16 research outputs found

    Telehealth in remote Australia : a supplementary tool or an alternative model of care replacing face-to-face consultations?

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    Background: The COVID-19 pandemic increased the use of telehealth consultations by telephone and video around the world. While telehealth can improve access to primary health care, there are significant gaps in our understanding about how, when and to what extent telehealth should be used. This paper explores the perspectives of health care staff on the key elements relating to the effective use of telehealth for patients living in remote Australia. Methods: Between February 2020 and October 2021, interviews and discussion groups were conducted with 248 clinic staff from 20 different remote communities across northern Australia. Interview coding followed an inductive approach. Thematic analysis was used to group codes into common themes. Results: Reduced need to travel for telehealth consultations was perceived to benefit both health providers and patients. Telehealth functioned best when there was a pre-established relationship between the patient and the health care provider and with patients who had good knowledge of their personal health, spoke English and had access to and familiarity with digital technology. On the other hand, telehealth was thought to be resource intensive, increasing remote clinic staff workload as most patients needed clinic staff to facilitate the telehealth session and complete background administrative work to support the consultation and an interpreter for translation services. Clinic staff universally emphasised that telehealth is a useful supplementary tool, and not a stand-alone service model replacing face-to-face interactions. Conclusion: Telehealth has the potential to improve access to healthcare in remote areas if complemented with adequate face-to-face services. Careful workforce planning is required while introducing telehealth into clinics that already face high staff shortages. Digital infrastructure with reliable internet connections with sufficient speed and latency need to be available at affordable prices in remote communities to make full use of telehealth consultations. Training and employment of local Aboriginal staff as digital navigators could ensure a culturally safe clinical environment for telehealth consultations and promote the effective use of telehealth services among community members

    Exploring UK medical school differences: the MedDifs study of selection, teaching, student and F1 perceptions, postgraduate outcomes and fitness to practise.

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    BACKGROUND: Medical schools differ, particularly in their teaching, but it is unclear whether such differences matter, although influential claims are often made. The Medical School Differences (MedDifs) study brings together a wide range of measures of UK medical schools, including postgraduate performance, fitness to practise issues, specialty choice, preparedness, satisfaction, teaching styles, entry criteria and institutional factors. METHOD: Aggregated data were collected for 50 measures across 29 UK medical schools. Data include institutional history (e.g. rate of production of hospital and GP specialists in the past), curricular influences (e.g. PBL schools, spend per student, staff-student ratio), selection measures (e.g. entry grades), teaching and assessment (e.g. traditional vs PBL, specialty teaching, self-regulated learning), student satisfaction, Foundation selection scores, Foundation satisfaction, postgraduate examination performance and fitness to practise (postgraduate progression, GMC sanctions). Six specialties (General Practice, Psychiatry, Anaesthetics, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Internal Medicine, Surgery) were examined in more detail. RESULTS: Medical school differences are stable across time (median alpha = 0.835). The 50 measures were highly correlated, 395 (32.2%) of 1225 correlations being significant with p < 0.05, and 201 (16.4%) reached a Tukey-adjusted criterion of p < 0.0025. Problem-based learning (PBL) schools differ on many measures, including lower performance on postgraduate assessments. While these are in part explained by lower entry grades, a surprising finding is that schools such as PBL schools which reported greater student satisfaction with feedback also showed lower performance at postgraduate examinations. More medical school teaching of psychiatry, surgery and anaesthetics did not result in more specialist trainees. Schools that taught more general practice did have more graduates entering GP training, but those graduates performed less well in MRCGP examinations, the negative correlation resulting from numbers of GP trainees and exam outcomes being affected both by non-traditional teaching and by greater historical production of GPs. Postgraduate exam outcomes were also higher in schools with more self-regulated learning, but lower in larger medical schools. A path model for 29 measures found a complex causal nexus, most measures causing or being caused by other measures. Postgraduate exam performance was influenced by earlier attainment, at entry to Foundation and entry to medical school (the so-called academic backbone), and by self-regulated learning. Foundation measures of satisfaction, including preparedness, had no subsequent influence on outcomes. Fitness to practise issues were more frequent in schools producing more male graduates and more GPs. CONCLUSIONS: Medical schools differ in large numbers of ways that are causally interconnected. Differences between schools in postgraduate examination performance, training problems and GMC sanctions have important implications for the quality of patient care and patient safety

    The Analysis of Teaching of Medical Schools (AToMS) survey: an analysis of 47,258 timetabled teaching events in 25 UK medical schools relating to timing, duration, teaching formats, teaching content, and problem-based learning.

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    BACKGROUND: What subjects UK medical schools teach, what ways they teach subjects, and how much they teach those subjects is unclear. Whether teaching differences matter is a separate, important question. This study provides a detailed picture of timetabled undergraduate teaching activity at 25 UK medical schools, particularly in relation to problem-based learning (PBL). METHOD: The Analysis of Teaching of Medical Schools (AToMS) survey used detailed timetables provided by 25 schools with standard 5-year courses. Timetabled teaching events were coded in terms of course year, duration, teaching format, and teaching content. Ten schools used PBL. Teaching times from timetables were validated against two other studies that had assessed GP teaching and lecture, seminar, and tutorial times. RESULTS: A total of 47,258 timetabled teaching events in the academic year 2014/2015 were analysed, including SSCs (student-selected components) and elective studies. A typical UK medical student receives 3960 timetabled hours of teaching during their 5-year course. There was a clear difference between the initial 2 years which mostly contained basic medical science content and the later 3 years which mostly consisted of clinical teaching, although some clinical teaching occurs in the first 2 years. Medical schools differed in duration, format, and content of teaching. Two main factors underlay most of the variation between schools, Traditional vs PBL teaching and Structured vs Unstructured teaching. A curriculum map comparing medical schools was constructed using those factors. PBL schools differed on a number of measures, having more PBL teaching time, fewer lectures, more GP teaching, less surgery, less formal teaching of basic science, and more sessions with unspecified content. DISCUSSION: UK medical schools differ in both format and content of teaching. PBL and non-PBL schools clearly differ, albeit with substantial variation within groups, and overlap in the middle. The important question of whether differences in teaching matter in terms of outcomes is analysed in a companion study (MedDifs) which examines how teaching differences relate to university infrastructure, entry requirements, student perceptions, and outcomes in Foundation Programme and postgraduate training

    Strengthening cardiovascular disease prevention in remote indigenous communities in Australia's Northern Territory.

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    In 2012 the Northern Territory Department of Health commenced the Chronic Conditions Management Model - strengthening cardiovascular disease prevention in remote Indigenous communities. Interventions included providing regular functional reporting and decision support to frontline primary health care teams. Longitudinal (three monthly) clinical audits of cardiac prevention services were undertaken between 2012 and 2014. Our primary outcome was population coverage of cardiovascular risk assessment for Indigenous clients aged 20 years and older. Secondary outcomes for those identified at high risk were (i) assessment of modifiable cardiac risk factors, (ii) prescription of risk lowering medications, and (iii) the proportion of high risk clients achieving clinical targets for risk reduction. As of August 2014, 7266 clients have had their cardiovascular risk assessed, improving population coverage from 23% in mid June 2012 to 58.5%. For 2586 high risk clients, 1728 (67%) and 1416 (55%) were prescribed blood pressure and lipid lowering therapy and for those clinically re-assessed, 1366 (57%) and 989 (40%) were achieving clinical targets for risk reduction for blood pressure and lipids respectively. Functional reporting and decision support was associated with improvement in cardiovascular risk assessment coverage and a sustained proportion of high risk clients achieving clinical targets for cardiovascular risk reduction. Further intervention-based research is required to close the gap between identification of risk and risk reduction

    Cost impact of high staff turnover on primary care in remote Australia

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    Objectives The aim of this study was to estimate the costs of providing primary care and quantify the cost impact of high staff turnover in Northern Territory (NT) remote communities.Methods This cost impact assessment used administrative data from NT Department of Health datasets, including the government accounting system and personnel information and payroll systems between 2004 and 2015, and the primary care information system from 2007 to 2015. Data related to 54 government-managed clinics providing primary care for approximately 27200 Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal people. Main outcome measures were average costs per consultation and per capita, cost differentials by clinic, year and levels of staff turnover. Linear regression and dominance analysis were used to assess the effect of staff turnover on primary care costs, after adjusting for remoteness and weighting analysis by service population. Both current and constant prices were used.Results On average, in constant prices, there was a nearly 10% annual increase in remote clinic expenditure between 2004 and 2015 and an almost 15% annual increase in consultation numbers since 2007. In real terms, the average costs per consultation decreased markedly from A273in2007toA273 in 2007 to A197 in 2015, a figure still well above the Medicare bulk-billing rate. The cost differentials between clinics were proportional to staff turnover and remoteness (both P?<?0.001). A 10% higher annual turnover rate pertains to an A6.12increaseincostsperconsultation.ConclusionsHighstaffturnoverexacerbatesthealreadyhighcostsofprovidingprimarycareinremoteareas,costingapproximatelyA6.12 increase in costs per consultation.Conclusions High staff turnover exacerbates the already high costs of providing primary care in remote areas, costing approximately A50 extra per consultation. This equates to an extra A400000perclinicperyearonaverage,orA400000 per clinic per year on average, or A21?million annually for the NT government. Over time, sustained investments in developing a more stable primary care workforce should not only improve primary care in remote areas, but also reduce the costs of excessive turnover and overall service delivery costs.What is known about the topic? Population size and geographical remoteness are important cost drivers in remote clinics, whereas elsewhere in Australia the high use of short-term staff to fill positions has been identified as a major contributor to higher nurse turnover costs and to overall health service costs. Nursing staff expenditure accounts for a large proportion (46%) of total expenditure in NT remote health services, whereas expenditure on Aboriginal Health Practitioners (AHPs) comprises only 6%. Annual nurse turnover rates in remote NT clinics average approximately 150%, whereas levels of 40% in other contexts are considered high.What does this paper add? Annual expenditure for NT remote clinics has increased, on average, by 10% per annum between 2004 and 2015, but small declines in real expenditure have been observed from a maximum in 2012. Expenditure on nursing staff comprises 40% of overall expenditure in remote clinics, whereas expenditure on AHPs comprises less than 5%. The cost impact of every 10% increase in remote nurse and AHP annual turnover has been quantified as an extra A6.12perprimarycareconsultation,whichequates,onaverage,toanextraA6.12 per primary care consultation, which equates, on average, to an extra A400000 per remote clinic, and an extra A21?millionoverallfortheNTDepartmentofHealtheachyear.TheaveragerealexpenditureperprimarycareconsultationhasdecreasedfromA21?million overall for the NT Department of Health each year. The average real expenditure per primary care consultation has decreased from A273 in 2007 to A197in2015,representingastatisticallysignificantlineartrendreductionofA197 in 2015, representing a statistically significant linear trend reduction of A7.71 per consultation annually.What are the implications for practitioners (and other decision-makers)? Adjusting policy settings away from the high use of short-term staff to investment in appropriate training 'pipelines' for the remote primary care workforce may, in the medium and longer term, result in reduced turnover of resident staff and associated cost savings. Targeted recruitment and retention strategies that ensure individual primary care workers are an optimal fit with the remote communities in which they work, together with improved professional and personal support for staff residing in remote communities, may also help reduce turnover, improve workforce stability and lead to stronger therapeutic relationships and better health outcomes

    Patterns of resident health workforce turnover and retention in remote communities of the Northern Territory of Australia, 2013–2015

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    Abstract Background The geographical maldistribution of the health workforce is a persisting global issue linked to inequitable access to health services and poorer health outcomes for rural and remote populations. In the Northern Territory (NT), anecdotal reports suggest that the primary care workforce in remote Aboriginal communities is characterised by high turnover, low stability and high use of temporary staffing; however, there is a lack of reliable information to guide workforce policy improvements. This study quantifies current turnover and retention in remote NT communities and investigates correlations between turnover and retention metrics and health service/community characteristics. Methods This study used the NT Department of Health 2013–2015 payroll and financial datasets for resident health workforce in 53 remote primary care clinics. Main outcome measures include annual turnover rates, annual stability rates, 12-month survival probabilities and median survival. Results At any time point, the clinics had a median of 2.0 nurses, 0.6 Aboriginal health practitioners (AHPs), 2.2 other employees and 0.4 additional agency-employed nurses. Mean annual turnover rates for nurses and AHPs combined were extremely high, irrespective of whether turnover was defined as no longer working in any remote clinic (66%) or no longer working at a specific remote clinic (128%). Stability rates were low, and only 20% of nurses and AHPs remain working at a specific remote clinic 12 months after commencing. Half left within 4 months. Nurse and AHP turnover correlated with other workforce measures. However, there was little correlation between most workforce metrics and health service characteristics. Conclusions NT Government-funded remote clinics are small, experience very high staff turnover and make considerable use of agency nurses. These staffing patterns, also found in remote settings elsewhere in Australia and globally, not only incur higher direct costs for service provision—and therefore may compromise long-term sustainability—but also are almost certainly contributing to sub-optimal continuity of care, compromised health outcomes and poorer levels of staff safety. To address these deficiencies, it is imperative that investments in implementing, adequately resourcing and evaluating staffing models which stabilise the remote primary care workforce occur as a matter of priority

    Long-term trends in supply and sustainability of the health workforce in remote Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory of Australia

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    Abstract Background International evidence suggests that a key to improving health and attaining more equitable health outcomes for disadvantaged populations is a health system with a strong primary care sector. Longstanding problems with health workforce supply and turnover in remote Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory (NT), Australia, jeopardise primary care delivery and the effort to overcome the substantial gaps in health outcomes for this population. This research describes temporal changes in workforce supply in government-operated clinics in remote NT communities through a period in which there has been a substantial increase in health funding. Methods Descriptive and Markov-switching dynamic regression analysis of NT Government Department of Health payroll and financial data for the resident health workforce in 54 remote clinics, 2004–2015. The workforce included registered Remote Area Nurses and Midwives (nurses), Aboriginal Health Practitioners (AHPs) and staff in administrative and logistic roles. Main outcome measures: total number of unique employees per year; average annual headcounts; average full-time equivalent (FTE) positions; agency employed nurse FTE estimates; high and low supply state estimates. Results Overall increases in workforce supply occurred between 2004 and 2015, especially for administrative and logistic positions. Supply of nurses and AHPs increased from an average 2.6 to 3.2 FTE per clinic, although supply of AHPs has declined since 2010. Each year almost twice as many individual NT government-employed nurses or AHPs are required for each FTE position. Following funding increases, some clinics doubled their nursing and AHP workforce and achieved relative stability in supply. However, most clinics increased staffing to a much smaller extent or not at all, typically experiencing a “fading” of supply following an initial increase associated with greater funding, and frequently cycling periods of higher and lower staffing levels. Conclusions Overall increases in workforce supply in remote NT communities between 2004 and 2015 have been affected by continuing very high turnover of nurses and AHPs, and compounded by recent declines in AHP supply. Despite substantial increases in resourcing, an imperative remains to implement more robust health service models which better support the supply and retention of resident health staff