107 research outputs found


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    As literature and media findings suggest, the relationship between the LGTBQ+ community and the police is complex. This qualitative research study seeks to better understand the relationship between the Ruralcity LGTBQ+ community and the Ruralcity Police Service in a small city in southwestern Ontario—“Ruralcity”. Through the epistemological lens of symbolic interactionism and the critical approach of queer theory, I gathered the perspectives of five Ruralcity LGTBQ+ participants on the local police, including the kinds of interactions the participants have had with the police and how the police presence and absence at Ruralcity PRIDE events impact the participants’ sense of well-being. The participants emphasized the controversy surrounding the police removal from PRIDE, while providing recommendations for how local police regarding might develop a positive partnership with the LGTBQ+ community. Results from this study suggest that intersectionality and positionality play a significant role in the way an LGTBQ+ person perceives the police and the policing organization. Patriarchy and heteronormativity remain prevalent in systemic societal structures and institutions, contributing to oppression and discrimination against those who fall outside of the margins of privilege. This research adds to the academic literature on LGTBQ+ relationships with police by exploring the situation in Ruralcity, as the experiences of less urban LGTBQ+ communities with police are commonly overlooked, incorporating a different dimension to our understanding. Future research requires a more representative sample of the LGTBQ+ population with intersecting identities. Further, investigating the perceptions of privileged LGTBQ+ persons and marginalized LGTBQ+ persons is essential to understanding the root causes of the policing system’s systemic discrimination and structured violence against LGTBQ+ persons. Moreover, additional research focusing on the Ruralcity Police Service is vital to understanding their perspective on local LGTBQ+ matters

    Stress as a Cultural Tool in Higher Education

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    This study focuses on how two groups of college freshmen, the traditional age and nontraditional age students use the word stress as a cultural tool in their college adjustment process. This topic is explored through Vygotsky’s concept of language understood as a cultural tool, enacting meaning as developed through socio-cultural relations (1978). Three research questions explore how students articulate stress in diverse ways: How do traditional and nontraditional college freshmen use the word stress as a cultural tool to mediate their experiences in the college environment: academically, socially, personally, regarding goal commitments, etc.? What are the factors that traditional and nontraditional freshmen attribute to high and low stressors? How do the two groups of college students comparatively use stress to mediate their college adjustment: academically, socially, personally, regarding goal commitments, etc.? The sample consisted of (N=100) undergraduate freshmen enrolled in a four-year private college. There were fifty traditional age freshmen ages 18-22 and fifty nontraditional age freshmen ages 23 and over. A mixed methodology approach was used including the Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire (SACQ) and three narratives genres (meanings of stress statements; narratives of stressful experiences, and ranking of stress terms). An independent Samples t-Test, values analysis, and plot analysis were performed to explore both groups of freshmen’s college experiences and adjustment. Results suggest that there were similarities and differences among the groups in relation to the SACQ and the three narratives genres. Findings indicated that age does not have an effect on college adjustment between the traditional age and nontraditional age freshmen. However, age does have an effect on the multiple roles and demands expressed by nontraditional age freshman students. The traditional age freshmen ranked academic as their most stressful term while the nontraditional age freshmen ranked financial as their most stressful term. In addition, the narrative statements of stressful experiences introduced how college freshmen used stress to mediate and make sense of their environment. The implication is to move away from the notion of stress associated with negative abilities and convey the importance behind each stressful experience

    Evaluating and understanding the tourist experience: an empirical study in Jammu and Kashmir

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    The aim of the present study is to identify and understand the tourist experience construct, and how it differs by their age, sex, income level, education and to suggest and recommend the strategies to develop the Jammu and Kashmir as a tourist destination and enhance its brand image. The study was carried out by collecting relevant information from secondary data sources, which included books, journals and reports published by government of India, Government of Jammu and Kashmir. A self structured Questionnaire was designed and distributed among the domestic and international tourists who visited Jammu & Kashmir. The sample size was 291 and the study was conducted in the whole state of Jammu and Kashmir. Data analysis was done by applying factor analysis, and descriptive statistics. There were five factors those constituted the tourist experience like ''Transportation and Service by the different Carriers', 'Services at the Destination', 'Hotels and restaurants', 'Infrastructure at the destination' and Safety Security and Crowd Management' and out of these the first two leaves the implications for further improving and developing the destinations in Jammu and Kashmir. The outcomes of the study as whole have significant managerial implications for destination marketing managers.La intención del presente estudio es identificar y entender la construcción de la experiencia turística, y como difiere de acuerdo a la edad, el sexo, el nivel de ingresos, la educación y para sugerir y recomendar las estrategias para el desarrollo de Jammu y Kashmir como destinos turísticos y realzar la imagen de su marca. El estudio fue llevado a cabo mediante la recolección de información relevante de fuentes de datos secundarias, lo que incluye libros, revistas, y reportes publicados por el gobierno de la India, y el gobierno de Jammu y Kashmir. Un cuestionario auto estructurado fue diseñado y distribuido entre los turistas domésticos e internacionales que visitaron Jammu y Kashmir. La magnitud de la muestra fue de 291 y el estudio fue llevado a cabo en todo el estado de Jammu y Kashmir. El análisis de los datos fue realizado mediante la aplicación del análisis de factores y las estadísticas descriptivas. Había cinco factores que constituían la experiencia del turista como ‘’Transporte y servicio por los diferentes medios de transporte’’, ‘’Servicios en el destino’’, ‘’Hoteles y restaurantes’’, ‘’Infraestructura y destino’’ y ‘’Seguridad y poblada administración’’ y de esas, las dos primeras dejaban implicaciones para seguir mejorando y desarrollando los destinos en Jammu y Kashmir. Los resultados del estudio en su conjunto poseen implicaciones directivas significantes para gestores de marketing de destino

    Brief communication: A radiology resident\u27s experience with COVID-19 in New York City

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    © 2020 Elsevier Inc. The COVID-19 pandemic impacted New York City severely. As a radiology resident, I was unsure how my role would change as the pandemic unfolded. Like many hospital systems in New York City, my department was asked to assist in the clinical care of patients during the dramatic surge of admissions related to COVID-19. I placed invasive central lines for critically ill patients in the intensive care unit to help reduce the workload on already overwhelmed critical care teams. I also performed direct patient care within dedicated COVID-19 inpatient floors

    Pilgrim Experience and Revisit Intention Post COVID-19: An Exploratory Study of Amarnath Holy Shrine in Jammu and Kashmir, India

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    The present preliminary study seeks to explore the pilgrim tourist experience and their revisit intentions post-COVID pandemic. Data were collected at the Amarnath Holy Shrine in Jammu and Kashmir, India, using a combination of primary and secondary sources, including seven in-depth semi-structured telephone interviews with pilgrims using the snowball sampling technique. Five main themes were found regarding revisiting intentions, including ease of registration, safety and security, health facilities, accommodation facilities, food and beverage services, and connectivity of the destinations. The study highlights that despite COVID-19, most respondents agree to return to visit the holy Amarnath Cave as they felt that they would not be affected by COVID-19 in the future. This research has implications for tourists’ safety and security concerns at religious sites, including highlighting the need for proper infrastructure development to enhance the sustainability of religious destinations. Regarding social impacts, the local administration must make efforts to carry out the pilgrimage in a sustainable way post-COVID-19, following new procedures to ensure the safety and health of the tourist and the local community. The Shrine board and Local administration must formally implement these standards via formal Standards of Procedure (SOP)

    An exploration of barriers faced by Black South African youth’s career development.

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    Master of Social Science in Psychology. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban 2015.This study is exploratory in nature and aimed to look at career development in the South African context. Most theories of career development which are being utilised in the South African context are Westernised in their origins and are not applicable to the unique South African milieu. This study particularly explored career development amongst historically disadvantaged people in the South Africa who have not completed their secondary schooling (for an array of reasons). The purpose of this study was to receive an insight to the career development in schools; the various influences on career development; and possible career interventions for the given population due to their circumstances. The study was conducted from a qualitative paradigm and was informed by the Systems Theory Framework of career development (STF). Data was collected by the use of a focus group and semi-structure individual interviews with nine participants who are Black and have not completed their secondary education. Presented in the results is the inadequacy of career guidance in schools. Furthermore, as there were numerous factors which impacted on career development, this illustrated the complexity of career development and the insufficiency of the individualised Western theories of career development. Lastly, proposed career interventions were exemplified as the purpose of this study is to be used as a vehicle for future career interventions. It can be concluded that better career interventions need to be implemented at schools by looking at the individual in context through utilizing more holistic theories of career development as opposed to individualised theories which are not applicable in the South African setting. This has implications for career interventions which could possibly be exercised in schools in South Africa

    Sustainable regional development through rural tourism in Jammu and Kashmir

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    Jammu and Kashmir is a State in India that has emerged from one and a half decades of long armed insurgency. Naturally, this political turmoil has negatively impacted the state’s economy. The industrial sector of the state is not well developed and tourism is one of the main sources of revenue. However, mainstream tourism does not seem to be progressing which demands other alternatives be sought. One of the best possible alternatives could be rural tourism development. Rural development is increasingly associated with entrepreneurship, which is considered as a central force of economic growth and development. Tourism’s role in rural development is basically an economic one and can help to sustain and improve the quality of life in rural areas. Tourism involves mostly small enterprises, so the role of tourism entrepreneurs can be very important for the development of rural tourism. Of all the economic sectors, tourism is perhaps the one in which the greatest degree of involvement is needed by the entrepreneurial sector in formulating sustainable development strategies. Rural tourism entrepreneurship has gained increasing importance as it is seen as a major driving force behind rural tourism. This study aims to highlight the importance and potential of rural tourism in a Kashmir region where about 73 percent of the population live in rural areas. Kashmir has a lot to offer tourists, such as its scenic beauty, a kaleidoscope of traditions, a variety of cultures and an array of opportunities to explore the outdoors through sporting and adventure activities. This study attempts to prove that, if managed and organized in a proper way, rural tourism could bring the economic prosperity back to the people of the Kashmir region after recent disasters and crises

    "Kunnskap er ikke farlig, det gir makt" - seksualitetsundervisningen på barnetrinnet sett i et forebyggende perspektiv

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    Masteravhandlingen er en kvantitativ studie som vurderer seksualitetsundervisningen på barnetrinnet. Utgangspunktet for diskusjonen er resultatene fra et spørreskjema gjennomført av elever på 7.trinn. Her vurderer de sin egen undervisning og når de selv skulle ønske de fikk første introduksjon av en rekke temaer. Problemstillingens formulering er; hvilke temaer bør seksualitetsundervisning på barnetrinnet inneholde, og når bør undervisningen starte? Denne diskuteres gjennom teori på barns seksuelle utvikling, forskning på dagens praksis, læreplanen og internasjonale- og forskningsbaserte anbefalinger. Datainnsamlingen ble gjennomført som en del av et undervisningsopplegg, hvor hovedformålet var å forberede elevene på tematikken og begrepene i spørreskjemaet. En svarprosent på 94% viser at dette var en effektiv innsamlingsmetode for å skape trygghet for elevene, samt øke variasjonen innad i utvalget. Seksualitetsundervisningen diskuteres i et forebyggende perspektiv - undervisningen må̊ skje før elevene har bruk for kunnskapen eller ferdighetene (Helse-og omsorgsdepartementet, 2016, s. 16). Studien viser at det er for sent å snakke om puberteten på 5.trinn, det må introduseres senest på 4.trinn. Undervisning om seksuell aktivitet bør introduseres tidlig på mellomtrinnet. I tillegg må det snakkes om kropp, grenser, overgrep, rettigheter, utforsking, reproduksjon, kjønnsidentitet og legning allerede fra 1. og 2.trinn. Tidlig undervisning og refleksjon øker ikke den seksuelle aktiviteten, det minsker behovet for egen utforsking og kunnskapsutvikling fra usikre kilder. Det gir også makt til å forstå seg selv, samt ta informerte og selvstendige valg

    Influence of Service Quality on Brand Image and Repeat Patronage in Hospitality Industry: A Content Analysis.

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    The present study explores the relationship between service quality constructs, brand image and guest repeat patronage in the hospitality industry. The current research was qualitative in nature, and therefore the method of content analysis was adopted to review the related literature and simultaneously to analyze the influence of service quality, and also the brand image on repeat patronage in the hospitality industry. It suggested that there was sufficient literature supporting the relationship between service quality dimensions of hotels, guest satisfaction, brand image and repeat patronage. The service quality dimensions and satisfaction are directly related to each other as it has been seen that good quality enhances guest satisfaction at the same time. The advent of innovation in service quality of hotels makes them more able to satisfy the guests. The literature depicts that more satisfaction/delight among guests increases their loyalty towards the particular hotel. Guests when feeling satisfied with the hotel, remain loyal patrons, and this affects their purchasing behavior. Moreover, it has been articulated that guest loyalty and service quality are significantly related to the brand image of a hotel. The loyalty among the guests increases their perception towards the hotel brand image. The guests’ satisfaction must be the primary objective of the hotels' service encounters. The hotels have to create a better image in the minds of the guests by increasing their comfort levels to increase repeat patronage. This will help the hotels to flourish by increasing their profitability and overall positive impacts on the economy as well. The study recommends that future research should empirically test the relationship between the constructs of service quality and repeat patronage

    Discrepancy between Mtb-specific IFN-γ and IgG responses in HIV-positive people with low CD4 counts

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    Background: Tuberculosis (TB) is a leading infectious cause of death worldwide and treating latent TB infection (LTBI) with TB preventative therapy is a global priority. This study aimed to measure interferon gamma (IFN-γ) release assay (IGRA) positivity (the current reference standard for LTBI diagnosis) and Mtb-specific IgG antibodies in otherwise healthy adults without HIV and those living with HIV (PLWH). Methods: One-hundred and eighteen adults (65 without HIV and 53 antiretroviral-naïve PLWH), from a peri-urban setting in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa were enrolled. IFN-γ released following stimulation with ESAT-6/CFP-10 peptides and plasma IgG antibodies specific for multiple Mtb antigens were measured using the QuantiFERON-TB Gold Plus (QFT) and customized Luminex assays, respectively. The relationships between QFT status, relative concentrations of anti-Mtb IgG, HIV-status, sex, age and CD4 count were analysed. Findings: Older age, male sex and higher CD4 count were independently associated with QFT positivity (p = 0.045, 0.05 and 0.002 respectively). There was no difference in QFT status between people with and without HIV infection (58% and 65% respectively, p = 0.06), but within CD4 count quartiles, people with HIV had higher QFT positivity than people without HIV (p = 0.008 (2nd quartile), <0.0001 (3rd quartile)). Concentrations of Mtb-specific IFN-γ were lowest, and relative concentrations of Mtb-specific IgGs were highest in PLWH in the lowest CD4 quartile. Interpretation: These results suggest that the QFT assay underestimates LTBI among immunosuppressed people with HIV and Mtb-specific IgG may be a useful alternative biomarker for Mtb infection. Further evaluation of how Mtb-specific antibodies can be leveraged to improve LTBI diagnosis is warranted, particularly in HIV-endemic areas. Fundings: NIH, AHRI, SHIP: SA-MRC and SANTHE