper alloys, with additives being mainly zinc and tin, and in lesser amounts, lead and other elements. Woollen and linen yarn and horsehair have been used as materials for constructing patterns. The woollen yarns used are usually fine and of high quality. Two main techniques used to make the ornaments can be observed: weaving the spiral tubes into a tablet-woven band and the use of various types of braided mesh and bands. When considering this very long period as a whole, it is possible to discern many regional differences both in techniques and pattern combinations. Behind the archaeological examples, makers of different skill levels and with different purposes can be seen, from professional craftsmen to women who made spiral tube decorations at home for personal use. Keywords: Spiral tube decorations, ancient craft, tabletwoven bands, archaeological textile

    Simultaneous Velocity Measurements with Uniaxial Loading on Weak Sandstone from Iraq

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    Transit pulse wave times through a weakly cemented sandstone rock being measured on prismatic specimens with and without initial plane of weakness, which is uniaxially loaded at different stages. The velocity, Elastic moduli bulk compressibility, and vertical strain were calculated for each loading level. Results have shown, that such rock properties have changed dramatically. Thus they should be considered thoroughly for any engineering evaluation in such rock type

    Keemiliste reaktsioonide, südametöö ja häiritud liikumise modelleerimine programmiga Stella

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    Käesolevas bakalaureusetöös käsitletakse keemiliste reaktsioonide, südametöö ja häiritud liikumise mudeleid koos ülesannete püstituste ja lahendustega modelleerimisprogrammi Stella abil. Esitatud on mudelitele vastavad põhivõrrandid, mudelite skeemid, tulemuste graafikud ja mudelite koodid. Keemiliste reaktsioonide modelleerimise põhimõtted on samad. Erinevad faktorid mõjutavad südame pumbatavat verekogust, kiirust ning vererõhku. Häirituse määra suurendades kasvab sihtpunktini jõudmise teekond

    Eesti vaenu õhutamise regulatsiooni vastavus rahvusvahelistele ja Euroopa nõuetele ja soovitustele

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    Uued demokraatiad kui uus nähtus demokraatia uuringutes

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    Suitsetamisega seostatav tervisekaotus Eestis 2018. aastal

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