390 research outputs found

    Low-thrust orbit raising in continuous sunlight while thrusting in a plane perpendicular to the earth-sun line

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    Low-thrust orbit raising in continuous sunlight during satellite thrusting in plane perpendicular to earth-sun lin

    Concept for advanced satellite communications and required technologies

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    The advanced communications technology satellite (ACTS) program of NASA is aimed at the development of high risk technologies that will enable exploiting higher frequency bands and techniques for improving frequency reuse. The technologies under development include multiple beam spacecraft antennas, on-board switching and processing, RF devices and components and advanced Earth stations. The program focus is on the Ka-band (30/20 GHz) as the implementing frequency since it has five times the bandwidth of either the C- or Ku-bands. However, the technology being developed is applicable to other frequency bands as well and will support a wide range of future communications systems required by NASA, other Government agencies and the commercial sector. An overview is presented of an operational 30/20 GHz satellite system that may evolve. How the system addresses service requirements is discussed, and the technology required and being developed is considered

    Wide area coverage radar imaging satellite for earth applications

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    A preliminary study was made of a radar imaging satellite for earth applications. A side-looking synthetic-aperture radar was considered and the feasibility of obtaining a wide area coverage to reduce the time required to image a given area was investigated. Two basic approaches were examined; low altitude sun-synchronous orbits using a multibeam/multifrequency radar system and equatorial orbits up to near-synchronous altitude using a single beam system. Surveillance and mapping of ice on the Great Lakes was used as a typical application to focus the study effort

    The Economic Impacts of Wolves on Calf Production on Western Montana Cattle Ranches Beyond Direct Depredation

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    A novel sample of 18 western Montana cow-calf ranching operations were analyzed over a 16 year time period (1995-2010) using an ordinary least squares linear regression estimation model with robust standard errors focused on the potential effects wolves may have on average calf weight gain. Incorporating calf sex, calf breed, ranch, and year fixed effects into the estimation model, a vector of variables that changed both across ranches and over time were used to significantly explain (F = 59.32; p \u3c 0.001) the variation in yearly average calf weaning weights on sample ranches with fairly good accuracy (R2 = 0.846). The use of hormone implanting (â=24.5), calf age (â=.34), annual aggregate precipitation (â=2.16), annual aggregate snowfall (â=-0.24), annual average temperature (â=4.27), and the standard deviation of NDVI (â=1.67) were found to be significant at least at the .1 level. One measure used to account for wolf presence on sample ranches based on yearly estimated wolf home range data from Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks was found to have an insignificant effect on average calf weight (p = .569). The other measure used to account for wolf presence on sample ranches was found to be a significant factor on calf weight gain. On average, sample ranches that experienced at least one Wildlife Service (WS) confirmed wolf depredation on the ranch, weaned calves that were approximately 20 pounds lighter than ranches that did not have a WS confirmed wolf depredation in the same year, holding all else constant. The results suggest that calves on western Montana ranches that experience at least one WS wolf depredation in a year gain 20 pounds less weight than if there hadn’t been a WS confirmed wolf kill which directly correlates to decreased economic revenue received by affected ranchers

    The Scarf Club

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    A novel comprises this creative thesis, which has been submitted in partial fulfillment for the degree of Master of Arts in English literature. This manuscript is the story of Lucy Merdock and how two major losses during her senior year of high school change the way she sees herself

    Mindfulness and the college transition: The efficacy of a mindfulness-based stress reduction intervention in fostering adjustment among first-year students

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    Within recent years, there has been a marked proliferation in the interest in and relevant literature pertaining to the practice of mindfulness. This study sought to augment this knowledge base through an examination of the efficacy of a Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) intervention in fostering adjustment among first-year college students. Fifty-six (N=56) first-year participants from two Midwestern liberal arts institutions partook in the study. Experimental participants (n=29) completed an eight-week MBSR intervention conducted by a qualified instructor. Control participants (n=27) did not receive mindfulness instruction. Adjustment indices were gathered using the Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire (SACQ), providing individual scores on one primary full scale and four subscales. Experimental participants further completed a Five Factor Model (FFM) mindfulness questionnaire consisting of five facets during both pre- and post-intervention assessment periods. Statistical analyses indicated significant gender differences among the SACQ Full Scale and Social Adjustment and Attachment subscales, with males scoring higher. Additionally, experimental participants scored higher on the Personal-Emotional Adjustment subscale relative to the control condition. Apart from statistical significance, however, the experimental condition scored higher relative to the control on all five SACQ scales. Further analyses indicated that post-intervention scores on the Nonreactivity, Observing/Attending, and Describing/Labeling facets were significantly higher among experimental participants when compared to pre-intervention assessments. This study suggests that mindfulness, as part of a MBSR intervention, serves as a beneficial practice in contributing to first-year student adjustment and acclimation to the college environment

    The Guilty Breast: A Fleshy Semiotics

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    The Guilty Breast: A Fleshy Semiotics takes up the subject of the nude female breast, from St. Augustine\u27s developing and a shifting semiotic theory of signs and the flesh in Christian doctrine through feminist theories and Foucault\u27s analysis of the scientific “Gaze†to the protests of breastfeeding on social media, such as Facebook and Instagram, and in the public sphere. The dissertation argues that boobs teach us how to see by examining the breast\u27s semiotic anatomy in five parts. “Chapter One: Nipple†asserts that breasts are both…and: maternal and sexual, subjective and objective, metaphoric and actual. “Chapter Two: Cleavage†juxtaposes St. Augustine with French feminist Hélène Cixous to reveal their shared life project of making “the sign†(and substance) of the guilty body—and by extension/ostension, female breasts—morally good. “Chapter Three: Milk†“mangles†and disrupts “the Gaze†of biological theory by dripping thirst, claiming that leaking itself is onto-epistemological. “Chapter Four: Areola†highlights social media\u27s censorship of breastfeeding to explore socially constructed borders. “Chapter Five: Ducts†investigates two political examples of breasts-as-weapon. “Chapter Six: Support†offers “breast semiotics†as a new hermeneutic by which to read nude female breast texts via the plurality of bodies and concludes with a visual example

    Telecommunications forecast for ITU Region 2 to the year 1995

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    Telecommunications activity was studied. The primary objective was to forecast the need for fixed service satellites (FSS) by countries within ITU Region 2 excluding the United States and Greenland. Forecasts of telecommunications equipment needs were developed as a yardstick of the relative level of telecommunications activity among developing countries within the region. A likely scenario for the implementation of domestic and regional communications satellites is forecasted to provide services to and among countries in ITU Region 2. By 1995, it is forecast that 15 fixed service satellites will be implemented. A forecast of the countries requirements indicates that, with the possible exception of Canada, this constellation of satellites will meet these countries' needs to beyond the year 2000

    Swim Lesson

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    This poem explores feelings of agency and resilience when a loved one passes away from disability complications. It problematizes the clean narrative of addiction and disavows the myth of overcoming chronic pain