54 research outputs found

    Implementation of Personality Tests in the Learning Process in Era 4.0 Based on the Concept of Pumping HR Model for the world of Education in Indonesia

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    Understanding the character of learning is one of the important factors for success in learning and in the future. The era of 4.0 and the COVID-19 pandemic today has forced major changes in the teaching and learning system so that it is not disruptive. The learning process in the 4.0 era requires all-digital and effective breakthroughs. This condition is also supported by the COVID-19 pandemic which is predicted not to end soon. This study aims to (1) design a digital student character understanding test tool (2) develop students through a character approach to learning the Pumping HR Model concept, (3) develop teaching-learning techniques based on student character development through strengthening personality, competence and values. - spirituality values. The research method used is a qualitative study of literature and evaluation of the test equipment used for decades. The results of the study indicate that the implementation of personality tests (behavior and character) in the learning process in the 4.0 era greatly determines the effectiveness of the teaching and learning process. This effectiveness is strongly influenced by the implementation of three main components, namely (1) teacher integrity, (2) teacher competence, and (3) teacher personality in teaching, as part of the Pumping-HR Model framework


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    This study aimed at investigating entrepreneurship education concept; the conduct of entrepeneurship education in 21st Century; and the effect of enterprneurship education in pesantren; and investigating the problems experienced and their solutions in 21st century. This was a case-study qualitative research. The collected data was analized qualitatively by using Miles and Huberman’s interactive model. The findings of the study showed that: entrepreneurship education in pesantren aimed at preparing students (santri) to encounter real life after their graduation. Job affairs have actually been managed by Allah The Al-Mighty, yet humans should prepared themselves by sufficient skills, entrepreneurship activities in pesantren was conducted through the advanced-special program, curriculair, extra-curriculair, and non-curriculair programs, entrepeneurship activities in pesantren contributed a lot to the economic effects and the students’ life skill, the coming problems in entrepeneurship activities of pesantren were caused by human resources, technology and management. To solve such problems, pesantren effortlessly tried to consolidate to the relating partners and improved their entrepeneurship management

    Comparative Analysis of Service Quality, Price Perception and Product Quality on Consumer Satisfaction at Indomaret and Alfamart Minimarkets in Indonesia

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    This study aims to determine differences in consumer satisfaction as the dependent variable (Y) and the independent variable (X) are service quality, price perception, and product quality at Indomaret and Alfamart minimarkets in Indonesia. The population is someone who has bought products at Indomaret and Alfamart throughout Indonesia. This study involved two categories, so that the sample for both categories was 30 respondents. The research data used are primary and secondary data with data collection techniques using an online questionnaire instrument with a google form application and data measurement using a Likert Scale. The data were analyzed by Independent Sample T-Test using SPSS, and the results showed that the variables of service quality (X1), price perception (X2), product quality (X3), and customer satisfaction (Y) at Indomaret and Alfamart are the same or there is no difference, and strengthened by the probability value of all variables is Sig. (2-tailed) > 0.05.Keywords: service quality, price perception, product quality, Indomaret, Alfamar

    Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia yang Unggul Berbasis Pumping-HR Model

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    This study is an evaluative framework of Stufflebeam CIPP evaluation model, with evaluation components: context, input, process and product, which involve trainees in IPB human resource development program for 3 years running.Human resource development training program based on the model of IPB pumping is a useful program for employment and self, which have an impact on performance. In the context of this program supports the goals of human resource development IPB. In this program input is designed according to the needs of HR IPB to (1) the strengthening of values and beliefs, (2) the strengthening of competence, and (3) encourage the successful behavior in terms of responsibility, professionalism and friendliness of the work. In the preferred process of this program and fun for participants and products (output and outcome) can benefit from this program and give a clear impact to the performance of the employe

    Pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia yang Unggul Berbasis Pumping-HR Model

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    This study is an evaluative framework of Stufflebeam CIPP evaluation model, with evaluation components: context, input, process and product, which involve trainees in IPB human resource development program for 3 years running.Human resource development training program based on the model of IPB pumping is a useful program for employment and self, which have an impact on performance. In the context of this program supports the goals of human resource development IPB. In this program input is designed according to the needs of HR IPB to (1) the strengthening of values and beliefs, (2) the strengthening of competence, and (3) encourage the successful behavior in terms of responsibility, professionalism and friendliness of the work. In the preferred process of this program and fun for participants and products (output and outcome) can benefit from this program and give a clear impact to the performance of the employee.  </p

    Strategi Branding Image dalam Pemasaran Jasa Pendidikan di Masa Pandemi Tingkat Perguruan Tinggi

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    Competition between educational institutions with one another is inevitable, so marketing strategies for educational institutions is an absolute must (Afrida, 2018: 1). Marketing of educational services in new student admissions is a decisive moment for universities to try to screen students according to the required capacity. The purpose of this study is to find out, analyze, understand and assess how the influence of Branding Image and what marketing strategies are applied during the pandemic at private universities in the Bogor area. This research belongs to the type of qualitative research, while the research method used is case study research. The data collected using observation, interview, and documentation techniques. Brand Image or brand image that has been trying to convey to the wider community has been successfully accepted. For example, when people, especially students, hear the word campus abbreviation, they immediately remember that the university is a university that has affordable prices for all levels of society, has excellent facilities such as large buildings, and has good quality. Brand image in the decision making of students choosing a campus is highly considered by students, they choose this college because they consider the costs that must be incurred during college, they see a very large building, and hear recommendations from their friends that the college is a quality campus.

    Peran Pendidikan Agama Islam Dalam Membentuk Karakter Siswa Diera Modernisasi

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    The results of this study indicate that the role of Islamic religious education in shaping student character is carried out through activities that shape the personality of students to be brave and independent such as: (1) Intra-curricular activities or KBM, in this activity the teacher instills character in the process of teaching and learning activities from all eyes. religious lessons such as Aqidah Akhlak, at-Tawhid, al-Qur'an Hadith, Islamic history, Fiqh, and Arabic. Every teacher must reflect good character and be a good role model. (2) Extracurricular activities which include: Muhadharah (speech), Tilawatil Qur'an, Sports, Calligraphy and Hadrah, in these student activities for tawadhu, honest, trustworthy, responsible, self-respect, respect for achievement, religious and hard work. (3) Dormitory Activities, these activities are carried out outside of KBM and extracurricular hours such as cleaning the bathroom, tidying the bed, working together, picket dormitory etc. This activity instills in students to be more independent, helps others, cares about the environment and cleanliness, is formed like a small community. Thus students are educated to grow to have character, because with that students are ready to face life in the modernization er

    Evaluation of Pumping HR (Human Resources) Model-Based Training Program on Human Resources Development at Bogor Agricultural University (IPB)

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    The evaluation study of pumping HR model-based HRD training program at Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) is a program evaluation to see the program effectiveness against the professionalism and performance of employees. This research is evaluative research with a model frame of CIPP of Stufflebeam, with evaluation components: context, input, process, and product. Pumping HR model-based HRD training program at IPB is a beneficial program for employment and personal, which have an impact on performance. Considering the context, this program supports the goal of Human Resource Development of IPB. Considering the input, this program is designed tailored to the need of Human Resource in IPB to (1) reinforcement of the values and beliefs, (2) strengthen competence, and (3) encourage successful behavior in terms of responsibility, professionalism, and friendliness in working. Considering the process, this program is preferred and fun for participants and considering the product (output and outcome) this program provides benefits and clear impacts for the performance of the employee

    Strategi Peningkatan Kinerja Guru Besar Di Perguruan Tinggi Negeri

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    Human resourcesare the most important as set for an organization, including the IPB. Vision of IPB become World Classy University (WCU) and Research Based University (RBU) requires quality human resources, especially lecturers and professors. Quality of human resources capable of align IPB with the best universities in Indonesia and the world is a quality lecturers and professors are high performing. Good performance should be supported by a good performance management and appropriate strategies. This study aims to formulate alternative strategies that influence the performance professor. This research methoduses the AHP model (Analytical Hierarchy Process) with soft were of Expert Choice as an approach to looking at the structure and priorities of strategic alternatives. The results showed that the strategy of priorities to be implemented through the strategic management of IPB is development of self capacity in main priority to the education factor with indicators is development of lecturing materials through the function and main role of head of department (Kadep)

    The Educators Personality Development in Industry 4.0 Based on Pumping HR-Model

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    Characteristics of Human personality that have existed since birth can be used as a basis for personal development and professionalism at work. Industrial Era 4.0 demands change in all fields, including the world of teaching. This study uses the literature review method by looking for various references critically to obtain valid and reliable data. The results of the analysis found that for the effectiveness of teaching in the classroom, educators must master and understand learning based on students' personalities and themselves. An understanding of the Personality Based Pumping-HR model can describe and map human personality in certain behaviours and characters. The results have a positive impact on the teaching process and teaching outcomes. Changes in the Personality of educators entering the digital era are very important when linked to the success of the teaching is carried out. So for effectiveness in teaching in the 4.0 era, an educator must understand the personality of students
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