8 research outputs found


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    The development of concepts and theories of Islamic Education have started since the First Conference on Muslim Education in Mecca in 1997. However, throughout these concepts, the Muslims scholars fail to link the concept of Islamic Education with the struggle for social justice in the Muslim community. This paper aims to discuss why social justice issues seem to be overlooked, this paper also offers recommendation on reframing of Islamic educational theory. For this purpose, this paper analyzes documents resulted from the World Conferences of the Muslim Education, and from another conference with the theme Toward Construction of a Contemporary Islamic Educational Theory conducted in Amman-Jordan. The author found that Islamic education theories surprisingly devoid of social justice issues, and put more emphasis on individual development, simplification of the concept of society as mere group of individuals, and to avoid resistance (risks if taking confrontative issues such as social justice) from the dictatorial regimes holding power in Muslim countrie

    Merajam Dalil Syariat

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    xx,140 hal,:20cm


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    Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengusulkan langkah-langkahkonkrit yang dapat dilakukan oleh para pihak pengambil kebijakan pendidikan dalam upaya islamisasi sistem pendidikan Aceh. Strategi yang diusulkan di sini dipengaruhi oleh rekomendasi-rekomendasi empat seri Konferensi Dunia tentang Pendidikan Islami yang dilaksanakan di Mekah (Arab Saudi), Islamabad (Pakistan), Dhaka (Bangladesh), dan Jakarta (Indonesia). Selain itu, buah pikiran dalam artikel ini jugadipengaruhi oleh teori Pendidikan Islami yang dikembangkan oleh Prof. Syed Naquib Al-Attas dan Prof. Syed Ali Ashraf. Aspek-aspek pendidikan Islami yang dibahas terbatas pada Islamisasi landasan filsafat dan tujuan pendidikan, Islamisasi kurikulum, Islamisasi buku pelajaran, dan Islamisasi metode mengajar. Pembatasan ini mengikut pada aspek-aspekyang dibicarakan dalam ke empat seri konferensi dunia yang dirujuk. Disebut strategi baru karena hasil ke empat konferensi tersebut belum pernah dirujuk oleh Majelis Pendidikan Daerah (MPD) Aceh sebagai lembaga yang diberi tanggung jawab mengembangkan konsep pendidikan Islami di Aceh

    Adat Berdaulat : Melawan Serbuan Kapitalisme di Aceh

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    xxvii; 189 hlm; indeks; 25 c

    Synthesis and spectroscopic characterization of molybdenum(0) and molybdenum(II) carbonyl benzophenoneazine complexes

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    2540-2543A chelating 2-methylpyridylbenzophenoneazinc ligand has been prepared by the condensation of 2-acetylpyridine with benzophenone hydrazone. Reaction of the ligand with Mo(CO)6 gives 12-methylpyridylbenzophenoneazine) tetracarbonylmolybdenum(0) complex where the ligand is bidentate N, N. Oxidative-addition of the tetracarbonyl complex with 1 mol equivalent of bromine, yields the neutral seven-coordinated dibromotricarbonylmolybdenum( II) azine complex. Treatment of the tetracarbonyl complex with 1 mol equivalent of PPh3 gives the expected tri -carbnonylmolybdenum(0)-azine tri phenylphosphine substituted complex