7 research outputs found

    Biodiesel in Holy Quran: Among The Review of The Arabic Lexicography and Modern Science

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    The Holy Qur’an is a miracle revealed to Prophet Muhammad, Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Salam, that not only discusses elements on beliefs but at the same time, it is compact with some absolutely amazing scientific facts. There are many verses that discuss the description of the scientific facts in the holy Quran. Among the scientific facts found in the holy Quran is the verse that deals with the concept of energy sources such as biodiesel which is found in Yas eenverse 80. However, the interpretation of this verse according to academicians of the past has been from a different perspective. Findings in the biodiesel field by modern scientists have opened a new chapter in the interpretation related to the biodiesel concept found in the holy Qur’an. This study will analyze the opinion of the Arab-Islamic scholars in the interpretation of this verse from the perspective of Islamic code and Arabic lexicography. Furthermore, this discussion will be conducted to examine the relationship of this verse with the concept of biodiesel from the perspective of modern science. The results of the experiments that have been conducted showing that the am ount of energy that results from the reaction of plants, solvents and catalysts to produce biodiesel which is one of the potential of alternative energy sources to replace conventional fuels. The formation of the chemical structure of biodiesel produced from the breakdown of triglyceride structure ( i.e oil from gree plants) that reacts with hydroxide ions and produce three molecules of fatty acid methyl esters FAME(i.e biodiesel ) and one molecule of glycerol . It shows that green elements found in plant s is an energy element . It is hoped that this study will open up new perspectives on the interpretation of the verse that relates to the concept of biodiesel in holy Quran based on scientific facts. Indirectly, it also proves that the holy Quran is the revelation of God and not the invention of Prophet Muhammad

    Development of the E-Muhadatsah Kit for Non-Arabic Speakers in Malaysian Institutions of Higher Learning: A Need Analysis

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    Needs analysis plays an important role in the development of a product to ensure that the product can meet the needs of consumers. The development of the E-Muhadatsah kit or Arabic conversation kit based on an android application is a self-communication platform among non-Arabic speakers in Malaysian Institutions of Higher Learning. This study aims to identify the need for developing the E-Muhadatsah kit among non-Arabic speakers at the tertiary level as well as to identify the level of interest in Arabic speaking, Arabic communication confidence, and students' willingness to communicate in Arabic. The assignment and exercise needs in improving students’ Arabic speaking or communication skills were also identified. A set of questionnaires was distributed to 214 respondents from universities in Malaysia namely UPM, UPSI, UniSZA, and UiTM. Then, the data obtained from the administration of the questionnaire were analyzed using SDSS version 25 software and interpreted based on the analysis of mean scores and standard deviations. Meanwhile, the open-ended questionnaire data were analyzed thematically. The results showed that respondents saw the development of the E-Muhadatsah kit as a great need for non-Arab students in higher education. In addition, the study also found that respondents showed a high interest in Arabic speaking, confidence in Arabic communication, and students' willingness to communicate in Arabic at a high level. Thus, this study proposes the development of a conversation-based Arabic language interactive multimedia kit to improve the communication proficiency of non-Arabic speakers, further able to help Arabic language educators to diversify multimedia-assisted teaching methods

    Analisis leksikografi dan semantik perkataan al-kafur dalam al-Qur’an

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    Perkataan al-Kafur merupakan antara istilah tumbuh-tumbuhan yang terdapat dalam Al-Qur’an. Perkataan al-Kafur direkodkan sekali sahaja dalam Al-Qur’an iaitu dalam surah al-Insan ayat kelima. Perkataan al-Kafur dalam bahasa Arab dapat dilihat perbincangannya dalam bidang filologi Arab, hadith, tafsir Al-Qur’an, leksikografi dan syair Arab. Terdapat perselisihan pendapat dalam kalangan sarjana Arab-Islam bagi menentukan maksud perkataan al-Kafur. Sebahagian daripada mereka merujuk kepada maksud kapur barus, manakala sebahagian yang lain merujuk kepada maksud pokok oleander dan beberapa maksud yang lain. Faktor yang menyebabkan perselisihan dalam kalangan sarjana Arab-Islam adalah kerana perkataan al-Kafur yang terdapat dalam Al-Qur'an merujuk kepada nikmat yang terdapat di dalam syurga. Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mencari maksud sebenar perkataan al-Kafur seperti yang digambarkan dalam Al-Qur’an. Kajian ini berbentuk kualitatif yang menggunakan kaedah kajian perpustakaan dalam proses pengumpulan dan penganalisisan data. Untuk mendapatkan data yang lengkap, perbincangan juga turut melibatkan konteks penggunaan perkataan al-Kafur dalam tafsir Al-Qur’an, hadith dan juga syair-syair Arab. Selain itu, kajian ini juga menggunakan data perbandingan dari bidang sains pertanian dan sains perubatan Islam. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa kapur barus adalah tafsiran yang paling hampir dengan perkataan al-Kafur seperti yang digambarkan dalam Al-Qur'an. Kajian ini dapat merungkaikan konflik dalam memahami ayat Al-Quran dan pada masa yang sama menolak dakwaan bahawa terdapat ketidaksempurnaan dalam kandungan Al-Qur'an

    The concept of professional identity: Kindergarten teachers’ professionalism requirement in Malaysian preschool curriculum

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    This study aimed to determine the professional identity concept based on professionalism requirement in Malaysia’s new preschool curriculum. Three professional identities identified through works of literature such as professional qualifications, experience and professional development were verified based on the constructed hypothesis to validate the concept of professional identity. The analysis findings showed a significant difference between professional qualifications. The same analysis, however, demonstrated that there was no significant difference on the preschool curriculum knowledge with regards to experience, but there was a significant indication of interaction between professional qualifications and experience on preschool curriculum knowledge. Meanwhile, for the one-way ANOVA test, there was a significant difference in the preschool curriculum knowledge based on professional development. The findings of this study confirmed that professional knowledge and professional development respectively hold a direct impact on the preschool curriculum, while experience acts as a support for professional qualifications

    Istilah tumbuh-tumbuhan dalam Al-Qur’an Al-Karim : kajian leksikografi dan analisis wacana Bahasa Arab / Saipolbarin bin Ramli

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    Kajian ini membincangkan tajuk tumbuh-tumbuhan dalam Al-Qur’an Al-Karim dari sudut leksikografi dan analisis wacana Arab. Tumbuh-tumbuhan dalam Al-Qur’an Al-Karim merangkumi perkataan tumbuh-tumbuhan, perkataan pokok dan nama tumbuhan-tumbuhan. Korpus kajian ialah semua ayat tumbuh-tumbuhan dalam Al-Qur’an Al-Karim. Fokus kajian pula adalah dalam bidang leksikografi dan analisis wacana Arab serta dilengkapkan dengan disiplin ilmu yang lain iaitu bidang tafsir, hadith, balaghah, philologi Arab, pertanian, perubatan dan geografi. Perbincangan dari aspek leksikografi bertujuan untuk mendapatkan maksud sebenar perkataan dan nama tumbuh-tumbuhan dalam Al-Qur’an Al-Karim. Terdapat beberapa nama tumbuh-tumbuhan dalam Al-Qur’an Al-Karim yang diterjemahkan kepada pelbagai maksud yang berbeza. Situasi ini berlaku disebabkan oleh faktor perkembangan agama Islam dan bahasa Arab ke seluruh dunia. Kajian dalam bidang analisis wacana Arab pula menggunakan teori sastera formalis balaghah bagi tujuan menganalisis kepelbagaian bentuk penggunaan perkataan dan nama tumbuh-tumbuhan dalam gaya bahasa Al-Qur’an Al-Karim. Penggunaan ayat tumbuh-tumbuhan dalam Al-Qur’an Al-Karim menunjukkan bahawa ayat-ayat ini tidak sekadar berperanan dalam bidang pertanian, perubatan dan geografi sahaja, tetapi berperanan juga dalam bidang bahasa yang menampilkan keindahan gaya bahasa Al-Qur’an Al-Karim. Kajian ini menggunakan metode historis dan metode dokumentari yang mengaplikasikan kaedah pengumpulan data secara kualitatif. Kedua-dua metodologi ini mempraktikkan kaedah kajian perpustakaan dan tinjauan luar. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan merujuk kepada hasil karya para sarjana silam dan moden dalam bidang leksikografi Arab dan analisis wacana. Perisian komputer serta internet juga digunakan bagi memudahkan proses penganalisaan data. Hasil kajian dalam bidang leksikografi Arab telah dapat menjelaskan maksud sebenar istilah dan nama tumbuh-tumbuhan dalam Al-Qur’an Al-Karim. Manakala dalam bidang analisis wacana pula, dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa ayat tumbuh-tumbuhan digunakan dalam empat jenis gaya bahasa dalam Al-Qur’an Al-Karim. Penggunaan istilah tumbuh-tumbuhan dalam gaya bahasa ini menampilkan keindahan gaya bahasa Al-Qur’an Al-Karim bagi menyampaikan mesej Ilahi kepada manusia

    Analisis Leksikografi dan Semantik Perkataan al-Kafur dalam Al-Qur’an (Analysis of Lexicography and Semantic The word al-Kafur in the Quran)

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    The word al-Kafur is one of terms used for plants in the Quran. Al-Kafur is only cited once in the Quran, which is in the fifth verse of al-Insan. Discussions of the word al-Kafur in Arabic language can be found in the fields of Arabic philology, hadith, Quranic interpretation, lexicography and Arabic poetry. There were disagreements among Arab-Islamic scholars in determining the meaning of word al-Kafur. Some of them refer to it as cinnamomum camphora, some refer to it as the oleander tree, while others gave it other meanings. The factor that led to the dispute among Arab-Islamic scholars was due to the fact that word al-Kafur in the Quran carries the meaning of blessings in heaven. This study aims to elucidate the meaning of the word al-Kafur as described in the Quran. The study adopted a qualitative approach, which used the library search method in data collection and analysis. In an effort to achieve substantial data, the discussion involved the use of the world al-Kafur in different context as used in the interpretations of Quran, hadiths and Arabic poetry. This study also used comparative data from the fields of agricultural science and Islamic medical sciences. Finding from this study showed that the closest interpretation of the world al-Kafur as described in the Quran is cinnamomum camphora. This study has dissolved the conflict in understanding the Quranic verse and rejects allegations of imperfections in the content of the Quran