10 research outputs found

    Kritik Terhadap Pendekatan Empiris Kajian Keagamaan

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    This article examines the empirical approach in religious studies based on critical and philosophical analyzes. Critical analysis is used to map the strengths and weaknesses of the Empirical Approach, and philosophical analysis to understand the essence of religion. Based on the results of the study it can be described that the Empirical Approach in religious studies or Religious Studies relies on investigations of religious phenomena, as reflected in studies of Sociology of Religion, Anthropology of Religion, Psychology of Religion and so on. In addition to having advantages, the Empirical Approach also has disadvantages. The Empirical Approach is indeed significant for being involved in Religious Studies to evaluate the phenomenon of the diversity of adherents of religions, to build a more noble religious life, but not significant for studying religious beliefs, violence and conflicts in the name of religion as has been done so far. One very important effort in the development of Religious Studies is to realize integration of the Normative Approach and the Empirical Approach in studying religious phenomena. The integration of these two approaches will provide a more comprehensive and philosophical understanding of religion, both existentially (the behavior of believers) and essential (the essence of religion itself).   Abstrak Artikel ini mengkaji pendekatan empiris dalam kajian keagamaan berdasarkan analisis kritis dan filosofis. Analisis kritis dipergunakan untuk memetakan kelebihan dan kelemahan Pendekatan Empiris, dan analisis filosofis untuk memahami esensi agama. Berdasarkan hasil kajian dapat dideskripsikan bahwa Pendekatan Empiris dalam kajian keagamaan atau Studi Agama bersandar pada penyelidikan tentang fenomena keberagamaan, sebagaimana tercermin dari kajian-kajian Sosiologi Agama, Antropologi Agama, Psikologi Agama dan sebagainya. Di samping terdapat kelebihan, Pendekatan Empiris juga memiliki kekurangannya. Pendekatan Empiris memang signifikan untuk dilibatkan dalam Studi Agama untuk melakukan evaluasi terhadap fenomena keberagamaan para pemeluk agama, untuk membangun kehidupan beragama yang lebih mulia, tetapi tidak signifikan untuk mengkaji keyakinan keagamaan, kekerasan dan konflik yang mengatasnamakan agama sebagaimana dilakukan selama ini. Salah satu upaya yang sangat penting dalam pengembangan Studi Agama adalah mewujudkan integrasi (keterpaduan) Pendekatan Normatif dan Pendekatan Empiris dalam mengkaji fenomena keagamaan. Integrasi kedua bentuk pendekatan tersebut akan memberikan pemahaman yang lebih komprehensif dan filosofis tentang agama, baik secara eksistensial (perilaku umat beragama) maupun esensial (hakikat agama itu sendiri). &nbsp

    Kontribusi Pemikiran Islam Kontempoter Bagi Pengembangan Filsafat Ilmu-Ilmu Keislaman

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    Pengembangan Filsafat Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman dapat dilakukan dengan merumuskan kembali landasan ontologis, landasan epistemologis, dan landasan aksiologis ilmu yang bersumber dari kontribusi pemikiran Nasr, al-Attas, dan Sardar. Landasan ontologis tersebut menentukan wilayah objek kajian Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman, yang meliputi aspek-aspek metafisika dan empiris. Landasan epistemologis mengakomodir keragaman (pluralitas) metodologis (berbagai prosedur atau cara mengkaji ilmu), sesuai dengan kebutuhan intelektual masyarakat Islam. Landasan aksiologis mengarahkan dan menuntun pemahaman ontologis dan epistemologis tersebut sesuai dengan nilai-nilai dasar Islam. Berdasarkan ketiga landasan tersebut, pengembangan Filsafat Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman dapat dilakukan secara terpadu (integratif), tidak hanya dengan menumbuhkan kesadaran historis untuk menggali khazanah kemajuan intelektual Islam masa lalu, tetapi sekaligus juga dengan merespon kemajuan-kemajuan metodologi masa kini yang relevan dengan nilai-nilai intelektual Islam yang kekal dan universal.


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    Pengembangan Filsafat Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman dapat dilakukan dengan merumuskan kembali landasan ontologis, landasan epistemologis, dan landasan aksiologis ilmu yang bersumber dari kontribusi pemikiran Nasr, al-Attas, dan Sardar. Landasan ontologis tersebut menentukan wilayah objek kajian Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman, yang meliputi aspek-aspek metafisika dan empiris. Landasan epistemologis mengakomodir keragaman (pluralitas) metodologis (berbagai prosedur atau cara mengkaji ilmu), sesuai dengan kebutuhan intelektual masyarakat Islam. Landasan aksiologis mengarahkan dan menuntun pemahaman ontologis dan epistemologis tersebut sesuai dengan nilai-nilaidasar Islam. Berdasarkan ketiga landasan tersebut, pengembangan Filsafat Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman dapat dilakukan secara terpadu (integratif), tidak hanya dengan menumbuhkan kesadaran historis untuk menggali khazanah kemajuan intelektual Islam masa lalu, tetapi sekaligus juga dengan merespon kemajuan-kemajuan metodologi masa kini yang relevan dengan nilai-nilai intelektual Islam yang kekal dan universal.Kata kunci: Pemikiran Islam Kontemporer; landasan filosofis; Filsafat Ilmu-ilmu Keislaman

    Pengaruh Wirid Yasin terhadap Spiritualitas Kaum Ibu di Kecamatan Sawang

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    The article is based on a research report (field research) which aims to examine the understanding, efforts and influence of wirid yasin practice on women's spiritual awareness in Sawang District, South Aceh Regency. This study uses a qualitative approach, data collected through documentation, observation, and interviews. Data analysis was carried out descriptively and supported by interpretation and triangulation of data. This study concludes that women in Sawang Subdistrict recognize wirid yasin as a tradition to improve the quality of their faith, religious knowledge, brotherhood and blessings. The revitalization of wirid yasin is carried out not only by establishing educational programs and teaching religious knowledge, but also by improving the quality of wirid yasin practice. This practice has succeeded in increasing spiritual awareness among women, in terms of increasing their piety, obedience to worship, muraqabah and gratitude to Allah in living their daily lives

    Dimensi Filsafat Ilmu dalam Diskursus Integrasi Ilmu

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    Filsafat ilmu sebagai cabang filsafat mencoba mengkaji ilmu pengetahuan (ilmu) dari segi ciri-ciri dan cara pemerolehannya. Salah satu signifikansi filsafat ilmu bagi perkembangan dan kemajuan ilmu adalah menentukan landasan filosofis bagi ilmu, baik yang berdimensi ontologis, epistemologis, maupun aksiologis. Kontribusi ini menjadikan ilmu sebagai salah satu instrumen intelektual yang bergerak menuju context of Discovery, bukan hanya terhenti pada context of justifcation yang stagnan dan monolitik, ilmu telah mampu membuka diri dan keluar dari cirinya yang eksklusif menjadi lebih inklusif, merespons keragaman, dan terintegrasi dengan berbagai aspek kehidupan manusia dalam arti yang lebih luas. Ilmu sudah menjadi semacam way of life dan setiap aspek kehidupan manusia kini terlibat dengan praktek, proses, dan produk-produk kegiatan ilmiah

    A Contemporary Discourse on Integrated Islamic Education

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    Integrated education is a very popular issue in contemporary discourse studies. In the Islamic context, especially, it is known as integrated Islamic education, which has begun to be developed in several Muslim countries. The objective of integrated Islamic education is to help eliminate the dichotomy between Islamic (traditional) and general (modern) educational systems. Integrated Islamic education seeks to combine both of these educational systems in accordance with Islamic world views, an effort which also has its implications for the integration of sciences. Only through integrated Islamic education that Islamic and modern sciences can be seen as an indivisible entity which truly reflects Islamic intellectual values based on the Qur’an and Sunnah


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    Integration of science is a central issue in the arena of the State Islamic University (UIN) in Indonesia, including UIN Ar-Raniry and UIN North Sumatra. One of the main problems that is increasingly discourse is the model of the integration of knowledge that is put in place and the development efforts implemented. Although UIN Ar-Raniry has an integration model of "Frikatifisasi Ilmu" and UIN North Sumatra with the "Integrative Transdisciplinary" model, the Syari'ah Faculty academics and the second Law of the UIN generally do not understand it definitively, so that the integration model does not play an effective role in the process integration of sciences. Therefore, constructive evaluation, comprehensive socialization, and a more intensive development strategy involve all related components. The expected goal of this study is to present a description of the integration model of science that is valid and understood in the second FSH of the UIN, along with its implementation and development in the present. As a qualitative study, this study uses descriptive, interpretative, and comparative analysis methods / techniques. The data analyzed mainly comes from the results of interviews with lecturers and FGDs with students of the School of Comparative Study Program and the FSH State Law Study Program, in addition to other related data

    Akuntansi Perbankkan petunjuk operasional bank

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    xix, 304 hlm., 24 c

    Turnitin: A Contemporary Discourse on Integrated Islamic Education

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    Integrated education is a very popular issue in contemporary discourse studies. In the Islamic context, especially, it is known as integrated Islamic education, which has begun to be developed in several Muslim countries. The objective of integrated Islamic education is to help eliminate the dichotomy between Islamic (traditional) and general (modern) educational systems. Integrated Islamic education seeks to combine both of these educational systems in accordance with Islamic world views, an effort which also has its implications for the integration of sciences. Only through integrated Islamic education that Islamic and modern sciences can be seen as an indivisible entity which truly reflects Islamic intellectual values based on the Qur’an and Sunnah